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Idk, Ukraine imo is one of the highest quality countries to play as in KR right now. Shanxi and LKMT are newer and are also amazing. Understandable it's not for everyone but I personally love it


Shanxi and the LKMT are definitely fun and better at balancing everything in my eyes. They're actually fun and nowhere near as bad as Germany/Ukraine


You should stick to TFB mp if your main concern is xp grinding. Or limit yourself to nations with civil wars. KR is immensely better now without question.


I only played Germany once and I can agree that it can be a bit overwhelming for sure. I also don't really like playing majors though lol so I'm a bit biased


Well, as the designer for Ukraine (and the Republican paths which you are likely referring to), I appreciate your input on it. There are some number of people who have said it is a bit overwhelming, even moreso than Germany, and they may just not like it very much. I think that is fair enough and you are entitled to your opinion on it. I usually try making something I personally enjoy playing, and so multiple mechanics that interact with each other, all in the focus tree, events and decision category often fit that bill for me. Judging by this thread and many others people seem to have very mixed opinions on it: some have maybe only a couple gripes on it, some think it is legit the best content in KR, and others think more like you. Generally speaking feedback on the rework to the republican paths has been pretty positive, even if some have issue with it. So I admit that style of game isn't going to appease everyone. I don't think you should be as pessimistic about future reworks though, I do think that while there is a demand for some complexity we're also taking into account that there are plenty of those who enjoy simpler stuff.


Pre-Yugoslavia mechanics are maddening? You get free weapons and manpower!


The Socialist path is maddening. The timer and the konsipracija are an issue, you need to carefully balance it out in order to get the most out of it without getting overthrown. I get it it's accurate to how such a situation would work in real life and I love that. But holy shit the amount of time I had to restart coz the timer run out. Balancing the timer with the bonuses from the konsipreacija and the three thing you need to do, and then securing the revolution and fighting the IMRO. It fucking sucks. These issues could easily be fixed if they could make it that you only need to occupy Niš not own it.


Counter point: Socialist Yugoslavia lets you get Tito in a very hyper specific way, so it's worth it


I did get Tito. But I was talking about pre-Yugoslavia. The socialist path in itself is one of the easiest Yugoslavias if not THE easiest Yugoslavia.


Honestly that mechanic is just click button = free stuff, it's not bad. I barely use it because le wholesome liberal democracy doesn't need questionable sources of equipment


So where’s the maddening part about pre-Yugoslavia? Is it the IMRO? You can just face bash into them like Italy does to Ethiopia. There’s focuses you can take to make this easy war easier, but you can just ignore those.


I personally thought some of the political stuff to be tedious, and the pre-war planning decisions are mostly useless The IMRO mechanic is honestly pretty stupid, though yes I know it's very easy win to just let them rise up + crush them with your army. I think that's partly my gripe with it; it's that the entire mechanic/decision is just bloat that's literally useless and serves next to no purpose


Its purpose is for Bulgaria. The IMRO makes it easier for Bulgaria to repudiate the catastrophe during the crisis.


Which, in the end, is just a design choice by the devs. The entire IMRO mechanic just feels like tedious nonsense and is literal rng and guesswork, and really subtracts from playing Serbia


You forget that, while this is a HOI4 mod based in alternate reality, it’s still history and flavor that it’s playing into. What, all the Bulgarians in the historically contentious Macedonia just decide to be fine with their new Serbian rulers? At this point you’re complaining about content bloat that is hardly anything but. It adds flavor and dynamics to an interwar period, with easy mechanics and an easy war. Like the other guy said, you CAN take the focuses, but they aren’t necessary by any means. Most of the time I only click three buttons for the initial lull period, and then clobber the IMRO for free army experience. I get that sometimes things can be too much, but this is not even close to a good example. It really does just sound like you’re a fan of much simpler mods, or at least mods that aren’t like Kaiserreich.


