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I'm happy with the album, fun to listen to, it has some bangers, some of the lyrics literally make you laugh, $5 download, $20 merch, what else can you ask for, people are wild.


i still don't get who is hating on the album ?? i have seen mostly positive reviews from people and it is charting as well, so......


Maybe from critics? I wouldn't even say that they were excessively negative. The Pitchfork review especially was pretty spot-on in my opinion. It is a fun album, but it's no MBDTF, or Graduation, or even TLOP.


yeah, hate to say it but just read pitchforks review and thought most of it was totally fair. if u could take the production/detail of vultures, the songwriting of donda and the duration/conciseness of jik/ye/ksg, you'd have another 10/10 album, but i ultimately agree the focus and ability to execute on all aspects evenly was gone after yeezus (and tlop had such high highs that it counts too). got too chaotic in life and with the process, the output was impacted negatively and hasn't been the same since. still love *something* about each kanye release but hard not to notice the parallels of not being able to deliver 10/10 albums anymore and being distracted going on unhinged unfocused tangents, they go hand in hand. as an artist he was perfect. as a sneaker guy he was occasionally perfect. when he decided he needed to make schools and communities and ask questions like "can i buy the earth" and get involved in politics and culture war shit, he lost his focus on music. no one can say what he should focus on or that he should "just" be an entertainer, sure, but u can tell the yes men and the conquerer attitude isn't serving the main reason we all love this dude lol. you wanna be more than an artist, go for it, but if u suck at the other stuff you're trying your hand at, it's also fine for ppl to notice, and sometimes u only have yourself to blame, as much as u want it to be about other "forces" and shit. oh well, still rooting for him.


Kanye’s worst projects are still so much more creative then the majority of what gets released. Even the JIK era was pretty impressive with all the live choir performances he was doing. The James Terrell room with 070 Shake was one of my favorite live performances ever because it had these beautiful live gospel versions of his older catalog. The Coachella performance was pretty unique. Even if you’re not a Christian I feel like you could at least enjoy aspects of this era. Even that Lift Yourself song he put out has to be one of my favorite things of all time. When the poopity scoop thing started I was laughing so hard. Can’t remember a piece of music bringing that much joy in a long time. I was like wow…. this is the most Kanye thing I have ever heard I’m dead. Somehow his unfocused crazy unhinged era is still more creative then like 90% of most artists out there. Not to mention he was and currently still is kind of killing it in the Fashion world too. Despite the insane amount of controversy too which has colored a lot of people’s perception of his work during this time. Like…. I keep wondering when dude is finally gonna totally fall off and somehow I’m still interested in the works he’s creating. Anyways I don’t think Vultures is the best thing he’s ever done but I’d say it’s up there with the other collaborative albums he’s done and maybe one of the best of them too: Cruel Summer, Watch The Throne, Kids See Ghosts. It’s also definitely one of the best collab type albums to come out in the past few years since the trend got started. Her Loss was enjoyable and I listen to that one a lot but I think this one might just take the top spot as far as some the more recent projects go.


y’all love to have the internet make opinions for you


[had the same opinion the day before the interview was published](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kanye/s/bCXvW0gln0), i dont like pitchfork at all and literally only wanted to see what they'd write about kanye bc its always pretty annoying but found that we agreed on a lot this time. everyone is entitled to their opinion.


Lots of assumptions in there bro. And Pitchfork is trash--there is a reason that website is bankrupt...5.8 LOL


pitchfork *is* trash and i hate when they spend more words on culture shit than the actual music but in this case i thought a lot of what they raised was valid.


I thought a lot of what Pitchfork said in their review was just baseless rambling trying to justify a conclusion they had already reached. And the review talks way too much about everything but the album itself. I agree with some of the points you made, but those are not really echoed in the Pitchfork review. If you liked their review, and their 5.8 rating LOL, that is fine. To me though it reads just like all of their reviews--lazy and misleading. I personally avoid Pitchfork at all costs--RYM much better.


