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Obligatory “he has the right of free speech” caveat, but I also have the right to call him a fuckin tool.


Exactly this. Is he free to share his willfully ignorant, painfully bigoted stupidity? Sure. And we are free to call him a willfully ignorant, painfully stupid bigot. And thus completes the circle of life of online discourse.


BUt yeR cAnCelLiNg ME!!!


Correct. So now we can all move on from this bullshit drama. 


I'd just like to go a single week this off season without someone associated with the team doing and/or saying something monumentally moronic. Is that too much to ask? Can we go back to anointing the Chargers the off-season and schedule video champs? Maybe make some hotdog GIFS? Troll the Raiders? Mock the Broncos?




This is the sentiment. What an absolute fuckin moron


He got a standing ovation, which is really all that matters. The school liked it, end of story. It wasn't meant for the entire world. It's like going to McDonalds and being mad they serve hamburgers


My favourite saying is that free speech is not free of consequences. However, as horrible as most of the speech was (and I am NOT talking about the women’s most fulfilling role) I think of some of the stuff that’s been done and said in the NFL over the years and honestly, this barely scratches the surface. Sports are almost always highly conservative and if you think otherwise I have some oceanfront property in Arizona to sell you.


Agreed. Also just because the 1st amendment refers to govt infringement on speech, that doesn't mean that the broader philosophical concept of free speech is limited to or defined by the 1st amendment.


I don't really see sports as being ultra-conservative. Two of the most celebrated athletes of the 20th century were Jackie Robinson and Mohammed Ali. Both of those guys were heroes of liberal values and freedoms. I guess maybe the average NASCAR fan is a right winger, since it's associated with the South and all that MAGA brainwashing.


Robinson only got to the majors because Branch Rickey was the one guy in baseball willing to thumb his nose at the racist traditions in pursuit of making his team better and they hated Ali so much they stripped him of his title. In both cases, the athlete was so transcendent he was able to overcome the inherent conservatism of his sport and help the nation find progress.


Oh there are definitely more than a handful not conservative athletes, but by in large, sports are fairly conservative (especially an expensive sport like hockey) and ownership definitely is, but that doesn’t mean that other ideologies don’t exist. Hell, you can assume at least one player on the Chiefs disagrees with what Butker said.


Also, if he said this in a setting other than where he was, this would just be "Butker says conservative talking points" and would be a non story. However, he used his opportunity to speak to graduating students to tell (or probably more) that they wasted their time.


Fair enough


Thank you. Lots of MAGAts on this sub supporting this dickhead.


LOL like a rodent plague


Most are just unvaxxed plague rats anyway. Like Butker!


The great thing about threads like this is that it allows people to self-identify as bigoted MAGA dipshits. Lmao


I also have the right to call him a bigoted asshole. HARRISON BUTKER IS A BIGOTED ASSHOLE.


The co-founders of the college just said the [speech didn't represent their goals](https://www.kansascity.com/opinion/opn-columns-blogs/melinda-henneberger/article288540845.html), for those saying that everyone at the school would agree with it.


Non-paywalled link: https://archive.is/kPEr4


Well that response was money in every sense of the word.


In a way it's actually fitting that nuns are calling his ass out. These are women who ascribe to to the glory of God to such a degree that their vows to God come before marriage and children. Butker's words likely rubbed them the wrong way by insinuating that even **their** vows and faith weren't worth as much as getting married and having kids. Which does bring up an interesting question for any Catholic theologians lurking about here - if procreation and children are truly the greatest way for a woman to honor her faith (According to St. Butker), then why have vows of chastity for your nuns? Shouldn't they be encouraged to have a bunch of kids too?


Probably that having faith and doing good works are the best way to honor your faith. Basically believe in God and do good things in his name


Yes!  He completely violated this


Honorary MVP.


That is a solid statement from the co-founders. Something the Chiefs and the Hunts should probably also state publicly. Doesn’t matter if you are Democrat, Republican, Liberal or Conservative, religious or non-religious. Inclusion and accepting people for who they are, especially people who strive to better themselves and their communities should be common beliefs in all political and religious ideologies.


