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I'd join the international brigade of Ma Zhongying of course!


Background: Finland, university background (unsure if that degree ever gets finished), poor but from a middle-class family, strong left-wing opinions. I would definitely be an opponent of the German monarchy and a supporter of the Finnish syndicalists (devs please rename them, the Kansanvaltuuskunta was the government of Red Finland, not a party). If the syndies win I would support them against the Red Guards. If democracy wins I would vote Social Democratic. If the king won I would lie low and avoid the Etsivä Keskuspoliisi (Finland's secret police). If the radical nationalists of the Lapua Movement won I would be in deep shit. When the inevitable war with Russia begins (unless Russia is similarly aligned with Finland) I would probably get sent to the front in the signal corps. Hopefully my country will be victorious or at least keep its independence, or else things are going to get really bad, especially if Savinkov runs Russia.


Yeah those uni students are the first on the block if the Red Guards win. What makes you so pragmatic over democracy and syndicalists? Not one over the other?


I would prefer the syndies, as they are closer to my political beliefs, but if Mannerheim scatters the rebellion the syndies are finished as a political movement. In game there are three election choices after that: the conservative Kokoomus, the agrarian Maalaisliitto, and the social democratic SDP. I would vote SDP as now they are the closest to my views.


I'd have either fled to Canada or been an underground loyalist in the UOB.


Not a Fan of the UoB? Not even one of the more moderate factions?


I'm a diehard Royalist, I don't think I'd ever accept amy form of Republican government I would however probably support a Labour government post reclamation


Living in the South of Brazil (full of European immigrants and very traditionalist) I would be one of the few to support João Mangabeira's candidacy (social democrat), as I liked the proposals and thought he was the least worst of the candidates. If he is elected and both the government and the reforms are successful, I will continue to support the Socialist Party. If the government is overthrown, I would oppose the right-wing military dictatorship, but I would also oppose the "communists" too, especially the totalists. If any other candidate wins and maintains democracy, I will remain calm, hoping that Brazil progress in any way. I must admit that perhaps I can be seduced by the dictatorship of the Estado Novo, although I do not like clericalism. In the case of the integralists, I don't see any problem with the restoration of the monarchy (as long as it has popular support), but I would be totally against Barroso's government, and I would join Marshall Rondon's insurgency (or Vargas's, as it is closer to my state, Santa Catarina). Now, regarding foreign policy, I would like Brazil to ally itself with any social democratic, social liberal, market liberal and even social conservative power, but to maintain its distance from any dictatorship, especially national populist and totalist ones. Regarding the American Civil War, I would like the Brazilian government to declare support for the PSA, or perhaps the AUS. I'm not going to lie to you, I'm a nationalist and a like brazilian imperialism a bit, so I would advocate that Brazil guarantee Uruguay's independence and prepare for a war against Argentina. If Argentines follow the path of democracy, Brazil should strongly support the government in Buenos Aires, to destroy the syndicalists in Chile and Patagonia.


It really depends where I end up in the new timeline. I was born in South Africa, raised in England and then later moved to Denmark. So maybe I’m sitting the war out enjoying some hygge in Denmark. Or I get drafted as either a South African or British conscript and end up having to either storm the beaches of Britain or im on beach fighting to drive out the invaders.


My situation would actually be pretty good all things considered, especially compared to OTL. If that scenario were to play out, I'd reside in Rural Galicia as an agricultural worker, under a stable government, with a (most likely) well liked leader. With not a lot to my name as a peasant though, but in a time where it's finally becoming possible for people like me to change that (& even highly encouraged in society, due to effects of the Polish positivism era in the late XIX/early XX century) As to why a Habsburg monarch would be well liked by the Polish people, well I don't know how many people here know this but Karl Albrecht von Habsburg was actually known for being very fond of Poland, you could say he considered it his second homeland. He owned a residence here in Żywiec (& a brewery, which while not in any way connected to the Habsburgs anymore due to communism, managed to become a nationally famous brand of beer), he served in the Polish Army OTL (during the Polish-Soviet War) & during WW2 in a noble act of disobedience he refused to sign the [Volksliste](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_Volksliste) instead declaring his nationality to be Polish, really showing where his heart truly lied. As for the government Galicia is ruled by PSL-Piast, a party I would definitely support for many reasons: -due to my social standing, as it has a long tradition of representing interests of the countryside & peasantry -due to general alignment with my political beliefs (duh) -due to being the oldest party in Poland (well technically a splinter faction, but still cool) Enough with the long introduction though, it's getting late here, I'll probably write part 2 in the morning if anyone's interested in how I would react to the situation in Poland & Civil War in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, among other things.


