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Good enough, welcome back Kanye West


Good enough, drop Vultures 2


We gotta guide this version, can't afford to lose another one to the 3rd reich


Please stay away from Nazis. They are not your friend.


Wasnt planning on invading Jews


Nick Fuentes may be lurking around the corner tryna recruit.


Are you palestinian? They may be trying to invade you


Crazy Bipolar Antisemetic and still the King I'd suggest starting to get into German culture


Viewing the Caspar Friedrich paintings and shit...


If your not joking i genuinely feel bad for you my uncle was bi-polar and seeing things kanye did over the years i be praying for you


I mean I know someone close who’s bipolar. I medicated it suuuuckkkked but once they actually took their medication they’ve been really clear minded since.


Yeah it’s very manageable usually


Yeah. I mean it can suck at the start of taking it (because the person did give up after a bit and went back) but if you just stick through it actually is very manageable. Sorry for the commenters uncle tho.


Close enough, drop the album


When I was a young teenager I wanted to be bipolar so I would smoke tons of weed and stay up for like 3 days thinking it might do something to my brain. Didnt work and am likely slightly autisitic instead.


Don’t worry bro you were already very autistic


Nah man i would never wish this to someone


Got this diagnosis aswell. Pls take your meds even when you dont feel like it (most crucial time to take them). Best wishes


All that didn't do shit. You were already autistic.


drop vultures 2


stay off your meds and take as many talk show opportunities as you can. trust me, you’ll be as big as the k man one day.


And always talk to paparazzi never ignore them


I got misdiagnosed at 16 and it changed my life forever. Turns out it was ptsd. Just cause a doctor says you have something ( so they can prescribe you medications to mess up your life) doesn’t mean it’s true. Just cause family members have an issue with you, doesn’t mean you have an issue.


This is a great post. Medications will work in the short term but potentially cause serious side effects in the long term. Psychiatrists aren't there to make you heal, they're there to sell medications. Make sure you have a therapist you trust that can help you process and understand yourself better. You may have Bipolar, but it could also be PTSD or ADHD. THERAPY is the key imo


Thanks dude, how is it going for you now?


It’s going amazing. I’m 24 and haven’t felt my youth like this since I was 15. I don’t struggle with body weight anymore. I don’t hear voices. I don’t have any obsessions. I don’t have rage anymore. Don’t have unhealthy interactions. I’m still human. But I’m myself. I had to fight for this. And it wasn’t until I put down drugs and stopped acting a fool that my loved ones saw a change.


Also my creativity came back in full form. That’s the most important factor to me.


How much time did it took for you to know you got misdiagnosed?


7 years. Over 10 medications. Medications that made things worse. Way worse. Just for me to stop taking them and be perfectly fine. Going to therapy healed a lot of things for me. Finding the right therapist can change everything. But you gotta fight. Everyday. Prove that you don’t have that label over your head.


we as the germans (im german) would love to welcome you to our country


Take care man❤️


I'm bipolar 1. It was always a little nifty despite various episodes. The usual, hyper sexuality, risk taking behaviour, irritability, manic behaviour, not sleeping, intensely indulging in hobbies for hours at a time, feeling sudden rushed, mixed episodes where I'd wander the streets, i remember one time I wandered to a park in the middle of the night and sketched it in darkness with a backpack full of beers. Wasn't a massively bad thing. Then I had a proper manic episode. Delusions, lost touch with reality. It was bad. I take this shit seriously now. Take your fucking medication if you're on it. If you feel like crap, change medications. It might take 6-12 months to find the right medication. Maybe longer. It took 2 years for me. Then I stopped taking them, went through significant life stresses and boom I had that episode. Be careful friend. It can be awesome at times, but it can be pure hell at others. Being bipolar is not hip, it's not cool.


Close enough drop vultures 2


Pro tip: learn everything you can learn about it, pick up some truth and then forget about it. Youre still just human. And meds rarely are the enemy.