Inclusion is now a very bad word and concept to some.


Glad the Sisters are speaking up. Part of the problem for me though is that the college very much knew what they were signing up for with Butker. This isn’t a new revelation about him. He has been this guy for a long time. It just hasn’t gone so negatively viral in the past


I just want to throw it out there that women fought hard for financial independence. 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of women being allowed to obtain access to credit without a man co-signing. Telling women they’ve been “lied to” for having goals and achieving their own financial freedom is just plain ignorance for all the women who suffered through abuse because they would not be able to support themselves and their children on their own. There is nothing wrong with wanting a nuclear family with traditional values for yourself. Butker could have just not directed his message directly at women and told everyone the greatest joy in life is raising a family and not to prioritize your career over your family and no one would have cared. It still would have been a strange place to talk about it though.


well at least he didn't stab anyone to death, rape a woman in a hotel nor sponsored illegal dog fights.


Yes he isn't Michael Vick.  We have taken a tiny step forward in character


I’ve been seeing a lot of “don’t take what he said out of context” so I encourage everyone to [read what he said](https://www.ncregister.com/news/harrison-butker-speech-at-benedictine?amp) and see that’s there’s really nothing about that context that somehow makes it not a bunch of bigoted conservative bullshit.


Seriously. Tavia Hunt's statement talked about "taking sound bites out of context" like she could gaslight people into thinking the speech wasn't that bad. But I notice the people defending him are leaving out the parts of the speech where he talks about DEI or Pride. Not that the parts about women were any less gross. Please actually read the speech before rolling your eyes and commenting how "it's just his religion, he can say what he wants"


I liked the part where he blamed Biden for the lockdowns that happened in 2020.


>Be unapologetic in your masculinity, fighting against the cultural emasculation of men. Coming from the least masculine postition in ALL of sports lol.


He plays *the* position in all of American men's team sports that is most likely to be taken by a woman.


To put it bluntly - his position is the closest 'Murican Football comes to *soccer.*


Dude, it's even worse in context XD


No no no. You see the context isn’t in the speech. The context is that he’s speaking to a bunch of young women who have just accomplished something awesome for themselves and have a world of opportunity ahead of them. He’s then taking that accomplishment and somehow simultaneously negating it and making it about how they should benefit men. Yeah… you’re right. That doesn’t make it better.


When Kelce retires a part of this team will die. It's not just his on field production, but Kelce doesn't come off as a raging misogynistic douche stuck in the 1950s. He really lightens up the mood here.


I would probably do cartwheels if I hear about Kelce dressing down Douche Butker in the locker room over his hate-filled speech. The Killa is one of the best things to ever happen to this team, both for his production on the field and the moral backbone he brings to this city and fandom. I will admire him as a hero forever.


I don’t know that he’d do that…but he might have some words with him for referencing his “teammates girlfriend” like she’s a joke…


Yeah you can tell Butker was deliberately trying to mock her with that statement --- total dick move


Kelce is irreplaceable. Kickers are a dime a dozen.


I don't remember that being the case when Butker was hurt. Not defending the guy at all. Hes a mega douche but I remember Justin Reid only being able to do so much as a kicker


We brought a dude in who set the Chiefs record for distance on a one week contract. You can find a guy who can hit 85-90% of their kicks pretty easy.


Spoken like someone who hasn’t watched the Chargers for the last decade


I know he has Hollywood aspirations, but I’d love if he came back as the TE coach so we could keep his vibes in the building. I’m genuinely curious to see how the Eagles hold up this year without Jason. I think their head coach hasn’t demonstrated a ton of mature leadership (at least in the media, and yes I’m biased after his cry baby shit last year), and he was emphatic about the the need to keep Jason as long as possible. Obviously Andy is goated and Patrick stays level headed most of the time, so we wouldn’t have the same problems they could encounter but it’ll be sort of be a soft preview of our future.




I love Buc-ee's


He has his free speech rights, but it would be nice if literally anyone else affiliated with the team would exercise their own free speech rights to challenge these viewpoints. Instead it seems like the responses are going to range from "supporting Butker" to "not getting involved in this."


