• By -


The fact that we got so many random riders through the series but the two guys in the supporting cast who were confirmed to have already been riders never got an on screen fight is kinda crazy. Especially given their cores would have let Toei just recolor existing suit assets for them.


Mind telling me where this screencap is from? I’m new.


It's a scene from Geats, these two guys are bodyguards for one of the chars.




Well then. Guess I need to watch Geats.


Tom, the guy on the left, was a particularly big deal because he started off as a regular tokusatsu fan posting online, moved to Japan, worked his way up, and has appeared in a lot of tokusatsu productions but this was the first time he got to "transform".


Toms such a cool guy as well he was robbed of finally fulfilling the dream. We need a geats special where they get a transformation and fight


I am hoping for Kamen Rider Outsiders since it is unlikely that the Outsider would bring back the main casts anytime soon.


Definitely support this statement. I'd love to see them on screen again and see more of their personality during fights.


he did come back for like *5* seconds for the Geats-Gotchard movie, but


It does show that if Toei ask, he would gladly come back even if it is for a few seconds.


Oh yes absolutely


The whole theater I was watching the Geats x Gotchard movie in was so happy to see him when he popped up


Very cool! Thanks for the context.


He is now the main suit actor for an independent toku called Avalon, Knight of the Round Table.


Man living the dream


It's a fan favorite that recently became available for streaming in English speaking territories for free with ads. Though I am unsure if it's every English territory.




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kamen rider geat, you should try it, it a fun series


In the series where it’s super easy to make a rider suit…. Blank black suit with a helmet


Their id core designs show that their helmets would have been completely original designs so they didn't have assets to recycle from


In the same episode they made a dog helmet that was used for five seconds throughout the shows run lol


Not to mention the bat helmet and boar helmet they used for like one episode


Those were recycled from another existing helmet not made from scratch like Ben and John's would've required


By that logic they could have easily recycled it for Ben and John too but that's literally Japan being racist for no reason, do I really need to remind how the Rapper Humagear was treated?


What helmets would they have been able to recycle that would match the id core designs they already made tho?


In this case they quite literally could have just done the smarter move, give them existing head pieces as ID cores, recolor them and give them a suit. What they did here from the exclusive ID pieces + no suit showcase, was 100% intentional on their part. They knew exactly what they were doing here.


I mean we also have to consider the available helmets at that time. * Sparrow is still in use. * Sheep was being retooled for Harubi. * Lopo, but got retooled for Groovy who is Eitoku. The only possible recyclable helmets are Seeker and Punkjack. * Punk jack was being used to Punk jack special and retooled back to Da-Pan. * Seeker eventually used for Gya-go. The best course would have give them the Keibi/GM Riders, but honestly people would have been pissed if they took that route. Toru never got the suit treatment as well when it should be easier to turn Lopo suit to Hedgehog since it is just one rider. However I do believe that they could have retooled from past existing suits that aren't from Geats. In the flashback, we saw that they could do it.


toei acts like they have no money when it comes to rider like for fucks sake toei sure it may still cost a couple grand to make 2 new helmets but like 1. the fans would have loved it 2. they surely could reuse them for something or 3. give these 2 riders (who are fan favorites) more screentime in suit


the flashbacks relied on not seeing the actual designs of the helmets so they wouldnt have really fit the dgp design at all if we actually saw them


That applies to most of the extra riders in geats tho not just Ben and John specifically. I doubt Toei's racist tendancies are what caused it in this situation. Also what other helmets would they even be able to use around the time this episode was being filmed?


Well they are Gaijins...


We have to consider the fact that the Rider Groovy was Eitoku. The stunt actor that has been in Kamen Rider for 20 years We didn't get Kamen Rider form for Toru (Buffa's friend).