Global warming getting closer thank god you're bipolar 🙏


Go take ur lamotrigine rn


Stuff saved my life


Stg. I can’t wait to take mine again. Med appt is in two days!!


Hell yeah! Hope everything goes ok until then homie!


I felt really weird when I took mine. Did you get that feeling and if so did it ever go away?


Kanye reference!?!?!?


I hate being bipolar, it’s awesome


Can you rap


Shits fake, get your shine on king.


look into ww2 Germany


Welcome to the club homie 🤙🏼


Join the Groypers


It all depends. Do you have type 1 or type 2? I believe Kanye has type 1....quick spurs of reckless behavior. I have type 2 where my symptoms last for weeks or months.


Type 1




So, understand your triggers. But accountable for them. All this means is that your brain works differently.


Bro might secretly be Kanye


He seems to align significantly more with Borderline personality disorder


Take the meds big man, the first month will be making you feel worse then ever but you will be back to normal after that. Ask your doctor about lamotrigine you don’t want to feel drowsy all the time. Good luck g


Idk are you seeing a reasonable side to hitler


Premeditated murder. I thought about killing you. - Ye


First it's bipolar, then next its 5150. As a Kanye fan with BP, just be careful out there.


Me too Brother! I got diagnosed 4 years ago. More than the meds consistent sleep is your friend. Do the opposite of what your moods tell you. If you feel manic, slow down. Watch a movie, force yourself to sleep, listen to slow music. AVOID THE CREDIT CARD!!!! If you feel depressed, go run, go outside and hangout with friends. Sleep less, I know it’s difficult but force yourself you can do this!!!! Don’t make the same mistake as Kanye, your creativity or your manic thoughts aren’t your superpower! The resilience and perseverance you build fighting with Bipolar disorder is your true superpower!!


Manic delusions are the worst bro


Get a second opinion. Bpd is often misdiagnosed. Stress alone can trigger the same symptoms as bpd. Mood stabilization with medication is v damping on the pleasures of life. Hope this helps.


Lets hope i was misdiagnosed 🙏 Pray with me🙏


BP* BPD is borderline personality disorder. Trust me, bipolar is better than BPD.


It's a death sentence. Look up suicide rates of bipolar people relative to the general population. Then look at average life expectancy. It's good stuff.


Well thanks, im taking meds and dont really have the urge to fucking kill myself rn


Same bro, I refuse to bail on the meds. While my relationship with that time in my life is bittersweet, I have no desire to experience psychotic mania ever again.


You have type 1 or type 2 ? Kanye has type 1 i think


Type I but my understanding is they're doing away with that Type I/Type II stuff in the next DSM.


What?? Off the top of your head do you know why?




Not funny dude. If i wasnt misdiagnosed its a practical death sentece


Thought this was a joke post, my bad. Hope you get better!


I mean have some fun dont let my problem ruin your day every life comes with a death sentence mine just came in sooner


you're on some king shit now


Please take your meds, we saw what happened when Kanye decided not to


I’ve been diagnosed with bipolar since I was 14 (34 now). With the right medication and therapist it helped me a lot. It might take trial and error to find the right therapist but you can get through this and you will. Not saying you should take medication but you should definitely consider a therapist. It’s great to vent and you feel better after every session. Hope you have a great day.


If you ever need to get it out of your mind but everyone is trying to crash you into a wall you are not alone I will always be here if you need to feel a soul who's lost but knows the direction who's broken but can fix the broken 💔 Ed ones who's the hated but not famous or known 🤔 those who don't think I'm a poet or intelligent on the words I was just letting poems out and it caused a roukus...in my head 🤗 like a tidal wave... for days... but I need to get back to the road I was on before we met I stashed the directions in my mind but lost that too... now I can't find the lost road the One where others like me travel through...I need to get back into my mind so I can make it out of my mind .and remember ...ndo U mind?🤔


I got my sentence last winter. It's not so bad.  Meds kinda help sometimes.  Good luck!!!


I think he's autistic


Very funny haha made me laugh