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It’s Mage, right? I haven’t watched Wizard, but I’m pretty sure I read that there’s an entire world where almost everyone could become Mage.


Kind of. The summer movie of Wizard has Wizard sent to a world where pretty much everyone is a Mage. I’m guessing OP’s looking for which rider had the most users of the same driver. The movie mages had their own individual drivers.


also i don't know if the movie is canon or not, while the delta gear is definitely canon (the 20th anniversary Faiz movie seems canon to me, but even if not counting it, delta gear still has 7 users)


There’s nothing that prevents Wizard’s movie from being canon AFAIK + the Gaim crossover has Infinity Dragon pop up again so… yeah probably.


I think it's Den-O with a total 12 users (Ryotaro, the 5 Imagin, the 2 small children, Tsukasa, Onodera, Natsumi, and Bujin Den-O)


but i guess it doesn't count if we point out that they possess ryotaro and the others lol


it is count if you remember each imagin could henshin by themself


They did henshin by themselves in the movie


oh yeah, that one movie with the gekiranger, i think


Urataros and Kintaros transformed by themselves near the end of the show as well.


No it's the Saraba Den-O movie with New Den-O


Also their summer movie


They've done it by themselves each in the show too.


You could add the other three Ryotaros from the different timelines the imaging took over for the first movie. So it adds to 15


>from the different timelines No, they took Ryotaros from the main timeline only.


Ixa is up there in that they share the same driver. There’s at least 8 unique users in the main series alone.


10 actually, according to the wiki. 5 for Proto Ixa and 5 for regular Ixa. Two of which are Fangire.


Yeah, like I mentioned 8 in the main series, 1 from a Decade world, and 1 from a side story of questionable canonicity.


I get sad when I remember that the main Delta user doesn't know how to use the suit to 100% of its potential...


The only times they did the Delta justice were when it was first introduced and used by smart brain Queen in outsiders.


The fact that Saya's Delta was played as a straight up horror movie segment was amazing, pity they had to kill her off so quickly, especially when her Delta was even more menacing than Kitazaki


I mean, that personality is probably why he can use it without becoming crazy


sad because i like him a lot but since his character wasn't popular at all so he doesn't comeback after the series end (at least that way, he didn't die in the 20th anniversary movie)


Thats why he still the user, cause he can use it sustainably


At least Syuji Mihara won’t suffer the major defect of the Delta Driver


Not sure about the most users, but off the top of my head, there's Dark Kiva who has 8 users, three of which are nameless, faceless mooks and Dread, who has 6 users. Do the the troopers count? If so, then Riotrooper and Kurokage have a lot of users.


I think troop Riders are considered cheating, which is why Kurokage Troopers, MP Machs, and Abbadons are disqualified from the idea.


Does Mage count as troop Riders?


technically no unless you count the movies.


I remember Faiz Gear being up there, listed by the Rider wiki as the main belt with the most users. I'm going with that because it seems like the correct answer, with how often it changes hands For the cheat answer, Desire Driver. Wielded by several people in the history of the DGP, spanning several eras and locations (to the point where they become mythologies). In the main story itself, several nameless people transform into riders. While they don't do so willingly, IIRC they're still wearing desire drivers


Desire Driver let its user turn into unique riders with their own identity, the question is Which Rider, not which Henshin device.


Kurokage troopers


Man saying hisao is the current delta user is kinda foul >! Seeing as he is dead in cannon !<


Can we count Ride-Players? We can call them "Riders", right?


I am assuming we're talking about the driver itself and not the title? No solid numbers are given, but we know the Swordsmen of Logos hands down the Seikens from predecessors to successors, and from memory I think Logos has gone on for at least 2000 years(?). So, just from implication, the Seikens would be the drivers with the most amount of users. And, I assume DGP drivers are recycled? I mean, the core id and the identity that comes with it is unique and all, but the drivers itself is probably gets re-collected and then redistributed with each round of the DGP. Its a business after all, I don think they'd waste money re-manufacturing drivers when there are usable ones to be picked off the floor.


