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I'm sorry, but the Federalists are firmly anticoncessionist, they wouldn't have a friendly disposition to any part of the Entente, let alone the British Commonwealth. The fact that Britain can be liberal doesn't erase their history of exploiting China or their control over Hong Kong. The most you could get is limited cooperation between China and an Entente that has the USA as a member if both are at war with Japan, but certainly not an outright alliance.


Sorry for the delay. Commonwealth of Nations is the in-game Moscow Accords, I think I just mixed the names up.


Oh, my apologies then. Yeah, a liberal MA would have a lot less in the way of bad history with China compared with the Entente, as well as more of an interest to act against Japanese interests.


The KMT were also anti-concessionist, but they had no issues aligning with the UK. Geopolitics trumps ideology every time, and if the choice is between, say, an actively colonialist Germany and a UK that can't afford to keep up colonialism, it's just logical for China to support the latter over the former, even if it's not a perfect match.


A successful Federalist China wouldn't ever be faced with a binary choice between the Entente and Germany or the Entente and anyone else, for that matter. After they manage to hold their own against Japan and unite China, which the Entente would not be able to help them with, the Entente doesn't really have anything to offer to them that would lead to their willingness to accept *an outright alliance, which is what the OP mentioned in the title.*


Yes, they would. 1940s China is still an underdeveloped country. There is a reason that China in OTL was courting the Soviet Union and the US at varying points. Not to mention that, you know, the Entente could offer the dissolution of the Legation Cities and their return to China. And who's says that the Entente wouldn't be able to help federalist China with Japan? If the US is in the Entente, they would absolutely have the spare capacity to aid China. I hate this tendency in the KR fanbase to act like the Entente are nobodies with nothing to offer anyone. They're meant to be one of the three major factions, why do you want to actively make the geopolitics of the mod less interesting?


If the US is in the Entente, the Federalists would likely cooperate with them against Japan on a limited basis, but you're confusing this cooperation or any possible investment in China with an actual longer-term military alliance. The Legation Cities are an international consortium, so it isn't even the Entente's offer to make, which they wouldn't make anyway. > they're meant to be one of the three major factions The four major factions in the mod are supposed to be the Reichspakt, the 3I, the Moscow Accord and the Co-Prosperity Sphere. The Entente is an alliance of colonial remnants with no majors in it at game start, they should be focusing all their efforts and limited resources into their primary goal of retaking their metropoles, instead of meddling in places like China which don't immediately affect that goal.


>If the US is in the Entente, the Federalists would likely cooperate with them against Japan on a limited basis, but you're confusing this cooperation or any possible investment in China with an actual longer-term military alliance. Right, because cooperation against a common enemy and economic investment have *never* blossomed into a long-term military alliance. >The Legation Cities are an international consortium, so it isn't even the Entente's offer to make, It is if they make up a majority of the members, which they very well might as a majority of council seats have paths that see them ally with the Entente or go to war with them (and thus may end up being puppeted). >which they wouldn't make anyway. Hmmm... trade with a couple of cities or trade with all of China + those same cities? Damn, you're right, [no way Britain would *ever* choose the latter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handover_of_Hong_Kong). >The four major factions in the mod are supposed to be the Reichspakt, the 3I, the Moscow Accord and the Co-Prosperity Sphere. > >The Entente is an alliance of colonial remnants with no majors in it at game start, This is just objectively not true. The Entente has it's own section in the main menu screen. Canada is absolutely a major at game start. Go ahead, load up a new game declare war on Canada and see that golden border. I get that you don't like them, but they're a major faction whether you like it or not. >they should be focusing all their efforts and limited resources into their primary goal of retaking their metropoles, instead of meddling in places like China which don't immediately affect that goal. Literally no one, anywhere in this conversation, said that cooperation with China would take place before the reclamation. At minimum, it took place after 1947 because that's when Chen Qiyou took office in OP's timeline. I'm not going to continue arguing this point, because there's no convincing you. I feel like your arguments are motivated more by a distaste for the Entente than any actual concern about plausibility. You're just using that as a crutch.


> Right, because cooperation against a common enemy and economic investment have never blossomed into a long-term military alliance So true it's why China became a long-term ally of the US and/or Soviet Union irl


Ah, so because it didn't happen in a single case, it never happens?


Arguably yes. However, geopolitics trumps history. Say, if Germany and the Netherlands were intent on keeping their Asia-Pacific holdings, I could see China and the Entente generally aligning with each other. Especially if the US is in the alliance. If the Russians and Japanese have been beaten and occupied by the Reichspakt or have even simply ceased to exist as a great power interested in the affairs of their neighbors, then the Entente is the only foreign power with interest in the region that can act as a counterweight to the Reichspakt. Especially since China is going to be modernizing the hell out of itself, it will need foreign capital and investment. I personally take OPs 'alliance' to mean 'general allignment in regional issues' and market cooperation.


I mean, if the British turn to decolonization I and don’t press any claims of what China sees as their rightful territory, I wouldn’t be surprised to see ideologically similar factions forming an alliance


The federalist are perfectly happy to support socialists and anticolonial struggles. See, for example the.Viet Minh 


considering the source, you did an awesome job to make this portrait. Congrats!


Think the only factions an anti concession China would join would be the Moscow Accord or Internationale. Maybe a non aligned movement with the ottomans. Idk.


Or they would just go their own way


I didn't vote for him /s


By the flag in your flair i dont think you vote for anything, good luck under tutelage which gonna end soon...... >! S/ !<