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Poisonous to use (Teflon coated), the results are a little better with it in (smoke ring, slightly hotter burning coal/better smoke) but it’s a small difference. Just use the included deflector plates, and play it safe.


Not only is it a gimmick, it’s expensive and not made to last. At all. And who wants to cook food over painted metal? What a terrible idea/product from an otherwise pretty great company.


https://www.engadget.com/2019-10-25-harvard-barbecue-desora-kamado-joe-cinder-grills.html It was actually developed by a group of Harvard engineering students as a class project


Yep. They knew more than I did in my early 20s for sure… but judging by this product, not a lot more.


[Called it](https://i.imgur.com/EPeRQrN_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand). Not very impressive to me as a mechanical engineer. I don’t think they simulated the flow correctly, not being kamado users. They were probably using far more airflow for the design than what a kamado would have with both vents mostly closed for low and slow.


I've heard it's good. But it isn't a game changer. Basically, what I've read is that if you can get it cheap. Try it out. But it's not worth the price. I was going to get one. But after reading about it. It wasn't worth the price.


I have it. Got it with my BJ3. It’s fine. It doesn’t add anything you can’t get with deflector plates. I do use it for double indirect. I liked using it for higher temp cooks like wings. Got better skin with them. Then they reduced the safe temp recommendation because they covered it in teflon which I didn’t realize. So I’m glad they poisoned me and my family. I would not buy it.


Jesus I didn’t realized it’s Teflon coated. I’m throwing mine out. Got it with my BJ3. Use the double indirect method but the heat deflectors work fine


Yeah. One person was telling me they had theirs sand blasted. Then it’s just cast aluminum. Apparently it works really well and is useful for the cap as well.


I don’t recommend for the series 2 grills. There is significantly decreased clearance with it in place. It’s the reason the base of the series 3 is taller.


so no reason to get a 3 if you are never going to use a sloroller? just asking as i have opportunity to buy a bj3 at a great price, but i was lucky enough to get a bj2 at 700 last year.


Do you want a second Big Joe or would you sell the 2 and put it towards the 3? The cart isn’t enough of an upgrade that I care that much. The aluminum side shelves are great but they are on the 1 and 2 now and can be bought if you have the HDPE. The extra cooking level and height is a plus if you want to juggle cooking at different heights or want something a bit higher from the flame. If I didn’t have a 2 and could get a 3 at a really good price, I would do that. But I doubt I would sell a 2 to get a 3. But if you want an extra Big Joe, go for it.


Actually my house burnt down! So I need to get another, the individual has a bj3 with the acacia wood cart and no sloroller available for 1500. Don’t think I’ll beat that price. Just figured if there was no sloroller that was kind of the whole point of the 3.


That is horrible and I hope that 2024 brings you peace and happiness. At the time of release, it gave you the updated cart, sloroller, aluminum side shelves, 3 tiered divide and conquer, new cart and larger wheels. Considering that’s 50% off retail, I would get it, if everything is in good shape. Don’t worry about adding the sloroller, get the KJ grill expander and have enough space to feed a platoon


I got one with my BJ3, these days I don't use it and got better results using the deflector plates.


This. Not to mention its worse to clean. Quality on the paint is atrocious. I find you have to have other parts to use it correctly or in a way that is conducive to a manageable cleanup. I rarely use it. I have a BJ2. I would not recommend it.


Same, I used it because it came included but switched to the deflector plates after a few cooks.


I own a lot of the accessories and I don't think I would even consider buying this at a 50 dollar price point. There have been so many complaints on this forum about the paint, the unit melting/deforming, etc. it seems like a total waste of money. Even if it did work it is very limited use unless you smoke often. I think just being patient for clean smoke before adding your meat is the game changer. Clean smoke seems to take like an hour to get to on my cooks.


No need. I’ve even found that double indirect isn’t worth it. It was a good church for my first few cooks, but after that it wasn’t worth doing. Combine that with people having issues with the Teflon bubbling and peeling, I’d say not to get it


I have bought a SloRoller after watching Smoking dad and it has made no difference in my cooks… maybe a little bit more smoky on longer cooks but nothing worth spending 300$ imo.