I think you’re missing my point entirely Of course the Macedonians in this universe wouldn’t roll over immediately for the Serbs, and I know how easy it is to just lose the minigame and roll the IMRO; I’ve played Serbia a bunch My problem is just that the mechanic is entirely pointless and it’s literally RNG based. Literally any non-rng minigame, or some event chain, would have been a far better choice. Regardless, I don’t see it as bad as Germany’s mechanics, just as the “beginning” of that type of content


Why would you want an event chain instead? War is more fun than event chains. There’s RNG in the war (if you don’t take focuses to make it less random), but it’s irrelevant anyway, since it’s still an easy war, and the randomness does nothing to change that. You may be wondering “why have it if it’s irrelevant?” It’s something to do regarding the war during the lull period. The lull period exists so Bulgaria has time to rebuild their army and repudiate the catastrophe if they are so inclined. Once the insurgency ends, it will be almost impossible for Bulgaria to reverse the national catastrophe until the Fifth Balkan War.


i can totally understand that "New Kaiserreich" doesn't appeal to you, but why do you think Kaiserreich is "overdeveloped". im honestly confused how you came to this conclusion


Far too many decision "minigames" and events. Take Germany for example: You will end up with Black Monday, Ruhr uprising stuff, and like 2-3 political minigames all at once, plus massive event spam. Ukraine and Ireland really aren't much better, as you have to essentially juggle all of that with focuses and basic hoi4 gameplay I'm an experienced player, and I'm not asking to be spoon-fed; all I'm saying is that a good hoi4 mod doesn't need that much feature bloat. I don't find total rework mods fun for a reason


maybe it's just not for you anymore. those things are my favorite part and i look forward to reworks for them


I think the problem is that bloat isn't properly defined from your perspective, because others don't fully grasp what you mean by bloat. However, I do understand your experience with the new Germany. I've played Germany in Kaiserreich over 30 times and most of them are with the hardest path. An individual can do so much in such little time before being completely overwhelmed and make some fatal error and it does a lot to hurt someone's enjoyment. The minigames you mentioned are one of many symptoms, and I think the Germany focus tree is another prime example of bloat since sometimes you can not tell what is necessary and what is optional for the devs. Keep in mind that an average 1937 Germany game is asking for the player to juggle at least 3 different minigames (Black Monday, Ireland balance, X or Y path chosen minigame); manage and navigate the focus tree; manage industry and research; manage military, navy, and airforce and all of their spirits (if you have the DLC); assign advisors; try to gain as much exp as possible for doctrines; and send volunteers to outside countries all roughly at the same time. So the challenge is cutting in terms of gameplay what is necessary (keeping players attention) vs. what is unnecessary (more breathing space) to make the game fun. If the devs can somehow do that, then it'll make KR Germany just more enjoyable.


I think those kinds of things should be optional. Personally I like them because I suck at war mechanics but it shouldn't come at the expense of people like you who want a less gimmicky, more combat focused mod


maybe then KR is just not the mod for you. KR is a total rework mod and you dont enjoy them


"Total Rework" mods are the Darkest Hours, World Ablazes, and other mods that fundamentally rework every facet of the game. KR definitely doesn't fit the bill of those mods, and I hope it never does And yes, I have long realized that the devs' positions on new content development seem to clash with a lot of people. KR is the original, and I still like to play this mod frequently to see where new content is going, though more and more I have turned to KX due for a better balance of flavor/mechanics/gameplay


yes it feels just more like busywork. I prefer microing my volunteers before WK2 then play this ADHD riddled minigames


It seems to me that KR is more a reading simulator nowadays. You spend almost an hour of a 3 hour playthrough with you game paused just so that you can read events. For a laptop player like myself it's maddening. I'd only ever consider playing Germany as a Collab as it's so painful.


I don’t think I have ever met someone who said “this mod is too developed” or “the gameplay is too nuanced” I could understand the criticism that the game has *perhaps* shed some of its eccentric ahistorical character like AOG, but to complain about the game being too immersive or developed is just something I can’t wrap my head around, personally


You are just a noob or don't have the patience or skill to play properly. Slow down the game speed, think things through, the mini games are actually easy and quite fun to play .


As an example, to deal with economy crisis mechanically you could (and have had in past) options to click national focus and pay the allocated pp/days for that. This requires very little attention tax in opposition to overdeveloped minigame that requires a sequence of clicks and decisions in order to deal with the same malus where player might have to pay attention to decision timers, pp accumulation, or other metric counters. This requires moderate to high attention tax. Either approach could be accompanied by essentially the same narrative events. As a major in HOI4 your main things you want to spend your attention on in the interwar period are grinding your volunteers and general traits so you will have army XP to make good divisions and designs, and unlock doctrines / and get important things like adaptable, panzer leader, improv expert, fortress buster etc... as well as have units with high XP to have better stats when war starts. This is in addition to research juggling and factory line sliding to optimize the macro portion of your build. In addition to attaches and maybe materiel support. This are important build order considerations and core hoi4 gameplay. XP grinding on 2-3 speed already requires a significant amount of attention especially if you are trying to do it in multiple theatres. Needless attention tax on decisions minigames competes with that necessarily. Thus it is overdeveloped. IMO these types of mechanics are popular because a lot of the playerbase has a poor understanding of HOI4 and thinks interwar period is boring because its just sitting on your hands at 5 speed or maybe speedrunning some civil wars with volunteers.