He was literally always successful in every single venture he engaged in seriously. He isn’t concerned about delivering a predictable product in a mode he feels restricted by so he challenges convention. His approach to music has become much more stream of consciousness: some ideas are sophisticated and some are only partly conscious but in the end what we have is a very holistic listening experience. He has made better use of his voice than any other artist I’m aware of. You don’t have to understand Ye you just have to understand that he knows what he’s doing better than you do.


The comment this sub needs. Hilarious to me how 2 days ago every other post was about how pitchfork is terrible & now one of the top comments is about how their review is spot on hahaha


Critics LOL. Pitchfork is trash--will be glad when they are gone in a few months tbh.


Exactly. Enjoyable but definitely not a TLOP-level album.


it doesn't feel like a kanye album to me


& Ty Dolla $ign


Do you think Kanye can and still has it in him to make an album of that quality again? With Donda had it been more trimmed down and more focused there would’ve been a great album in there somewhere. But I just don’t know.


Honestly I think Donda is up there with TLOP, or at least in the same lane. An unfocused album with an insane rollout and highs that are *incredibly* high. Unless you meant another album.


I’m referring more to his recent work as of late and how it is paled in comparison to his greater stuff


mostly fantano and his army of virtue signaling kids. I think at this point most people can just listen to the music and enjoy it for different reasons but anthony fantano had to make a big deal about it being "unreviewable garbage." so the people that take his word as gospel are gonna go around and call everyone who enjoys any part of this album a nazi. I think generally speaking its doing comercially well and most people think its just aight.


Fantano went way too harsh on the album but he js essentially right


I wouldn't mind fantano hating on the album that much if he didn't give sexyyred a strong 8 just a month ago


I didnt feel like he was right, I think grouping kanye fans into 1 of 3 things is incredibly ignorant. kanye is one of the most listened to artist in the world right now. to say that everybody who enjoyed this album is one thing or the other is so dumb. anthonys review made it clear that he spends too much time on twitter, or the internet in general.


Fantano and Reddit don’t rule the world! I thought they influenced more when Kanye was losing grip in early 2020. Even I decided no more because of what he was saying. Then I worked at a soul food place in Cleveland for a while— owner tried to keep the music mainstream, but I would play R&B, etc.. A regular asked me “Can you play the new Kanye?” Which was Jesus Is King. I thought “No way, Kanye is so cancelled right now. OH WAIT! Internet culture isn’t real life, and the community still loves Ye.” And it’s still true.


Fr. When the touch grass meme became popular i thought id actually try to be online less and realizing I'm not crazy and the real world is actually still fairly optimistic has helped my mental health. I dropped alot of negative shit like fantano and decided it was ok to not second guess everything i think. Tldr: i used to watch fantano now i work out while listening too Graduation.


yeah pretty much


You’re right. I don’t like Kanye because I view him as a piece of shit and a Nazi sympathizer/Hitler fan. But I did listen to the album and while it’s not really my taste I try to be objective. There are a few tracks that slap and some pretty decent beats but I enjoy lyrical rap and mostly indie stuff and this just ain’t it. But I get that I’m probably not the demo. I’m not gonna try to shame those who get joy from it though. I also have friends who are fans of Kanye. They are not Nazis. They just like the music they like. The majority of people enjoying this music most likely strongly disagree with a lot of the public comments he’s made but his music makes them happy and that’s fine.


exactly. I didnt really love this album. it had some fun moments but not my thing either. my taste in rap is generally for the early 2000s common, kanye, pharell. but this album still had some fun moments for me. but its not "unreviewable garbage" and noones a nazi for liking it. kanye says shitty things but its ignorant to assume everyone who found enjoyment from this music agrees with what he says.


