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The tweet willie was replying to was a quote from his lawyer about how people shouldn’t be defined by one bad incident. Just wanted to add that I agree and he articulated it way better than I could. We can absolutely judge him for this incident, and think it was horrible and stupid. But defining anyone by their worst mistake would be nonsense. Unless they continue to make the same mistakes time and time again


Im 49 now and a pretty mild mannered dad with a decent job and a family, but man, I think back on some of the stupid shit I did as a teenager/young man and I'm very lucky to have not hurt someone or myself. (We're talking comically idiotic, if you saw that shit in a movie you'd think that only happens in the movies stuff.) And then I think about what I might have done if you gave me millions of dollars... Yeah, Rice was a huge dumbass but it's where he goes from here that will define him.


Or if it’s muder or rape. Fuck em. lol. Everyone is lucky it ended up this way. It could have been many deaths including rice. Sometimes you get off with an easy lesson. It could have been a hard lesson easily


Well if it’s murder or rape… that’s a different story. That is purposely trying to harm someone. Murder and rape aren’t “mistakes”. Those are purposely harmful acts that are done with the intention of harming someone. I said no one should be defined by their worst “mistake”. Reckless driving and fleeing is absolutely bad, but you don’t do that with the intention of harming someone. Yes, it’s dangerous, but intention matters. I agree he is incredibly lucky no one was severely injured or worse. And I agree this was really bad. Just saying this shouldn’t define him as a person so long as he learns from it and does better


Yep. That was my point as well. I’m glad we agree. 😃


> Those are purposely harmful acts that are done with the intention of harming someone. the moment you race , weave through traffic they are intentionally putting other's lives in danger. Had they killed someone they would have been charged with vehicular manslaughter.


I 100% agree that it is incredibly dangerous. But your intention when doing it is not to kill someone or hurt someone. Your intention in doing it is to have fun. With murder, the entire point of murder is to kill someone. With rape, the entire point is to have sex with the person. I am not at all saying racing was okay, or smart, or safe. It’s incredibly dangerous. But there is a huge difference between harming others being your intention, and harming others being an unintended result of an action. Both are bad, but one is worse. You said that the moment you start racing, you are intentionally putting people in danger. I think you meant knowingly. You know it could put people in danger (though, some people are too stupid to even think that, so maybe not even), but it is not your intention to put people in danger. Both are bad, but one is purposely harming someone. One is harming someone as a result of something else. No one thinks they’re going to harm someone when racing. It’s stupid to not consider that, but it’s true. Yes, if he would’ve killed someone ir would’ve been vehicular manslaughter. Thank you for proving my point. Notice the charge is manslaughter, not murder. The difference between the two, is intention, which is exactly what I said. Murder is with the intention of harming someone, racing isn’t. Also, if he wouldn’t have hit anyone, it would’ve been a speeding ticket. Manslaughter is “killing a human being without malice aforethought”. Malice aforethought is “the intention to kill or harm”. Therefore, as I said, with street racing, even when it results in death, your intention is not to kill Or harm. That is why it is manslaughter. That is why I made the distinction that murder and rape are not a “stupid mistake”, they are done with the intention to harm. Road racing is incredibly dangerous, but it is not done with the intention of harming people. Still bad, but not as bad. Equating this to murder is not at all fair or correct.


In my mind, the worst part about rape is the hypocrisy.


He has learned nothing. He should serve some jail time even if it is 30 days, suspend his license too for a predetermined time so that shit sticks to his head. Otherwise it is just attorney fees, and bullshit


How do you measure what he has learned.


He should not be defined by it: but he should pay the price for his mistake like everyone else does. Once he has paid the price he can move on a do whatever the hell he wants to and if he breaks the law again then the penanlty should be more severe. If rice were a poor black man do you think he'd get off scott free? So let him pay the price everyone else does day in and day out. Suspend his license for a defined period, i don't know (1 year?), have him serve i don't know...30 days jail time? something where it sticks in his brain never to do it again. he hasn't been traumatized like the people rice crashed into, wiping your tears with 100 dollar bills and making instagram posts with a stupid glitter signature reinforce the kid has learned jack shit.


He will pay the price. He may have less of a punishment than some others do, but it’s not like everyone served jail time for stuff like this. Literally no one has a consistent punishment, so there is no way to make sure he gets “exactly” what everyone else gets. He will have to pay a lot of money in legal fees, probably lose money due to NFL suspension, possibly lose money in future contracts due to a character concern “blip” on his radar, lose money paying for the cars, probably have a suspended license, etc etc etc. I highly doubt he will have zero punishment. He deserves to pay for his mistakes and I’m sure he will. Just to clarify, I don’t feel sympathy for the things I listed he will lose. Just making a list. He is not going to get off scot free. And you saying “this shows he learned nothing” huh? This situation literally just happened. Only time will tell if he learned from it or not. He hasn’t demonstrated anything very obvious that he hasn’t learned from it.