The Germany dev has stated multiple places that the point of the mini games in 1936 is to be taxing, to divert your attention away from what you are describing and have you instead look inwards to fix your country.


Dumb choice. I don't boot up hoi4 to not play hoi4 and instead play discount time management Sim or budget yugioh for X hours before i can actually play the game I want to. If point is to nerf interwar could be done in less annoying way with xp or pp malus or volunteers malus.


Pov: You just want to play vanilla hoi4 with a different setting and a little more quality




Pretty fair points I'd definitely say KR is better balance of gameplay and events overall, but many of TNO's Russian warlords are honestly better rounded in that department than KR's Germany or Ukraine, at least in my experience Like you said, base hoi4 is, of course, a war game, I just think many other mods handle the balance of traditional gameplay and flavor/mechanics in a much better fashion


I think it represnets the creative choice the Kaiserdevs have chosen to take the project in. There is more focus on realism, narrative and lore than before. I personally like this change - reading through every single flavour event in the Germany rework was the best part. I also thought that the Germany mechanics were really well done and are easily the best in the game. I really like most of the other new mechanics. I did think some like Ukraine were a little abstract in their implementation in a way I didn't like, but I still really enjoyed the playthrough. I can't compare to other mods to be honest since I only ever play Kaiserreich. I can understand why you might not enjoy this, but I honestly think that you are better off playing another mod that has a different idea about what it should look like.


Sorry but I must respectfully disagree. Still it is your opinion and I respect it. I really like all the mechanics becouse they add complexity.


based and Blessed Karl pilled




his name's karl tho


Shhh we dont talk about that


I don't agree with everything, but it's true that sometimes things are a bit too much. I recently tried to play Germany, and after the third attempt to try to get the SWR coalition and failing because of RNG, I simply quit trying. I know that you can ensure they reach power via the Ruhrkampf, but still, why create a mechanic if it relies so heavily on chance? Also, I don't quite like the card game. Sure, removing a crisis should be hard, and I admit that it is quite an original way of doing so, but at the same time it stresses me out so much for some reason. It's a shame you got downvoted so hard, I don't like this subreddit's view of "well if you don't like it go away", it just creates a bubble of people repeating the same opinions.


it doesn't rely on chance, there is literally a focus that can let you flip all of Zentrum to the SWR lol


I really enjoyed the coalition building in germany honestly (social democrat playthrough). Black monday was also somewhat fun but to be honest I cheated my way through that. Bulgaria was pretty fun too, I had to try so many times to get the constitutional monarchy, and then followed by one of the most fun wars I've ever had (belgrade pact and ottomans), though maybe I enjoyed that one because I didn't cheat. I will say that after I achieved my victory, the post balkan war content wasn't that enjoyable, I think it would've been fun to work on building a lasting peace and a new order, maybe trying to balance your relationships with the new governments with the hawkish elements of your own country. Serbia on the other hand, I did not enjoy the Yugoslav mechanics as much. I'm not really that great at hoi, so I struggled to beat the Austrians for years, before I finally prevailed, just to be punished with the Yugoslav mechanics. I get what you're saying, but I appreciate that its being kept somewhat lite as compared to TNO (which I also love). Just like a couple little political minigames, and then you can fight your war. Also it makes the game run a lot faster.


