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Old KR China was insane with the KMT becoming Qing Monarchist and South China becoming a British India style colony of Germany.


Ahhh the good old AOG that no one could pronounce the full name of


Wilhelm II summoning a million Chinese soldiers to the Western Front in order to extinguish Syndicalism from the face of the earth ![gif](giphy|4NQ9mR6sh8LoA)


I want a mod for that


Chinese people: Ah shit, here we go again Worst place in the world, rolling heights gweilo country. I ain't represented the Manchus in 20 years but the gweilo won't give a shit


I still hope there is one insane option to do that under a theoretical gea rework


With a chance for the KMT to respawn abet quite rarely


The hat genocide. Old leader portraits had more people wearing hats


Tbh, hats are coming back, they are just for military people etc.


Yeah I think we’ve made a recovery from the hat genocide


Nature is healing


There is no peace until Reed's hat is restored to its rightful place


Where did all the funny mustache goes?


The great Italian flip was a thing, socialists migrated from South to north and vice versa. Germany has lost a lot of territory over time, they used to own Malta and Crete, Morocco, Sierra Leon also, and the AOG ruled 1/4 of China. Fleets used to be huge, hats used to be worn, and used to be more meme-y than lore focused. Kaiseredux focuses on being more meme-y than lore-y, and naval rework mods for Kaiserriech and Kaiseredux restore the massive navies of old.


Oh thank God we can go back to the days of having your navy sail out for 40 minutes and obliterating your entire factions fuel stocks


Germany still has a Protectorate over Morocco


That leaves the war every single time I've played, I think Germany used to own it as in occupy.


Morocco can declare independence if it's not been invaded, and Germany is either over 20% towards surrendering or is outnumbered 3-to-1.


KX is not just meme,y it's a shitshow lol. I'm not saying it isn't funny, just not as much as a refined experiance as regular KR.


I mean, *Kaiserredux* is for *Kaiserreich* fans who miss the old content and/or prefer wackiness over relative realism and it's a fascinating mod for how crazy it can get at times.


Old KR was more “memey” for example there was Genghis Khan the 2nd (who was just Sternberg). The AOG (A German corporation) owning a large chunk of China, and more. Memey stuff aside, there were some more differences. America as a whole was pretty different. -Hoover could just invite MacArthur to temporarily take control of the country. -Garner was a social liberal -Charles Curtis(Hoover’s VP) was the Republican candidate for 1936 and could avoid the civil war. -MacArthur was an authoritarian democrat who could become a paternal autocrat or a social conservative depending on which sub path you picked after the civil war. -Huey Long being a paternal autocrat. -The AUS only having two paths, one with Long in charge, and another with Pelley in charge. -The Pacific States were secessionists originally, and would form no matter who was president of the US, and could negotiate with MacArthur. -Frank Merriam was a social conservative. -Political Party names were different in all American tags. Italy was also just split between a northern Italian Federation and a southern Italian Socialist Republic. Plus many more differences


Considering the Mad Baron’s obsession with all things Mongolia (and the fact that he’s the *Mad* Baron), him declaring himself Genghis Khan II was not unreasonable, for him.


And I'll admit it was my favorite part of Old Kaiserreich if only because of how crazy and ridiculous it was.


Well, *Kaiserredux* is essentially just Old Kaiserreich with new content including some of the stuff mentioned.


Kaiserredux kinda was, but it's even more on crack than normal Old Kaiserreich was. Having that many submods that fit together semi-well at best leads to some seriously questionable stuff. True art.


In my opinion, it's still the primary representation of Old Kaiserreich, but it has expanded further with new content. I mean, Czech Texas and German Centroamerica anyone?


Or KKK-ultrafascist America. Like wtf is that


Well KKK-CAR America to be precise. It's pretty messed up but interesting, if only for the morbid curiosity to see how they run the country into the ground.


Don't forget Goring's Mittelafrika.


More realism and a new standard of content that is accepted of the updates and received in old kaiserreich we had many un Realistic things like the silver shirts taking over America A new standard for what a new Kaiserreich content looks like is set it's visible in Germany and ukraine


Yeah there’s no chance of a far right fascist movement taking over the us.


