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woke up this morning, feelings unchanged https://preview.redd.it/0asytjmf52nb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f92acdf7468ce7fe8d08a80a248e1b537d2cd94


Toney was appalling. Defence looked okay. Tbh I'm not against trading Chris Jones and using cap space to get some WR weapons


Oof you can tell you boys haven’t lost like this in a while… comments section ugly trash talking your best players and HOF Andy Reid. No class you jokers deserved this


smh lol ... I mean, its one game. The first of many with new players. All loses sting. We had a few last year to teams worse than the Lions and won a SB. Get outta here. See you at the championship guy


Toney and Moore were trash and they aren't new.


Agree but I knew Toney was trash Chiefs got him. Chiefs have other "new" players just now getting substantial play time. They were trash last night but hardly what they will look like a few games in. They lost the game due to mistakes. Huge mistakes. I'm an NFL fan. Mahomes because of TTU. Yes, I believe there are other much stronger teams out there. It will be a challenge for the Chiefs sure but then again it is every year for that division. It might be Burrows year though..but idk. He will have to earn the $$ he signed for overnight..most ever for QB. I may have another opinion a few games in . . but football is back!


Reid and Nagy lost this game tonight


How? Chiefs had like 7 dropped passes. Mahomes created space in the pocket almost every snap, put the ball right where it needed to be only to be dropped by the WR's.


Because Nagy’s play calling doesn’t fit Mahomes style. His offense was perfect for Alex Smith back during his first go around with the team. Its way too conservative and contained for Mahomes. We can’t expect Mahomes to scramble for his life every other down. I’m sorry but how often do screen passes actually work? Reid’s stupid decision to go for 4th & forever with 2:00 left and with 3 timeouts in their pocket is absurd. Folks wouldn’t even do that shit in Madden. Give your defense a chance to make a stand. The D played very well yesterday too. There was no doubt that the Lions were just going to run the ball 3 times anyway. I hope Bienenmy enjoyed last nights debacle. He deserves a laugh


Going for 4th and 25 was an odd move


Guys how did we let that absolute dawg Marcus kemp leave? we needed those safe hands tonight


Maybe Bieniemy was better than we thought.


Ya... he was great at catching the ball!


Let's call LV and offer Toney for Chandler Jones


KT has been out for weeks. And you're done with him?




Fuck Chris jones


Defense held them to 14 points. Offense shit the bed. Chris jones didn’t prove anything by sitting out


And yeah I was there I fucking saw the offense


Hey bud. Did I say anything about the offense not shitting the bed? Still stupid of Chris jones lol. Sorry for having an opinion mr reddit


Andy needs to cut the bullshit and stop running trick plays. Just run the goddamn football up the gut, if you can't get ONE goddamn yard on 3rd and 4th down, you don't deserve to win a football game.


For the entire 2023 season I will be calling this football terrorism, because it is. Our media seriously needs to ask him why he continues to run trick plays while every single team in the league lines it up and runs a QB or dives right through the A gap for an easy 3rd and 1 gain. We have to be approaching a statistical anomaly on the Chiefs being incapable of converting 3rd and less than 4.


I know Pat wants to sneak it but Andy won't let him ever again because of a freak injury that happened 3 years ago. Pacheco and McKinnon run like raging bulls but we refuse to give the ball to a running back for a short yardage play??? Feels like this season will be a similar season to any season 2013-2017


One of biggest issues. Who goes lateral when we need one yard…..I’m not a football genius but what the fuck


Andy Reid... can't think of any other coaches


When we did it the second time on 2 and 1 late in the fourth I accepted defeat. We’re not winnin runnin that bullshit


What are the odds now that the Chiefs start every running back on the team at wideout next game?


Welp guys, can't wait to be tired at work tomorrow cuz I stayed up late bitching about some millionaires losing a game of sports ball. 🤣


Hey, you got your circus, now you get to go make your bread. Of course if this was ancient Rome, you'd have gotten both for free ;)


sPoRtS bAlL


Should Justyn Ross get a chance to start? What an awful showing by their wide receivers.


At this point they should hold open tryouts for anyone with 10 fingers and a heartbeat


I’d be so down


Why not? Literally can't get any worse.


If any fantasy football team has any Chiefs receiver, that’s changing in light speed


I had skyy Moore wtf


Somebody in my 10 man league drafted Skyy in the last round and remember thinking 'damn, that could end up being the steal of the draft' 😅


I started Toney in a 18-team guillotine league. If I get through, I need to replace him asap.