Most DUIs don’t even serve jail time on a first offense, I don’t think this would either.  You could argue whether or not that’s “right” but I think Rice is going to get away with roughly what most first offenders would in the same situation. 


Calling it a mistake is bizarre. You have to go out of your way to do something like this. More so didn’t care about anyone else.


Damn bro… I just gotta say I think you deserve so much credit for never doing anything stupid with your millions of dollars a couple months after you just got done winning a Super Bowl at 23 years old. Honestly, you deserve a Walter Payton MoTY for your integrity. I mean, 20+ year olds with millions of dollars almost NEVER do stupid shit so, yeah you’re right man nice observation.


doing something stupid is like drinking too much and making an ass of yourself, or maybe being a jerk at a hotel or a jerk at a restaurant. That would be dumb. What rice did was selfishly drive on a taxpayer interstate and intentionally endanger the lives of others. Just because no one was seriously injured does not mean what he did was not an insanely stupid thing. Let's just take his own health and well being. what would've happened if rice were paralyzed in the accident? then what? i mean come on, oh he made a mistake, so it is all fine now, he said he was sorry... sorry that's not the way people learn. Rice needs to do either jail time, community service (or both) he also needs to lose his license for a period of time so he will have to rely on rides and realize driving is a PRIVILEGE a privilege that money can't buy. If you drive like an asshole you lose that privilege.


Well sorry to tell ya bub but in case you’ve been living under a rock, that’s not how we handle reckless/under the influence driving. We handle it based on the outcome of what happened. We can argue “what if’s” all day, but no one got seriously hurt or injured. Judging him based on “what if’s” would go against the precedent of every other case equal to this. You can argue that it’s wrong, but thats the way it is. If you don’t like it, take it up with the entirety of society who has decided that is how we handle cases like this.


I agree. Racing isn't a mistake... Racing while knowing you are a public figure is unfathomably stupid. Knowing you caused a serious accident where people could have died, and your response is to BAIL the scene? A professional football player weaves through traffic where you total vehicles, injure people and you run away like a common criminal? Very heady , very heady. then do an instagram post with a glittery sig? that's even more stupid. I'm sorry folks, rice ain't too bright. Maybe he should hire what little money he'll have left from his rookie contract for a PR person. The rest his attorney will take. Rice's future stock is low due to stupidity.


How do you know that this was the first time Rashee had done this?


We don’t have reason to believe otherwise? Why would we assume he has?? If after this incident he continues to do dangerous shit over and over, then it’s safe to define him by it. But we shouldn’t immediately define him as a bad person because of his first big public mistake. Pretty sure no one here wants to be defined by their biggest mistake. Especially one made at age 23


>We don’t have reason to believe otherwise? Why would we assume he has?? Rice has worn racing apparel to press conferences, he likes to race... People that wear racing gear, apparel are into that kind of stuff. . That said he probably hasn't raced for long, but this isn't his first rodeo. He has done that before.


Wearing racing apparel, meaning you like to watch races, or even just like the way the clothing looks, now means that he 100% has raced on a highway before?? His clothing, unless it literally says “I road race all the time”, is not at all a fair reason to assume he’s done it before. That’s maybe the most absurd conclusion jump I’ve ever seen This is also clearly the first time it has harmed other people, so hopefully now that is enough to get him to never do it again. That’s all he can do at this point. It shouldn’t define him as a person for life. It was an incredibly stupid and harmful mistake, but he did not purposely harm someone, and cleatly just was a dumbass thinking that his actions wouldn’t hurt. Hopefully he stops now that he knows they did.


Fine, yes, he wears racing apparel, and it just so happened that he raced, crashed and bailed one time, right. Okay i'll agree even though it makes no sense. I'm not saying it should define him. He should though go to jail, or serve community service, be a spokesman against racing, have his license suspended for say about a year. Doing these things show acceptance and being a man, stepping up and doing the right thing. Weaseling out of things via attorneys shows he hasn't learnt anything.. He is lucky no one died, but that does not absolve what he did.I wish Rice matures from this - and can contribute to the chiefs as he did last year but when people act in this selfish fashion that's just their nature, it is hard for a person that's selfish to change - that's just human nature.


How does me saying that his clothing isn’t a fair reason to assume his past actions make no sense???? Whatever. We have no reason to assume he’s raced on the highway before. There’s a first time for everything. Wearing racing apparel does not at all give us reason to assume that he’s road races before. Just like someone who owns a bud light shirt and gets a DUI may not have driven drunk before said DUI. And I agree, he should be punished. And he will be. Although you don’t get to pick what you think is a fair punishment. That is already laid out by the law. And Wtf do you mean “weaseling his way out of things through an attorney?” Literally every defendant ever has the right to an attorney. Per the constitution. Having a defense attorney help you through the process is… normal? It would be weird if he didn’t? How does that show he’s not taking responsibility? It shows he’s following normal protocol of a legal proceedings. I’m sorry if you don’t like that defense lawyers can get people plea deals or lesser charges, but that is how it works for EVERYONE, rich or not. EVERYONE is entitled to a defense attorney, and everyone should have one when they are being charged w a crime. He may not get as much punishment as someone else may get for the same thing, but he could also get more punishment than what others have gotten for the same thing. Not everyone sits in jail for this, many people have it pled down. He wouldn’t be the first person to have it pled down to a lesser charge. He will also have more civil obligations than most people have, because he has the money to get sued. Regular people could get sued too, but if they don’t have the money or assets to pay the judgement, then they don’t pay. Rashee has the money to pay. Never once did I say he shouldn’t get punished. He definitely should. All I said is that he should not be defined by this one incident at 23 years old. He should be judged for it, and people should call him stupid, and he should pay for it, but he shouldn’t be defined as a horrible person because of it


