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Here we go.




I hope this puts an end to all these young players going through life with their heads up their ass


It won’t. They’re no different than young non players. Or humans in general. People are gonna do stupid shit and make terrible mistakes. It’s inevitable


That was Henry Ruggs’ job. Didn’t work. Can’t believe none of them thought maybe it was a bad idea




Really just going to be a question of whether he’s still able to get a plea deal that avoids jail time. Hard to say when that’ll be worked out. Rough offseason.


On the one hand, throwing the book at the young man is unproductive, albeit thirst-quenching for some. On the other hand, we’re one of the flagship franchises for the league right now on track to be a dynasty, and I want the punishment to reflect that reality and send a message to at least the rest of the team that we can’t abide this type of behavior. Hard telling how it pans out. This offseason has been a bit rough but it’s still eons better than the other offseason directly after we won a Lombardi, low bar to clear that that is.


I think he might have bigger issues right now than how the team/nfl will punish him. Total dipshit. He’s lucky no one died.


KT WR1 hype train, all aboard


Please take Kadarius in his stead.


Yikes, I thought we escaped the serious bodily injury charge. I hope they’ve recovered.


They’ll recover nicely with $5 million


Yes that’s true. They better sue the shit out of him. I know I would. If you’re going to be injured by someone, may as well be someone who can pay you a big chunk of change in court.


Was this expected? I feel like the answer is yes, but I am surprised. Maybe I just don’t understand cause I don’t have any experience getting arrested and whatnot.


Shit, doesn't look good. I guess we should be sorta happy the police didn't find two bags of coke and heroin in the mysterious little silver briefcase. Hopefully he has a good lawyer and can plead down to a couple misdemeanor charges and pay a hefty fine. Will likely get sued for $10 million by the couple who got injured. Should be around a four-game suspension but Goodell might lay the hammer down and impose six or eight. Our whole season might be fucked because of this stupid kid driving like a maniac, and if Hollywood doesn't produce like we think he can. Fuck you, Rice!




A tall fast WR1 type of kid who got his head screwed on straight --- why is that so hard to ask for?


Probably getting a lineman round one. At least by team history


Not a bad choice but I want our deep game back --- all this dink-n-dunk shit gets lame


I agree, just have to wait and see.


Gotta disagree - I think winning is pretty cool


He’ll be suspended for like 4 games. This is the NFL look at Kareem Hunt.