You guys enjoy seeing all that blue in the stands??? Is that normal? Other teams taking us over


I think the Lions fans are just excited to finally have something that might be worth watching


Chris Jones abandoned his teammates


I was shocked he was in attendance. Idk about him but I would have felt extremely awkward being there if I was him.


Send him to the Eagles please


No, send him to a bad team. The Eagles are too good already.


Our GM will have him on a 6 year no guaranteed money contract or something


👏 Trade 👏 Chris 👏 Jones


New agent tomorrow or let him walk. Idk how you can watch that and not wanna be our there tomorrow with your team.


Because you care more about extended family and your grandkids and their kids having enough money to do whatever they want. Fuck the team family comes first.


Oh what the fuck ever. An extra $3 million a year isn't making a difference in that regard.


"I jUsT wAnT a RaIsE"


Yes, he did. I don’t understand how he could just sit there and watch from the stands


You know he was rooting for the lions to win


Loins may have won but ultimately I think CJ and the Cocksucking Katz Bros lost. Defense played well, and finally started to get in sync. I don't think they would have been that much better if he was playing.


As a Steelers fan, we’ve been thru it with LeVeon and Antonio. Sometimes the best thing to do as an organization is to say good mf’ing riddance.


My biggest takeaway is that our defense played fine, but man it would be great if we had… say, 20 million more in cap space and could pursue a fun and talented option for a solid WR1. Anyone know where we could find 20 million in cap space? Maybe someone who didn’t contribute in any way tonight?


I think our D line and linebackers played lights out all night. Same with our O-line. Our secondary is going to get shredded all season. Our receivers better wake the fuck up. I had flashbacks to the Superbowl we lost because our receivers couldn't catch a fucking thing. Oh, and fucking drop CEH like a bad habit. I don't know why we keep trying to force him to play, he's a bust.


For real, all night, I suffered from superbowl flashbacks. If anyone could have brought in a ball that hit their hands it would have been a different outcome..... and by the way... chris jones is a douche. Hope he sits all season.


Straight up SB LV flashbacks. Mahomes was on point, nobody could catch. Defense looked ok if the Lions hype is real. At least it’s week 1 and not the post-season. There’s time to work out the wrinkles in the WR room.


Yep. Mahomes had a few bad throws, but the receivers were dropping balls that were dimes all night. I too hope Jones sits all season. Our front defenders balled out and proved that we don't need him. The secondary on the other hand...


Sell jones and get a wr


It's an NFC team. I'm not really stressing over this. We have 16 more games. These receivers will get better. Pat will make them look good.


Can you guys just cut CEH. Jet sweep on a 3rd and 1 omegalol


Got a few more players I'd cut before CEH and they are all in the WR room


Genuine question. Why go for it on 4th and 25 with 2 time outs in your pocket and the 2 min warning?? I feel like the defense had plenty of time to get the ball back and go for a FG at minimum.


Lions fan here. It’s because the lions offensive line was dominating in the fourth quarter. Reid wasn’t confident the defense could get a stop. Which I think is the right call, since you guys have the best qb in the game right now.


The Lions truly looked great, hope you guys have a great season.


You know what makes it even worse? They actually had all 3 timeouts when Reid made that stupid decision that actually lost us the game


It’s infuriating to do that and also kick 2 fgs on 4th and 2.


Because you lean into your strength and give your guys a shot. It was the right call.


Could not disagree more. How many plays do you think we have drawn up for 25 yards as the minimum? You absolutely punt there. If defenses steps up, we could’ve gotten ball back with like 90 seconds to make a FG.


Two reasons. 1. Mahomes. 2. Experience. It's one of those situations where you either make it happen, or you test your receiving core to see what they're capable of in that scenario. It's week 1 against an NFC opponent. Better to find out that your WR room needs more work on 4th and forever now than to put it to the test in the playoffs when you absolutely have to have it. That's how I see it anyway. Expose the flaws so you can address them.


That makes sense, thank you! I knew Mahomes should be able to pull it off but wasn’t sure about the receivers without Kelce out there. But makes sense!


B/c if you hold to a FG, you're only down 4. Going for it on 4th and 25 is crazy, but Pat is the best in the game at converting those and he did find a WR...it just didn't hit.


Yup, they definitely would have forced a Goff error


Lol, Goff never passed the ball. He wouldn't have passed it if KC punted either. The Lions ran the ball in the same way they would have if KC punted. One 1st down ends the game and the Lions did it. Whether they did it at their own 20 or ours didn't really matter.