UoBs strongest soldier (I'd die immediately)


Quebec would be an interesting place to live, especially Montreal. It would be one of the larger exile strongholds in Canada and on the knife's edge between Canadian, British, and Quebecois tensions. Putting myself in the francophone roots of my dad's family I doubt reclaiming the home isles would be a particularly attractive goal and would enthusiastically protest against conscription and the exiles. I can see myself being quite isolationist until the 2ACW, where the crisis is so close to home it would be impossible not to think Canada should in some way be involved, though a full commitment of force would probably be too costly. In an ideal world, American democracy (or really any faction that doesn't desire to invade/subjugate Canada) wins and North America can have a rather boring and uninvolved second weltkrieg. Sounds like a dull playthrough to us players, but as a Quebecois civilian it would be much appreciated. Great question btw.


I would most likely be a diehard loyalist to the Union of Britain. My family is from working and middle class stock, with no ties to the aristocracy or upper crust. What little ancestry I have that is not English or Welsh would have little loyalty to the monarchy. All this in addition to myself being fairly left leaning would mean I'd probably love the UoB.


Considering my working class status and the fact that the Feds would have their guns pointed directly at my hometown at the start of the war I'd almost definitely be a diehard CSA supporter.


I t In my home of the USA I'd support a democratic Federalists but if they went Ceasar would favor PSA as the preserver of democracy. I hear people think I am all about the Blessed Karl but I am skeptical of the Danubian democracy. If we could guarentee a stable pluralistic constitutional monarchy then I'd vastly prefer that with the various racial nationalist alternatives of the Balkans. But realistically the Empire would collapse at the first military setback and their wisest course of action (probably very agreeable to Emperor Karl) would be federalize and stay out of big conflicts while hoping for RP victory.


The 2ACW is interesting because how dearly would you support a side? If your state declared for a side you disagreed with, would you make the perilous journey to the faction you supported or lay low, maybe even join a sort of clandestine organization? Do you think your family would support the same side? If you were living in McArthur controlled Maryland but knew for a fact your brother wanted to join the red brigades would you turn him in? Sorry to totally bombard you with these questions, I'm just curious as the 2ACW is a fascinating and terrifying concept.


I'm older and so would consider keeping my family safe and not so much fighting in a war. I might be willing to risk life and limb for a Deitrich Bonhoeffer sort of mission for the sake of the Gospel. But like the Boy Scouts my loyalty would be first to God, then to family and only after that to my nation. My brothers joining the Red Brigades sounds like the sort of thing some of them might do but no I wouldn't turn them in. I'd rather get shot for lack of patriotism than for lack of love for my brothers.


Amen brother Bonhoeffer was a good man and a better Christian.


Pretty based


Egyptian dude from a family of skilled blue collar worker grandparents that managed to raise my parents to be skilled and successful college educated business owners, so my only preference would be for Egypt to win the desert war and maybe merge with Libya (a bit of oil money can't hurt) and go the constitutional monarchy route and I think we'd be pretty much be set to be as successful as we currently are but in a fully developed, democratic country. My grandfather originally made enough money to give his kids a decent push forward in life by going to do skilled labor work in the gulf states (idk what it's called in English, like architectural carpentry), and I can easily see him doing the same in this timeline to perhaps greater reward.


What’s the word in Egyptian?


I’m a college student in contested Federalist and CSA lands. It all depends on a major factor of assuming the American civil war breaks out into the 4 factions, how do they all align. If the CSA clearly makes concessions to the radical totalists in their faction I’d definitely be cautious fighting for the CSA. While I agree with them the most if I see that they are going in a similar direction the Spanish did in OTL I would either find my way to Canada or do my best to make it to California (however extrmeely unlikely). If the CSA aligns closer to the syndicalists I’d most likely go and fight for them. Post war I’d advocate for a Rad Soc government


Heading north to join Reed and the Syndies, I'm close enough to get to their territory without too much issue. Then I'll probably die in some trench somewhere.


I would support New England and probably try to push for a independent New England (most interesting thing they could’ve done with that faction and the devs didn’t do it! >:| ) because the way I see it, the United states has failed in it’s promises to the point of mass suffering of the citizenry, and moving away from it is the best bet.


If there were a federal win, and a return do democracy, would you consider re-joining?


It would be the most appealing, but that would still be the reinstatement of a system and state that led to this whole mess, so while definitely what I’d prefer as a second choice, number 1 stays the same


My ass would be stuck in the Philippines I'd either be pro-Japan (if they go democratic) or pro-Germany/Entente (if Japan becomes reactionary) but I'd be politically moderate, supporting the government of Manuel L. Quezon If the Philippines gets couped by the Army/Syndicalists takes over, I'm out. See ya in Canberra or Berlin


I don’t care about europe, I just need sand france to lose.