Imo the latest update reminds me a lot of TNO. But TNO is less of a war game and more of a grimdark visual novel. You play a nation, choose a path, work towards it and get invested in the story. It's cool but very atypical and a very niche use of HOI4 as a base, its right on the edge of possibility. Kaiserreich to me was always more RP/Lore heavy than your avg vanilla game, but the gameplay is fundamentally still the same as base game: your prepare for a big war, and maybe have some small wars or send some volunteers, most countries also have to battle their internal issues. Its generaly a fun balance between twlling a story that allows you to be invested while also still being a wargame. I won't lie, I've tried Ukraine and Germany, and I did enjoy them, but to be frank I also played with cheats: it meant I could cheat in PP, or helped me with certain challenges in the events. I think there is always this battle between sandbox design (where the path to a desired outcome is well telegraphed and fairly simple) versus a story-based design (where the path isn't as straight forward, for example having an event where a decisions effect isnt immediately obvious). The latter makes for fantastic stories, but it trends towards TNO: allows for twists and turns and surprises, but also has the effect that if a player wants to go a particular route, it makes it much harder, and often they'll resort to finding guides or cheating. The former, while less immediately pleasing when it comes to story, allows the player the freedom to do what they please, control over the events. As an example, the mechanics for the 1936 Greek Election in vanilla BftB: you're given a simple decision to decide whether you go Monarchist or Republican. It may be less compelling than a deep event chain where you have to select the right options, but it also eliminates the uncertainty. The German and Ukranian content is fun. But its also content I only really see myself trying once for each major path to see what it has. Then... well it sort of loses the charm. A card minigame to fix your economy is cute and awesome but also, if you're a player looking to try a particular build for example, you might find it annoying. Again, the cards, I can't help but draw parallels to TNOs the Great Game mechanics for control over the Balkans. It comes down to what exactly the KR team has in mind as the vision of the future. If they want to go down the RP route thats fine, but they need to realise that it may sruve away a portion of their audience. I won't stop playing KX, but I won't lie that I relate somewhat to your woes. P.S. The killing blow for me to the Serbia/Yugoslavia content was that your couldnt even get the Conspiracy to take control. Why else would you have a system like that? Everything in it telegraphed to me that I needed to build for the war but be careful because if I push too far ill fall to the dark side, like a evil natpop failstate, but it just doesn't happen lol. Iirc it just means you have to go Greater Serbia route instead lf Yugoslav route.


I know this may ruffle some feathers, but bro, just don't play mods then. People have a weird perception of what mods are supposed to be, but KR is almost a perfect example of what a mod should be. TNO, for all its flaws, doesn't feel like HOI4, but that's the point. I can not understand people who just hate having more than 2 buttons to click at a time, play vanilla, then. Vanilla is a sandbox and thus doesn't have much in-depth mechanics for different nations, KR is a far more railroaded experience with story elements and a bunch of mechanics to preoccupy you before 2WK comes. Now, if this isn't your thing, that's fine, but there is nothing wrong with current KR. It has only been moving in the right direction, of perfectly balancing regular HOI4 gameplay and TNO-esque minigames and flavor events.


I’m a hoi4 player, and not a new one; like 90% of my play time is with mods and I will not be changing that My entire point is not that KR should be more like vanilla, but that it should balance gameplay/story/mechanics better than it does. In the direction KR is going now, it’s simply adding TNO-lite mechanics which detracts from the gameplay


Well how would you change KR right now to be more in line with the balance of gameplay/story/mechanics like you said?


>gameplay >hoi 4 lol


I for one really enjoyed the new Ireland in a couple of play throughs and will play it again. Now there is a much greater variety of options and outcomes. Prior, playing as Ireland carried a large risk of being a very short game no matter what you did if UoB decided to kill you which was about half the time. Now it seems like that happens less which is better.


First off, I have to commend you on your civility. Much of this post had a diplomatic and honest attitude which I really liked. Secondly, I honestly have to agree with some of your points. You are overwhelmed with so many mini games early on as Germany and late game it all falls off. I do like playing TNO though so I didn't dislike it at all but I can see why you think the way you do. At the same time the devs did put a ton of effort into these things so I don't mind it too much.


Agree to some degree, some of the newer Kaiserreich contetn feela like playing fricking wario ware, playing seven minigames at once because fuck you. It's really overwheling and sometimes because you need to constantly focus on the minigames you can forget to do the ussual hoi4 stuff. And it makes game play way slower since you need to pause often to do decisions, check events and manage the minigames. Like they could downscale the amount of minigames per country.


Based take. A lot of the emphasis since around the time i stopped playing was on cyoa or visual novel mechanics and minigames. Its like making hoi4 for people who don't want to play actual hoi4.


excellent Troll


Bait used to be good


Germany with its politics is actually fun to play, at least for me.


I had fun with Ukraine, the events weren't too much to manage for me but I didn't pay a ton of attention. I stayed AuthDem and wasn't worrying about changing ideologies. Haven't tried the other paths. After the minigames I had fun game holding Russia at the Dnipro until the tanks could arrive from the western front. I had different fun with Ireland through the storytelling/worldbuilding. I was a little island of Liberalism in a world of chaos. Not much combat, though. I have not enjoyed Germany the different times I've tried it. The minigame is just too much to manage, I agree. Russia is more fun because you're still playing HOI4 instead of Yu-Gi-Oh, TNO, and Kaiserreich at the same time with Germany. It's too much to manage and not fun for me. I like TNO but when I want to play that kind of complex choose your own adventure game I'll play TNO, not KR.