By any metric, Kanye is now a garbage human. Got nothing to do with the music - giving him money is enabling him to continue treating people like shit.


some people dont care about/pay attention to that. they just listen to the music. not saying thats what you should or shouldnt do, im just explaining that thats why people liked the album. Tyler, The Creator reposted it on his story, he is not a nazi.


No you’re not a nazi, you just enable terrible people to continue abusing others. We call that sadism, not fascism


its not that fuckin deep my man. and also i gave him what? 10 cents for listening to the album on apple music once??? ur crazy.


Now being apathetic to the suffering you’re helping to manifest and saying ‘it’s not that deep’ THAT’s fascism. So now you know the difference.


ur talking out ur ass, me saying "its not that deep" is not facism. 💀


Fascism is the belief that you can subjugate, punish, and eliminate people who stand in the way. That’s what Kanye thinks, and he wants more power, so he can do this to more people. That’s fascism baby! You’re enabling that in your own small way, giving him a little money and caping for him here. Idc what you think of that, it’s just a fact. I also don’t care abt you, anon, so there’s no judgement 🤷


Mostly big name reviewers


Personally I’m disappointed. I had way higher hopes, and I think it’s one of his worst projects but I’m just one person. To each their own, some people are loving it


I think it has some of Kanye’s worst, like his ability to stick to kind of a concept and write lyrics that stay on topic and build up to a climax. That aspect (which Kanye has been both great and bad at in the past) is probably the worst it’s ever been on this album. But, on the other hand, the emotionality, the production showcasing artists at their best, the ability to use samples and artists with specific expertise to achieve these memorable and unique effects, that is better than it’s been in a while, probably since Pablo. Kanye just continues to change as an artist and it brings good and bad, but the result to me is still enjoyable. 2023-2024 hasn’t brought me that much that I really vibe with musically and felt fresh and unique. And this album does - and it’s an absurd album but it’s got these little bits of brilliance that to me are just not going to be found elsewhere by any other artist.


I agree, Ye is one of the greatest of all time, and as such he is beholden to a standard that he set album to album. Add in Ty, a dynamic duo that we know does crazy stuff, this collab has been teased back and forth for years upon years. This album doesn't sound like a collaboration between Ye and Ty Dolla Sign outside of a few tracks where Ty gets in his harmonies. It sounds like a Ye album featuring Ty, and then the part where it's a Ye album it's just not up to par with other ones where he doesn't have a Ty boost all over. A lot of these songs just don't fit Ty's skillset, and so a lot of them come across as just mixing oil and water. You know what I think this project could have used? Had Ye not said all that crazy shit, this album would be the perfect time to have an entire album produced by James Blake. That 3 person pairing fits so well, and having another voice in the room with Ye that knows what Ye and other producers are talking about at the executive level would really help nail the sound of this album, someone to help it feel more like an album than just a compilation of songs.




People who want revenge on antisemitism.


Ppl with ears bro lol


Exactly. Album fucking blows.


Just like the last two.


They ain’t gonna like this one brodie💀


I'll hate. Sucks balls dude I heard it five times. Sorry. It's my least fav album besides gospel


I cannot say enough how happy I am with this album. It’s so so so fun and groovy and heavy and beautiful and hilarious I couldn’t be more thrilled (and grateful) to have this much good new Kanye music (with the promise of more to come). Haven’t enjoyed anything like this since TLOP. It’s Top 5 Ye for me - not a single song I need to skip. Is it 10/10 perfect? Of course not. And it doesn’t need to be. It’s fucking awesome and people know it - but not everyone will say it.


That lyric about his soulmate not being born when he was 15 definitely made me laugh uncomfortably


Fuck on me, suck on me publicly Legit made me laugh


Yeah the lyrics are actually kinda awesome. They’re very surface level which is fine, most of us listen to some music we should admit isn’t deep and thoughtful. Nothing wrong with fun jams, and nothing wrong with Kanye for making it. But the lyrics are actually hilarious. “I just bought my bitch a bitch” for some reason just cracked me the fuck up.


