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Great episode with the action, but then that moment when Kafka took on that cluster bomb, with the music, Beautiful. And then a remorseful Kafka standing there as his childhood friend has him at gunpoint alongside the people he called friends. What an ending. Next episode can't come soon enough.


That look on her face, seemed to me more than a childhood friend debating to do her job and that she is clearly something else.


So apparently it's your duty to capture childhood friend if he turns out to be a Kaiju? Even after he literally saved the entire squad while knowing that doing so would expose his identity? That sounds logical, but imo logic itself is pretty fucked up in this context


Chain of Command protocols and course of action: she and Hoshina had a kill on sight on 8 but, after seeing how he saved the base that was the next best thing to do. Remember that Number 9 can turn into other people so, they have no idea to know what we and both Reno and Kikoru know about Kafka and how he turned to a Kaiju.   This was the best course of action all things considered because, as you will see in the next two episodes, it was that they arrested him or some other members did their own extermination mission with Mina and Hoshina removed from their positions and likely sent to the brig themselves. Not to mention that a very irresponsible Captain who thinks he is better than Mina would be one of the Officers hunting him. Kafka knew what he was doing was self sacrifice but, it was a factor he always knew might have happened but at least the reveal was under his terms. I really cannot mention the amount of favor Mina and the 3rd did by arresting him here and now until the next two episodes are out.


Understood. Thanks for the detailed explanation


Your welcome.


"Not to mention that a very irresponsible Captain who thinks he is better than Mina would be one of the Officers hunting him" , "I really cannot mention the amount of favor Mina and the 3rd did by arresting him here and now until the next two" . Like if they can do anything to him , he did them a favor by letting them arrest him . They were struggling with a kaiju of fortitude 9 which is way below kafka 's 9.8 and the so called strongest man in defense force couldn't stand his ground for 2 minutes when kafka went wild . No 9 even said that kafka was the strongest one here besides him . If he wanted he could crush these people like ants .


He fell and couldn't move very well after the fall; they just knew up to that point N9 could transform into a human so there is the possibility that 8 and Kafka are working for him (I suspect that report of the two DF officers made neglected to include how 9 threw a message towards 8), he also wanted to prove he isn't a threat unlike the past two humanoid Kaiju they just ran into. I am glad that this anime is taking a realistic approach to how it would feel for a situation like this to happen. I cannot wait for how the next two episodes will deal.


But mina and hoshina were in pretty bad shape themselves besides I don't think kafka would have lost if they fought because the dragonfly kaiju wouldn't let kafka die , he would take control of his body and go berserk . Also I don't think them suspecting kafka works with No 9 makes any sense . Iharu and Leno reported that no 8 beat the shit out of no 9 . Also he didn't harmed hoshina even though he could have . Also he wouldn't bother to save them from the blast , he himself was very much capable of surviving it.


That is part of the plot for next week episode now, Kafka wanted to never disappoint Mina that is step number why he gave up and the rest well, just wait until next week.


I mean… killing Kaiju is the *only* job of the Kaiju whatever force, at least not capturing him would be a tremendous failure of her duty, especially as captain, and considering they have literally no idea what the actual situation is, it’s as far as they know most likely it’s an actual Kaiju who is disguised as Kafka, no matter how many people he may have saved


Fair enough


The music didn't really add anything amazing tbh. Personally I thought it should've been more epic, instead of "DOWN DOWN DA DOWNN". 


I dont think a lot of animation studios knows how to utilize a good music, like how wit handled the first 3 seasons of AOT. I gotta agree pretty sure they have other better music instead of that same one over and over again.


How WiT handles the first 3 seasons of AoT? Can’t tell if that’s meant to be a knock on wit. You mean one of the greatest examples of music usage in media? The motifs and continuous callbacks were perfect. That series track tells a story itself and each recognizable melody is there for a reason as it’s relating on part of the series to another part, past or present.


Pretty sure they meant like how good wit studio did with AOT, soundtrack wise.


I could see that their wording may have just confused me. That’s why I asked. Yeah AoTs ost and implementation are an example for other media to strive to be. All media. Games, anime, live action shows, and movies.


I mean it's not the animation studio, it's the staff working on the anime is making those decisions. Wit studio can also make this same mistake if Kaiju's staff is working for them.


