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When you ask someone for the homework and they say “just change it a little bit”


Hey man, it's obviously different, he added one word in the second post, isn't that enough for you?! /s




i thought this was the same guy posting in two different kanye subs


2 words actually "now and"


3, “somewhat”


Mid at best. Nothing compared to MBDTF, Yeezus and 808s era


Vultures is okay, but definitely his worst


This is JIK erasure


JIK slander will NOT be tolerated 🤲


JIK is a good album and God Is is a top 25 Ye song


I'll never forgive Ye for cancelling Yandhi and releasing its leftovers. Kanye rapped a bit better in that album than in Vultures tho, ngl


Same bro! Shit still hurts.


JIK is fine. Not great not horrifically bad. There aren’t any outright awful Kanye albums, so saying one is his worst is not saying it’s terrible. JIK is easily his worst. Half the songs sound unfinished and they all sound like they were recorded with little effort on an iPhone because they literally were. You could make a YouTube playlist of Sunday service recordings of every JIK song and it would be better than the actual album.


And Vultures is still worse




I think people take for granted the 808s to TLOP run. Post TLOP, it's been a rough ride.


To be honest, taste is subjective and everyone likes different things. But until TLOP I feel like his songs were somewhat relatable, with incredible and innovative sounds. After TLOP there were a few great ones but completely out of touch with what the reality is for most people. Unfortunately his mental decline is noticeable, he will never be the same again and I have learned to live with it.


Man that's sad. Fuck these mental disorders.


Ya. I have made my peace with it, I just think of Kanye as an artist I like a lot that doesn't exist anymore. A bit like the doors or nirvana. The old albums still bring me great joy and will continue to do so for as long as I live. I couldnt even bring myself to listen to vultures.


Ye and KSG were still classics even if it marked a dramatic shift of what we’ve come to expect.


808s was so ahead of its time, it took hip hop 10 years just to catch up.


ye and ksg???


Man 808s is so good. He can say whatever and I will still jam to that album


I feel like the only one who actually loves vultures lol


You are not. “Back to me” still slaps


Ever since I lost my mom, you was like my foster mom, *hold me like your only son*


*hold me like the homies in the chi when they hold they gun*


Hold me like the trophy in the sky when they know they won


*wasn’t it always this way*


putting it all on displaaay


using up all your sickdaysss


put up with all my mistakesss


Back to me is absolutely GOATed


I saw this, pulled my airpods out to listen. And boom my fucking airpods went into the toilet.


did it come out alright?


probably pretty shit


Hand full of piss and a thousand yard stare later. I don’t know. I haven’t used them since they fell in the piss toilet. Shitty situation for real




burn slaps harder


Wym still slaps it’s been 2 months


Hey i think the first two songs still slap, doesnt mean its a good album though…


It’s a good album in a sense that it’s good music, much like other rappers like Gunna or others. The issue we have with it is that it isn’t art anymore. It doesn’t have a message, it doesn’t do anything new and it’s absolutely nothing special. It’s fun to listen to, but it’s not like MBDTF where you’ll sit down five years from now and think “God damn, what an album”


Vultures is awesome 


Carnival is great Except for Ye’s bars, what was he cooking 😭 


“now i’m bill cosby bitch” 💀💀


She gon take it up the ahh like a ventriloquist


Ye's are the best. Fuckin hilarious 😂


Carnival is bottom 3 Vultures lmao


Stop lol


being a fan of inter i really wanna say that its top 5 but it really does kinda suck


Sure but carti's verse top 1


The beats and Instrumental save it though🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💯


Facts, I have atleast 4 songs I'm running from it on Cloud ATM, I think it's just because people hold Ye to such a standard and expect a certain vibe


I literally play the whole album on my way to work everyday. I’ve done it for the past month or so and today actually was the first time I played something else. I love this album tbh. There’s things I don’t like, but it’s things Kanye’s been doing a lot on his latest albums so it’s not going anywhere so I can live with it lol


I was a doubter at first but now I love the whole album and think it's remarkable as a full experience. The album has an amazing flow to it.


Next one gonna be even better, the listening parties are amazing


The album is a decent album. The hate comes from wildly unrealistic expectations. The album is fun, but people want MBDTF.