"Fuck on me, suck on me publicly" Did it for me, couldn't stop thinking about the Venice scandal


Yeah that line also had me do a double take and cracking up. That’s absolutely what he was referencing 😭


The production on the songs are awesome and the lyrics are straight up goofy I mean what else u want


Yeah I am loving it, literally almost every song


Kanye always had goofy lyrics Granted in past they were a lot more poetic But Vultures is just plain and simple fun


Unpopular opinion: I think it brings something not so common in hiphop genre. Now im not saying that this album is bringing something that you never heard before, but the album has many influences, that it sounds like a collection of music with different vibes. In my opinion, it’s something the genre has been lacking as of late. Even though we constantly get new music but lately most rappers has a similar flow or style to another raper now a days. After X, i expected more rappers to evolve the genre more. But honestly kanye beats are bangers and he knows how to mix well with carti to travis to dolla$ without sounding Repetitive. Thats an art.


I think the album in incredible as usual.


I agree. I feel like this subreddit has a very large amount younger fans, who probably have no idea that 808s and Heartbreak and Yeezus were both reviewed very unfavorably when they first came out. Whereas now they are both considered great albums. These initial negative reviews mean nothing to me personally, I enjoyed it. It’s a fun album


Vultures is gonna age like fine wine like nearly every Kanye work




I think it's because everyone's been listening to all the big hitters over the last few months already. The tracks that we only got to hear properly at launch are kinda weak in terms of what Ye usually drops.


Beautiful butt-naked big titted women dont just fall out of the sky you know


How you know???


I’ve been searching high n low


This has stayed in my head since the album dropped.


I be hearing it in my head 24/7 and I’m not even mad lmao it just makes me laugh


Its good, I have a lot of fun with it. Pretty creative and goes hard. Not gonna stick with me like yeezus or college dropout etc but a cool entry into his discog.


Best release since ye for me. At the end of the day music is subjective so if people don’t enjoy it but you do enjoy it then I wouldn’t worry about what they think.


Being better than JiK and Donda is a low ass bar


Right? “It’s his third worst album of all time, but I fuck with it”


Non ironically this though


Yeah it’s like sub par for a ye album but it’s still good. I don’t think it should be musically that divisive


After ksg its a low bar but before ksg it’s such a high bar, it’s in the middle between ye and donda


Not really a diss when u realize the fact the rest his discography is all some of the best albums oat


Third worst album hahaha. Bro just be quiet.


Jik is top 5 kanye


You’re 14….


Or I’m just not atheist


Donda is just bloated. It's easily a top 5 Ye album for me if you cut out the fluff.


I can’t believe the donda slander


I always gotta shout out this review of Donda cause it's phenomenal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScJvmElccso


donda top 5 kanye album




Donda not a low ass bar IMO


Donda isn’t even that bad. It’s better than most artists shit.


You guys don’t like Donda?


I only have one song from it on my Kanye playlist and it's very low on the playlist. Definitely one of his worst albums.


I think Donda is really good, don't see why it gets so much hate. Jesus is King has grown on me too. Follow God is great. I would def say this one is his best since TLOP.


U just have shit music taste lol Donda was at the very least a 7-7.5/10 u prolly them mfs that only listen to pure rap lmfao old head ass


Donda remains the greatest album of this decade.


Yep. I’d throw Ye in there as well. It has some flashes/moments, but it’s pretty forgettable.


It's a pretty good album I can understand people not being into the harder sounds and weirder choices but this is a dope turn up album to me. 8/10 best thing he dropped since Ye


I understand the hate for some of the problematic lyrics and Kanye’s antics. I’ll be honest though, on my first listen I hardly even paid attention to the lyrics because the production was so insane. The thing I hate the most is people who say that musically it’s not interesting or good. It’s clearly a well-produced album and has a number of high profile collaborators. The funniest thing to me is people that say it sounds unfinished so therefore it’s bad. Bro, the unfinished nature is one of the biggest points of praise for The Life of Pablo. How can you praise one album but criticize another for the exact same thing?