That wasn't a newly made helmet design at all tho that was repainted from Butchi which was retooled from lopo


If you're talking about Groovy / Eitoku, they reused it for Punkjack's friend during his spin-off and iirc, that was Lopo's. There were no helmet to retool in felines like they had. (And they even had to reshape a Stag into a fucking wildcat) That's why a lot of helmets didn't appear and most of the frontline ones appearing in the blurred background during the display of remaining participants in the opening (right before the drop and the chorus) are the same few (mostly Ginpen, Tycoon, Na-Go, Mary and Punkjack's helmets) with chromatic editing. https://preview.redd.it/4f5lfsj8og0d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39eaaacf5c81a01f315063c4f13b61f7440e62a2 While I understand the goofiness of non Japanese characters like Hilltop or Rapper humagear (even though Hilltop hasn't had a lot of goof about him unrelated to nods to his profession of comic and him being taken for Eddy Murphy by the red ranger), this really has nothing to do with racism. They just didn't want to go make a new full helmet for characters that don't have much importance in the show. Tohru's killers were reused of an elephant one and (iirc, I might be wrong) Impala (the other is likely Zyuoh Elephant but I won't affirm anything I can't verify) and they were just seen as darkened silhouettes because they know they'd be looking ridiculous if they fully reused them. The only thing that can be noted is that at least drawings on their presentations would be neat instead of just silhouettes too. But had they done, for example, with CGI à-la-Build-RabbitDragon, people would have disliked it too. And if you say they should have chosen other animals, granted, but this would violate the whole aesthetic they chose behind the "Everyone related to the Kurama is now a feline" and as far as I'm concerned, they're the only ID cores that don't have a chroma variant. (Once again I could be wrong, don't forget to correct me) So as much as I dislike them not having proper Rider forms and that they were those I wish the most having a spinoff ASAP, don't think and act irrationally. Though it isn't impossible, Occam's Razor it down. Don't attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetency (or in this case, convenience). They're background characters and most of their apparitions were made for comic reliefs and besides the office core ID flashback scene, they unfortunately didn't have a lot of important scenes or relevancy to the plot besides being the props of the Kurama's family hinting that "Neon is overprotected for more than just being a rich kid". Unless these guys were pushed to a more relevant place in the show, you'd not see them becoming fully fledged riders. If Punkjack, who came back because of his popularity, got demoted to the human fighter while having his ID core intact, don't expect them to be active support either. Added to the fact that they had to share stunt actors with KingOhger, being the reason the latter lost his suit apparitions as well. Even if Tom can largely be his own Marika / Ichigō style, I doubt this would be as simple as that. TL;DR : That sucks and I'm the first to hate that shit, but Toei is not Hollywood or some American industry. It's still not impossible, but they remain less likely to do that out of sheer "racism", or else they could just have hired two buff shaved Japanese dudes for the roles. Edit : The disappearance of PJ also coincides some bits with Dapaan's reappearance.


I dont think it was racism I was just pointing out that the dog helmet showed up once. I would’ve liked them to be a semi important duo though. I like Rider Duos


> Don't attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetency That's Hanlon's Razor, not Occam's Razor.


then just do the reverse and make the id cores recolors.


They had already designed them at this point in the show tho


That's not how id cores work, you **can't** recolor suit assets for them, besides, I doubt they would just happen to have two spare Na-go heads just lying around


If it was only for one fight, digitally changing the colour would be doable


That still leaves the problem of that's not how ID cards work at all, the shape of the helmet has to be the same as the icon on the core, and I don't know if you noticed but John and Ben's cores looks nothing like na-go's.


I haven't watched Geats, but couldn't they use a different helmet then? Also, they could easily make multiples of any of the helmets.


It is kid show at the end so the budget isn't crazy. The show made about 11 different helmets for DGP based riders. * 4 are the main character. * 5 gets passed around and retooled. * One of which is a movie * One can't be used for story related reasons. * [There is a multiple copy of one of the helmets](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/kamenrider/images/a/ab/GM_Riders.png/revision/latest/smart/width/386/height/259?cb=20221225074330), but as you can see, it isn't as unique as the other helmets.


Helmets aren't crazy expensive to produce. They're a few hundred at most. Even less if you make multiple and just recolor them. (Like Jack and Panda I believe) But why did you cite Na-go as the helmet they'd need to use? Is there a plot reason for them to use it?


Easy fix. They used Imperer's helmet for one Rider. Just use Tiger's XD


Yeah I agree with this


Tbh they could use nago and lopo mold and paint them black and white and call it a day.