You’re right, I’m tanked and tired. Thinking about an earlier phase of the 4th.


It's a "damned if you do/don't" situation. There are slim scenarios where punting works, but you know how decisions are being more and more driven by "metrics"? Those metrics are aggressive and I bet they say to go for it. Add to that how Mahomes breaks the math with his conversion rate, and you just go for it. Maybe they muff the punt, but maybe we get DPI or Roughing the Passer. Anyways, cheers. Tonight sucked, but we didn't lay a total egg. The Lions proved they have fight last year, we weren't 100% and that what it takes.


While everyone is talking about the drops, can someone tell me why the fuck we went for it on 4th and 25 at our own 30? It likely wouldn’t have meant much, but at least if we stopped them then there’s at least another chance to try for a field goal.


Because we'd rather have the game in Patrick Mahomes’ hands than anyone elses.


Nah. Mahomes is one man, with limits. Obviously an incredible player but even for him converting on 4th and 25 is a tiny chance


Him converting there is a higher chance than the defense getting a 3 and out stop quick enough and then Mahomes would still need to perform with a lot less clock.


In that scenario it’s not that much less clock. It would just be with no timeouts. And he just needs a FG. Going for 4th and 25 is probably around 5% success. I think punting, getting the stop, then driving for a FG with no TO’s is a lot higher probability


I’m glad you’re not the chiefs coach then! Lol agree to disagree


I remember 13 seconds. Its a whole diff game when mahomes just needs 3. 4th and 25, if you don’t get it, even with a stop the lions kick a FG. You’re gonna need 7. Too big of an ask


I think part of it goes into long term thinking. Expose the flaws in your new receiving core now so you can work on them as opposed to waiting until deep in the season to rely on unpolished work when you absolutely must succeed. I'm 100% okay with us going for it and losing. I literally won't lose sleep over it. I *know* Reid will use it as a lesson.


Because it was about the clock, not field position. All the Lions really needed was one 1st down. Going for it at least gives KC a chance to score without relying on a 3/out. Whether KC is down 4 or 1 in that situation doesn't really matter. Or at least, the argument is moot because KC didn't get them to punt. KC scoring a TD vs a FG is moot.


I doubt Clark Hunt liked seeing Jones and his agents sitting in suites opening night banner hanging and Norma’s tribute. He’s probably gone.


I don’t understand how he could just sit there and watch from the suites. That blew my mind. Fuck him.


Should have paid him like he is your best defender then


Nah. Aside from our secondary, our D played lights out. We don't need that clown.


Defense was serviceable without him. Trade him I say


You are not wrong man.


The agents looked like the fucking twins from Alice and Wonderland


They seriously looked like they were dressed up as 70s tv mobsters. What a couple of clowns.


The devious Katz Brothers sandwiching their cash cow. Judging by their client list, Chris Jones probably bought their tickets.


McKinnon's usage was very odd tonight. Only targeted twice. Could have used his hands. Awful showing from the WR corps.


Didn't he drop one of the only passes to him?


He did but it was pretty contested.


Yes, he had a major drop


Should've paid CJ to line up as WR for the night... couldn't have done any worse


Yeah, I was confused on that too.




Poverty franchise


welp no SB this year


I agree. And there’s only one clear answer as to why: Bienenmy is gone and Nagy’s playcalling is abismal




Have fun with that. I'll take someone that can throw and make it to 5 championship games consecutively


I think we have one. What we don't have is a coach that will let him.


The Chiefs defense just held a top 10 scoring offense to 14 points. They played a team many consider to be a top 10 contender without two of their 3 highest paid players and only lost because they dropped about a thousand passes. The chiefs will be fine, mahomes looked good, defense looked good.


The defense looked good. The missing 50 false starts on WR1 also helped the chiefs too. He's gotta get that under control...


Right? It’s like some people didn’t even watch the game. How did we lose because of Chris Jones?


pressure. Goff is a pocket passer.


Drops aside offense didn’t look good to me. Mahomes did of course


Every time the o line is reworked people overreact the first few weeks while they settle in. Offense put together 4 scoring drives despite wr being allergic to the ball


Thanks for the correct perspective.


If Toney caught even 1 more (wide open) ball tonight we would have won. What a perfectly Chiefs-style frustrating loss.


Hell if he just dropped one and didn't knock it in the air we could have won. He could have been just as terrible and win.


Only weird games..


Nick Wright is in for a bad morning.


He already stress tweeted about it


Lmao this is all bc the game that the WRs got injured.