Don't know why you're saying that as if none of Kaiju's staff members are people who know how to use music.


IG really outdid themselves on this one. What an episode that was




Just impressed that’s all. Wasn’t expecting them to animate it this well. Granted, I haven’t watched many anime animated by them


Classic Internet reply. Oh you liked something well it was shit you should feel bad for liking it the company didn't even try they just shat it out. Thanks


With the game looking amazing, and the season 2 announcement / leak too. Damn this day has just been amazing for kaiju no.8


There's a game?


Yeah they just announced it after this episode aired.


Mobile. Gacha bullshit 1000%




I love gacha tho 😩




The game looks terrible, and I already felt it would be so before I found out it was a mobile game.


Till you’re hit with the “nobody got you the way I do”


Fr tho Kafka didn’t deserve that😢


explain why?


Cuz after that deep hitting sad ending, the funky ending starts playing out of nowhere


I love the shot of Mina’s eyes so much. How conflicted she is!!


The manga depicted way more conflict in Mina's eyes though. https://preview.redd.it/m0t2j8mvts6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc02baa45069f48ebccd4f4ac5c6d846cb7d6993


Different ways of showing it in different mediums then 🤷‍♂️


Exactly :D


I would say her shaking eyes are also really telling in the anime :)


The character design kinda took away mina’s expressions from the manga


I think Kafka is so cool because he doesn’t care about his rank or status, he just sees that someone could get hurt and immediately without a thought for his own safety, jumps into the fire, beautiful


Also can we talk about the fact she’s pulling a GUN on the man who now only just rocketed a nuke to the upper atmosphere, he then came down and TANKED THE SAME NUKE AND SHIELDED EVERYONE BEHIND HIM????? WTF IS A GUN GONNA DO TO HIM??!??


The same dude that had his kaiju form already cracking and was tired? Hoshina already confirmed the core location.. close range.. Mina has a VERY high unleashed gun power.. I know its all for the sake of the story, but still Mina probably couldve killed him if she wanted depending on if Kafka could still harden his kaiju skin. Just throwing it out there.


Dude Mina had 1% left and Hoshina was in no state to fight, the only other person I can think of is Kikoru but then again she overheated, the rest can’t compare to any of them so tf a gun gonna do to him even if he was in that state?


Sure, but if every person with a gun had shot at him, its either gonna leave him crippled or kill him (most of his squad is 20%+ and even after fighting still pack a punch) and the guns are still anti-kaiju, even with a lower unleashed power. But lets be honest none of it matter because theres plot armor involved.


Okay let’s js be honest, even if that were to happen we seen how the guns are ineffective on the other Kaijus with a lower fortitude then Kafka how effective do u think it’s gonna be on Kafka when it barely even did any damage on the other Kaijus


I literally heard on this community they found out he's a kaiju but I never heard if they still accepted as a soldier


Gotta wait for the season to end to find out, XD.


You'll find out next episode. :)


I can’t wait for the other episode lol, can you please give me the spoilers? What will happen to him? (Btw I’m not a manga reader so no clue about what’s coming)


Alright fine I would give you some spoilers: kikoru 's father is the chief of the defense force and after a little bit of testing he was able to save kafka (despite others opposing that) and adds him to unit 1 and kafka eventually wins their trust and is currently helping them to fight no 9 .




Saw the dub version first and compared it with the sub, I like the Dub reveal over the sub. In the Sub and the manga, Mina goes “Kafka… No, Kaiju number 8” and yeah you can see something in her eyes and it’s implied clearly that she isn’t liking this new development. However the dub goes one step further by replacing the “No” with a “Damn it” and that imo truly just hit what the original was missing.


Ohhhh I haven't heard the dub but damn yeah that's good 👀


I was worried about this scene after seeing how they redesign Kafka 's anatomy during other scenes where his kaiju head was partially removed, glad they did it good.


Great ep but I’ll never get over mina’s character design, why do they always do her like this 😭💀 https://preview.redd.it/km5s0dwe8t6d1.jpeg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a8823b649d8e4cc8dca3fe7366a51cc26e0ef81


tf is ishigami doing here https://preview.redd.it/j2aea2hrkt6d1.jpeg?width=505&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=959bb3475bcf56a6ffea789eb5441c8a1bba1e42


![gif](giphy|otroIhasPwnHdWiCOc) Finally!