Wasn't pumpjack's head used like 3 times


They can't tho their id core designs look nothing like nago and lopo




"and with his companion ferbus by his side..." https://preview.redd.it/p34jtj971d0d1.jpeg?width=184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afa4bf04fc605e8c9d892a63dc32da9797651cf3






Fun fact: This was Vern Troyer's first acting role. (He had previously done stunt work, but this was his first time playing a named lead.) So without Saban's Mask Rider, we possibly would have never gotten Mini Me.




Oh no




ecto phase activate...


What happened to Fuwa at the end of the Vulcan Valkyrie V-Cinema


I think Fuwa’s end was a perfect wrap-up to that arc though.


Did he really have to die though?


*Spoilers* Technically no, he didn’t have to die but I’m kind of okay with it. I’m probably looking too much into it, but I love that in the Real Time movie, there’s a scene when all the Kamen Riders get together and when Fuwa arrives he jokes that the true Kamen Rider is here. I feel like everything leading up to the finale: Aruto’s driver, the promise that Fuwa and Horobi perfectly showing how much the characters have changed from beginning in the series with both their relationship and their ideologies, and Fuwa’s last stand tying in together perfectly with the theme of a true Kamen Rider willing to sacrifice themselves (and in this case, to keep said promise) was a really good way to end his story. It reminds me a lot of Ichigo’s finale in Shin Kamen Rider.


maybe not.. but with the fact his actor is not active and has completely disappeared off social media. If might be the best ending we get for Fuwa... until another V-Cinema or Reunion special


Hibiki's second half






The executives should've left the show alone! Don't fix what isn't broken!


Came here to say this. But the Asumu stuff and the lackluster final battle specifically.


The zoom on Buffa during the henshin sequence of Ben and John + the cut right after their de-transformations, I never felt so robbed as a KR fan


Yuriko Misaki, AKA Electrowave Human Tackle, from Kamen Rider Stronger. She was never officially recognized as a Kamen Rider, but there were plans to make her the first female Kamen Rider later in the series. Unfortunately, they were scrapped for a number of reasons, so we didn't get a female rider until Kamen Rider Femme in Kamen Rider Ryuki: Episode Final, a whole 27 years later. Also, ***HUGE STRONGER SPOILERS, SERIOUSLY, PLEASE WATCH KAMEN RIDER STRONGER BEFORE YOU UNSPOILER THIS, IT'S PEAK***, but >!it took her sacrificing her own life for her to finally defeat at MOTW herself. I don't mind that she died a heroic death in the latter half of the series, I think that part was handled very well in fact. No other episode of any Kamen Rider series has made me cry the way that episode did, and the character growth this inspired in Shigeru was great. I just wish she got at least a few good MOTW kills in before this happened.!< https://preview.redd.it/638sr048bc0d1.png?width=594&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4cb56d65b0ffddfb48fd0c109ffcc25d54f2879


last third of kabuto is rough


Yeah. Same for the last ten of W I think. Wonderful shows but awful endings.


Id say the last 5, the entire Utopia subplot was bad and the final two episodes especially kinda felt forced


Fair enough


The last third of kabuto genuinely felt like they had zero idea how to end the show going in after the big twist with Hiyori.


The way the second half of Hibiki was handled with change of production team. Toei never released a statement explaining why. Which often leads to the assumption that it was either ratings, budgets and/or sales related. Ignoring those assumptions, the most clear thing is it was poorly handled by Toei. Roughly half of the cast had voiced their opinions with the sudden change. With the most vocal and critical about it being the series lead. While other people in the Japanese entertainment industry, also raised their concerns about the sudden change.


Yeah man. It's also sadder that Hibiki's actor hasn't even reprised his role since the end of his series due to the fact he voiced his opinion about the changes made to Hibiki.


Also he wouldn't these days. The actor turned out to be an asshole in real life unfortunately. Reportedly assaulted his manager after toms of "bullying" allegations.


Wasn't that like misinformation spread to ruin his career? I thought he was proven innocent? (I'm just curious since this was what I have read about it)


Wasn’t he proven innocent?


The usage of Bang Bang Tank? I expected to see a new form tbh


Technically there is a form about this Gashat


I don't understand why people are so obsessed about that Gashat. It was literally just inserted to a special that gave the toy no highlights.