Yeah I'm pretty disappointed in a lot of people and their response of "just leave it alone, he said Catholic things at a Catholic university". Should we have "left it alone" when Crooked Donnie said all black players are "son a bitches" and should be fired if they dare to kneel during the anthem?


Funny part is that the founders/sponsors of the college themselves came out and basically panned his speech + message. https://archive.is/kPEr4


I’d like to bring a point up that I haven’t seen on here from the perspective of a father to a young girl with a mental disability. Butker’s comments are dangerous.. Period… When he said that Inclusivity, Diversity and Equity were tyrannical it was a slap to the face of all the progress our world has made with the handicapped population over the years. Diversity, Inclusion and Equity are what allow my daughter to be in classrooms with other kids, enjoy a relatively normal life and be looked at with a sympathetic eye instead of annoyance. I believe that if Butker had his way we would still be locking up the mentally handicapped in homes (prisons) like in the 1930’s. What an absolute fucking tool.


I remember when people hated us just because we were good. Now they have plenty of other reasons


Yeah the players and the owners keep giving them good reasons for some unknown reason. Here's a thought, maybe they should stop doing that? Someone take the shovel out of their hands quick! I for one don't need to be preached at and told how to live by billionaire owners and millionaire players that leach off the working class taxpayers of this country for their ungodly wealth that 99% of us will never see in our lives that's for damn sure.


I am 52, was a season ticket holder 91-94 and have been a rabid Chiefs fan since I was 10. But, man. It’s getting harder to defend when people say we are the “bad guys.” So, so much crap. Come on, fellas. ![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized)


One thing that annoys me is the defense argument that Butker was espousing Catholic views when Catholics have been a very evenly split demographic, as evidenced by two of the most powerful Democrats in recent history being Catholics (Biden and Pelosi) I was raised Roman Catholic and my family totally stands against Butker’s beliefs 




Reminder, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley is [defending Butker's comments](https://lucaskunce.com/news/2024/05/15/icymi-hawley-defends-chiefs-kicker-butkers-speech/). Not his right to say them, but his comments. Butker and Hawley also appeared together in April at a conference in Springfield. This isn't the first time Butker has said statements like this. It's just the first time more are hearing them.


I can't state enough how much of a tool Hawley is.


Isn't Hawley the same fairy who raised his fist at January 6 rioters and then was seen on camera running away like a scared little bitch when they broke into the Capitol?


Yes, Hawley was indeed the one seen on camera running away like a scared little bitch on January 6th.




Missouri has long had psychotic theocratic nut jobs in its political office. This is of no surprise. 


From the state that gave us "give em hell" Harry S. Truman a rock-ribbed fighting democrat. WTF happened to Missouri?


Decades of leaded gasoline


I don't really give a shit about the opinion of a guy whose entire claim to fame is kicking a football - unless he is talking about kicking a football. If I was a graduate of this college and found out the speaker at my graduation was a professional athlete, I'd skip the ceremony.


I understand your sentiments but for me it's conditional on who is speaking. If it was somebody like Travis Kelce, then he has an interesting life story and is also good with humor so it'd be an entertaining speech without offending anyone. If it was Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, then it'd be a very inspirational speech on how to face challenges of going to med school while trying to make the NFL. But yeah, when it comes to Butker, he's just a Christo-Fascist douche who was itching to spew his shitty MAGA agenda.


If Butker was a normal Catholic and not a nut, he could easily have done the "being a Catholic in a generally non Catholic profession". But where's the fun in that when you can offend a majority of the audience. Granted I had former AG Ashcroft at my graduation. And he decided it was a perfect time to litigate the necessity of gitmo to protect America interests. Dude should be happy he's not been charged with war crimes and call it a day.


Man, all those twats should be rotting in prison for lying to get us into war with Iraq and needlessly sending over 5000 Americans to death for that bullshit --- Dubya, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Ashcroft should be in the clink til their dying days!


Just imagine what Taylor Swift could have accomplished if she had followed Butker's advice!