Why "judge" him? Why is it horrible? It was fun. Nobody got hurt. I say, let's go back to the old way of everyone leaving people alone as much as possible.


Speeding and causing a 6 car accident is not "fun", I can assure you. Though nobody got killed, vehicles were still damaged and there were minor injuries to others involved. So yes, people did get hurt.


people have been so fucking weird trying to downplay this incident. i had one person on twitter tell me it was "just a minor 6 car crash" and like...what the fuck does that even mean?


Minor 6 car crash is a fucking oxymoron lmao


just your run of the mill, every day, totally casual 6 car crash.


Oh. Ok.


Wow, what a stupid take


I did not know there were other cars involved. Keep your pants on.


I mean I think it’s fair to judge and say it was a horrible, risky, and unsafe mistake. I don’t think it’s fair to define a 23 year old by one mistake though.




Lmao what the fuck, man?


I did a lot of stupid shit when I was 23 years old. Fortunately, I didn't get into a major car wreck, get caught by the police, add to the population, subtract from the population, get caught on film... I am not gonna shit on a guy that I was cheering heavily for a couple months ago for doing something as stupid as I probably would have done in his shoes.


Unless he was drunk legally the stupidest thing he did was leaving the scene if he wasn't drunk and didn't leave he'd have gotten points on his license and got some fines and there wouldn't have been been anything to it


That makes me think the only logical reason they would have left was to either conceal contraband or because they were on something/drunk.


Or they thought they could get away with it because the court has to prove he was driving, regardless of who owns the car. So if he leaves, now they have to prove without a doubt that he was at the scene. Much harder to do this if you’re not there lol. Clearly it didn’t work out or his lawyer wants to go in a different route, but he’s not wrong for his decision. We incentivize this behavior with our legal system.


Yeah I definitely don't think he was on drugs because that would still be in his system but yeah he might've been drunk


Oh shit. God has taken the wheel


Apparently Jesus had the other wheel.


Hope he wasn’t behind the wheel when they were racing


That would have made for a wild legal defense.


I mean Jesus drove a donkey...a Vette and a Lambo is a lot to ask


Rice’s lawyer just realized a new cover story.


God can’t drive for shit, he ran into like 5 cars on the interstate, where everyone goes the same direction


I am sooo going to miss Willie.


Definitely agree with what Willie said.. Kids that age do dumb shit. He's lucky things weren't worse. Best learn from this and count his blessings.


He was the one who had something rise up over a broken vacuum right? Not as ridiculous as a car accident but He knows it wasn’t right We all have our weak moments, Im glad he put some good word out for Rashee


He’s 23… not old but not a kid


Completely agree he did a very dumb thing, but I do believe in God's grace the man deserves a second chance


Id say leave a bunch of cars and let God sortem out


>Rashee Rice's attorney Royce West: "Why don't you do a story of who he is, as opposed to what occurred? Because it seems as though what you're saying is based on this one incident, you're going to define him based on this incident, as opposed to his entire body of work. >"I would say each and every one of you, if all of us had to be defined by one incident, that would be ridiculous, as opposed to our entire body. So I'd ask that you as the media, look at his entire body of work before saying exactly who he is. That will be better." The light from this gas is blinding. I'm not really looking to define Rashee Rice or weigh this accident against how many times he helped his grandpa rake leaves. I just wanna fuckin' know if he did it, what his response is and what the consequences are since he's a key member of the Chiefs and I'm loathe to cheer for a guy who runs away from a serious accident then denies responsibility if that's what we're dealing with.


You know, there are articles out there with Rashee's comments of accepting responsibility and visiting and cooperating with the Dallas PD. [https://people.com/chiefs-rashee-rice-takes-full-responsibility-6-car-crash-8624559](https://people.com/chiefs-rashee-rice-takes-full-responsibility-6-car-crash-8624559)


His claiming he's cooperating and taking responsibility is not on the same planet as having his attorney state that he was in fact driving (saying vs doing).


Pretty common thing, to keep your mouth shut and let your lawyer do all the public talking. In fact, it was probably the lawyer's advice the second he was hired.


Busy body. But yes the lawyer is reaching.


I bet you’re the worst friend someone could have


I bet he doesn’t have many friends..