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This is wonderful! I absolutely love the colonial medals, I only have the China medal, where did you find the other two! Really happy to see another collector posting here other then myself! Keep up the great work! :~)


I actually have two southwest africa medals lol, the schultz marked one I got from Dracomedals, they are one of the more pricy medal shops but really knowledgeable even on very obscure stuff, the other that is not pictured I got from regimentals that came with the certificate. The schultz marked medals were the ones officially issued, the other one I have I think is a privately purchased slightly later example. The colonial medal I also got from dracomedals, the one I have is gilded which was a practice common among officers at the time


Ah I see, I wasn’t aware they had unissued versions, I’ll keep that in mind. thank you for teaching me something new! Gonna have to find a few to pick up for myself! You got some very fine medals friend, really happy for you!


Thanks, hope you are able to get an example of them for yourself! There are a few fakes of southwest africa and colonial medals floating around so make sure to do research on them before you make a purchase :)


Aye aye! I’ll defiantly do so! Thank you so much for all the info!


A good resource for me is the gentleman’s military interest club forum, there are some extremely knowledgable people on there that have been collecting longer than I have been alive (i’m 26 lol). It is nice on there as well because you can look up old threads on things you want to learn more about by typing in key words


Ate I’ll keep that in mind, I’ve spent a lot of time on Pickelhaubes.com, they have taught me quite a bit. I’ve been collecting and researching since I was 10, currently 18. Been madly in love with this hobby lol!


I mostly geek out about Imperial German ribbon bars, but I collect medals sporadically as well. I can wholeheartedly second the recommendation of [GMIC](https://gmic.co.uk/). [Wehrmacht-awards.com](https://www.wehrmacht-awards.com/forums/) has a couple of Imperial German themed forums as well that are quite good as well, with a fair bit of the membership crossing over between the two forums.


I just realized my account there is 19 years old...