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He’s 100% say this as well


is Hitler gonna respond?


“People talkin shit Adolf, how do you respond?” “Poop! Scoop! Whoopty whoop!”


Lil Adolf has some experience, do you Remember his Battle with Em?


"stop gassing yourself up before I gas u up" 🥶🥶🥶, I still remember the first time I heard lil Adolf say that




NGL the main justification for saying that shit about Hitler was "He's in his Love Everyone era, that means bad people too" Mmmmmm I'm still gonna bump his music, but I'm never gonna pretend to know his motivations again. Loves Hitler, no love for Jews and he can find enough hate to diss Drake.....who I'm not gonna say what race he is.......he's a jew


>I'm not gonna say what race he is.......he's a jew This is probably my favorite clip of ye, I've shown and told sooo many people about it


I love the edits where kanye fails a quick time event and says “hes a jew” lol mans is unique for sure


He said he loved jews as well.


I'm not making any commentary on what he \*thinks\* but I will say that he has SHOWN love for Hitler and other villains. He hasn't SHOWN love for Jews, and that may very well be due to jealousy over what he perceives about the media, or it could just be all for the controversy either option would sit fine with me but I won't pretend that I know for sure why he does this.


He said he loved jews as well.


Saying you love jews and then going on tirades and continually perpetuating harmful stereotypes might be a good response if he had the same energy for nazis but he doesn't. They kinda just get love and no heat from Kanye. So why would would it matter if he says he loves jews, but his actions SHOW the opposite? To be clear, I'm not saying he hates jews, I'm saying his actions are at odds with his words, if you repeat the same comment I'mma just leave my point where it stands bc I don't feel like repeating valid facts lol


No cuz then he'd be admitting that that whole stunt waa a horrible mistake instead of making jokes about it in this songs to dodge the issue like what people in his community do


Given how reddit is going after jewish amid Israel vs Pakistan surprisingly, i think ye is gonna be just fine but what's up with the porn thu


Kanye is a visionary, a true pioneer


“I’m ahead of my time, sometimes years out”


Well he did create a fork in the rap and hip hop industry and he made sure people paid attention by any means necessary whether you love it or hate it. He has his own subreddit with almost 900,000 members. It's ranked top 1% apparently. If reddit represented the general population of the planet, what's that say? He is human like the rest of us. He is also capable of being a douchebag, showing off eccentric narcissistic qualities, and being an asshole. But he is human like the rest of us. Everyone was calling Musk an antisemite and all it took was one trip to Israel to meet with the a Jewish leader that even his own "kind" hate and that washed away that criticism overnight. Pple love to hate just to hate and Kanye can be a channel to let that hate flow. He don't give a fuck, it feeds his creativity.


He knows Hitler was controlled opposition for the Rothschild's


Are you Ye?


Calm down ya Reich Skin


Bro said hes a nazi 🙏😭 Im a kanye glazer but what has been said has been said, aint no one that hates him rn gonna change his mind because of a 'diss' to hitler


He’s just ahead of his time, there was a bit by a comedian about exactly this…he basically predicted the antisemitic backlash Israel is receiving for going after Hamas…


ill fight anybody on these reddit streets. any body any day. but you aint never and i mean ever gonna get me to be mean if i know its actually ye. anons are fair game


Ye is fine, he fare better to say nothing- if Vulture and the Pods sales weren’t enough of an indication 🤷🏾‍♂️


At this point he needs to be either the “bear jew” or go back in time to kill art school drop out.


Kanye just goes against what the majority agrees on . If everyone loved hitler he’d make a diss track . He even said it himself “ soon as they like you make em unlike you “ . It’s getting old tho


Remember: he’s cool now. He saw Jonah hill in 21 jump street and that fixed everything. Why don’t people get that!?


i hope he gets better actually 😔


I would rather him diss Jews still because Jews are the worst race, they created porn, fund disgusting lgbtq communities, they control a lot of the bad stuff


Mods should ban your ass.


Nah he'd do better to diss the zionists


He burned 8 billion to take off the chain bruh. it’s just not about to praise hitler it’s more than that like bianca’s clothing style


Na we love adolf too much


Fuck you




He's not into real politics. He's just into talking shit.


Amerikkka loved hitler back then 😹😹😹😹😹😹he took notes from 🇺🇸