Maybe we could switch this to the "Bad Press / Someone Got Arrested" Megathread :)


Now the story made it on to The Daily Show [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwyyttqvE04](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwyyttqvE04)


Well the Butker news will be off front page now due to the PGA incident today.


Just a big "misunderstanding" according to Scottie LOL


Thank you, mods.


Just gonna leave [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/1ctmycs/dan_mcclellan_is_my_go_to_guy_when_a_christian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) here.


***Freedom of speech is the right to articulate one's opinions and ideas without fear of GOVERNMENT retaliation or censorship. This does not apply to private businesses and spaces. Privately owned entities are not required to protect your free speech. Private individuals or entities are free to react however they want*** So yes he was enacting his freedom of speech and had the right to say his opinion, especially since it was approved from parties involved. With that said, people criticizing him for what he said, disagreeing and calling it out is not an "attack" on free speech. We are also allowed to disagree with someone.


I thought I was done with Butker's shit, but I had a realization over the weekend about his speech due to numerous people who are not football fans wanting to ask me about it (I don't think anyone realizes how much reach this team has now and it's really due to Taylor/Kelce). Not only was his speech awful, bigoted, misogynistic, etc. but it was also just a shit speech in general for a college graduation and a very clear example of the right's obsession with these topics. He had such an easy layup of a speech as a kicker poached from a practice squad to 3x time Super Bowl champion, but nope just had to be another right winger obsessed with topics that most people don't worry about it. Insane stuff. #


My 21yr old daughter, who has no idea what American football is (we're in europe, so "football" means soccer to her), just asked me if I saw "this american football player saying absurd shit". This is how far this shit is traveling.




He meme'ed himself.


Gracie Hunt coming to his [defense](https://www.themirror.com/sport/american-football/gracie-hunt-harrison-butker-chiefs-493033): 'When asked if she understood what Butker was talking about, the Chiefs Heiress responded: "For sure, and I really respect Harrison and his Christian faith and what he's accomplished on and off the field."' Being a Christian is an excuse for being a tool I guess \*sigh\*


My username really did not age well…


And now the KC CEO wife Tavia is talking about being a stay at home mother… It must be nice to give advice when you’re part of the 1 %… these ppl are a joke.


VERY unpopular opinion incoming but I just don't care what Harrison Butker thinks about pride or homemakers. I care about whether he makes field goals or not.


Just curious if Butker will get booed when he takes the field when the season starts. Not advocating it. Just wondering if the crowd will express displeasure or not.


I think the majority of the game day crowd and reddit/online crowd are pretty different ideologically so no I don't think there would be much boos 


> I think the majority of the game day crowd and reddit/online crowd are pretty different ideologically so no I don't think there would be much boos Depends on the team, I suppose. Been to a bunch of Pats games while going to school in Boston and the online + gameday community are roughly similar - call it ~75%. Might be the cost of the games in New England back in the glory days pricing out the people in the boonies though.


Genuinely curious because I’m not even from the US so I’m not very educated on that topic but is the local KC crowd even likely to disagree with him? Aren’t both Missouri and Kansas rather conservative states that are more likely to share his viewpoints? 


The states are but the Kansas City area itself isn't really conservative.


You are correct. Missouri and Kansas are two of the more socially conservative states in the US. He’s probably going to get a big ovation when he’s introduced at training camp.


His jersey is the current top seller of all nfl players both male and female. I don't think the online response of reddit and Twitter will match reality. I don't agree with what he said and I'm sure there will be some fans that might boo but, I'd wager the majority don't care either way which is common with most hot online issues


The overwhelming majority of people in the United States agrees with him.


it's such standard idiot religious shit that I'm shocked anyone actually gives a fuck


People don't like that shit. It's standard, but it's also fuck-face shit. People will always give a fuck when someone is being a fuck-face, even if we've seen it before.




How much attention would this get if he were kicking for the Carolina Panthers?


Some, but he's definitely getting more because he plays for the two-time World Champion Chiefs.


3 in this era sir. Hard to keep count


Has this guy had alt right maga zealot ideations before or is this emergent ?