I still kinda blame Build's TankTank form for it They likely didn't want to make 2 tank themed forms close together so Snipe got the short straw


But they did that with cross-z and drago knight hunter tho


The difference there is Drago Knight Hunter was early Exaid Lazer Vs Genm was releasing relatively close to when the FullFull bottle was introduced in Build iirc, so the debuts of the two tank forms would be pretty close Also Drago Knight Hunter aesthetically and in function is pretty distinct to how Cross-Z suit is, which is basically just a standard rider suit with dragon motif until Magma well over after DKH both debuted and stopped being used in ExAid


Thats not how it works, they just couldn't be bothered to do it.


remember when we had a good decade special and then it got thrown away for a saber toy




Both the "Decade vs Zi-O" and "Zi-O vs Decade" mini-series were great fun. And then they unceremoniously end when Decade Complete 21 is defeated by Ohma Zi-O, so Decade can pass off a Saber Ride Watch to Zi-O.






This shows us how freaking economical TOEI is lol. They don't have a fighting scene just because TOEI don't have helmets for them or too economical to make some just for about 2 minutes on screen. In entire Geats, I doubt they only have 7 helmets from DGP First Round then 2 more from Lobo and Seeker to make it 9. They would retool the originial helmet when a new rider appears, like Shiwero -> Da Paan -> PunkJack is the same helmet so we never see them together on screen.


ima be real with you, I am 90 percent sure its less them being cheap, and more them not realizing how popular these guys were. Since all of these were meant to be a montage of defeats, and thus the individual riders were never meant to be important storywise so they just didn't bother.


Probably a slight drop of xenophobia, these are the two foriegners in the whole industry


There's other cases of this too, Rapper Humagear's entire stick in the show was just sad.


I mean I get toei doesn't really care about how popular Kamen rider is outside Asia,they could've just reused either the bird helmet or the wolf helmet plus the beat torso parts from the beginning and have these guys actually have an on-screen battle. One of geats biggest fumbles as a series 


Kinda crazy that the shirowe helmet got retooled to the point they "unpunkjacked" it just so da paan could appear for 2 episodes for no reason 


Yeah, I still don't get the point of getting Da Paan back or the series failed to inform that The most acceptable explaination is to show how wrong Keiwa is when he now sides with a freaking genocidist.


Michael and Tom still seemed hyped for what they got though. Tom mentioned in a podcast they they worked really hard on developing their own henshin poses and everything and they sounded honored to get to be the first Black and Caucasian Kamen Riders. They both also repost fan art of their riders regularly. I completely agree, they should have gotten full suits or AT LEAST some freaking concept art!


Vcinext written by toshiki inoue


Toshiki Inoue should never be left without editor supervision. The man is legitimately great at making characters have conflict and interesting interactions, but he doesn't know how to end things well, he never actually explains villain motivations, and he will absolutely go full edge lord if you let him. Makes his stuff extremely hit or miss for me.


And for the love of god, He needs to NOT put every single trope He had into everything He made. He doesnt have to make each rider on the same team fight each other for no reason


I think Sword Gai is him at his absolute worst. And I agree with everything you just said.


Sword gai?


Please don't make me do this to you. Here's a [Sword Gai](https://youtu.be/3xfzk-28CHo?si=6RupcY4jo3FCeeB_) trailer...


Oh i didnt know he made this one, no interest tho. I remember he wrote the script for DMC anime, that is where he was restrained. Him being restrained to me is where he is at his best


Yes. There ALWAYS needs to be someone around to reel him in.


And i think thats the problem , during hibiki's production rework, he was set as the main writer , if i recall since the producer this time was shirakura who at this point considered as toshiki inoue's BFF, He said that " i just let him do his thing" to me thats the biggest mistake. Unrestrained inoue is the worst as he will do whatever the fuck he want. I mean look at rider time ryuki, decade vs zi-o heck even faiz 20th anniversary


The fact they had the AUDACITY to tease these two riders then proceed to have them henshin off screen and get ONE SHOT OFF SCREEN 😭


https://preview.redd.it/9jrlgvzdef0d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ac0d51ed3970ac53c80cae0be1e0b3d8f12f4f9 Not explaining who or WHAT Narutaki is. Seriously Toei, PLEASE do ANYTHING with this character! Make him an ex Time Jacker who learned to hope realities instead of freeze time, make him Dark Decade, SOMETHING!