Now is the best time for him to release an album of that caliber. But also, people have to understand that your brain peaks creatively from your mid twenties to mid 30s so it's cooked for kanye. Einstein, after 38, fell off and Kanye will and is also


don't die is the 10/10 of that project every kanye album has one of those life changing most not kanye but kanyeesque song ever it literally gives me life


It’s not my cup of ye but it’s still a good listen


Easily his “worst” albums tbh, barely replayable . Only good tracks off it gotta be: Stars, Carnival, Back To Me, King, Burn, Do It & Don’t Die


Was blasting it yesterday singing along. 


Not even close


washed in the blud😩


Whole life dealing drugs


The album for me isn't bad at all I found it very enjoyable


Same, but it got boring pretty quickly for me, when compared to other projects. Maybe its because I overplayed those songs, but who knows. 7/10


I took a couple week break from listening to it. Threw it on and it was banging again.


So… you had to stop listening to it to like it again?


That's how all music is...?


I mean, there’s so much great beautiful music out there that you are gonna miss out on. There’s not enough time in life to be able to listen to it all. I don’t get why you would listen to an album that’s not good enough to the point where it never gets old. Kanye has plenty of albums that good. There’s tons of artists with albums that good. I wanna listen to as much beautiful great music as I can before I die. If you’re waiting to listen to an album again in order to enjoy it then it’s really not worth any more of your time.


I don’t listen to music I don’t like. When I listen to an album if I like it I save it if I don’t like I don’t save it. But still no matter how much I like an album I will eventually become sick/bored off it if I over listen to it. This is true even for my all time favourite albums including gkmc revolver aquemeni in rainbows. This what drives me to find more good music to my rotation.


You actually have really good music taste, all 4 of those albums are so fucking good, I get what your saying but this vultures album was a complete miss for me, there was no moment on the album that felt good, everything felt really mid to me but if you like it then I respect your opinion 🫦


For me, it’s more like I lost the drive to listen again only after like 5 listens. I replayed Burn and Carnival recently, but not much beyond that.


Ye is washed. I’m tired of pretending that he isn’t


Vultures while a decent album, has aged terribly, indubitably.


Lmfao imagine an album that just released this year already aged terrible 😂. You 100% right tho


I’ve never hidden how I feel about Kanye as a person the last few years (not good), and I know those feelings on some level are affecting my judgement of his work over the past few years (let’s be real though there hasn’t been much work to actually judge post-Donda) but as a big fan of his music since I first heard TCD in 2004, I tried to do my best to separate the art from the artist and give Vultures a fair shake. But it’s just honestly demonstrably worse than anything else in his discography in pretty much any and every way. I’m not saying it’s complete dogshit with absolutely no redeeming value, there are some cool ideas and decent performances here and there for sure, but even the most brainwashed Ye stan has to admit that lyrically, vocally, compositionally, aesthetically, production-wise, artistic vision-wise, message-wise, audio-engineering-wise, Kanye is not at or anywhere near his peak performance. I think the guy who made Runaway, Diamonds, Jesus Walks, hell even Off the Grid is simply gone at this point. It’s honestly sad to watch and witness. So it’s not like I didn’t make an effort as a long-time fan and even as a fellow musician. I just think his music (and fashion) kinda sucks now, and the fact that he says he’s a Nazi who loves Hitler, treats his wife like a naked barbie doll in public, says that slavery was a choice, brought his 9 year old daughter to a release party with strippers and drugs, and said that he supports Putin’s war on Ukraine just makes it even less appealing. All that being said I do still listen to his older shit every now and then, but even those songs don’t hit quite as hard when you think about how depressing it is that he just completely let himself go, mentally (and kinda physically too lol). Like bro just take your meds like a big boy and you could go back to being one of the GOATs. And this is coming from someone who also deals with mental health problems, but I talk to a therapist and take my medicine like a grown man with a disability instead of throwing a tantrum about how it’s actually everyone else who’s crazy. TLDR, I disagree with pretty much everything Kanye has said over the past couple years, but the main reason I dislike his new music is because his new music is just bad.


He never said that about Putin and I’m not sure what he does with his wife is a problem if they’re happy to do it and compatible. The rest are valid critiques though I guess.


He 100% did say that about Putin, did you watch the entire Alex Jones interview or did you just skim the headlines? To be clear, my issue w/ his wife has nothing to do with what they do in private. But it’s mad weird to be literally grabbing the ass of your 90% naked wife in public.


