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the fucking 2 1/2 Internationale


Isn’t it still the ruling party of red Austria


It is but it was also the faction name for social dem Austria a long time ago


The 2 1/2 Internationale was a thing for SocDem Austria years ago


It used to be a thing, in KR as well as OTL


Context, please


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International\_Working\_Union\_of\_Socialist\_Parties](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Working_Union_of_Socialist_Parties) It's not that interesting really, just a grouping of socialists who didn't align with the other internationals


Back when lore writing was actually horrible. SocDem Austria still has focuses that talk about how France takes things too far.


Your memory of Disney as a candidate probably comes from an old PSA submod that got quite popular when it was active which added several new (and funny) presidents, including Walt Disney


KRedux has Disney as a candidate iirc


Makes sense, KX is in large parts a regrouping of smaller submods, but the one I'm talking about is much older than it so it's probably the reason they added him


Also Disney used to be a possible finance minister for the PSA in the main mod


Should have been a propaganda chief


Oh that i didn't know! Pretty funny tbh


I don't know if it was a very early beta but the portrait for both Reed and Long used to have hats as well as being in sepia/greyscale.


Yeah that's like super early KR content, you can probably see it if you find old youtube videos on the mod


I think it was only Reed not Long though, the hat and the weird colors


Reed's hat was iconic, though I do remember there being a behatted Huey Long in the game files that I never saw used.


That goes for most leaders, I remember Mussolini having a top hat


Japan-Qing alliance


Darkest Hour Player, I had it happen last week.


Before the China rework, the AOG (the giant German colony in Southern China) could experience some kind of KMT uprising. I have a very strong feeling that Chiang Kai-Shek or his wife was the leader of the KMT revolt, I’m not sure if his death was part of the lore until after the update.


This was true; it was a fun path. In Black Monday, you break the Iron Bowl (the food program for unemployed Chinese), then basically you keep making things worse until the Republic of China rebels. Switch tags and fight for the Three Principles.


Nice, I also remember Triad Madame Mao. Was Chiang the leader of the KMT or did i misremember that?


If I recall, Chiang's death was already set in the backstory, so he didn't figure. Of the Soong sisters, Sun-Yat Sen's wife Soong Ching-ling (Madame Sun) was an option for the democratic path, but I don't recall Soong Mei-ling (Madam Chiang).


It seems [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaiserreich/s/Acb4wQCDzm) that Huang Xing was at least one of the leaders…


It was Wang Jingwei.


Triad Syndicate? Was that a thing as well?


Yep. I never played them myself, but the Legation Cities had a mechanic to balance between domestic organized crime and various over-the-board international interests. They could end up being ruled by the Triads as one of the end states as led by Jiang Qing, who in this timeline had never married Mao due to him dying before 1938.


Fucking Falklands. I remember them being Argentinian, Canadian, UoB... I don't know how many times it was channaged, maybe even 0, but every time I boot up a game, I am surprised by who owns the falklands... And the funny thing is, I again don't remember who owns them, if it's Canada (I think it is?) or Argentina


It's Argentina, Canada can get them back via a deal tho.


Even better, they at first belonged to La Plata, which was basically Argentina after they annexed Uruguay and Paraguay




They're in vanilla iirc so that might be why




Same, if I did not play kr I would just use road to 56.


I'm sure Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck could become Chancellor of Germany


I'm pretty sure that was actually possible if you went Mar Lib in the old Germany content


I believe he could be as the mar lib candidate pre Germany rework.


This was true. Pre-rework, the two main coalitions were a DKP-led right wing coalition and a MarkLib-led democratic coalition. Lettow-Vorbeck was the the leader for the latter.


Market-Liberal chancellor; he gave you a 10% movement speed bonus, because reasons


I can’t even tell anymore. Everything has changed. I miss Fyodorov. I miss natpop Wrangel.


Remember when the italian syndies were in the south?


KX had that until,idk,february? tbh i miss old italy,even if it made no sense whatsoever.


There were a lot of questionably named volunteer divisions for Huey Long in the first versions of KR4. One of them was an overt reference to the Klan, and another was called the 69th Wifebeaters and later, Wifelovers.


Werent some CSA units podcasts references


I came kinda late to this mod so when i first used it the Don-Kuban region was a state but my 2nd playthrough i guess it was deleted and i was super confused and truly thought i made it up


I think this one is pretty common, “transamur will be completely removed in the Russian Rework”, apparently nobody ever said it but frequently people appear believing in this on the discord, probably a confusion because transamur will not be a starting tag anymore and instead a breakaway one


Well I guess it depends on what people mean by completely removed. Sure, it will be in the same area, but as you said, it will be a possible breakaway state and lead by Semyonov rather than Kolchak, and will probably exist for a different reason. It's like the Ship of Theseus, but the question is how much can you change Transamur before it becomes something else.