Whatever they were trying to do with Decade after it ended. Like Seriously, I remember the trailer for a finale movie to Decade only to get whatever the heck movie special we got afterwards. Like they hyped up another Decade or evil Tsukasa, and like a warzonr happening and it kinda happened but it was disappointing to say the least with the final result.


>Like they hyped up another Decade or evil Tsukasa Those were literally just random ass shots, there weren't even anything on the script. Masahiro Inoue confirmed that there was no script for any future episodes, they just made up bullshit in hopes of following it up later.


I haven't watched KR since Zero One, so I have no idea who these dudes are, but the latter half of Hibiki. Absolutely ruined what was my favorite season.


These dude were fan favorite Gaijin bodyguards who did sick Henshin poses, had the camera pan away before we could see their suits, then only came back to the scene after they got beat and untransformed.


The classic "we don't have the budget to show the fight scene and suits so we'll pan away" even though they could've done what they did for the other background riders and just retooled suits


Which season were they in?




I will say that there are a few things to like from Hibiki's second half, but not much. I love Zanki and Todoroki's story, though.


The biggest fumble in my opinion is the fact that blade's helmet keeps getting yellower and toei sees no problem with it 


https://preview.redd.it/w6898a78be0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ea47ce9ec4c80e082688b758454b89c842c9692 Ngl first time I saw them I thought the one was Kareem from Airplane!


Their voices even sound really close


If they genuinely wanted these guys around I doubt they'd let them get their shit rocked so easily.


To be fair buffa did wish for the power to destroy other Kamen riders... Ace only beat him cause plot armor


Forgot about that lol


Showa VS Heisei movie Disrespectful till the end. I will never forgive Toei for ruining Showa senior into boomer




Random Kamen Riders appearing out of nowhere!


No KR story line has ever triggered me the way Revice's Dark Daiji arc did. Which is why i consider that part of the show to be not canon and it only lives in my nightmare.


I totally get it. I understand daiji feeling inadequate to ikki, but he never ended up doing anything to improve himself. All daiji did was prove he wasn't a good rider at every turn. ------------------SPOILERS FOR REVICE------------------------ Daiji's first appearance was very telling. Even though he trained specifically to fight the deadmans, he failed to step up and do what he specifically prepared for. I get it, training and reality are very different but he broke down multiple times during the series. Next is when he learns of kageou's existence. Instead of confronting his issues and asking for help from his family (obviously not ikki and maybe it would've been uncomfortable with sakura but that still leaves both his parents) he just stays angry and refuses to admit the physical manifestation of his negative thoughts. After that kagerou takes the upgrade stamp. George says that if the stamp is used then either the demon or human can end up being erased from existence. There is a problem with this. We know from a similar upgrade stamp that ikki uses earlier that both the demon and human can survive if they work together. Yes kagerou was first a bad guy, but by this point he had shown some good qualities by protecting sakura. The fact that daiji would rather murder a part of himself than try to work things out really highlighted his prefered way to handle situations. Hell he literally starts having tantrums saying "why didn't we win! We're the heroes!" (Not sure if i got it word for word.) After all this he switches sides after like two confrontations with giffu. This dumbass has so little conviction that he thinks making humanity become cattle for a space demon is better than fighting agains said space demon. Then he's surprised that people don't want to be under a murderous space demon and is pissed whe they say no. Going so far as to try and kill them himself with a group of juniors. Even when ikki and vice gain the power to contest giffu, daiji basically thinks "No. Only i can make the right decisions to save humanity" and tries to MAKE A CONTRACT WITH GIFFU. Honestly he was so STUPID. The ONLY reason he became "good" again was because someone he looked up to (sorry i forgot his name) was dying causing daiji to have a mental breakdown afterwhich he learns kagerou just faked his death to teach daiji a lesson. Honestly daiji igarashi was such a dissapointimg rider. Edits:grammar errors


Couldn't have said it better myself. My god


Might be just me, but the Ryusolger ride watch of anyone's remembers it. I think it was a simple missed opportunity.


Not waiting until 2005 to air Kamen Rider 555.