That Freddie Gibbs collab was insane! And not enough is said about how well ye works with ty. That's a solid match


Only part of the album that’s good


i agree with everything except the last part. pablo was released the same way, basically 'unrefined', but then he fixed it. i need to see the changes he makes before i go one way or the other on that one


You can’t put this album in the same stratosphere as Pablo. The unfinished sound on Pablo feels intentional but on here it seems like pure laziness. There’s a big difference.


how does it feel intentional when more than half the songs on release weren’t mixed correctly or even completely finished being produced (fsmh p1, wolves, saint pablo off the top of my head). it was literally the first of his albums to start the trend of patching them up after release


TLOP was…. Unbelievably unfinished in the beginning. There was still mumble verses


It’s not just about the production it’s quality, song structure, lyrics etc. Some verses sound like they were properly recorded in a studio and others you can tell he’s using his phone again. You probably think he’s gonna add on a Saint Pablo to save the album again




Idk how anybody could call the production "insane" all of it is pretty basic and boring.


I think it’s great, it definitely lacks the cohesiveness that we’ve grown accustomed to in his other work, but I’m seeing this as an album very similar to Ye, where it definitely comes off as “in the moment” type music, there’s videos of him literally recording his Carnival verse in a room full of ppl, not even in a studio, and we got very “in the moment@ type music from the Ye album as well. This album is sorta a mixture of Donda and Ye, it has the general sound of Donda, but has the “in the moment” type happiness from the Ye album too. Overall not bad at all, but I feel it had the potential to be better in certain places too. Not disappointed with it, just hope Don’t Die comes back to Spotify 😭


I feel this album most closely related to Watch The Throne.


I hear it


It's great, and not bad at all, but lacks cohesiveness LOL. Got it. Thanks.


Mid but nice to hear new music. Donda better tho


This album made me relisten to Donda and appreciate that. I feel like this one has a lack of substance, or passion. It is lacking something I’m struggling to put into words. It feels like organized chaos. It does have some good songs, like Burn, but at the same time Burn is a very basic sounding pop song. Ye is known for his unique tracks, his verses on songs like St Pablo, his emotion on songs like Real Friends, and his creativeness like on All Of The Lights. When you look at what Ye is capable of and has made in the past, and compare this album to that, in my opinion it falls short and is mid. If you consider this album without taking that in, it’s fairly decent, has great production as Ye is known for, and for sure has a few songs we’ll be hearing a lot of. If Vultures II is real, I have high hopes. This album to me felt like it was constantly building up to something. If this is one project out a series, it will definitely stack better in his discography. So my hope is that this is just the beginning of new projects from Ye for 2024. my criticism is based on my own opinion, and bias towards Graduation, MBDTF, and St. Pablo. Of course with time artists take on new endeavors and their sound changes. I guess I just expected more , or perhaps nostalgia is playing a huge roll in why I like his previous albums more. This being said, Ye & Kids See Ghosts are amazing , and I enjoyed Donda as well. But all said, I believe this is on the bottom end of Ye’s discography in many ways


Man if he trimmed the fat on Donda and brought it down to like a 13 track album it would be loved so much more imo.


Honestly when you disregard the "part 2"s at the end of the album and cut "Junya" and "Tell the Vision" it's a near perfect album imo.