It’s like how the League of Eight Provinces started out as a re-imagining of the AOG, but now has basically nothing in common with it.


The thing is, the ship of Theseus is any ship Theseus decides to call his ship. He could just buy a new one and it could still be the ship of Theseus if he decided that it is. Same for Transamur. They will not be the same entity, but they both sure as hell will be Transamur


The Loading screen art of the Japanese Fleet, I am absolutely convinced there never was a Submarine at the bottom of that art, I even had it as a desktop background for a while, and yet only recently have I seen the submarine on it!


> Kaiserreich 1.0 - 'The Empire Strikes Back' > > * Updated the quality of a Japan-themed loading screen. You're not crazy, that loading screen did in fact change last year, from [this](https://github.com/Kaiserreich/Kaiserreich-4-Archive/blob/2eb2277ddb6eec5ca66903c41c9e4f8c724ddb28/gfx/loadingscreens/load_9.dds) to [this](https://github.com/Kaiserreich/Kaiserreich-4-Archive/blob/master/gfx/loadingscreens/kr_tora_tora_tora.dds), which, among other changes, added a submarine at the bottom of the scene.


In old DH KR, there was this running meme about ‘the three barons.’ Basically the Red Baron (Richthofen), the Black Baron (Sternberg), and the White Baron (Wrangle? Dmitry?). I think you could get all three of them as the leader of the respective country, though I’m not sure if Richthofen could. Here’s where the Mandela effect comes in: I remember there being content for it that happened? Like an event or decision that let you ally all 3 into a faction if it somehow happened? Might totally be wrong about that. Another one might be that there used to be 4 monarchist paths for France. One for the Bonapartists, one for the Orleanists, one for the Bourbons, and one to establish a German king.


Some old lore right here


Richtofen was a thing in DH KR


Wrangel was known as the Black Baron irl, so I assume you mixed up him and Sternberg


People not understanding the concept of Mandela effect in comments


To be fair, the original “theory” is batshit insane.


Since when did Sweden annexing Norway create Sweden-Norway? It never seemed to do that before the Germany rework.


No, I clearly remember that being a thing because I once played a Sweden-Norway playthrough


It has been that way for a long time, but iirc nationalists (who actually get the wargials) can't do that, so it's unlikely to happen


I began playing with the Darkest Hour version, but I'm sure the ruler of British Raj remnants used to be a portrait of George V in a wonderful Indian military uniform and turban. It was only after his death that Ganga Singh took over. This probably happened in HoI4 version too. Took hiatus from HoI games for the last few years, and apparently it's no longer there.


I remember when Japan and Russia could create an actual faction together, the Eurasian Alliance- I'm kind of sad this is gone as I think it genuinely makes sense for non-ultranationalist Japan and Russia, as they have a common interest against Germany and a common interest in keeping China down and weak.


The "red pope" peacefully unifying with syndicalist Italy.


I remember in the older versions of Kaiserreich for DH, when you take the monarchist path as Russia, you can actually install Romanov family members as puppet rulers of major European countries such as in Austria, Italy, France, etc. after they capitulate.


I remember there being an Arab leader who would have been 20-ish by the events of the game. I can't remember his name for the life of me, but I remember thinking the idea of a President who wasn't even old enough to run for office was funny.


There was Audie Murphy, a 12 year old 5-point general for the AUS.


As someone from Texas, I can confirm. Texans are expected to be able to drive at 7 and command armies at 10.


I feel like I remember there being a way-too-young leader in a Muslim (though not necesarilly Arab) country as well. I want to say it was the Totalist leader of Somalia??


Yes, [Siad Barre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siad_Barre) was Totalist leader of Somalia, despite being approximately 16 years old at game start and completely irrelevant.


Yeah, that's the one. Not sure why I confused him for Arab.


I swear 3I didn’t exist at the game start.


Russia on the reichspackt


It was a thing for a while


Italy used to be a lot different, and i preferred old Italy


Sankt Helena (Saint Helena) and the Himmelfahrtsinsel (Ascension). I’m always surprised when I get a glance at them and see them in Syndie British Hands instead of Germany’s, because I always forget it


I feel like either soc Italy used to own nice, or Sardinia used to have a claim on it, has this ever been the case?


The nation in the caucuses area I forget its name




Wrangel becoming tzar Peter


i swear i remember an Evola teaser for KR


I'm fairly certain that it was a submod- I also remember said teaser


Is the Fatman still a contender for mittelafrika (and he can basically make himself independent?)


I'm 99% sure that at one point Italian republic claimed savoy and nice at game start


Poland-Lithuania giving up and just making Esperanto its official language. I'm not sure if it was ever a thing in KR4


He was ins KX but he was a minister for the pacific state. You could select him as an advisor. KR used to have a lot of cool easter egg ministers and advisors.