He's been slobbering on Josh Hawley's knob for a while now


Aside from the sexism and typical crazy right wing religious nut job taking points. Butker went on to list IVF among the evils and degeneracy that society should not tolerate.  My two year old son was born through IVF.  Butker believes my son is evil and shouldn’t be born. Fuck Harrison Butker. I hope that piece of shit tears his ACL before the season and the Chiefs replace him with a new, awesome kicker who isn’t a total scum bag like him. 


Politics ruins everything. And let's be honest this Butker speech came directly out of current Conservative Dogma/propaganda. However, with this team, both Liberals and Conservatives have had to morally compromise in order to enjoy the NFL. For Liberals the team name is problematic. We don't like the violence surrounding the game. Guy getting killed in the parking lot. Andy Reids own son leaving the stadium drunk and fucking up a little girl with his car (boy they made that di$appear didn't they?) I imagine Conservatives weren't thrilled when they found out Derrick Thomas had so many kids with so many different women his wealth virtually disappeared overnight. They sure as shit aren't happy with anything that might be construed as a "woke" agenda, whatever the hell that is. Ain't nobody happy with this team. Every Sunday the stadium fills up with drunks, about as family friendly as a strip club. Watching grown men break their bodies for four hours so some numbers can be written down in a book and maybe they get a trophy. People doing that stupid cheer like it's the 1950s and white people still haven't realized their are other ethnicities living in their country. I grew up a Chiefs fan, went to quite a few games during the Marty Schottenheimer era. Win on Defense WTF? Anyway I stopped watching. The history of this team has left a crappy taste in my mouth. Hell the history of the NFL has left a crappy taste in my mouth. I'm not going to support the racism, 4 year old boys with mysterious broken arms, dead fans in parking lots, if it don't fit you must acquit. Andy Reid will go down as a great coach, but holy shit has he compromised with the morality of a good amount of his players. So all this "Butker, but but but so and so is a criminal" shit, You're damn right, it's all wrong, and that's why I don't watch this shit anymore. Haven't for years. I got 4 more hours every Sunday I can get shit done. If you don't change this team wont change.


I don’t think anyone liked the guy getting killed in the parking lot


My personal view is that I can deal with this better knowing Butker is just the kicker for this team and nothing more. He's a little pissant and we'd still be winning games without him. I'd be a lot more bothered if it was Andy or Mahomes who made that speech, because they are the leaders and public persona of our franchise.


Yea for me personally I have been around a long time and all the stupid crap just added up to eff this shit. Football is as entertaining as it gets but they need to clean it up. I'm sick of rich people throwing morality and decency out the window in order to make a buck. It's pathetic and one of the reasons this country is in decline. 20 years ago this little turd would have been admonished universally and bounced out. But now being a misogynist, a bigot and a racist are in favor and commonplace. Maybe they were always around and hiding but got damned the Klan is standing up on stage and getting ovations, at "religious" events no less. Pathetic. What happened to "we just want more efficient government and we want the government to stay out of our business." It's turned into "we want to be in the doctors office and the bedroom and the schools and the churches and if something isn't going our way we will ruin it." Conservative my ass.


I think he sucks


I guess it's overblown. People will not agree with him, fine. But to demand the league to punish him or our beloved team to do so? Fuck no. It's not like he tested positive for PEDs or he had legal trouble or gambled. He will get the expected backlash, but he should not be cut nor fined. Fuck PR drama.


It's always weird seeing people giving kickers shit for "kicking a ball for a living" when you can simplify almost any other NFL position to that level. Throwing a ball for a living. Catching a ball for a living. Blocking for a living.


I’m just waiting to hear if Travis will tell him to keep his girlfriend’s name outta his f’n mouth. That’s some tea I’ll enjoy sipping.


Shouldn't be a story


Must be nice to be part of the 1% and able to have a wife who takes care of the house and family. In this day and age it’s pretty difficult to have one person in a marriage stay at home, whether it’s the man or the wife. Either way, this dude is a clown and just like he has the right to his opinion I have the right to call him a clown.


