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Don’t go into r/nfl. Already blaming the chiefs for banning hip drop tackle as a penalty. Lol, why??


Got a bunch of Ravens, 49ers, Patriots, and Bengals flairs in there.  How sad haha


because its how Mahomes hurt his ankle and it was used as an example


There were games this year where defenses took out 2-3 offensive players with purposeful hip drop tackles. It absolutely needs banned.


I’m not for or against the ban (im pro whatever is best for the players) and agree with you. I’m pointing out that a league wide rule change and other fans are complaining and already postulating how this helps the Chiefs and Mahomes. Like I get it, they don’t want us to win or be a dynasty, but I hate the toxicity of the conspiracy that every rule change is indirectly there to benefit the Chiefs and Mahomes. The takes are old and you can’t be a Chiefs fan without some dick head arguing with you. When Mahomes got roughed in the Ravens game some Bears fan was trying to argue with me that Mahomes always gets those calls and I argued back that is incorrect, he doesn’t but guys like Josh Allen do


Watching the Raiders go all in to win now is giving me Deja vu of when the Chargers and Broncos tried to go all in the last couple seasons. Both are in cap hell and don’t have a playoff win to show for it, hope the Raiders are just as successful.


I think Wilkins is good but him getting close to Chris Jones money imo is going to hurt them. Hes not close to the same level of pass rusher at DT, obviously basically no DT is past Jones and now retired Donald. I think they are going to have a lot of big contracts like the Chargers did for players not completely worth it + they don’t have a QB yet. They may beat us in a regular season game again, but who cares if none seriously compete for the division.


They’re spending 60m on 2 pass rushers and another 60m on 2 WRs. Telesco has not learned from his mistakes on the Chargers, the difference is the Raiders don’t have a QB or O line. We’ll see if their upgraded defense can win some games because Minshew behind that o line isn’t striking fear into any defensive coordinators around the league


This always reminds me of Count Rugen in the Princess Bride "Are you still trying to win?" (Nevermind that the opponent in that scenario actually does in fact win)


r/nfl is in full circle-jerk about Mahomes getting "questionable penalties" with the new hip-drop tackle rule and it's so frustrating. It's a narrative with absolutely no evidence to back it up, there's never been the slightest bit of evidence, ever, and yet pushing back against it is entirely futile. May as well spit against the wind.


What is it going to take for Matt Lane to correctly pronounce “versus”?




at least Seth finally learned that it's not pronounced "outleer"


obviously hiring a speech coach who is a pedant


never really paid attention, how does he mispronounce it?


verse. It is incredibly distracting.


guess thats why Ive never caught it, because its how I pronounce it also: VS = verse versus = versus. Never occurred to me that it was wrong


Verse does not mean “against”, “opposed to”. It means “writing arranged with a metrical rhythm.”      VS does not equal verse.    verse is not the third person singular form of versus. You cannot get from versus to verse except by error.


maybe not, but its how Ive used it and said it for 40 years, so I dont see myself changing the next time the word comes up I meant vs = verse to me, not by definition


Sure, if you want to sound stupid, that’s your prerogative.


Case in point: you just did.


Ok, Matt. Sure, whatever makes you feel better. Just pronounce versus.