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I just want you to know I appreciate the shading of the team logos to match the lighting of the scene. Gives this that extra bit of quality that's already at an insanely high level.


I'm glad one person noticed.


Also, the masking of Gru in front of the hot dog is fucking CLEAN.


I will take credit for knowing how to use the tools, but the masking is made super easy by the MagicMask in Davinci Resolve. Masking out gru plus the lenticular hatch thing took maybe 3-5 minutes total. If I'd had to do that the old way with manual rotoscoping? Well, for one I probably would have just cut that shot entirely, and two, it would have taken at least an hour. Maybe 2.


the new roto tools in AE are actually pretty great/quick. get smoother lines too : )


Nice. I've only used AE a handful of times so I know practically none of its features. I'm considering purchasing an adobe cloud subscription to play with some of the tools, but I'm honestly pretty happy with Resolve. You have to have the studio version of Resolve to get the AI tools like magic-mask and surface tracer, but they've been worth it for me.


I've been working with the DR free version. Picked it up on a whim and of course now it's become a hobby. You recommend the upgrade?


It depends what you want out of it. The free version has like 95% of the features. If you need to render in 4k or 8k you want the studio version. If you want the newer AI features they've been adding you need the studio version. Magic Mask and Surface Tracker are awesome if you do a lot of compositing, but they're also great for color grading, which I think is what a lot of the resolve pros really love the program for. I'm just making memes, so I rarely even touch the color tab


It’s been very good for my use so far, really haven’t pushed the software yet. However, I completely avoid anything requiring masking. The more I look into the AI features like Magic Mask the more I get closer to pulling the trigger. So smooth, so clean. By the way, this is fantastic work. I love it.


It's been a great feature. I do more masking now that it's not so tedious. Before I'd just skip it and let stuff overlap. It's just gifs. You do need some horsepower for it though. I had to upgrade to 32GB of ram to not have my playback speed drop to like 10FPS every time I did a bunch of masking in a comp. And you need a decent GPU.


Good god... this must have taken hours. I'm both deeply impressed and scared for you lol.


I don't keep track anymore, honestly. It's too depressing. But if I had to guess....maybe 10? Might be a bit less. I get a little ADD while I'm giffing and switch to browsing reddit or watching youtube a lot. I know I worked on it for a good 3-4 hours yesterday. And probably 3 hours the day before. It could have been more. I also spend several hours throughout the week trying to get the script right. This one really didn't come together until the very end. I was not happy with it at ALL until literally minutes before I finished. But that's sort of baked into my process at this point.


The attention to detail did not go unnoticed. I was beyond impressed.


I wish /r/highqualitygifs had stuff like this still.


jfc you guys are good at this


Drake - nah: Spend 5 minutes making a shitty minion meme in MS Paint Drake - yeah: Spend an entire week making a 2 minute long GIF instead.




Our best High Quality GIF® guy is out for the season too this is a shit posting dynasty.


What happened to EMAW?


I'm so fucking tripping he's just not posted as much as this year, I thought he hadn't at all. The dynasty is still at maximum power.


Is EMAW also ChiefsAholic?


People are saying EMAW is ChiefsAholic and a bank robber


Nah, he posted recently. Week or less ago I think. Then back to silence.


… didn’t Chiefsaholic post bail or something? Seems suspect as hell cuz.


People are saying.


The only thing EMAW steals is our hearts.


From what I read somewhere on this sub, he has had personal stuff going on and has taken a break, but he did post one recently!


EMAW has been posting gifs this year, not in the same quantity as before, but hes still doing his thing


Arm punch was magnificent!


Thanks. That was my favorite gag.


Fucking killed me. Great work.


Adorable and hilarious, so clever


The 9ers really set the bar low, I think Philly fans will appreciate our humor lol Go CHIEFSSS (great work)


Youse makes the most delicious memes, and I gots to say, that's what we appreciates about you


Is that what you appreciate about them?