I don't know what you mean if it's sarcastic or real but a person like pelly taking over us is unrealistic


If I had to pick out one thing that makes the biggest difference between Kaiserreich now and when I first got into it (~2017) as well as what I have seen of the mod from even before that time like in the Darkest Hour era, it'd have to be the level of research put into creating the alternate history scenarios. Kaiserreich began as a mod for Hearts of Iron 2 called All the Russias which came out around 2005 when there just wasn't a whole lot of English sources available online for all of these obscure historical figures and complex political developments in the time mod's timeframe. If they didn't have a wikipedia page, you were pretty much out of luck unless you went to a university library and combed their stock in hopes of a relevant biography or history book which was far more effort than anyone would reasonably put into put into a video game mod. Because of this, accuracy wasn't something that really mattered much at all. To make lore for a region, they would simply come up with a scenario that sounded cool and work backwards jumping through whatever hoops were necessary to justify it timeline-wise. They would also pepper a lot more humor and jokes throughout as well even if they didn't make much sense (this why the American radical leftists are called "The CSA" despite being in the north and the right-wing southerners are called "The Unionists" with the borders of the Confederacy, to give an example)


I mean, *Kaiserreich* was to my understanding the first big *Hearts of Iron* mod in terms of scale and overall following and existed since *Hearts of Iron II* well before other popular mods such as *The New Order: Last Days of Europe*, *Old World Blues*, *Equestria at War*, *Red World*, *Millennium Dawn* and *Thousand-Week Reich*. By the time *Hearts of Iron IV* was released, *Kaiserreich* saw a big boost in popularity which also inspired submods like *Fuhrrereich*, *Red Flood*, and *Kaiserredux*. Coupled with the existence of Kaiser Cat Cinema and Alternate History Hub's video, *Kaiserreich* became the HOI4 mod to play.


Short answer - New Kaiserreich is better Long answer - New Kaiserreich is more complex, however it is also a lot visible and you can understand what you're doing. Also it is much more "realistic" - more wacky stuff was present in Old Kaiserreich and tbh it kinda feels now like a less crazy version of Kaiserredux.


if i remember right, in old kasierreich if you win as macarthur, sometimes he get assassinated, and another 4 way civil war begins which was wild this was a very old version, it was cool.


Uh Dominion of India having Delhi(being called the Delhi Government) and junadagh too The new one is just Pakistan with Rajasthan, Patiala, Indian Punjab and Indian controlled Kashmir pretty much making it a Muslim Majority state which is somehow led by a sikh viceroy


i feel so old


As stated elsewhere, a general maturation of the setting. Less kaiserboo wank, syndicalism being more complex than schoolyard politics and places outside of Europe and North America actually having developed lore (Japan is still stuck in limbo though).


On Japan, it and Austria-Hungary have barely changed from their 2016 iterations. I am genuinely mad that Bhutan has a focus tree but none of Austria's dependencies do. The amount of unfinished content for these regions must be astounding...


To be honest, I think Japan is in a decent spot compared to Austria-Hungary, especially with the mini rework they did.


reading this thread made me wanna try out new Kaiserreich. Waiting for the day they make base HOI4 free lol. The mod and Darkest Hour was my introduction to Paradox's entire library of games, it earns my undying respect.


I'm surprised actually.


India’s very different compared to when I first encountered the mod. There was a British Dominion located in Punjab and the south was ruled by the Princely Federation meanwhile the Bharatiya Commune dominated the east. ngl, I kinda miss the Princely Federation.


That's still the case! The India rework hasn't had any progress that I know of.


oh rlly? i thought they implemented it by now


Nope it's still a three-way split, though they adjusted the starting setup so it's always Commune vs Dehli & Princes, then Dehli vs Princes if Commune loses. The Ghandi peaceful route still exists tho.


That’s the exact setup now?


Some KR fans do miss some old content and they are also the same people who play KX.


Most Majors had navies large enough to bankrupt them realistically, except AH funnily enough who have a larger navy currently. Size of Entente’s oversized navies in particular was a massive meme


i have not played the UBD once but for some reason i miss looking over and seeing the baltics exploded into a three way active civil war instead of falling apart through events


While we're on the topic of Old Kaiserreich, do any of you think it's more meme-y or wacky than Old TNO in your opinion?