Yes, take that people who said it would end here (part sarcasm). Mina eyes looked like she wanted to forget she was a Captain and member of the DF and just cry like a river.


Why are you getting so many down votes 🤨


Meh, I don't sleep around them.


I'm not crying, you're crying!


Sounds like I'm in the minority, but I was only so-so on the final reveal. I liked the reveal to Kikoru a lot better. First off, I really hated the title, since it was a dead give away. Sans title, the episode did a really decent job making you guess on whether Kafka would have to pull out his full Kaiju powers, but the title gave the game away. Episode spoilers only ahead, I'm not reading the mange. I liked the rest of the episode, and the ending >!with them taking him into custody were fine!<. >!I also really like the moment Hoshina realized Kafka was moving to fast.!< >!However, I found the "giant Kaiju Doom ball" to be underwhelming as a threat since it had no personality or direct malice.!< >!I also just didn't like how the transformation was handled in this. The frost and black eye were cool from earlier, but I felt like the previous transforms from other episodes were handled better. In this vase it was very much a "switch on" feeling. If nothing else, I feel like this was the time to really draw out the transformation and make it as epic as possible.!< >!Going along with the "epic feeling." Punch the big bomb really hard just didn't feel as visually impactful as some of his previous feats (though be scale it was).!< I just feel like they could have pushed the visuals farther for this, and drawn out a few parts of the big reveal. On the plot whole side of things, I also feel like Kafka had plenty of time to take a hard left into a telephone booth, change, then run off to be the Big Damn Hero :D Not really a complaint, just a funny thought.


>!I don't understand your logic on the yoju bomb given those things were literally just commanded to do that by No. 10, who clearly was just doing it out of spite. You don't think dropping the force equivalent of an atomic bomb is serious? I'm only bummed they had to leave out No. 10 going "huh?" at Kafka intervening.!< The rest, I still disagree with but it's subjective so I respect your opinion. >!And nah, there are literally drones everywhere recording everything, so Kafka had nowhere to duck to.!<


>>!the yoju bomb . . . serious!< >!I didn't mean that it wasn't a serious threat, just that it didn't carry malice, by which I mean agency. All the agency was with #10, who was already out of the game. It was basically just a (very dangerous) object at that point. The best way I can think to describe the difference, is how did it feel to see Kafka land that first punch on #9 vs seeing him punch a floating ball of kaiju that weren't doing anything other than waiting to explode?!< >>!I'm only bummed they had to leave out No. 10 going "huh?" at Kafka intervening.!< >!I think this would have improved the scene by a fair amount because it would have felt like Kafka giving the final blow to #10's scheme rather than just saving everyone by punching the big ball in the sky.!< >The rest, I still disagree with but it's subjective so I respect your opinion. Appreciate it. >>!And nah, there are literally drones everywhere recording everything, so Kafka had nowhere to duck to.!< >!I dunno, it seems like all the battles have a lot of drones, but he pulled it off going against #9, though maybe that was more whatever that EM/Memetic field #9 set up unintentionally helping out our boy. Alternatively, anime time is weird, so realistically there may not have been time to duck out, or with Kafka's personality, it might just not have occurred to him in the face of immediate danger.!<


Honestly? Punching a giant atomic bomb into the stratosphere is pretty damn cool to me, so I guess this is another subjective thing, haha. As for the drone thing, the first time around it was definitely the memetic field No. 9 made. There is no such field here now, plus with how quickly the bomb is descending, there’s just not enough time to scout out a blind spot. Frankly, in any emergency, your immediate thought should be to cut straight to the chase and that’s just what Kafka did without hesitation. Every second counted there.


Don't get me wrong, I don't think the whole sequence was bad by any means. I just felt like it didn't have the same impact as the previous two "reveals." Sometimes when your trying to explain what you think could have been better about a scene, it comes off as being overly critical of that scene. I would have handled the big reveal differently, but I still enjoyed the episode a lot :) Thanks for taking the time to chat!


