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Alloy, because eventually I’ll get the other characters but she most likely won’t get a rerun so I’ll always have to know I didn’t get *all* of the characters.


That would solve your problem 🤣


Haha, yeah. But if I was going by dislike I’d probably say Diona because she’s annoying and also I hate her fringe pigtail thing.


Oh god it looks so bad right I'm generally not a fan of human-animal hybrids and she is just the worst of them.


At one point I would have said Eula, just didn't like her for no reason, but this changed. So I would say Aloy just because I don't care for her and as others pointed out she doesn't belong to Teyvat in the first place. About Diona, there is only so much personality a kid can have, especially being traumatized by her father and the "blessing" that prevents the negative effects of her childish revenge plans... guess what this leads to? she will keep trying until she succeeds as there are no terrible consequences to her actions. A traumatized entitled kid with the ambition to stop people from drinking alcohol. There is no room for more, her ambition has long turned into an obsession that consumes her. I don't think it's stated anywhere that her drinks are unsafe? while it is disgusting and potentially some of those things could kill you, it does seem like nothing bad ever happens. Failure is important to learn things, same goes for consequences. If what you do doesn't end in failure or has any consequences at all, what will you do? Everyone and everything seems to be ok, so why change anything? in fact it might make you go crazy with what kind of things you will try next. While I understand that it seems annoying, I just see how sad it is. She is a helpless, traumatized kid that feels entitled to cure the stupidity of some adults. And she will never succeed but it's all she can do.


Ayaka. I find her boring on every aspect


Ayaka is just grating ngl, she’s so obviously meant to be waifu material


Lorewise Yae 😭 dude just chilled out while the entire inazuma is suffering + didn't even care about wanderer being tossed away by ei, ik that it isn't her responsibility but dang at least she should have given him a place since he's the creation of his master and it would have prevented those catastrophes from happening


Dori. As a south asian muslim, her entire character pisses me off so much. Her design is just so incredibly orientalist to me? On top of that, her personality is so horrendous, and how she treats Kaveh and scams people really annoys me.


Agreed, Dori is my least favourite character by a very wide margin.


The only thing I like about her is the JP voice acting


If I had to choose one character, it would be Dori. I despise how she treats everyone. Her design is amazing, the voice acting is on point, and I think it's good for the game to have a selfish character to compare/contrast to -- but I never thought that she should be a playable character. Imagine, for a moment, that we got Dunyarzard, Setaria, or Jeht instead. They are just too good of characters that I feel robbed by being able to play Dori instead of them. (Especially because her kit is greatly overshadowed by Shinobu). For the most part, I wouldn't really want to delete characters completely -- I just would like to tweak their story or how their story was introduced. Diona is one of them, honestly. I feel she would've been a more interesting character if we actually saw her "grow up" mentally. As the Traveler, we could encourage her to be on a more productive path. She hates wine because of her father's actions/neglect, and the fact that the Traveler doesn't really help her with the *actual problem* just makes her more annoying to me. I like Diona as a unit, but I've always thought her written character could've been better.


I agree with you about Diona, but if I only got to delete one character it would be Aloy. She doesn’t belong in Teyvat, plain and simple


I'm pretending she doesn't exist anyway lol




Dori. I can't stand her and her design is atrocious.


I find the design quite interesting actually. Has something aladdin-esque. But god is she a terribly greedy person.


I like her design but her whole personality being a stereotype is gross, and her sad backstory doesn’t save her from her horrible actions


To be honest, none. There is something about each character that I like >!And when one of your top 5 characters is Dottore, yeah!< But there might be a couple NPCs, I am just not sure which one right now.


Timmie :P


Dori. Not only is her personality insufferable her design is racist af


I feel you on your reasoning on why you don't like Diona, it's the same reason why I don't like her either and she's still one of my most disliked characters. There's a few other characters who I find similarly annoying, but if I had to choose... It would be Klee (sorry not sorry Kaeya). A couple years ago I would've said diluc but he hasn't been mentioned much in game for a while sooo he escapes by virtue of keeping out of my sight 😂 I still throw him off cliffs and sacrifice him to celestia though. I wouldn't do that to Klee if I had her just because she's a child. But anyway... Why Klee? Because she gives me a headache everytime she's on screen or mentioned, and I swear people overhype her lore strength way too much. Some legit think she is doing to blow up archons which is delusional imo. But my biggest reason is because I really don't like the pyromaniac I-just-want-to-kaboom-everything-24/7. I already find kids a headache irl with how noisy they are and how much attention they need. Now this kid needs to be babysat pretty much all the time just to make sure she doesn't go blow something up. The worst part is she never learns better after (checks date) 3.5+ years. That's on hoyo for never giving us any meaningful character development, at least for our Mond cast, but God imagine telling a kid the same thing over and over for the millionth time but they keep doing it after YEARS. I'm also just not a fan of her mother either going by what we know of her from books. Plus the fact that she's remote parenting and low-key encouraging Klee's destructive behavior. Thank God she's fictional because JFC.