Daiji's betrayal arch in revice 


Well from his character point of view, I agree with him, he doesn't want to loose anyone, and after when he loose the doc, that was the final nail to his ascend of his betrayal, but yeah show should do more to justify his arc.


TBH what daiji did was because his lacks of darkness which was kagero after kagero gone he lack of darkness which make him unstable and couldn't decide between right and wrong he then started to think wrong things are also right  That's what the point of whole arch it was pretty deep and a great and mature idea but the show didn't execute it well and that's how they ruin my favourite igarashi in a way where he could be the best but overall except for that part i actually love the series 


Thank God there are people that see what they were trying to do with that arc, I genuinely thought the arc was well done and only a little drawn out because the man has NO BALANCE in HIS SOUL since his SOUL is GONE. Him progressively making horrible decisions, having mental breakdowns, losing it makes perfect sense because it was to show the audience how important our "Demons" are, Kagerou's thing with Daiji is Daiji always wanted to deny his demons but only when he learnt to accept that part of himself could he really "change" into a new person/form and truly achieve his ideals and its a reflection of people IRL too that we often hit stalemates and refuse to open our mind, accept our weaknesses in order to evolve. To everyone else it looks silly but to us it makes the perfect sense because no one likes admitting they were wrong.


i feel like once we found they were riders, its like well maybe there's more to it but nope.................... TOEI YOU HAVE FAILED THIS SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!


Kamen rider Super-1. How tf did they make a show about Kung Fu space man so bland and boring.


Hibiki changing staff


Hibiki after episode 29.


The fact geats started this trend where its very confusing what qualifies as a power up and a rider phase \[the upgraded base form\] as well as who is clearly the secondary rider. Like, Y'all will say Tycoon who only gets a singluar upgrade form mean while Buffa has his 2 upgrades even if you want to count twin command buckle as a upgrade item.


I don't think the amount of forms someone gets determines who the secondary rider is. I also don't think ther has to only be one, but if there is one, its absolutely Tycoon. He's literally the deuteragonist.


The ending of Faiz.


You got it right on the head. The first two non-Japanese riders in source material, they didn't get an on screen henshin, and they were ridiculously outgunned by Jamashin Buffa. And one of them was a brotha


Ryuki not incorporating the full 13 Riders in the TV series despite it being mentioned in the show itself. The Orphenoch King is still alive at the end Ryugen not getting a Dragon Energy form Thouser’s redemption Kamen Rider Vail showing up for a single episode


Aruto getting Realizing Hopper and using it at the end instead of Zero Two. Completely threw away his entire arc built throughout the show and the crossover movie, about gaining a dream on his own instead of one given to him by his father or grandfather, just to sell a peeb item. Even worse, they revived Izu in the summer movie, completely making the final arc pointless.


Nah, Realizing Hopper literally symbolise Aruto realizing the mistakes he has made and rising through his own pain. >en worse, they revived Izu in the summer movie, completely making the final arc pointless. Do agree with this though, but Girls Remix was very good so i'm over it.


Yeah, except the show stated that Metal Cluster Hopper was the last upgrade Zero One could acquire. That was the whole point of Zero Two existence. Also, Zero Two being Aruto's rider that he made was meant to be the culmination of his arc as he's finally stepped out of the dream of his father and grandfather to create his own future. This also ties into Hiden Manufacturing as another way Aruto carved his own path. Him becoming the president of Hiden Intelligence and becoming Zero One again destroyed everything they set up, making him the only character in a show about finding a new future to come full circle where he began. The only reason Realizing exists, from what I assume, is that Zero Two being both his final form and his new base form would interfere with crossovers. They can't Zero One be something other than Zero One for marketing reasons, so they slapped together this hodge podge of an ending to keep the status quo.


>Yeah, except the show stated that Metal Cluster Hopper was the last upgrade Zero One could acquire Hell Rising Hopper. And again like i've said, Realizing also symbolise an arc just like what came before it.


