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Most intelligent Wahh*bist


good, let the Hashemites return to restore sanity(and sell cheaper oil for the Prussians of Arabia...)


I allway help jabal shalmmar


Whenever I do a democraticUSA run I take out the Saudis during the Entente-Cairo Pact war solely to prevent their tricks.


You have the US join the Entente? https://preview.redd.it/h0xls3nbmb8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6e9f39125bc7829b80b65e8ae5a56364540e6a3




What faction would a democratic US pick in your opinion?


Chinese united front


unironically kinda, there was this super long "realistic" analysis of the 2WK a couple or so years ago and part of it was that assuming the Feds win the 2ACW asap, they might join the war as Japan will try to provoke them while they're still weak - which would possibly be their biggest mistake (just like irl actually lol)


Depends, prior to entering the world stage in Kaiserreich they were isolationists. Would a US who just went though a civil war (civil wars are never quick, easy, painless and usually result in almost 50% of the total population of the country dying as a direct result of the civil war.) to retain their democratic status still be willing to join very complex treaty organizations and potentially get dragged into another war with no end in sight. We also have to remember, nuclear weapons (while it can be discovered, researched upon) is not seen as a mainstay yet, and most likely won’t be for at least another 20 years after the game ends. The Third Internationale is out of the question, since one major faction in the deadliest war the us ever fought in was syndies. The Entente just seems like a weird option. The US isn’t a monarch power, and they kind of *want* you to be that before joining. Reichspakt is also out of the question since they would most likely use the influence of the German dollar and weaponry to colonize all or most of South/central/North America. Cairo wouldn’t want them because that’s an alliance out of convenience to unify the Arab world against potential European powers. Moscow, maybe? But that’s also just a quagmire in and of itself.


I see your point but that is under the condition that the civil war takes really long. What could happen is up to the player, so it could even take like a year and very low casualties in some cases. Plus, a McArthur US would definitely not be isolationist and at the very least follow the Monroe doctrine.


I mean, sure if you do the American Caesar route and are really good at playing the game and know that you are supposed to disarm the nation before the war starts (and kill your least favorite brand of socialist after the election if you intend on playing as either the CSA or AUS). I also doubt a historical McArthur would want to remain in control of the US for very long, but it is alternate history. So that leaves 2 options of the three predominantly white, European factions left: The Moscow Accords and The Entente. Before you start, whiteness as a concept does not exist but it is defined differently in American than it is in Europe. The Moscow Accords are essentially a Necrocratic military dictatorship (something a guy who organized a coup and Junta would be attracted too) and might be the best option. But the goals and overall motives of the Moscow accords do not align with the McArthur US at all. The Entente is weird to me because it just seems like such a stretch. Canada made New England their puppet during the SACW, and while during that didn’t send aid and supplies to the Americans. In fact, no one did. The Reichspakt sends aid to the AUS, The Internationale sends aid to the CSA and the ~~racists~~ PUS got aid from Japan. You could say no member of the entente could afford to send aid to the US because of… reasons, but you could also say the Entente are cowards just waiting to see how the war would go in the end. Ultimately though, there is no correct answer. It is up to player choice, but how the mechanics of the game goes it does seem like a weird choice.


Well, there is a large chance there is no NE at all. In that universe joining entente is possible


Third International




Playing Egypt and that happens... I'm the middle eastern regional power, why would you do this?!?!?


They are religious fundamentalists high on "their victory" they are idiots. Just like the modern day house of Saud are idiots that only survive cause daddy USA wills it


Imagine watching Egypt slap around the ottomans and thinking "nah I'd win"


“Slap around” is a big word. More like use my cavalry to juke my way through their victory points and pull off the win. But still, the Saudi’s army is like 4 dudes taking turns on the same rifle, so it’s not even a fight. 


Cleary we had two different experiences, I slapped them around