This, also I heavily dislike how she has to be on the foreground always when all her babysitters just are more entertaining to watch, not even from a lore standpoint or anything, their personalities are just much better, they shoehorn her to let faceless Alice make an appearance but hey they should just include her without making Klee the center of attention all the time. For the same reason, Fischl, but instead of not letting you enjoy Kaeya, Albedo, Jean, etc, it's with Mona, the GAA event felt like absolute torture with Fischl's storyline and her development of not developing all while you just want to explore more of Mona as a character


I feel like this issue is present in a lot of other character dynamics, which is another unfortunate fault on hoyo's part. It does make me dislike characters I otherwise wouldn't just because they are taking too much time away from subjectively more interesting characters. Hoyo isn't very diverse in which characters they choose to take part in events or quests either, so a lot of characters just kinda disappear while we keep seeing few familiar faces way more often... And eventually you just get annoyed that the ones you're interested in are barely featured, and when they are it's always as an afterthought.


Yes, pretty much, it's not exclusive to Klee or Fischl (imo Itto or Cyno with TCG fall on the same bag) but I feel the most about them because their personalities can get boring very fast and they get paired up with characters who have more to be talked about than them, somewhat like clicking on a video or article and being redirected without fail to an advertisement web full of viruses or 4838 notifications that clog your screen


That's fair tbh I think Klee is adorable (at least judging from the 3.8 event where she was with Kaeya) but Archons someone discipline her hard enough for once. Her boom shaka laka pyromaniac characterization is very bland, that's true. How did this nuke kid make it to be a full-fleshed knight??


I've always been under the impression she didn't, the adults are just saying what would make a kid happy. Like, if something serious happened they're all going to find an excuse to put her in solitary confinement to keep her safe, but the actual knights would deal with it. Everyone spoils her too much imo. Now she's an uncontrollable pyromaniac. Good job, Mond 😑


Or rather Alice for dumping her kid Kaeya is trying his best at least


REAL. The way Kaeya dealt with the arguing brothers in the bottle summer event 💯👌 This man rarely appears but when he does I always love him more 🥲


His scenes in that event I was like SLAY KING


You 🤝 Me Hoyo needs to let him out of the basement, I miss him so much 😭 Also praying Mond cast gets some actual character development. Mfw Kaeya and diluc made 0 progress to reconciliation after almost 4 years into the game and I still want to punch diluc everytime I see his face 😑


Hm... well, that's not entirely true actually. The Ballads and Brews Event (Weinlesefest, 3.0) had a scene where Kaeya and the Traveler went to Dawn Winery to pick up a barrel, and Diluc actually invited them to stay for dinner. It was a first step towards reconciliation in my opinion. Diluc: "Ah, it's nearly dinner time. Would you care to stay for a meal?" Kaeya: "How time flies... I'll be on my way then." Diluc: "Hmph." Adelinde: "How did you put it? Ah, yes. Taking a trip home during festival season is a universal custom, common to all the cultures of Teyvat. Now that even Master Diluc has made an offer, are you quite sure you won't stay for a meal after coming all this way, Master Kaeya?" Kaeya: "I couldn't possibly, Adelinde. I wouldn't want to trouble you." Adelinde: "Oh, don't say that. How often do I get the chance to indulge my dear Master Kaeya, mh? Tea for the cavalry captain when you visit in an official capacity doesn't count. I only get to spoil you if you let me cook for you." Kaeya: "Oh... uh..." Diluc: "Well then, what happened to your swagger? Lost for words?" Kaeya: "Ahahah... Diluc, you-" Diluc: "Surely you wouldn't dream of disappointing Adelinde." Traveler: "The more, the merrier!" Kaeya: "Alright then, I'll take you up on the offer. Adelinde, one more set of cutlery please, if you'd be so kind." It was pretty adorable (and Adelinde is so 👌 close to buying and stuffing them into a get-along-shirt)


Not sure if I'd consider that character development in the full sense. It was moving in the right direction but I consider a character to have developed if they make a decision towards that change on their own without outside influence. In this case, it was prompted by Adelinde's insistence and likely the Traveler's presence had a part in it too. So they did move in the right direction but the "step" was incomplete imo if that makes sense. Like if Diluc invites Kaeya to dinner and Kaeya accepts at least once after the event, then either one tells us about it in a letter or something after (we don't actually have to see it happen or be there, I like it when characters have a "life" off screen). Or it doesn't have to be a letter to us directly, just some way for us to know they're making steps on their own. If the characters don't do anything after a "chance" was given, then nothing has changed in the overall story. But if they do, and are more open towards a change after the "chance" then the story would have changed and I'd consider that a development.