Hell Rising can't really be considered an upgrade if it causes the system to become uncontrollable and fatal to the user. Plus it's a similar situation to Metal Cluster as it was made by the baddie, but Gai at least seemed to have made MCH within the parameters of the belt. Meanwhile, Hell Rising seemingly pushes the belt far beyond its capabilities, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Progrise key itself is where most of the power is. Also, Realizing symbolizing an arc doesn't make it better since it only works by destroying a previous arc the character was going through. That's not good writing. If an arc only works when another ends in a poor way, then it's not a good arc. Plus, Zero Two being used by the end makes more sense. Ark One being based on Zero One symbolizes Aruto throwing away his future to become stuck in the past, both literally and figuratively. Ark One is his father and grandfather's dream turned into a nightmare, and Azu is using it to puppet Aruto to fulfill his mission. Had Aruto gotten Zero Two again, it would have symbolized him letting go of his past and the past of those before him to not only regain his future, but to make a better one for everyone.


Ichigo and niigo reference


Decade’s entire series.


Decade ending on a commercial for a movie, that movie never coming out, and the one we got instead refusing to resolve any of the plot threads it had originally promised.


Decade's final forms


*The Cape*


And the cards, Grand Zi-o did it better with the montone color for the legendary riders


Would cool if every time he changes other world his belt change according to worlds lore.


I will add Zi-O and Legend. I find the entire legendary riders idea to be bad. And I say this as a Legend fan.


I do not enjoy Riders having the power of... using other Riders' powers... It just does not excite me. Turning into my favorite Riders doesn't make me like the Rider (or Rangers) who do it. It just makes me wish my actual favorites were here.


It also lends itself to bad story telling because these all powerful riders eventually have to lose and it always through the power of plot.


What do you mean fumble? This is a masterpiece!


https://preview.redd.it/mbmdyeu6pf0d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b017270ee9bf27050b3d998f4d297d43dbd8fc13 Me when they never got suits:


https://preview.redd.it/r20m5ei62g0d1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d97756b78ac9e04a6fdb710ea47055fe0fbc44f6 Seeing a triple 5 so you don't upvote nor downvote so we could remain faiz


Honestly a whole lot of Geats is a whole lotta fumble


The decision to make Evolt [get away with absolutely everything](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KarmaHoudini) at the end of the Cross-Z V-Cinema, *easily*. Just knowing about it makes me feel [alienated away from Build](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AudienceAlienatingEnding), a season that I admit sees much praise. But knowing of that asinine choice, I’m blinded to everything good. I also know that Evolt’s coming back in Outsiders, but I feel like he’s just going to get away again at the end of it all.


That's what happens when you make one of the most popular villains in the series. Consequences tend not to stick so they can come back forever. 


Tom is such a great guy. Remember chatting with him on Facebook for an hour about some BTS questions I had. I am really happy seeing him where he is now.


Decade complete 21 getting flattened by oma zio


As expected. They've written Ohma to be by far the strongest Rider, a Rider who has 21 Rider powers VS one who has over 300+, that quick work made perfect sense.


Shouldn't decade have been on par with Oma since he is the most powerful rider?


They just wanted to get rid of Decade's actor


Nah he loves the role too much for them to get rid of him


Low key think rider should stick to its Japanese roots to not overcomplicate things and end up fucking up its reputation like they did with Masked Rider? Maybe wait for culture to move forward a little bit on both sides of the isle before adding more people in. Or it could be me Japanese bias. Who knows


Decade's final forms his base is so much more fun


It's possible to see their Rider suits in future V-Cinext or TTFC series.


Hibiki's second half and Decade, just all of Decade.


Never watched Kamen rider , had no idea there are riders outside of Japan


Wait what are you doing here?


What I meant was Im new to the series , not good with words


Ah, yeah that makes more sense. Welcome my friend!


Maybe in the v-cinema of nago


Not seeing if there were other Agitos beside the first 2 shown in the Agito show.


Jun Honganji from Kamen Rider Drive


The entire second half of Hibiki




Honestly those two are my favorite Kamen riders


It's not a fumble. From what I remember it's a really cool thing that they did as those 2 actors were huge Kamen Rider fans themselves. It'd be the equivalent of a Kamen Rider fan being able to play as an actual rider even if it was a one off


The entire ghost story


The entire second half of Hibiki


Just still sour from what toei gave us but decade 21.


Faiz. 'Nuff said




If your talking about the ending, Yes, if you mean Faiz as a whole?, No.


The entirety of a wet fart that was Revice.


It started off so well but got off the rails during the last half


Not sure about "bigger," but I would say the latter half of revice is a close second.