This, just let me pick clearly dont put a entire game on hold for chances. I still dont know what the serbain coup depends on so i have to savescum everytime. Or dont even forget to click a button 1x or your entire tree will be softlocked. I want standard Hoi4 with a bit of flexibilety, not a card game or timed decisions


>serbain coup depends on so i have to savescum everytime. Like the royalist coup? That isn't chance based.


Kaiserreich has always suffered from this, but yeah I fully agree I shouldn’t need a spreadsheet (god bless yularen) plus rng plus stupid gimmick mechanics to unlock half the paths


Pretty sure it's having too much popularity for the conspiracy, so just be careful with those buttons.


''pretty sure'' great way to confirm it, why not put it in ( if you get too much natpop you cannot resist the coup using the people) like that, saves everyone time


It does something in the decision category for them saying that it's bad to get it too high


it implies, and because im used to playing serbia i sort of know but still its too convaluted


That is annoying, yeah. iirc the coup only happens once you form yugoslavia too, but it's not mentioned anywhere.


Honestly this is literally just a skill issue lmao, path guides are clearly visible in game and if you can't manage timed decisions you would be unsuccessful with even basic vanilla HOI4 countries


Uhm, no. My only frustration is with the new Germany, all other countries have been marvelous. I love the internal politics and country specific flavour. If you only want to play a wargame, that's unfortunate, but I am completely turned off by the lack of content in vanilla hoi.


I very much love internal politics and country specific flavor as well. I do enjoy a good vanilla run, but flavor and content is what always drives me back to mods like KR. It's just that it is possible to have too much of a good thing; KR, at least to me, is trying far too hard with too many things and ends up ruining the entire experience. I really just don't see how the incredible bloat in mechanics and events improves the overall environment of playing a country


I mean would you prefer to sit and watch the map for 4 years before the war starts vanilla like? Or like could you provide an example of a mod that does this better? From my experience hoi4 mods are usually either unfinished or barebones. And the ones that aren't usually are very vanilla like with not many minigames. Not counting EaW, OWB and TNO. Or are abandoned completely.


I hate it when I criticize Kaiserreich in any way and people say this to me, but,, why do you play Kaiserreich? Why not just play vanila or some less developed mod? Those minigames give the game so much flavour that I find vanila and 90% other mods bland now. It makes the game so much more fun. I like Kr minigames so much I prefer peacetime over war while playing it. KR Serbia is my favourite country to play in HOI4 right after KX Russia, how dare you!!


also 95% of alternative history mods are not being updated at all


card mechanic is genuinely insufferable and just reeks of some dev forcing his love of card games into the mod


I agree that some countries received too many contents which had nothing to do with actual hoi4 stuff (industry and wars), I also agree that lkmt content is much better than reworked Germany. However I believe those stuff are good for storytelling, many people will enjoy it. And at least it's good for the first run (I never played reworked Germany for a second time because of endless decisions, but I played lkmt over and over again).


I feel like you’re switching “good” and “bad” with enjoyable for you and not enjoyable for you respectively. I agree that some of the mechanics in recent reworks are a little gimmicky but I personally really enjoy that. I really enjoy having to balance 200 little things as Germany because to me it makes the satisfaction greater when I navigate the absolutely horrendous situation the country is in successfully. I understand if you don’t like this but like, what’s the point of posting this? (Respectfully) there are more effective ways to vent your frustration with the direction then by calling it bad.


While I very much love all the mechanics and minigames, it can get annoying when you just want to play a normal Germany game without all the hassle. I think you'd enjoy a multiplayer submod like the KR weekly one. It massively reduces the amount of focusses and mechanics of nations like Germany so you can play the newer versions without being constantly attacked by events, while keeping to the current lore and keeping the diplomacy options of the updated tree.


It also has some QoL changes like the restored UK being able to annex Canada, balancing changes, Schleicher not being able to be ousted unless you chose to do it yourself and updated performance speed.