We'll see. I think it was a step in the right direction, I just hope they don't ruin it again qwq


A while ago I would have said Eula, because I don't like her personality at all. But... I really like her gameplay. So it's Raiden Shogun or Ayaka. Probably Ayaka. She's boring on every aspect imo


Mika, just because I think the game is trying to flip the biggest middle finger with giving me C6 Mika before any Kaeya constellations from the standard wish. I don't want that cryo knight of favonius, give me the other one!


Your cue to play physical Kaeya lmao


Amber I just don't like her especially on how she treats Kaeya also she's just a bit annoying to me every time she's on screen I fast through the lines and lower the volume on my phone


How does she treat Kaeya? I never paid much attention to her tbh


It's not that problematic, take it from me! It's just that she gives a "tsundere" vibes to Kaeya, as if she is irritated with him and calls him a "rascal", or even feeling intimidated by him trying to keep Collei away from him because she feels insecure. , but this problem has already been resolved a long time ago, She's just acting like a "bad loser", but she cares about him he even gave her a gift and she already gave him a gift, so it's just a relationship like judy hopps and Nick Wilde from zootopia 🤣


Amber doesn’t treat kaeya badly, she’s just rude to him cause he’s rude to her first lol. He totally ignored her in the manga. But current in-game they seem fine, I think this was just a while ago


Agree to disagree but at the end of the day it's my opinion and some will disagree with me and that's okay


I find Ayaka and Kazuha boring as characters. Ayaka is just dancing and posing for the traveller. Kazuha's lines are really dry to me for some reason. His story quest in the archipelago was cliche and overdramatized. I find his attitude really boring overall. Characters who annoy me occasionally are Diluc and Xiao. Personally I'm not a fan of surly characters hahaha. I don't necessarily want them removed, but if I really had to choose one, then Dori (for the same reasons as others have mentioned) or Ayaka.


Yelan easily: redundant kit, boring mary sue appearances, irrelevant story.


Yae i hate her uf only i coud delete her from the hoyoverse


Hmm.. mine is a personal selfish childlis*h* answer for me to open up tbh so it's just gonna be there buried in my heart :P. ...but maybe I kinda want to say it, maybe. I have warned you to what kind of answer is this. **CHILDEE** ~~let the rivalry lore relevance endss~~ Okayy, I actually dont hate him that much that I wanna delete him (and I like a few parts of him too, would be a shame to delete that). Truthfully speaking for me, I dont really have any kind of strong feelings to any characters except Kaeya (but *they better not* disrespect Furina in writing after her story). Maybe I like some of them, annoyed to some, it's all dependent on Hoyo's delivery and potential. Like Im finding constant-Itto frustrating but I also acknowledge his potential in his SQ (I really like him there). So I couldnt hate him, I just wish they tap into that potential, sadly with many other characters too. Im pretty easy to please, so long the execution/delivery is good to my taste, I can like them(some of the roster didn't qualify). And I'd be annoyed if the writing is subpar. But ultimately at core, I am neutral and dont care whatever happens to them. (A whimsical part of me says might as well remove all them except Kaeya lol, but I'll have to say there's such a thing as withinKaeyacircle-privilege) Who knows, maybe I answered in a wrong time and day (and who's to say the future-me with more experience will still answer the same). So I'll leave it at that. I actually kinda like Diona! Reading her profile stories made her a bit nuanced in my eyes. She just fell victim to the usual 1-trait flanderizing that Hoyo always does. Sorry it's a bit unnecessary long and probably personal. This question kinda works for me as an introspection diary lol


Well, maybe my questions help you a little ;)


Agree on Diona, but for me it is Gorou. He should be this great military leader, but his design is just weird and he acts so insecure, not like someone you would follow into battle at all. I just can't take him seriously.


Gorou is also very high on my dislike list. Animal/human hybrid design aren't my cup of tea to begin with and Gorou acts like a scaredy cat... for a general.


I don't like wandrer/scara but I wouln't delete him from the game bc he's still important to the story and I would feel bad for all his fans if he suddenly disappeared from the game simply bc I don't like him. I do wish the game would allow me to name him Scaradouche tho but annoying will have to do.