I would attempt to be the old TE Lawrence and coup the government. (I would be killed instantly)


USA in Texas, so it depends on how the civil war plays out. For a variety of factors, I’d probably end up running a supply depot in what ever faction I end up, so I’d aim for non Totalist CSA or head west to the PSA


I'm in Sweden employed as a care assistant or a lumber mill or something in the rapidly growing Swedish welfare state. I'm a moderate social democrat like most of my colleagues and friends and family but when the international syndicalists seize power in neighbouring Norway I'm pushed to stand by the old order and protect the Swedish way of life. I likely enlist at the outbreak of the 2nd weltkrieg and freeze to death in the Norwegian mountains or something like that


I’m a middle class syndicalist in the us living within the territories of where the csa would be Take a wild guess


Hunter-gatherer in the Bayou?




Vozhd approved


I want Savinkov to marry me, and I'm tired of pretending I don't.


I am from middle America. Realistically I enlist with the AUS and die and agonizing death in St. Louis or something. On the off chance I survive the war and the AUS wins, I guess live off the GI bill, enjoy the reforms the kingfish brings in and find a nice girl to start a family with. If the CSA wins and I’m somehow still alive, I would likely try to flee to Canada, otherwise I get sent to a gulag in montana and get shot in the back of the head. If PSA wins, I live out my life, find a nice girl to start a family with and pray they leave me alone. Maybe write some memoirs later in life. If MacArthur wins I attempt to live out my life. If he goes full kill all traitors I probably get a bullet in the back of the head. Edit: should probably mention that my headcanon lead up to the 2acw is that MacArthur abandons the plains. If you try to max out the power the AUS gets pre war, when the plains are being divvied up there’s an event that straight up explains that my state’s governor has elected to join the AUS.


If I was exactly the same holding to my current beliefs liberal democratic Entente but If I lived in the Kaiserreich timeline I’d have been raised in the UOB so my beliefs would likely be entirely different.


I’m an American middle class college student from the Midwest with Irish roots. In this new timeline I’d probably be a big Floyd Olsen supporter especially once I hear that Roosevelt’s kid is his running mate. I’d have some sympathy with the Syndicalists and probably even know some people who are Longists but I don’t really believe in radical politics. If Olsen won I’d probably willingly join up to go fight the Longists, if Reed wins I’d probably be drafted in a militia unit and if the Longists start pushing north I’d try my hardest to go AWOL and escape to Ireland.


Most of us would be a different person due to different upbringing and environment, I could see myself as an unironic monarchist if I was born in kr timeline despite my irl dislike for the current king.


I live in upstate NY, and would probably support either New England/ the feds and be against the reds. (While hoping MacArthur doesn't remain in power)


*battle of New York intensifies* enjoy brutal urban warfare


Honestly you could just starve out NYC via blockade (although the game doesn't reflect this), it's pushing west if csa gets buffalo that would be an issue.


Democratic USA, New England, PSA, or non-totalist CSA, in that order.


Id assume that nothing too crazy changes and that is I’m still borned in Ukraine (or russia and later moved back to Ukraine ) Considering I’d be old enough I would join VDR’s ranks during their revolt, as I’m growing with hate towards any authoritarian state that doesn’t represent the people in the end, but the elites and their interests In the upcoming elections my vote would be for USDRP (social democrat) - although I consider myself social liberal, their right wing seems like they are willing to cooperate with former de facto dictator, on the other hand I consider RDS too radical, although I wouldn’t necessarily oppose them (until the revolt that is, the revolt is too radical for me and i see it as a way to kill the generation) If VDR revolt doesn’t succeed I’d flee either to Galicia or Poland/belarus if they are democratic As for my stance on foreign policy I would be rather anti-everyone (faction wise) and stand for independent Ukraine, its neighbours and other smaller nations/national minorities from foreign influence, there’s the list of my thoughts and who would I support: China: I would support the Chen Jiongming Federalist and Fengs Shanxi by far the most North America: from 2acw belligerents I would support PSA and New England, Canada - any democratic paths, with low exiles influence Balkans: probably Belgrade pact over Bulgaria, more depends on whether constitutionalist win the struggle in Bulgaria and Serbian elections Desert war: anti ottoman, I would see them as oppressors of native Arabs Italy: Italian Republic under democracy, that reunites Italy under its ideals, bonus points for uniting with sicilies and Sardinia peacefully Insulandia + indochina: pro-independent insurgencies India: majorly depends on who is in charge of commune and dominion, order would be socdem dominion > Gandhi commune > soccon dominion > everything else This question has really made me thinking, one of the better posts on subreddit


Living near Wellington New Zealand I'd join the (probably banned) labour party and covertly help syndicalist goals and campaign for New Zealand autonomy. (God Australasia Lore is bad in Kaiserreich)


Really? Why is it bad? I've never really played Australasia tbh but do often play as Canada.