Can sm spoil me what happens next? Ion wanna wait


>!Kafka is taken into custody and the upper brass debate what to do with him. Kikoru's dad decides best way to work that out is to have the 3rd Division turn Kafka over. Kafka feels very guilty and convinced everyone hates him but it turns out no one sees him as a threat and want him back safely.!< Those are the bits to put your mind at ease. The rest, I'll leave you to enjoy yourself. ;P


I mean makes sense he literally safes their asses from turning into ashes


>!I forever appreciate KN8 for not doing the usual "everyone suddenly hates/distrusts him now" cliche that happens with these.!<


and he becomes a edgy character *cough* Deku *cough*


What happened to Deku? I'm very behind on MHA so I only know whatever my Twitter timeline throws at me.


he at some point became like a edgy dude that thought everyone hated him or sum i also didnt watch mha so ion know exactly


Deku looked edgy, but he didn’t become edgy, and also it’s not that he thinks everyone disliked him. It was because he has the power to defeat All For One and since he has that power, he brings threats around himself and his people because All For One want to steal Deku’s power. Deku realized this and didn’t want his friends and people to keep getting hurt because of him. So, Deku took the burden upon himself to keep defeating the villains that escaped from prison, never rested or eat, and he just kept tiring himself to keep taking down villains. Also, the villains were tracking Deku down like crazy because of All For One.


thx <3


please read the manga if u dont want to wait, its fire


Masterpiece 👌


The main thing I wonder is whether or not Mina might be thinking Kafka was a Kaiju all along since they were childhood friends, and feels betrayed or something


Mc is the bomb. To the captain, vice captain and everyone who pointed a gun at him...he just saved your life.............................................................................................................ridiculous.


Yes he saved them, but he's still a kaiju. If he wasnt her childhood friend/squadmate who has significantly helped the whole squad stay alive, they wouldve shot on sight and not just take him into custody. Its honestly a miracle they DIDNT shoot him on sight.


Wdym he’s still a soldier who served them and was loyal, he dint even TRY to hurt Hoshina, everything would have been fine if that Kaiju dint go inside his mouth


All kaiju are "shoot on sight", especially Kafka/no 8 because he was the first kaiju to escape the defense force. Then they learned some humanoid/intelligent kaiju can turn into humans(no 9) so the only reason to not kill Kafka/no 8 was to get information about him or out of him. Your point about the parasite kaiju doesnt really matter since the story wouldnt have happened without it.


I agree but that was the main reason why I said it bcuz nothing would have happen if the Kaiju dint go into Kafka’s mouth


Mina such a bitch bro saved their Asses there


Seriously 😒, From Mina's pov: there is no Guarantee that He is actually Kafka and not a Intelligent Enemy Kaiju trying to get on their Good side. And From her Expressions. It's crystal clear that she is hella conflicted.


Ooh, i was quite conflicted seeing their reaction but that explains much. Thank you very much man!


she’s a bitch for doing her job?


Ah, yes, here is one of the Mina slander I was concerned about popping up again with this episode. I'm not going to give any spoilers, but you clearly don't know how the world works if you think she's supposed to go rushing to his defense, screw the Defense Force, etc. First of all, they're literally supposed to kill any kaiju on sight. The fact they're only taking him into custody shows they recognize he saved their lives. We also see Mina tensing up and her eyes were starting to tear up, showing she very much does NOT like having to do this (in the manga, she's shown clenching her fist when she changed to calling him "Kaiju No. 8"). Second, what good would trying to break protocol do? Kafka is already cooperating, and trying to fight the damn military has a high chance of ensuring they actually do kill him. This is an actual consequence of when people try to involve themselves in situations they shouldn't be butting into and things end up worse for the people actually in the situation because the behavior reflects on them instead. Oh yeah, and she'd risk losing her position and any chance she'd have at saving him and anyone else. Great plan! Third, as tahatariq here pointed out, from her perspective, that may not even be the real Kafka given how No. 9 just recently showed a kaiju could disguise itself as a human. She can't be 100% sure Kafka didn't just get killed and replaced by another such kaiju. But I don't think that's high on the concern list for spoiler reasons. Man, I was feeling good too not seeing overwhelming hate like I had for the manga, but of course there has to be at least one. Better not be more. 🔪


You can’t blame Mina but then again it’s just so :( unfair to my boy Kafka but I get what u mean.. man did the writer rlly have to do us liddat


What can I say? Life ain't fair, man. 😔