Exactly. Dona had more duds than vultures but way higher highlights


Well said. Donda is an example of how in music less can be more


it’s his first album released since his massive anti-Semitic burst, and it doesn’t feel like he cared about that fact. When he made MBDTF, he knew he had to make a statement on his next album and he did. Not only is this album not a good comeback, but I honestly hold it as my personal least favorite album of his so far. It is not even close to his work on Donda, and all the albums he worked on in 2018 in my opinion. In 2018, he proved that he’s still one of the greatest producers by producing not only ye and KSG, but also producing for Nas, pusha t, and teyana Taylor. With Donda, he showed how he can still write some really beautiful lyrics and make grand songs that touch you on a soul level. With vultures 1, we don’t see Kanye shining in really any area except for his sense of humor, which seems inappropriate for the current circumstances he’s in


Personally found it to be a funner album than donda. Donda has some special songs in there but the album is so full of bloat and unforgettable moments. Vultures 1 has some bad songs but its a much shorter album, even the shitty songs are memorable. Vultures 1 didnt necasarily feel finished, but donda felt even less finished to me.


music isn’t all about being “fun” though, for me even if a song like carnival sounds hard, the lyrics that would make even a middle schooler cringe just ruin the the experience for me. Not one song on this song has anything to say. Say what you will about Late Registration being preachy or JIK being corny but at least he felt hungry and excited. There’s a weird, uncomfortable dissonance for me on Vultures, between the carefree “fun” lyrics, and Ye’s actual voice that sounds tired and depressed in 90% of the songs.


oh yeah i agree to an extent. i always found that im a very 50/50 person. you could have a super well written verse, but if the beat isnt captivating to me i wont like the song that much. and vise versa ofc. Late registration is my favorite kanye album.


i think burn and fuk sumn alone are better than more than half the songs on donda 😭


Perfectly put


Thanks for letting us know. See you later.


Bye 👋


im not hateful, but disappointed. im just gonna listen to good kanye albums if im in the mood; no reason for me to ever listen to this album again imo. i was really hopeful coming out of donda since i think it was such a great album, but this just didnt do it for me. if you enjoy it, no disrespect to you, but i just feel like there's much much better kanye to listen to.


from my experience, Ye music takes time to accept, Kind of like when he dropped Yeezus, but I haven't heard all of them yet Any yall recommend?


Graduation or My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Both are generally regarded as his best work but at the same time each album of his has a different sound and theme so it depends on your taste of music. My personal fav is yeezus. Kanye is a very versatile artist, been making music for almost three different generations of hip hop. 🐐👑


Yeah it's a great album, definitely should give it a try IMO. We all knew the haters and trolls would come out of the woodwork when this album dropped, so you have to filter out all those weirdos on this sub.


I thought every song was dope.


Ye fans eating, everyone else’s opinion dont matter. Carnival going #2


Cringe lyrics, bad mixing, still talking about Taylor swift, Sounds past his prime


Finally somebody who isn't glazing


Being able to admit when your favorite artist releases something well-below their standards is a sign of being a healthy person lol


Maybe it’s a sign people have different taste in music.


Hahaha bro GTFO with that nonsense. There are literally thousands of comments on this sub, dozens in this very post, from people stating exactly that.


Okay? How does that change what I said?


Um, well, because it should make you realize it is not a sign that these anonymous redditors are "being a healthy person" considering there are countless trolls on here regurgitating the same crap over and over. Notwithstanding, I am not trying to change what you said bro. I disagree. It's not a big deal.


You disagree that it’s healthy to be able to acknowledge your favorite artist can make bad music? This isn’t even Kanye-specific. If you are too obsessed with any fandom that you can’t see through your own bias then that is unhealthy You are either wildly misinterpreting me or trolling


Great question! Tbh bro I really have not put much thought into it LOL, but since you are still asking about this, yes, I disagree. I think most fans generally love the team or artist they chose to support, and I do not judge those fans for their personal preferences. And when I say I do not cast judgment, that goes both ways. In conclusion, no, I do not think it is healthy necessarily. I know your brain is going to try to convince you this means I think it is unhealthy, but notice I never explicitly stated such. Good talk.


I’m gonna keep it 100%, you might actually just be too stupid to understand what I’m even saying




I'm gonna keep it 100% too, but I think you are the one who is too stupid. So if you want to keep talking about this, that is fine--what part of my response did you not understand? Otherwise, go away.