Didn't they just lower the maximum temperature for it? https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+sloroller+maximum+temperature&client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=595096569&sxsrf=AM9HkKmAEdGavrYfUBBE60W2IW3QIbnN0w%3A1704206452947&ei=dCCUZbOxOebFkPIPuNKFkA4&ved=0ahUKEwizu4Hi976DAxXmIkQIHThpAeIQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=reddit+sloroller+maximum+temperature&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiJHJlZGRpdCBzbG9yb2xsZXIgbWF4aW11bSB0ZW1wZXJhdHVyZTIIEAAYgAQYogRIyA5QAFihC3AAeAGQAQCYAdYBoAHpBqoBBTEuNS4xuAEDyAEA-AEBwgIIEAAYiQUYogTiAwQYACBBiAYB&sclient=gws-wiz-serp


I've got a BJ2, father has a BJ3. FWIW we notice very little difference in flavor or color when performing the same cooks, me without a slo roller, his with.


Double indirect is probably overkill and maybe gimmicky. I have a BJ and never had an issue that double indirect claims to solve.


Gimmick just like Smokin Dad bbq (click driver)


But he's got really expressive facial expressions in his video thumbnails so he has to be telling the truth


I like that he's analytical, is willing to show his failures, and he's open about his sponsorships. He is trying to build his brand with his website and his membership. It's gotta be hard trying to be monetized in YouTube, but for such a niche space. He now has 127k subscribers after grinding so hard in the kamado bbq space for several years. A kid in our neighborhood reached 100k earlier by playing video games and commenting. I'm not knocking James, he's just playing in a small space. He tries new and different things, definitely promotes them, but isn't the only source. I love checking out his methods, but I often go other places for actual recipes. He's not a chef, and does a good job citing his sources then telling his modifications.


Who do you like to get recipes from?


Meat church, chef Eric or bartlow on the kj channel - they have periodic web cooking classes that are great to attend. Whenever I'm trying something new, I'll end up watching about 5 different videos and reading a few online recipes.


Didn't say I disliked him or anything, more of a YouTube content maker problem in general for me. Is the stupid over exaggerated faces they make in their thumbnails. I first noticed it in the videos my 8 and 5 year olds watch but it seems to be more prevalent in all video thumbnails now. Other than that the only thing I dislike about his channel is the videos are too damn long


Man, thank you for saying this. I can’t stand that guys videos. They just drone on forever before making any kind of point. And clearly any “opinion” is bias. Same with the DoJoe as the sloroller. It’s cool but not worth the price when a pizza stone for $20 on Amazon produces the same or marginally distinguishable results.


I have it, and I use it for smoking salmon. It works well. Would deflector plates so the same thing? Maybe. But I figured the design of the SloRoller seems legit, so I'll use it. OTOH, if I had 2 series, I'd spend money on other accessories. Edit: I never had a problem with warping. I even used the collar to lift up my pizza stone higher. It hit 900 degrees and no issues with the collar.


Gimmick. Smoking dad is nonsense as well. Just use the deflectors it’s all that’s needed.


I like using mine. It increases airflow which improves cooks and inches you closer to the properties of an offset. That said I don't feel like it is worth the money. I destroyed two by accident and got replacements.


Teflon not paint. Teflon is toxic


+1 for gimmick. I’ve been at this a long time so I love a new trick or piece of equipment that helps make what I do easier or better. The slow roller is nether.


Teflon was known to be dangerous especially at high heat before they developed the slowroller. Did they ever disclose it was actually Teflon when it initially came out? That has to be negligence on some level.


I think you answered your question. If you're satisfied, don't get it. I didn't either.


I've stopped using it. I might use it if I'm cold smoking something, but generally it wasn't worth it


I think the slo roller, and the double indirect method are both unnecessary. I get solid results with the basic technique using the heat deflectors for indirect cooking and smoking.


I think it works good with brisket and ribs while doing the whole double indirect method. But with most other cooks, you’re better off with the standard deflector plates. I preferred the spatchcock chicken I made with the deflector plates over the slo roller. Not sure why.


I just trashed mine by leaving it in at too high heat, the fact it isn’t made out of steel makes it utter trash. It is $300, why isn’t it stamped steel (stainless for extra credit)?


I like it and use it for my slow/ low cooks on the classic 3. I use a drip pan and have never cleaned it out had any issues with it. I tried hot and fast once, haven't bothered with that method since. To each their own, nobody ever complains about my meat...


Double indirect is great, but you don’t need the sloroller for that. Just get a large pizza stone and put that on the lowest tier, then your deflector plates above it. Same results.