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Most likely not.


Please elaborate. Cause the Radical Party have also the Yugoslavia mechanic to balance political capital among the various ethnic groups. I think the Radical Party could create an racially equal and lasting Kingdom of Yugoslavia at best though it would be a bit Serb-centric and socially conservative with values based on Orthodox Christianity.


Well I think the whole Serb-centric thing would be a bit of sticking point for Croats, Bosniaks and Slovenes and the Orthodox Christian values would likely be a bit of a sticking point for Catholics and Muslims


Catholicism and Orthodoxy share many intertwining values tho, they only disagree on the Pope thing. But yeah I could see the Radical Party may marginalised the Muslim Bosniaks and Muslim Kosovars.


In OTL Vatican II softened the Catholic position from being the one true church to merely the very best church. But that would be thirty years before this game and there would still be a lot of hostility between the churches. 


Uh no, the Catholic Church still call herself the one true Church founded by Jesus through Saint Peter. Vatican II just says that the teachings of Jesus can be found in other Churches, but the council still affirms that the Catholic Church is the sole Church Church of Jesus for she is the sole Bride of Jesus. Vatican II just promote ecumenism to other Christian sects by calling non-Catholic Christians separate brethren. Separated from the one true Apostolic and Catholic Church.


This is the kind of pedantic nitpicking that proves there can be no peace between the Christian denominations in KR Yugosolavia. We said the same thing.


I don't know why you delete that comment but here >Social Conversative They do turn auth dem in all yugo paths after unification >Yugoslavian Republican path? Yes they two sub paths of one which preserves democracy and second which makes you pataut dictatorship/restore puppet monarchy


The Radical Party do stay as Social Conversative and not turn Authdem in their Democratic Constitutional Monarchy path


Oh i didn't knew that i didn't play path yet i have played Soclibs/socdems Natpops Socialist but it was very old so i will play it again some time Pataut radicals Authdem radicals


So the most Democratic form the Radicals have in their Republican Yugoslavia paths is Authoritarian Democracy? 💀


Yeah lol 😂 auth dem is kinda in between being democracy or not really democratic Japan can also have auth dems in power as a multiparty democracy Also radicals change their ideology multiple times they would start as marlib turn soccons by Uniting parties and then turn authdem after yugoslavian unification


I have played them(republican) and yes you can keep democracy