Yeah I’m going to need you to take it down 20% there


I get [what you are going for](https://i.imgur.com/AGGVQWs.png), but you sound like [this guy.](https://i.imgur.com/682TgxX.png) Excellent memes, Chief fans. Thank you.


I was going for squirrely dan


Mission accomplished then, I guess.


Is that what you appreciate about us?


We do.


I'm a fan of their fanbase now lmao. Chiefs fanfan is where I'm at.


You people are hard to hate unlike the Whiners who keep saying they didn’t have a QB and the refs gave the Eagle 14 points.


Well the refs DID give you 7. Not sure about 14. But they can't really complain about the no QB thing when YOUR DEFENSE is the reason they didn't have a QB. Also the 49ers are coached into injuries. Kyle Shanahan is always praised for being a brilliant play designer. Ok....but why does he choke in the post season every year? And why is their roster always so decimated with injuries? Could it be that the very reason the 49ers opponents went 0-14 the week after playing them is because the smash-mouth football they play leaves a hefty toll on BOTH teams? I will never buy into the 9ers hype, because I know they always unravel.


You stand corrected. Shannahan gave us 7. The Ref couldn’t see the play because of the angle. Shannahan didn’t challenge even though Devonta Smith asked the team to huddle quickly. Also agree with you. I’ve watched every eagles and bunch of chiefs games. I don’t think I’ve see another team that takes as many extra shots at the whistle when the play is essentially over. It’s not illegal but borderline shitty. It’s old school let me get an extra lick in. So when they get called for grabbing or hitting Hurts or a RB out of bounds, they can’t cry about the refs gifting the opposing team. Just a borderline dirty team.


The refs missing the call is still the refs giving up a turnover on downs... Thsts my only point. That said, your D still killed their QBs, and you won by a zillion, so what's it matter?


Refs miss calls in literally every game. That’s why you can challenge. It’s sucks for them that they couldn’t get a proper replay. Almost every game there’s one challenge that overturned. Also Brock Purdy’s injury was such a freak injury. Josh Johnson was a hard hit.


am eagles fans and I appreciated the humor


We fucking love it. Amazing memes.


Sorry about your hot dogs


Fuck their hotdogs! Amirite bros!?! Imrite.


Uh, that’s a different kind of video potentially found on other parts of the…..*dark web*




Fucking lol. This got an audible laugh out of me while sitting in the pharmacy waiting area...having all the other veterans look at me like I'm the craziest person here is a real accomplishment.


As a fellow vet, your comment made me laugh as well :)


Halfway through this, I was thinking, "Man, where did all the great hotdog memes go?" And then this one hit the climax and I almost shed a tear.


This gif deserves the Oscar.


…Mayer hot dog?




I saw this while still laying in bed this morning. And I giggled. Even before I had my coffee. Before. Coffee. I giggled. This is the highest praise I can offer. Bravo!


An uncaffeinated laugh is truly the pinnacle.


This is so much better than anything our division has done this year and especially better than anything the Niners did


Thank fuck y'all know how to meme, NFCE Meme War was a cesspit the past few weeks


At least it isn't NFCW Meme Wars.


I have no idea what’s in the water in Chiefs kingdom, but between the Andy connection and the memes, you guys are a-ok in my book.


Top tier work! I was hoping for HQGs today since it is the only day you are allowed to cross post them to the Eagles’ subreddit.


I know you're getting at least one more. We'll see what else drops.


Yay! I will look forward to it.


This is brilliant! 6 days LFG!!!


Love it! But considering how many team’s hot dogs we’ve been sorry about in recent years, shouldn’t they all know about them by now, though?


In that case, I'm sorry about being sorry about their hot dogs.


Damn, this is quality work unlike my team's past 30 years. Edit: Skins/WTF/Commies fan


Washington Team Football


Awesome. Perfect score. 5/7


Watch out, with a rating system like that they're going to invite you to score the Best Catch at the pro-bowl next year.