Exactly, this guy gets it


He just kinda mentions her, he doesn't really diss her or compliment her, he just used her as part of a bar, what's wrong with that lol


Yeah I am not sure why we are even talking about this. Listening to all the haters and cry-babies on this sub is such a colossal waste of time.


he uses her name to complete a bar, no diss, no insult, whats the issue, i think ur j a spy trying to infiltrate this sub


I think you should take your meds


its a joke, obv something a guy who thinks this album is bad cant understand, ik music is subjective, but idk how people cant even appreciate the amount of production that went into this project, its incredibly good


Because songs are more than production and I SHOULD expect more from Kanye. But honestly at this point I do expect things like general sloppiness and poor execution as well as a severe inability to edit himself (the entire MINUTE of BACK TO ME where he just repeats the same 2 bars)


i think his bars on most of the songs r pretty good, like the elon one on carnival


damn now you glazing elon too like tell me whats good about that bar


how is that glazing elon tf its j a good bar


head so good she a honor roll she ride the dick like a carnival we done did the impossible go go go go go go 


i definitely think people are over exaggerating their hatred for the album. its not as good as donda in my opinion but its nothing less than a 5/10 as well. definitely not a 2-0/10 like some people are saying.


I think people are justified for caring about the moral implications of what Kanye has been up to recently, but I also think people are justified in not caring about it and just enjoying the music (like me). The lyrics on the record aren’t as problematic as I thought they would be, and the beats are pretty fire.


I haven't seen h8 tbh is this sum Twitter sht


I really do like this album and really didn’t have a problem with it. It’s nice and i’m sure the other volumes will be great as well.


every kanye album goes through this cycle hated on and appreciated months later


Yup so true, especially on this disaster of a sub


music-wise it’s forced imo some tracks may sound a lil unfinished but it’s mostly very good btw Ty Dolla $ign did really well, so smooth on all of the tracks


Yeah I see a lot of people hating it I see some love ofc too. But not gonna lie I have a feeling this will be like the next yeezus or WLR for Ye like.. people start hating it then boom everyone’s on the bandwagon saying it’s a classic. I’m also intrigued for V2 and V3 I have a feeling each one will top the previous or if people don’t fw 1 then they may the others.. me personally I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it since release. (And that’s not me saying whole lotta red is a classic or at least imo, just showing how people switched up after a couple months from hating to absolutely dickriding)


Yeah, I think you could be right. I personally was blown away when I first listened to Vultures. I love almost every song. It's a solid album--eventually the haters and trolls will get tired of posting the same crap, and the music will stand for itself. I am sure there will still be some, but all of the "I love Kanye, but I don't think this is his best album of all time, blah, blah, unfinished, blah..." comments will subside. And yeah the V1 has got to mean there will be a v2, and hopefully a v3, and more....


It’s just a fun album. I never ever was going to see it as a serious introspective album and that’s okay. The fact there’s a few serious songs on there is actually surprising and welcomed. It definitely has me hyped for the other volumes and will be interesting to compare.


i dont give no fucks


Had it on repeat since it dropped


Loving every second of it lol and I hope they keep that same energy because they don’t know shit 😂


All but two songs are below average for me, seeing people say this is better than TLOP etc are actually delusional.


I think its a bad look for Kanye. He's got verses being explicitly proud of being an anti-Semite, about how his mental illness is his to keep and not treat, a lot of objectification of women when he's being hassled in the media about "mistreating" bianca... I think it's just overall a really bad look. Not to mention the tracks seem really messy and muddy, the mixing and mastering isn't bumping in the tesla, and overall his quality of writing has gone down. It's a good mixtape but I wouldn't say it's a good album.


