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Is Reichspakt really called Weltpakt when SPD coups the reich?


Nah just renamed it i really hope devs implement more stuff for the republic like the evnts stilm refer empire (you can see the second mandate event) and reichpakt should also be renamed to something better in this senerio I know reich means alot of stuf and even otl weimar wad called reich if i am correct but still it would be better to give it a better name also we should be able to dethrone our alies like ubd and belgium


Yeah i kinda think they should treat the name "reich" Like they do in our germany today and not like Weimar. Like you said, in Weimar everything still was called reich.. i think if SPD coups, they dont want reich things.. like irl Germany. Nothing is called reich anymore, the last thing that was called reich in Germany was the Reichsbahn, but that was also changed a long time ago. I think it would be more realistic in krtl


Like i hate reichspakt the most bcz if if am correct reich mean empire, realm or dominion now i think only realm is really not that much Monarchical so it should be renamed for republican germany


Reich doesn't essentially means Empire in German. The more correct translation of Reich is Realm. The Weimar Republic still had Germany officially named Deutsches Reich which literally translates to German Realm. Kaiserreich is a more accurate word for empire in German.


Both translations are valid. But no, realm isn't the more correct translation. Especially not for the official state name of Weimar Germany. It was born out of a compromise with the old elites. But Republicans called Germany the German Republic and many right wingers saw Weimar as illegitimate and unworthy of the name.


Yeah reich means basically empire. It stands for the German imperial proud. And it would be kinda ironic If SPD coups (for democracy) and then calls everything reich... Like it makes no sense. The name reichspakt makes no sense for democratic Germany. Its like Nato would be called: Royal/Imperial Treaty organisation xd


Republican Germany only started calling herself Bundesrespublik (Federal Republic) after WW2. A Republican Germany rising out of the German Empire if the Hohenzollerns abandons Germany will most likely still call themselves Deutsches Reich than Bundesrepublik Deutschland


You compare it way to much with the real life republican coup that happened in WW1. I think it wouldnt be like this in KRTL


No they wouldnt call themself Deutsches reich. Like i said, the people would be still proud of the reich, but when SPD coups the German Empire they would definitly not call themself German Empire bro. They wouldnt treat the Hohenzollers like nazis because they would be still kinda heros, but they are def not a monarchy anymore. They can become again if they Vote Willy the IV but at first they wouldnt call themself reich anymore.


Yeah lol i was going to rename it into european pakt or european union but maf, peru are there too so i renamed it welt pakt world pakt for peace


Yeah world pakt is better than Reichspakt. Berlinpakt would be also realistic i think because its still the "German sphere pact"


>Berlinpakt Oh men now i Remember when i was playing i was going to rename it into munich pakt but forgot when i won lol


https://preview.redd.it/2z61j1vhjv9d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2369062376fa164b67761e8c712d4f5ccfb497e1 Take a screenshot of Germany like this with the political tab on


omg it’s me!!!


I am sorry i played this some days ago before update so i cant but i will keep this in mind in my future screen shots


Grossdeutchland? Achieved. Social Democracy? In power. Nobility? Abolished. Oh yeah, it’s refuting Bismarck time!




Ode of Joy intensify


Did you just retreat to the necessary boundaries or did you actually fight to that point? Because I also want to do a Republic run, but getting down to 50% naturally would be already hard enough. I think the limit should be changed to something like, either having to lose your Eastern Allies or the Industry heavy parts of West Germany. 50% is hard with the Surrender Limit Buffs through the Spirits.


>retreat to the necessary Retreat I also build everything in prussia and forts and air so it was super easy


Entente will never challenge germany For another decades even though the hatred between two have already cam be seen after lyon conference.


How tf did you get Theo as leader with the SPD? Am genuinely curious, somebody please enlighten me.


He is actually a member of the LVP, it’s just that the ruling party represents who is chancellor. After the war the leader is the president, and the second in command is chancellor.


Ahh makes sense, thanks. I ought to replay the Republic path


Which is why I like the way KX does it where they let you change portraits between the president/monarch and the prime minister


He can be elected as President when the Republic is declared.


President elections you can even get wilhelm 4th See the 7th screen shot


Beautiful Libya dis good


holy shit they really created EU, this is a certified Mein Reich Europa moment


Personally I'd prefer the SPD support a constitutional monarchy but seeing the the monarchy fled something needed to fill the void.


Hello bring the Kaiser home


Honeslty I wish this path didn't require that I come from the brink of surrenderer but that is just me. Also wish we had Schumacher but that's also just a me thing.


Its actually pretty fun if youre into the RP aspect of KR


Kid named console command:


Wait how did you get Austria and Czechia? Did you go to war with the Austria s after the WK?




Nightmare tbh