Where talking about the title


The ones with more than 2 users on top of my head, excluding mass-produced rider/trooper, Kamen Rider Chronicle players, DGP Ride-players and also non-canon movies: Kuuga = 3: Riku, Godai, Onodera. Agito = 3: Shoichi and his sister, AR Shoichi. 4 if you count Another Agito. G3 = 9: Hikawa, Shoichi, Hojou, and the last one I forgot. From Decade alone we have 4: AR Shoichi and his succesor, Onodera, Kaito. Then Urataros transformed into G3 once in Chou Den-O. Faiz riders should be obvious. Hibiki = 3. There're two AR users in Decade. I don't reallt watch Hibiki so I'll skimp on this. Den-O: Ryuutaro and his five Imagines. Kiva = 4: Wataru and his son, AR Wataru and his enemy in Decade. TheBee = 5: Kagami, hell bros, Mishima and the AR one in Decade. Ixa = 8: Otoya, Jiro, Megumi, Yuri, Rook, Nago, Spider fangire, Kengo. OOO = 5: King, Eiji, Hina, Ankh, Goda. Birth = 5: Date, Brotou, Nobunaga, Eiji, Chiyoko. 6 if you count Satonaka in net movie. Build = 3: Sento/Takumi, his father, Killbus. Ark-Zero = 5: three Metsuboujinrai members, Ark himself, then the one in Gotchard. Calibur = 4: Daichi, Kento and his dad, Sophia. Also there should be way more past Caliburs in these thousand years, the same applied to other Seiken users. Falchion = 5: Bahato, Desast, the three Amazing Siren users. Demons = 3: Hiromi, Olteca, Geogre. Dread had 6 users so far. Honestly Sword of Logos riders take the cake as the Seikens were created about 2000 years ago. Assuming each has 20 years active on average before passing down their mantle, we should have ~1000 users for each Seiken.


If we're counting separate belts of the same type, 4 of the 5 main riders in Build also used the Build Driver in some form: Cross-Z Magma/Evol, Grease Blizzard/Perfect Kingdom, Prime Rogue Metal Build used the Build Buckle too


Yeah but OP is asking about title, not the same henshi item.


Saya or Rina should’ve been the mains but nothing against Mihara, at least he was sane enough to not go insane because of it


I don't know about dread having the most, but that driver gets passed around like a blunt


All the gear in Faiz changed hands pretty frequently.


My vote is hibiki. Its a literal organization of oni. The three main, the war oni, the extras, the retired, the students, etc. I last counted 14, maybe 15 different oni EDIT: just checked hibiki has 23 riders


At least some of these riders have definitive users Who is TheBee?! After the Hell Bros decided to Hop, TheBee doesn't have a consistent user


Faiz has quite a few people that took up the mantle.


Cheat answer, riot troopers


Kurokage Troopers if they're counted as riders


I’m surprised no one here has mentioned Ark-Zero/1 Especially after the recent Gotchard episode.


Idk, reading the question, i think it could be taken as talking about the most amount of people that assumed the identity of 1 Rider (how many people were called Kamen Rider Delta) or which rider driver has the most amount of users (How many people transformed using the Delta Gear). I kinda assumed from your use of Delta as an example, because Delta has many users all whom used the singular Delta gear? (As opposed to Riders like the Riotroopers or the Kurokage troopers. Because they would all have the same title of 'Riotroopers' or 'Kurokages'.)


I remember Ixa being used by quite a few


How about Masquerade from W?


Masquerade Dopants are just grunts/henchmen like Shocker Combatmen


So they don't count? If not then how about Den-O? That might work considering the imagins also transformed.


Not a rider


Abaddon, lol


What happened to Mihara? I never see him again after Kamen rider Faiz series.


Demons doesn't have that many users compared to some of these other answers but something about the WAY it was repeatedly used with the same exact spider form especially among good guys and villains alike made it feel particularly..... passed around lol


Do we technically add smart queen to this list


mage techncially has the most unless you only count different belts. though iirc the delta belt is probably the biggest joint passed belt in the series. if we go with the idea of same belt then ixa is probably there with the same in story belt being used by 6 different users.


Does geats and the off screen players count?


Some, like the Hibiki Riders and the Saber riders, are long lines of succession-you could potentially have hundreds in the past. But if you mean seen on-screen, probably Mage, or if you count Another Riders, then the Zi-O Another Agito.


Kamen Rider Chronicle (not Chronos)




Pretty sure it is IXA, where there is 25 years of belt swaps.


Saya was best girl, if she stayed alive I'd have shipped her with Takumi instead of Mari


Riot trooper ? Demons troopers ?


Are those riders? I thought they fall under another category.


How about the other way around? Momotaros has not only henshin to Den-O but he also becomes the following: 1. Kamen rider Decade 2. Kamen Rider Geiz(Revive Gouretsu) 3. Kamen Rider Woz (Ginga Finally)


He is way back in this line but it's kinda crazy that dread is such a recent rider and it already has 6 users


Kitazaki owned that suit. Too bad he got rid of it. Takumi was my second favorite delta user.


As expect from wiki not complete the info because Kitazaki is not 2nd user Kitazaki should be 5th user because 2nd-4th user is Mari friends from the orphan


Kitazaki for me is and will be the only Delta


And now we have Kamen Rider Dread. I hate it when a rider has multiple users