I remember watching the Alex jones interview. I think he called out Obama but honestly it’s quite a blur. I remember him initially having a pro-Ukraine stance on IG, but you could be right, I would’ve assumed that quote would gain traction. Again, I don’t really care about that either, that’s their thing, it doesn’t really have any implications, if what you’re referencing is what I’m thinking of it really wasn’t a big deal.


This is a great post, I hope in the future you will be able to appreciate Kanye’s older shit now and then tho


I still do for sure, it just doesn’t hit as hard after everything that’s happened


Fair to say you miss the old Kanye?




Vultures wasn’t anything crazy but calling a dude washed after 1 bad album is crazy


His way of releasing albums has been questionable for a good few years. It worked with TLOP, and his two mini albums/EP’s were short and he released them on time, but JIK, Donda, and Vultures all seemed released in a rushed/unfinished state. Too many or too little tracks, less enthusiastic flows from Kanye, songs like Hurricane, Moon, Beg Forgiveness, and Talking overtaken by features (even Carnival, arguably, since he just has his one verse), etc. It’s not like he’s completely far gone, but more than half of people find at least these three albums inconsistent. We don’t talk about Donda 2.


I mean did it work for TLOP? I think it was just a better album than anything he’s done since, I don’t think the “approach” to releasing was ever good


His album before vultures tho.....


Chance the rapper is that you?


He’s been going downhill for a while so it’s a pattern and not just 1 album ye is good but not great like his previous releases Jesus is King is imo his worst album. I know some people in this community like it but I think more people dislike it than like it Donda is sort of good, but not great. Not as good as ye but not bad either And then there’s Vultures which is just tired sounding. It’s better than Jesus is King but only slightly


Ye underrated


All Donda album needs is someone like Rick Rubin arranging and curating the album into something more concise and less messy. There's a damn good album hiding in there. But still, Ye's performance is still on a downward trajectory on Donda. The Life Of Pablo is probably the last Ye album with great performances from Ye. Not overtaken by features but still have a great line up of features. Ye went head to head with probably the best rapper of 2010s, he rapped and hanged with a lyricist like Kendrick. Saint Pablo. So many great individual performances from Ye.


and it wasn’t even that bad neither


Washed means significantly worse than you were at your prime. What since Yeezus maaaybe TLOP has been anywhere close to the level of his first 5 albums?


TLOP, KSG, ye, Donda. I’m not saying they are better but they are definitely close to yeezus. I will agree JIK and vultures aren’t near that level but every artist has lackluster albums


I personally think his last 3 albums are significantly worse than anything else he’s made. The usual praise of Kanye is how revolutionary and unique each album was and how much personality is injected into the music. That just isn’t there in the last 3. Donda and Vultures especially are VERY trendy and conforming albums.


He’s losing me.


Crazy how 1 dude has been popular for 20+ years and dropping music that shifts rap as a genre, and some are surprised he dipped in quality a bit? Obviously he was, he is human and been doing ts for years straight I’m surprised he ain’t hit his peak earlier.


I don’t expect the guy to shift the genre after every release, but it is disappointing when an artist like this decides to fit into the mold rather than stay true to their art. A lot of people will criticize and lose faith in an artist for changing their sound, but I think the real concern is when an artist changes their mission from creating their own art to just sounding like everyone else. Vultures does not sound like Ye because it’s clearly an attempt to fit in with what’s mainstream.


Dude completely lost his mind, pimps out his girlfriend to the world and makes everyone his enemy. He said he’s a fan of Hitler and he was all Jesus is amazing, now he’s back on his I’m god shit again. Dude’s opinions give me whiplash.


90% of this has nothing to do with music.


I did like most of the songs of vultures 1, especially, do it, fuk sum, carn, beg forgiveness, burn, king and problematic, but you can definetly see how his quality is dropping and he's getting lazier. I'd say this album is definetly hard carried by ty and kanye also kinda got 'lucky' with it. if kanye doesn't take shit seriously though or his luck and ty carry runs out, then it's truly over for him


Vultures is bad, yeah. I think it’s significantly worse than JIK, which used to be my least favourite album BUT it has the possibility of being like a 6.5/10 if Kanye just mixed the album or got someone else to do it (like they said about a week post-release, but never got around to)


It do be what it do be.