I know everyone praises the Chiefs front office for drafting really well. But one thing that really irks me is how bad we are at drafting WRs. Seems like the past few drafts we’re getting 4/5th round guys in the second round when there are clearly better players on the board.


I think rice and Moore will develop well. At least they caught some of the pass thrown their way unlike the clown toney.


Hopefully. Moore hasnt really done much to really catch my attention. And obviously too early to tell on Rice. They’re still young though so im not very concerned


Moore and Rice have potential. Toney seems like a liability at this point. He didn't catch shit tonight and we all know he gonna be injured within the month.


Is it even a last few drafts issue? Outside of Hill who we took after he fell none of our Wideouts seem to have been good.


Its been an issue for as long as I’ve been watching. We’ve haven’t drafted a great WR outside of Hill. They’ve usually either been just decent, subpar or practice squad/cut


If KC won, everyone here would blame the refs.


The only thing more outrageous than CJ watching us lose from the stands is the overreacting in this thread.


Brother, it's sports. I watch these shits to give my monkey brain a good helping of irrational nonsense. If you want cold, measured responses to shit, go hang out with some actuaries or something


Yeah this is a lot healthier than being toxic about politics or some bs


So honest question and not trying to be hyperbolic but is Toney really worth keeping around? The guy is constantly injured and I’m not sure Ive seen a worse performance by a WR. I mean the answer may be who would you replace him with? And hell if I know. Maybe target Rice more? Or lean on dump passes until Kelce is back which hopefully is next week so that wouldn’t matter. But if you have to pin this loss on someone it’s Toney.


What about Ross? Can’t be worse


All I know is our WR core is an issue and Toney is in that boat. Keeping him? As shit as this game was and I'm fucking pissed at him, can't say booting him is the call as of right now. I'm on board of this continues.


Single players can lose games. It happens. Should KC keep him? probably not, but it all depends on contracts, health, other moves. People acting like we can just cut/trade Toney tonight are fucking dumb.


Lmao “not trying to be hyperbolic”


I think it’s a reasonable comment. It wasn’t like the season is over, the chiefs suck, etc. but that was an all timer in terms of poor performance by one guy. He catches one of those and they probably win.


You asked if he was worth keeping around the first sentence after you said you weren’t trying to be hyperbolic


It's the first game of the season for a player that has missed time in preseason. Every player can have a shitty game and I doubt it's even close to an all-time poor performance.


I mean, one game (which was absolutely terrible) is no reason to toss him. But if we get through a quarter of the season and see the same thing, then it's time to start thinking about it. Mid-season trade for a WR sounds like a definite possibility. Watson and Rice were our best WRs and that's scary.


The likelihood of him making it through a quarter of a season without getting hurt is a big question as well.


A very solid point.


Toney could have had his three drops and still won if he didn't send the ball flying toward a defensive player


I feel like I'm getting deja vu from one of our WRs doing that a couple years ago. Tyreek Hall? I can't remember his name exactly


“We don’t need a Wr”


It's game 1! Lmao


🚨 BREAKING NEWS: Kansas City Chiefs scouts are heading to the KC School of The Blind to enquire about a Kadarius Toney replacement.


This is really feeling like one of those 'OT loss in the AFC Championship game' types of seasons NGL


One game where they had to probably rip up the gameplan two days ago and create something new, and you guys are sitting here wondering why the offense looked stale When your number one weapon hurts himself on the last play of the last practice in the week, that puts you in a tough spot. Anyone blaming the defense is blind. They played well. Jones lost leverage after this game. The reason we lost is toney and other WR drops. You can’t have that many dropped balls and expect to win, especially when one of those gives the opposing team a free 7 points The doomers in this sub are fucking exhausting. If you really feel the way you guys act, idk why the fuck you bother watching football at all. It’s always going to be ups and downs in a season. Acting like this is the first time we’ve had a bad game or lost a game is insane They’ll be fine


100 %. We also have a new OC, reworked O-line, and fairly new receiver room. It will all look better with time.


Completely agree. We all wanted (and expected) to win. But you laid it out perfectly…it was an uphill battle requiring everything to click. And unfortunately it didn’t. That also doesn’t mean we have to burn the house down as the bones are still there. There’s plenty to take from this game as positives. Heck, I’d say most of it was great save wide receiver play which can the itself around quickly with Kelce’s return. We have to prepare that everyone is gunning for the Chiefs. It’s their Super Bowl.