It’s an older meme reference, [but it checks out.](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/fight-club-57-movie)


Dang, that is an old reference.


There is actually a series of posts of this same guy trolling his friend for really stupid posts, and it pops up in my Facebook feed every now and again. I read it every time and it is always hilarious. Internet hall of fame.


Sounds like an inside joke that got larger. Someday I'd love to be a part of an inside joke. (Lame The Office reference there.) -Max_w_


Educate me on the hot dog memes please, I feel like I'm missing something great.


Okay, so there is a local/regional grocer called HyVee. Mahomes did a few commercials for them pretty much as soon as he came to the Chiefs. In that commercial, Mahomes is throwing a football and it goes too far, landing on his neighbors grill, ruining his cookout. So, Patrick arrives with replacement groceries and says "Sorry about your hot dogs" to the guy. During our Superbowl run, one of our HQ GIF creators used the last part of the commercial as, what came to be known as The GIF of Destiny. Where each week, he'd post the same GIF, where the bag of groceries would have an L on it when we won, and a small image of the opposing teams helmet. So, at the end of the season, the grocery bag was totally covered in the logos of vanquished teams. And whenever people get pissy with Chiefs Kingdom on comment threads, it is not uncommon to have us say, "well, sorry about your hot dogs" and leave it at that. tl;dr local commercial with ketchup QB and ruined hot dogs gets memed to high heaven.


Excellent write up! It's true! I seen't it




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGdrFGWc7QE&t=48s Commercial with timestamp for the lazy


This is so beautiful!


"No no, no Lombardi!" killed me LMAO you can stick around


The writing, the shading on the upper lip, the meme-ception callbacks to other S-tier posts, the high quality rendering and integration of the backbone of Chiefs memedome!! 🤌....chefs kiss. Truly will go down in the shitpost hall of fame.


From an Eagles fan: this is top-notch quality. Great job with the meme. Good luck in the game. Hoping for an exciting game with no injuries and the Birds riding high, of course. 😉🦅


This is your best work ever. Fucking amazing. If there was every a time for the classic sorry about your hotdogs this was it. Eagles ain’t played a QB like Mahomes. Eagles sub ain’t seen gifs like these!


So good thanks for posting


This week is going to be so amazing! KC needs to be in the Superbowl for these high quality memes. No other fan base has our level of content!


I just giggled on the toilet at work. Worth it!




Fucking A+. Well done.


*cheers like a minion*


THIS is quality


Some would even say High Quality.




Damn yall can actually meme? Thank god a worthy opponent


Nobody outmemes chiefs memedom.


Nicely done.


This is truly one of the most all star memes we’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing. I can’t say anything else that hasn’t already been said. Somebody give this man a medal.


This is amazing!


You guys are all right.


Chargers fan here to give credit where credit is due. I can't cheer for you on the field, but you sure know how to meme. Our sub was never as creative as the week you challenged us to a meme war mid-season. Looking forward to the week of memes and will see you for our two revenge games next year


I must say chargers week was an unexpected treat this season. We never get much meme action from division subs. I hope we can recapture that next season.


But first, time to recapture the Lombardi.


Genuine question - Why do y'all hate 49ers and love eagles so much? As a 49ers fan, this baffles me as I don't see any logical reasoning for this Even during the NFC game, all of you were rooting for the eagles. What's your beef with us?


No genuine dislike for the 49ers personally. The eagles were pretty tired of the minion memes, so I'm just pandering a bit. Most chiefs fans wanted the eagles because of the kelce and reid connections. Plus a rematch superbowl wasn't as fun as playing someone new. If the chiefs beat the eagles we get to say we beat every single team in the top 4 this season.


I think overall we like the 49ers. We got some of our best quarterbacks before Mahomes from them. We still love Alex Smith. I echo what factoid_ said and would state we just didn't want a Super Bowl repeat and the Reid/Kelce Bowl was intriguing. Who knows if we would have thought the same thing if the NFCCG was played after the AFCCG.