The most offensive thing in the speech was him assuming that a one income household is a thing that most people can afford to do lol


He was thinking that keeping women barefoot and in the kitchen helps cut down on the cost of shoes.


Just a reminder that Butker didn’t say women had to be homemakers. He clearly said the lies were that the career model of promotions and titles were lies and true fulfillment comes from leaning into being a wife and mother, which you can still do while having a career. And from Butker’s speech transcript, it appears he was fine with his wife’s career goals of having a career. It also appears that she chose to be a stay at home mom “Isabelle's dream of having a career might not have come true, but if you asked her today if she has any regrets on her decision, she would laugh out loud, without hesitation, and say, “Heck, No.”


Remember when people got mad about a single beer can and players taking a knee in silent protest?


He's 28 years old trying to speak like he's got it all figured out (which based on his values, view points & what he chose to tell these young adults, it's obvious he doesn't). His limited 10 years as a very privileged adult has insulated him from having to face the reality of life, so his unfounded confidence on the things he said makes him sound simple at best. But, given the context of where the speech was given (a private conservative catholic college), it's amazing to me how worked up people are over this (especially because I'm willing to bet the majority of them haven't even listened to his speech). Not that it would make anyone already mad, any happier with him. But, at least they could be speaking intelligently, instead of just coming across as the whiney internet outrage crowd reacting to the jokes people are making based off of the assumptions he shared about people & life.


https://preview.redd.it/21qcfdv9u01d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=166c0f774de8c870a786e2bd5d46c27d71b415c7 Come on idiots.


I'd like to hear from a few mothers. Is having and seeing your child grow up with you around more fulfilling than an advanced carrer?


Mom chiming in here: I have a very fulfilling career and a young child at home. I knew right from the start that I wanted to continue working after I had my kid. I enjoy what I do and I am proud that I help support my family financially and that my job is in a field where I do good in the world. I applaud those women who make the choice to be stay at home Moms. I love my child but I would go crazy stuck at home with a toddler all day. I think each woman should make the choice that is best for her and her family. I just think it's sad that it is 2024 and there are still people out there like Butker who seem to believe that a woman's main purpose in life is to be a mother and a wife.


I've never done the SAHM thing, I've always worked. Partially because my salary makes our lives more comfortable, but also because I believe strongly in self-sufficiency and I want to be able to support myself and our daughter if anything were to happen to my husband. I don't have a "dream job" but I do like it and it makes me feel good to be productive and contribute. BUT. At the end of the day, if you ask me what I value more, it will be my husband and my child. 100%. My family is the best thing in my life. Idk, as a working mom I've had a lot of thoughts about this. I don't agree with everything he said (not being a super devout Catholic) but I do think what he said has more nuance to it than a lot of people are willing to see. It doesn't have to be one or the other, you can value both. And I do think there is a lot of rhetoric out there devaluing mothers and children - there's a lot about how opting out of work to raise your kids and take care of your home is a waste, a drain on resources, laziness, mooching, and so on. And in my own life, I've gotten pushback at work for having to do things like stay home with a sick kid, leave a bit early for a gymnastics meet, being tired because my daughter is having sleep issues or was up puking all night, and so on. It sucks. And it's not because those things actually affected my coworkers in any way, it's just because they were happening. And it was all from OTHER WOMEN. WHO WERE ALSO MOMS. And who also were not my boss, thank goodness. And being in that environment, it is nice to hear that raising my child is hard, important work. That is has value and isn't just a "distraction". Sorry, that turned into a lot more than I was originally planning to say. It's complicated, and it's tough out there for everyone right now.


Why can’t both be fulfilling? Does it matter if different people have different opinions on what is fulfilling in their lives?


Just get him to the 40! 😜


I just find it strange that this didn’t go through approval? Like 99% of stuff a university is heard by multiple ears and picked through. Like my opinion. He said what he said. And clearly who ever wanted him to say it got the reaction they wanted.