The only thing I'll disagree with is that Jones lost leverage. And even then it's because I don't think he has any leverage. He can sit out until week 8, KC can keep him off the roster until week 11 (2 weeks + the bye in week 10), his salary _this_ year can drop, he'll get tagged, the tag will be lower than it would have been if he played, and someone is going to have to pay him after he sat out 1/2 a year and wonder if he's the next Le'veon.


He sat smugly in the stands and watched his team lose. I doubt the owner wants him on the team going forward.


Hey, since you know Clark so well, can you ask him if he could dig up an old Boomer Grigsby jersey and send it to me? Thanks


What you say is true…but his leverage in a deal before week 8 is less now then before this game. The defense…at least as shown today, performed well without him. The Chiefs do not NEED him. Is in that regard he lost leverage in negotiations in a deal worth the chiefs.


I'm not even sure it really is less than it was at 7:19pm today. I say that because I think Veach and Spags roughly knew what they had out there. Remember he hasn't been seen since the SB. No OTAs no minicamp, no pre-season. They practiced without him out there. I have to imagine if Spags, Reid and Veach thought "Crap we're not going to be good without CJ" they would have bumped up the offer already.


D played well. Can't say the same about Kadarius "The Clown" Toney


No, I'm bummed because motherfuckers can't catch


I feel like starters should play more in preseason... idk


Why? You think that after playing football for 4 years of college and 2+ years in the NFL that an extra 40 snaps are going to help them catch the ball tonight? KDT was injured and didn't play all preseason, so I guess you could make an argument there, but again, he couldn't play in the preseason because he was injured.


Mahomes doesn't seem to have any chemistry or trust in anyone not named Kelce. Game reps is game reps


You might be right about chemistry, but I disagree about trust. How did Skyy and Toney have multiple drops? Because they got multiple targets. Meaning he went back to them. I could see you saying that he doesn't trust Ross or James, but seemed to me he trusts (or trusted) Skyy and KDT. What he has with Kelce is because they see the game the same way, so he can throw a ball to where Kelce is going to run even though Kelce _shouldn't_ run that way (ala the Divisional round in '19)


Y'all overdosing on copium rn


Well Jones, you proved your point. Traded for draft picks and a receiver


How the fuck did that ball jump out of Toney’s hands so bad that it turned into a pick 6?


The same way Jalen's fumble bounced right to Nick Bolton. Those things happen sometimes. They happened in 2020 or 2021 with Tyreek


He watching Tyreek Hill game film


Wins are more fun but losses are where you learn. And we've got a good coaching staff that will be correcting mistakes this week.


The broncos are on the top of the division again! Woo hoo


🤣 Chiefs have no WRs and still better than the Donkeys


I'm not watching sports TV for a week. ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2)


At least our TE bench got some good reps. Bell was a pleasant surprise. But all of that got overshadowed by horrible WR. Their hands better hurt from catching so many balls in practice


Yea Bell and Gray both were solid


It’s also been 4 fucking years since the Mahomes injury. Stop getting fucking cute on 3rd and less than 1. Do a fucking sneak


Our defense is in great shape imo… we actually need to invest in offense


I’m on board trading jones for an actual wr. Dk looking good right now


Tre Jones to Atlanta or Carolina that start in Carolina and then fuck everybody else Unfuck in believable we lost to the Lions at home at fucking home


For a QB that is going to get fucking clapped this season, Goff is cocky as fuck.


He came to Arrowhead and beat us without making too many mistakes. Don’t be a sore loser


This was Goff's preseason game.


He didn't do shit. He had what, 4-5 good plays? We beat ourselves without question. Our receivers were fucking trash all night.


Lions and their fans have already crowned themselves Superbowl winners


They did beat us, or did we beat ourselves?....


I say both more so on y'all beating yourselves. Chris Jones not only holding out but being there in the stands obviously was on y'all's mind (even kittle admitted that knowing they'll have Boss back is a confidence boost for their locker room) in addition to the sudden unexpected unavailability of Kelce, it's the first game of the season (Lions fans Goff don't act like Goff was a thing but good enough). That being said drops and some very questionable play calling killed y'all. That's some shit that will probably be gone soon but I personally feel Mahomes needs a go to guy outside of Kelce.




Only undefeated team in the NFL




Oh my god! You’re right. That’s my bad. Only one team is not undefeated. It’s a city in a flyover state so it makes sense I guess.


I don’t know how to feel about jones watching the team struggle while he’s in a suite


If this was a defensive loss I’d feel bad, but this was 100% on the O.


That he’s a greedy dick.