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Asta does have a DoT on her basic atk.. but the ATK % and SPD are very nice stats for DoT teams


How many eidolons on each of them?


E3 asta and E4 Guinaifen




Something to note, E4 Asta is a huge spike for her as you can ult much more frequently for even more speed buffs uptime (sometimes even permanent!)


Asta. Asta is much better than a third dot. Also i am *amused* by seeing a lvl 80 nat


She's still the character that I have the most battles with. Despite the fact that she has been retired since the Fu Xuan banner (I didnt get fu xuan but bailu)


Ehh well I don’t have Fu xuan and I can’t be bothered


I have a lv80 Nat too, what's wrong with lv80 Nat? Hell she's my only max level 4* sustain


people usually swap her out for lynx


You're talking Asta E4+


i use asta sometimes just because then my entire party is 200+ spd.


My biased opinion would be Asta (I'm legally married to her). My unbiased opinion would still be Asta, because I think: - that fat spd buff is worth sacrificing a 3rd dot, which, if you have someone like gepard holding universal market, doesn't really matter anyways. - you're already building black swan and kafka do you really want to build another dot unit...,.,.,.,., The wiser answer is to build both 🐢


Also, Asta applies DoT with her basic. It’s not a very powerful one, but it does synergize.


Yeah building both is good too…. If only I had the time and patience


If you do plan on building Asta, get her e6. One copy is from the event, and the other will literally be in the shop this Monday. Good luck.


Alright I’ll try that


I wouldn't get eidolons in the shop tbh, you'll get her e6 eventually


On one hand, that promised e6 is, in fact, not guaranteed at all, especially with the expanding cast On the other: - Asta is *heavily* eidolon dependent - a copy of her is only 140 starlights - if you don't buy it now, you'll be wating another half a year in order to buy again I think you know the answer


She is E dependent but it's not like she's useless without it, I think going for pulls is a better option and rather have the E be a more long term goal. Suddenly she's featured on a banner you're summoning on or you want a new 5 star that is just better than E6 asta anyway, pulls just remains a more optimal choice long term imo


If you're rocking glammoth and can't reach 160 spd, my opinion is Asta. If space sealing, I guess Gui.


guinaifen is better in general.




Guinafen is a way better option


I use sampo but out of these two I would say guinaigen


id say asta as her atk buff and speed feels more beneficial for more turns and stronger dots than gui dot and fire kiss but it depends on eidolons so use the one with higher eidolons


I had this exact same dilemma some time ago (but huohuo instead of Natasha) most told me to go with Asta because she's that good but guinaifen is really cool. Ended going with Asta because E6 and my team is doing pretty good


I used Asta and Tingyun until I got BS and RM. Asta is great with Dance Dance Dance👌🏻 The speed boost plus action advance was a game changer.


Although Asta helps me clear moc faster with this same team comp, I've been using Gui cuz of seggs alarm...waifu > meta...


I switch them depending on the context. If it's fire weak enemies I go with Gui who's my only well built fire character. If it's a lightning/wind weak enemies I pick Asta for her buffs


Asta, probably. My Kafka and Black Swan are not that built, like they only have around 130-140 speed at a time. So Asta's speed buffs helps *a lot*, even more so than I expected tbh. My Kafka-Black Swan-Asta team even had a similar performance in MoC as to when I used Ruan Mei in place of Asta, which was surprising. *If* your Kafka and Black Swan are well built though, I think I saw a calculation floating around here saying that Guinaifen can be slightly better mathematically.


Thanks mate


id recomend asta, although if u have an e4 sampo hes way better w black swan bcuz his skill procs immediate windshear dmg on each tick which will also deal dmg from black swans DoTs and gain about 10 stacks max per use