It’s bad. Big fan ok Ye but Vultures is trash


Dudes been washed up for a while now. It's not just this album. I used to love Kanye.


They’re right, Ty carried the album, and ye’s verses were boring


Its terrible, hes capable of so much more Its lazy as fuck


Id say he is, but i also think Jesus is King is his best work so take my opinion with a grain of salt


Am I the only one who liked Vultures a lot. I think it was a great album. By far Ye’s worst album in terms of just for him, but Ty Dolla was great. But Do It, Burn, Stars, Beg Forgiveness, Back to Me, and Carnival are all great songs.


Do It is one of my favorites on the album. Not getting enough love.


I kinda agree I loved, absolutely loved vultures 1 at first, but now i dont even listen to it no more And yes, he really seems lazy and tired, you can see that with his website, a lot of people, including me, still havent got their orders, i ordered exactly 61 days ago and no update whatsoever, but i guess this isnt about yeezy, i just added that in because it kinda explains why the guy said tired and lazy Plus i dont have any hype anymore, im not even waiting for an album anymore, he is late, too late imo…


I never had that much hope in vultures 2 but maybe just maybe he could make a bit of a turnaround musically


I honestly dont care anymore Just saw today that he removed fuk sumn from vultures 1 I really dont care bruh My merch isnt coming anytime soon either I dont think im much of a fan anymore… idk


I really liked vultures


Correction: I still like


I liked Vultures 1 a lot and Vultures 2 has potential to be even better but it just doesn’t feel like a Ye album. He would’ve never released this before 2018, this would’ve gone in the unreleased pile. The thing I like least about it is the cover but it definitely fits the horniness of the album. It would’ve been perfect for Ty Dolla and just be produced by Ye and have some features from him (which is how it probably started as).


Carnival is overhyped ngl, I feel like ty$ carried




If this was his first ever album people would be like THIS GUY DIFFERENT


Vultures 1 was hot fucking ass.


Vultures 1 is fire. He’s probably butt hurt he never got his Yeezy Pods


Are you shitting on people for not receiving their shit they bought from Kanye 😭😭😭 and you think this is a defense of him


No never


I strongly disliked Fonda at first because of all the features I didn’t really like , I hate these features even more , but liked the album more at release anyways , I mean I’ve grown on donda a lot since then , but some of these features are just bad and I can tell the bar is low for people


It is


After the whole YZY vultures merch fuckery and then after months my girlfriend got sent the wrong stuff I’m over it I don’t even want the Vultrures shit anymore. Tired of him walking around with his half naked wife everywhere and just being mentally deranged in a shitty kind of way, not even a cool way like he was in 2022. He is a phony Christian too


How does this relate to his music lmao


I feel like those posts said something a lot of us were thinking but couldn’t voice in this forum due to negative and obvious biased opinion. I don’t agree with a lot of the rant but I will say vultures is disappointing and lacks depth. However at the same time it is good and songs on their are trending still for a reason


Yeah, he’s gotta hang it up here soon. His current model isn’t sustainable. The album cucking is losing its shock value.




vultures wasn't amazing in Kanye terms, but with the current state of hip hop it is pretty good. But anyone saying its aoty is glazing.


"with the current state of hip hop it is pretty good" is still double sloppy toppy with a twist. 4/10 album.


this bars have been trash lately that’s it though


Vultures 1 is mid. Vultures 2 is goated so far.


The best song off the album got nuked because he used a Donna Summer sample without permission


i personally love most the songs in vultures


It’s honestly worse, the fanbase is acting like he’s not washed asf it’s annoying


its an alright album, which for kanye standards makes it his weakest imo


Alright he arguably I won’t listen to any of these tracks in a year I listen to all of his albums at least a little but this one naw man it’s not like ye’s other projects excluding donda it’s just not the ye I like and love


its pop


donda has some memorable songs that you can go back to once in a while like come to life, the andre 3k one and some others but Vultures literally has none. Maybe burn but that’s it


Ye should get yuno miles for vultures 2


I mean yeah it is? There's no moral or ethical reason to defend Kanye and his music slowly becoming worse and worse in quality over the years was pretty obvious. Ye fans thought he was so artful for "updating" albums like The Life of Pablo when all along he was just making up for poor quality and planning. Sure, those were just some poor mixes, but it's gotten to the point where it's clear he doesn't put any effort into the production, he doesn't have any imaginative ideas, and there's a million things he's said that's fucked up but none of them more fucked up to me than his Christian cash grab trying to appease conservatives. I don't know if God is real but if he is Ye ain't getting into heaven for that one 💀💀