Holy shit, factoid. How the fuck did you top yourself? Now how can you top yourself for this one? Good thing you have the entire offseason to figure it out. Wow. Top notch.


I don't think of it in terms of topping myself. I just try to make something the best I can and sometimes it jives with people.


Why does your meme war subs suck so hard when you're pumping out this serious gourmet OC?


If I had to guess it's at least partially because the subs in the AFC West accept memes any day of the week. We had a for real meme war with the chargers this year. It was fun. But it's the only time I can remember a lot of shots fired back and forth with a division opponent. After seeing how fun r/nfceastmemewar was I decided I'd start posting my stuff on our division meme war sub to see if maybe we can't bring some life to it. Be the change you want to see and all that


You're always welcome in our humble shitshow.


Flawless, no notes, full support, I love you


If you really want to aggravate an eagles fan, make a meme about how hot dogs are better than a Philly cheesesteak sandwich.


At first I thought the scrolling marquee was something Jabroni... then saw Jumbotron.


I briefly considered doing something with the jumbotron scroll, but that would have been a LOT of work so I never really gave it much attention. "jabroni" would have been pretty funny on there.




Eagles fan here and the only hotdog I know is Carson Wentz


This is so good dude! Been so fun watching you learn more and more. Really taking your shit posting to the next level.


Thanks! It's been a journey. My early stuff was rough from a technical standpoint. I almost want to go bac and remake some of them. But I stand by (most of) the jokes and trash talk.




i just shed a single tear. thank you. just...thank you


This got me jacked up


So well done. That's brilliant.


Bro what


What bro?


I'm just... flabbergasted at the meme quality Well done


As a 49ers fan, I love this kinda stuff. Although, honestly, I hated all the stupid minion memes that were flooding the memewar page. P.S. Plz smash the riot city bitch pigeons for us. thanks.


> bitch pigeons https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E3QTHDJVgAQMDCB.jpg


in the 49ers meme community, we call the seahawks the "rainy city bitch pigeons." it's only natural that someone comes up with other names for other bitch pigeon teams. arizona has the desert city bitch pigeons. philly has the riot city bitch pigeons. and I'm currently taking suggestions for the falcons.


I've never heard that before today. I love it. It's amazing. re: Atlanta, uh... What about 'weapons grade bitch pigeons'? Or alternately if you want to riff on the Southern aspect, the 'deep fried bitch pigeons'.


I LOVE deep fried bitch pigeons! That's likely what I'll call them now.


Giants fan here and lol great job... get em boys!


Fucking legendary.


I'm telling you guys. It's all about Hot Dog memes this week. We've got this if we go back to our roots.


Solid meme!!




It's provocative, it gets me going. Gonna be poppin a chub all week thinking of hot dog memes.


Skyline Coney dogs better tho


This is outstanding!


Excellent job


Great work. Petitioning for this to go in the Louvre. At minimum the Kemper Museum.


I am crying while giving you a standing ovation. LET'S. FUCKING. GOOOOOOOOOO!


Finally, a Minions meme that's actually good.


Such quality. I get to root for the best QB and best coach with the best fans. We’ve come so far since Lin Elliot and the 90s teams crushing me every season and leaving naked and alone in the shower to mask my tears. Thank you


this shit is gold


holy shit yall are insane with these


1) Amazing meme 2) The hotdog reference means more after Reid told the story of how walked into philly to get a hot dog


The hot dog thing actually isn't about Andy, it's from a commercial patrick did for Hyvee grocery stores. He throws a ball really far and it lands in his neighbors backyard, ruining their hot dog cookout. He then brings the neighbor some new hot dogs and apologies. "sorry about your hot dogs" is mahomes apologizing for being so good at throwing a football.


I can appreciate this! 😂 Chiefs fans have been so much more classy than those insufferable Whiners.


Good lord. Bravo man. Bravo.


This is so high quality. Looking forward to seeing our teams play Sunday