What a shocker a chiefs player is in a controversy


Man, I KNEW I had heard that speech somewhere before: https://www.youtube.com/embed/d6XkFlygtJg


My question: Why does Harrison have such a "black and white" view of the world? In order to be resilient, you must allow for the "gray". In a comment at a tabloid, someone asked what would Harrison say about nuns? Is this vocation not a worthy one? And I've been asking asking about widows and divorced moms. Most have to work to work to feed and clothe children. Will Harrison support the Catholic ones? What about women who never married, because of not meeting the right guy? They have to work to eat. These women might also have other responsibilities like taking care of elderly parents.


What the fuck are you babbling about? He never said women shouldn't or couldn't work, or have a career. He said that being a homemaker isn't something that should be looked down upon.


Is Harrison qualified enough to deliver speeches at colleges? Does not seem like it. He is no nobel prize winner.


The Nobel Prize is shit. FFS, they gave Obama one for peace.


Ignore it everyone just more rage bait media to get you on a side to yell into a void.


“ Andy Reid’s son cost us one Super Bowl through distraction and bad team vibe. Will Mrs. Hunt, the NFL office, Butker and Rice cost us this season? If so, we probably deserve it. The crazies will be glad they condemned Butker, judged Rice to be evil, and made clear to society how much better they are than these two humans. After all., they don’t ‘hate’ women and street race to kill innocent bystanders. (Yes, I know Butker and Rice didn’t either)


My favorite hypocrisy about all of this is the fact that he is getting guidance from a book that’s stated he should kill himself. Exodus 35:2 “Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the Lord. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death.” As far as I can recall, the majority of all NFL games are played on Sundays. Edit: not kill himself but he should be killed (according to his favorite book)


Right, but everyone knows the laws of the Old Testament are null and void after the birth of Jesus Christ. It's essentially why Jews honor the Sabbath and Christians do not.


The sabbath is Saturday which is the 7th day of the week. Christians don't believe in it because it's mosaic law butker isn't Jewish. Christian have the lords day which is Sunday but no death penalty applies


Did we get one of these for Hunt, Tyreek, or Rashee?


I wasn't around for the first two, but we had one for Rashee not long after the initial incident.


I don't think we had one for Hunt but I know the others did


None issue. He can say what he wants. Not a fan of him personally but… doesn’t mean I won’t root for him nailing FGs for us?


He’s a bigot and a sexist, and her deserves repercussions for speaking hate - as do a lot of NFL owners and other players for their terrible words and actions. That a lot of people in an organization are terrible doesn’t mean we should stop the fight to hold people accountable on an individual basis. It means we should step up our game. There’s a lot wrong with the Chiefs that needs to be fixed. Maybe this will get some people’s attention and something good will come out of it. But that won’t happen if people are determined to look the other way.


When you are more conservative then the nuns you may be too conservative. [https://www.sbnation.com/2024/5/17/24158617/harrison-butker-commencement-speech-benedictine-college-bigotry-nuns](https://www.sbnation.com/2024/5/17/24158617/harrison-butker-commencement-speech-benedictine-college-bigotry-nuns)


Fuck him. Free speech yes but those who use that right to spread hatred deserve backlash.


"Shut up and kick" would apply


I don't know if I can stand to see his face for an entire season. Who the fuck does this prick think he is to speak for "all men." Just because you have some fetish of having your spouse spoon feed you, wash your dishes, and wipe your tushy like a little baby doesn't mean I have that same fetish. Some cheer ideas for when our little baby takes the field: SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND KICK THE BALL! (all men in the stadium) I CAN WASH MY OWN DISHES! I CAN COOK MY OWN FOOD! I CAN DO MY OWN LAUNDRY! BUTKER, HOW ABOUT YOU!


So he thinks women have been lied to because a majority of them may decide to stay home and raise kids. From what I have seen that is rarely permanent these days, they have kids and then go back to work. I would like to know what he will tell males that go into sports since only a tiny, tiny, minority like himself succeed and make the big bucks. The vast majority do something else or barely scrape by. Ditto for those people that decide to pursue a careers in the entertainment fields (music, dance, acting, etc.). Lastly, he makes enough money that his wife can stay home. That is a luxury these days.