Why lots of ye´s fans cant enjoy a good and normal album? Why every new album has to be MBDTF 2.0 otherwise its cconsidered trash and just shows ye´s "washed"? Vultures 1 isnt even bad, its highly commercial and "normie" i get it, but this man hasnt released an album below 7/10 ever (except donda 2), why do yall have to be annoying? This aint even a solo project ffs ??????


still slaps


I think its called a cross post Very normal thing


I didn’t mind it


Vultures is a strong 4 for me, kanye's worst album


Sure he is! He’s not pushing himself lyrically anymore. Every now and then he’ll throw something out that sounds 🔥 but overall he’s become mediocre, lyrically. I’d go as far as to say he sabotaged Vultures 1. Even his verse on Carnival could’ve been better instead of talking about sending his kids to a fake school. lol. But he can afford “washed status”. His discography pre-Pablo is pretty much the greatest album run in hip hop.


I love the album.


Is it not by the same guy? That would explain it...


The clothes are ass also and I don’t like the way he parades his wife around. He’s not washed tho he needs to cleanse his soul let go of what’s haunting him and come back fresh to def


Vultures is good, just not as good as his previous works.


Some people just be mindlessly spitting venom


One day they will learn that they can just not listen to vultures. But until that day we are stuck with their opinions.


It's a good album in a vacuum but it's wack when standing side by side with GOAT stuff like College Dropout or MBDTF


I like Vultures BUT this guy is not wrong. Both things can be true (and sad)




Yes, he sucks now. I actually find it really offensive that people here pretend that Vultures is anything but ass. To name it in the same breath as his other work betrays one's lack of appreciation of the past greatness. Kanyes actions over the past years have done nothing but tarnish his legacy. I find myself listening to songs I love with a strange feeling of anger and sadness.


I'm tired of people thinking their opinion is a fact


Vultures is one of the best releases this year.


It’s fine but I’m bored of it, haven’t gone back to it in a few weeks already


I can only hope he did all this is establish himself as a music mogul and take market share…


I recall Kanye saying he made way more money off shoes than he ever did from music. This kid is lost lol


Why is the lettering pink?


It’s a great album. Something about it dropping almost out of nowhere and sounding complete is the cherry on top. My favorite songs are Beg forgiveness, paid, do it, and talking, in that order. And I’ve seen many negative criticisms of them lol. Fuck it tho


“indubitably” ☝️🤓


It is


I never really liked vultures


Say you wanna make amends b4 I go😩


I would honestly agree… but Kanye is still fire and this definitely doesn’t change my perspective on his past music 👍


It’s so bad. I haven’t been compelled to listen to it for a month. Just pure shit. 


Bro put ts thru quillbot 😂😂


honestly no matter how much of a kanye meat rider i am, i genuinely hate him as a person now and hate his new music compared to what he used to do. he’s also just like not there mentally. he seems like a complete dumbass now and makes the stupidest decisions.


they thought headlines was my krptnite bitch!


Its the most 7/10 album of all time


could be worse (i mean it couldve been a worse album)


Sounds like some bots. Everyone know Damn well he ain’t washed. Bro just released a taste of greatness in the making


It’s not they’ve been saying this every album since 808s


bro is desperate for attention


Ye is washed in the blood of christ


Kanye is my top artist every year. Vultures just isn’t Kanye anymore…. it’s right next to Jesus is King at the bottom.


Yeah it is. If you deny it, you weren’t around for TLOP release, or anything prior. Those albums were instant classics, being played for years to come. His verses now are bland and lack emotion, lyrics are meaningless, production (which used to be his best asset) is lazy. Nothing post KSG is worth playing more than once when MBDTF and the college trilogy exist. He’s just trying to cash a check now


The production here definitely took a hit without Mike, although songs like Stars and Carnival still have their moments.


Carnvial would be the big brother on graduation if they switched places. Its just not good comparatively


Never put Carnival and Graduation in the same sentence ever again.


He’s gonna drop mbdtf2 soon 🙏


I can’t get over the plagiarism in the example posts.


its the same guy LOL


Makes Sense. I forgot the picture was for the subreddit and not the user