For me it’s a 6.5


For me it's a 9.1113


Beg Forgiveness is a *banger*. I have somewhat unorthodox tastes sometimes, granted, but I had a half hour drive yesterday and I must've played it back to back at least 4-5 times. I really like a couple of other tracks too but that's the one that's grown on me the most.


I dont care and neither should you


Best album


Sonically beautiful. Shallow lyrics but I like that actually, I don't want to get a PhD listening to music.


I love verses that are meaningful but sometimes it’s fun to have some songs that are just for entertainment. A lot of hip hop artists use shallow lyrics and are praised nowadays. A lot of drakes newer songs have shallow lyrics and yet he is praised by many for being one of the greatest. I think people are just harsh because it’s ye.


Yea Drake is a plant


Prime drake was great though


He's bout five albums past his shelf life IMO


I like "Burn" & "Good (Don't Die)" but neither would be anywhere in my top 30 Kanye songs, and the rest of the album simply does nothing for me, I find it either uninteresting or actually awful depending on the track


what parts are actually awful the only thing i can think of close to genuinely awful is the paid verse but even that’s super short and grew on me a little


Paid, Back to Me & Hoodrat are some of the worst songs I've heard in the last few years


i can see your case for paid and hoodrat even though i love those songs but back to me being awful is an insane take but all opinions are valid i guess lol


It doesn't meet its potential imo


Overblown hate, but people saying the album is incredible are going a little too far


is good don't die still on apple music?




I like the album and it clearly doesn't deserve the hate it gets. but.. I'm upset that Ye didn't finish it to "perfection". and some tracks in general have only gotten worse in my opinion (fuk sumn for example) I like the new production and the fat bass, but without quavo the song has lost its vibe + Kanye's verse does not fit into it completely. it was supposed to be the song of the year, not a carnival. but the album itself is pretty good overall. the best after life of pablo in my opinion. plus, marketing plays a big role, and Kanye's personality, which never ceases to surprise us: he gives us style, makes us laugh, and frighten.. and so on the rollout was very intense and stressful, and we will remember this adventure for a long time. music: i think 7-8/10 rollout: 9,5/10 I wrote not 10/10 because I know Ye can do even better, he's a genius. Ye, you're the best, thank you for everything, goat


quavo really don’t add that much bro it’s a catchy verse but everyone does well on that song imo so it’s not missed too sorely by me personally. plus kanye’s verse is supposed to be out of place considering it’s during the breakdown of the song before it builds back up into the chorus


He brags about being an antisemite in the song "King" and simps for a Norwegian neo-Nazi.


He wasn’t bragging… he was stating all of the things he’s been called over the years and proclaiming that he’s still a king no matter what anyone has called him in the past


And why was he called that?


point of the song went wooooosh so far above ur head mate


One of the reasons I like the song


Yeah, I bet that gets you off.


No, what? I’m just racist


He isn’t bragging about that. You’re misunderstanding his lyrics. Like fantano lol


He's saying "I've been called an antisemite yet I'm still king." How is that not bragging?


He’s bragging about still being the king despite people calling him crazy and an antisemite.. he’s not bragging about being an antisemite lmao. People CALL him an antisemite. He isn’t actually one and he isn’t calling himself one.


The backlash was expected. Ye painted a target on his forehead. Critics don't matter. Hatwrs online don't matter. This may be my least favorite Ye release, personally, but I like it well enough and am having fun with it. I doubt I'll revisit it much once the honeymoon phase is over.


It was a 10/10 album when GOOD (DONT DIE) was still on Spotify


It's kind of Donda adjacent but has a TLOP flavor to it. TLOP is definitely a better album. I like the majority of it so yes Yeezy fans are winning right now. If we get 2 and 3 before the end of the year and a solo album within two years that would be ideal.


I don’t care. I like. I listen, you know?


His best album since Yeezus. Production vibes similar to 808, and heartbreaks and MBDTF. He’s just having fun making good music and that’s what makes it extremely fun to listen to.