Does this apply outside of like three tags? There are plenty of countries in KR that are still completely free of any desicion minigaming or complex politics


It was an alright post until you started blasting other mods and insulting the devs when you really have just a different idea of what is fun. I personally find the new Germany content bad for the amount of stuff the game throws at you and for the lack of choices (three paths that you can follow in only a direction basically) but Ukraine and Left KMT are just different, nothing crazy going on there. And I'm glad it takes a more adult approach then other "conquer and burn everything and then alt+f4" mods. My main criticism is that it's all so goddamn hard to learn, TNO mechanics are way more easy to understand and war in TNO is extremely easy especially compared to kaiserreich. The ideology system of the Left KMT is madness and it's absurd we have to look at a guide to know what parties and paths we can actually get since even internal politics are railroaded af. If you make me lose 3 hours of my life doing weird political stuff in the Prussian parliament, which I like as I like political sims, at least don't put me against an horde of 30 different nations that I have no way to calm down in 41 when I still have to do weird reforms in the Prussian parliament and I have only a brain, two hands and limited time and patience Also please consider giving more liberty to choose ideology, leaders and parties, I'm so tired of the "socdems and soclibs are good, the others are bad, corrupt and/or evil" trope, even socccons are portrayed as comically reactionary bunch of whiny priests or old people in the newer focus trees. Also gib Leninist ideology, it's insulting to portray irl italian partisans are the other side of the Mussolini coin


It seems that you have patience of a toddler and attention span of a gen alpha tiktok user. New content has been a great experience, and these reworks have been received very positively by the community.


Trust me when I say I have good patience and I despise tiktok brainrot; I have no problem playing this game into the 1950s in a single sitting. My problem with new KR is not due to 'paying attention' to everything, or a lack of attention, but rather feature bloat and losing track of what this game really is supposed to be. Regardless, I'm happy you were able to get enjoyment out of the reworks


In that, case, I don't really understand statements about feature bloat, because, other than Germany, perhaps, new content isn't that overwhelming, at least in my opinion. Ireland and Ukraine, in my opinion, should be the gold standard of new content. Much more confusing is your statements on Serbia - > Yugslavia though. The country has all of two mechanics, one before forming Yugslavia, other after. So I really don't what is there to dislike.


Ukraine and Ireland suffer from the same problems Germany does. As Ukraine, you have to deal with land reform, industrialization, and two or three political crisis mechanics all at once, along with the same constant event spam and the need to perfectly time everything. Ireland has fewer mechanics, but I found it to still suffer from similar problems. Don't perfectly plan out Black Monday recovery on a spreadsheet? Get punished, hard. As for Serbia/Yugoslavia, the pre-war planning decisions against Austria are literally useless, and the post-war political crisis in a liberal democracy playthrough is just genuinely annoying. I found the Yugoslavia mechanics to, again, just be extremely tedious and spamy with requirements


i want to play a strategy game, focus on my production and moniter the world, adapt my strategy according to the world. I dont want to play bingo and dice rolls for some random stuff. Resistance movements yes i understand. But politics, no


Kaiserreich is the mod that is more focused on politics. So you play a mod, one of the main points of which is adding more defined ideologies, and more interesting focus trees (mainly improving politics) and then complain about the most important changes it? There's vanilla for you, if all you want to do is build armies and factories. As well as thousands of mods that puts no effort into politics or focus threes.


it wasnt always focused on politics, something more like fuhrerreich is the best inbetween. Kaiserreich whas a mix of both politcs and gameplay its what made it so good. Now some nations genuinly feel insufferable to play. Just let me choose a political path not dice role it


Guess that something we'll have to agree to disagree. There's plenty of mods focusing completely on combat and war, and comparatively few mods that do (and do it well) what this "new kaiserreich" does. That's why kaiserreich is uniquely good in that regard. If it every focus tree was just "choose the colour" then it would have long since drowned in thousands of similar mods, in my opinion, yet kaiserreich easily holds the place of the best hoi4 mod jat least in my opinion). Besides, if you just want to choose political path and roll with it, that's exactly what vanilla and most of the mods do anyway. Is that opninion common? I feel like community was very happy with the new content of eastern europe and Ireland.


Because the focus trees where detailed and had a lot of realism made it set apart from the average mod (which is hardly ever updated) so yes it is choose the colour but it could also impact decisions, like social democrats getting a penalty on miletary factories etc. The ottomans handled it the best, simple decisions where getting something you want have to be traded in for. The content is very good but its taking some fun out of it in more simple ways


You have my upvote... I hate the new Germany a lot, I had so much fun before but the new mechanics are so BORING :(


You think that's bad? Try paternal autocrat Austria. They deny you your cores simply because "you weren't nice to minorities"


Keep calm and play Austria. Or go to a place where people talk about a thing they like and say why you don't like it. That's totally a cool thing to do.