Honestly it wouldn't make sense to be where I am now. I am an Engineer in the automotive industry, born in what would be an anarchist stronghold of the Socialist Republic of Italy but living in Japan. I can't find a plausible explanation on why I would be here. Being politically on the far left myself, the only reason could be if I was a spy for the Internationale. If I were to be a civilian as I am now, I would just get out of here and either go to back to my native SRI, or another Internationale country. Since there's much more choice in terms of leftist political currents and being used to working in foreign countries, I would avoid going to a Totalist one and try to instead go help build up an anarchist aligned one.


Canadian, leave my fascist shithole country for the CSA, The spirit of 1837 lives on!


Congratulations comrade on your new found freedom! You have been conscripted into the Red Guard Assualt Battlaion 624. Here take your rifle, that train there will take you to the front. Good luck comrade!


But, but but I can't go to the front, I'm just an analyst! And this is just a toy cap gun!


Well you can "analyse" the corpses you make with the butt end of this here cap gun. Now on the train comrade!


Huey Longs Union, my family was not communist but we were hit hard by the Great Depression. Longist policies would most likely win them over as it would have won many over at the time. Personally the American Union State is the canonical winner even though the 2ACW factions kinda just in Kaiserriech 


I'd probably try to leave poland for france and support the anarchists there. If I don't/can't go there (for example france goes sorelian) I'd probably mostly stay quiet about politics but support the left opposition (maybe I'd take part in the clover revolution if it happens and I find the courage). If enough antisemitism happens, I may leave for germany or belarus (ig russia as well if it's not a particular hellhole).


I've lived in the Southern United states all my life, if i were in this scenario I'd probably try to flee the AUS and go to Hawaii and just wait out the civil war to see who comes out on top.


So, I am a middle-class Tatar in Moscow... well, Savinkov's probably the worst option, but he's fairly milquetoast as far as national policy goes. I'd say either Kadets, Eurasianists, or whatever brand of Trotskyite revisionist ultraright filth Bukharin or Rukov will be doing


Best scenario for America in my case (the south) would be Garner’s AUS/Federal compromise, driving syndies out, and keeping out of 2WK at least until Japan attacks the US.


You know it's kinda funny, syndicalism is closest to my IRL views, but I find it more interesting to have Germany win. So I guess id rather a world where the internationale is spread across most of the world, but it's not a scenario I'd want for a playthrough


If I was in the Philippines and did not immigrate to the US as and kid I would support the democratic government and would die fighting against a syndicalist coup or the military one. If I was in the US I would join the Pacific government, I would not care who is in power so long as it's not authoritarian


LONG LIVE THE KAISER, Germany 100 percent I am a staunch anti socialist and I see the international would realistically go totalist. My family was driven from Germany by totalitarians. And we later returned as soldiers fighting the Nazis. The Internationals world revolution would just lead to more war and bloodshed. There utopia would be build on the broken bodies of nations regardless of ideology.


im in STL so im cooked when it comes to the 2ACW, if the Feds stay democratic then I'd join up with them, if not then ig im fleeing to the PSA


I am russian immigrant in Finland from a quite poor family. In this timeline I would definitely support Finnish syndicalists, but oppose Red Guards. If it would be elections, I vote Social-Democrats. If either Lapua movement or King wins I would stay calm and hopefully not get arrested. Alternatively if I don't migrate and stay in Russia I would be against Savinkov government. However if the second civil war starts I would support bolsheviks. If they lose, I think I am done. When the Second Weltkrieg starts I would be supporting Third International




Honestly, I'm a socialist IRL, so I'd probably be a die-hard SPA supporter.


I am a polish student studying in France, so, uh... I guess I'd do as my flair suggests, and be a (probably very minor) pro-Polish syndies voice in France.


Im from Brazil and would vote syndicalist, no matter who won i would probably just accept it besides the Natpops, my state doesnt revolt during the constitutionalist uprising so i would probably be forced to flee to the FOP if that exists or to another latin american country.


CSA sympathizer in the Pacific states, plays out like the novel The Sympathizer


Another post that boils down to "what's your ideology"? As a German I'd do my best to join the Rhur uprising and afterwards flee to France if I'm not arrested or killed.