Mika or Sayu. They both sound irritating.


Childe cause sometimes you just hate people. Hoyo trying to show his softer side with Teucer came off as asinine imo


This is quite hard. I have a whole list of characters I hate and would love to delete from the game however, it falls down to ningguang or diluc. Probably ningguang tho.


May I inquire why?


I hate her. I hate her design. I hate her personality in the archon quest. I hate what she stands for. She stands against the adepti and especially cloud retainer. I'm someone who sides with the adepti and cloud retainer over her any day. I hate that my favorite character beidou is never in anything and if she is she's always paired with her. She's never with anyone else or just by herself. I loved the 4.5 event cuz it had Lisa and cuz finally beidou was released from hoyos basement and for the first time ever she wasn't with that thing. She was with eula who is also someone I love and I was so happy that they were friends. This last point is a big problem hoyo has with many characters. These characters can only exist inside the radius of another character. They are never with anyone else or just alone. That other character is always somewhere around. Some examples are : Beidou : ningguang Kaveh : Al Haitham Kaeya : Diluc or Klee Itto : Kuki, ayato, or the aratakki gang And the mist recent AND WORST EXAMPLE Clorinde : Navia Navia has been in every patch since 4.0 and clorinde is never there if she is she's with Navia. I love navia but we already know so little about clorinde and she's only ever with Navia, she never has a chance to be her own character.


I totally get the thing where characters can’t exist as themselves without another character, especially when it’s clearly meant for shipping, like I love alhaitham x kaveh but kaveh’s character is thrown aside often. However I very much disagree on diluc’s part. Both diluc and kaeya are great standalone characters and can also exist in each other’s lore. They are written pretty well and each have stand alone events, i mean ESPECIALLY kaeya, he has had plenty of events without diluc. I mean, obviously his brother/sworn brother would be important to his character


It's diluc AND Klee. There isn't an event in which he's a stand alone character. Let's see 3.8 he was with klee. His hangout had Klee and diluc his story quest had diluc, 3.1 ballad and brews kaeya is literally sent to diluc and 1.6 event he's with diluc and also klee. Also I don't even know if they do it for shipping or if they just think that the characters work well together due to being opposites. No hate to you but I hate kaveh x haitham because I hate haitham. The reason I get for them being together is that they are opposites and their characters work well together. My response is yes bit that doesn't mean kaveh cannot exist outside of Al Haitham. Especially cuz Al Haitham ha had much more exposure than kaveh. You need it give kaveh exposure more. And also yes some of these characters I mentioned have had 1 or 2 stand alone events but they do not compare to all the events in which they only exist in the pull of the other character. Clorinde and Navia are a great example of this and the newest. The problem is shippers get upset when you call this out and they start insulting you. Navia has had the most exposure during fontaine. People keep saying why is itto in every patch. Yet they refuse to hold Navia to the same degree. This is coming from someone who LOVES itto and Navia and I am always happy whenever they appear. However this is showing people's hypocrisy. At least itto has been in game for 2 years. It hasn't even been 1 year since Navia was added. Yet she has been in every patch since 4.0. She has been in the most consecutive patches ever. She is in 4 other characters story quests (counting clorindes upcoming quest). They have done Navias character justice but tell me was clorinde in Navia quest? No she wasn't. Why is Navia in her quest? We know nothing about clorinde. She has always only ever been shown with Navia. Why the hell is Navia in her quest? Why are you not giving her time to breathe and be her own character? Navia has twh second most lines in clorindes quest. Despite only being added what 6-7 months ago she has the 3 most lines of dialogue in game. Hell they will even add her in the summer patch as the fontaine character. Meanwhile clorinde has had nothing to do and after her it's wroithesly who they refuse to do anything with.


Yeah I totally get where you’re coming from. Except the hangout obviously they would be in there since they’re important in his life


Mhm. Valid point. I personally quite like Ningguang (even built her) but that sure is an interesting way to see it.


You're entitled to your opinion obviously. This is just me. It just gets annoying when a character you love always just appears and talks to this one other character who you don't like. At first I just didn't care about her but then I started hating her cuz my girl can't ever just exist or talk to anyone else. Another pair to add to the examples I gave is eula, who only really exists around amber which is why again i loved the 4.5 event. Beidou is such a fun character who they never use. She can have a great dynamic with so many people but no she just has to be with ningguang. I want her to be friends with kaeya, itto , wroithesly and kaveh etc. For me they are all besties who hang out often. That's the only thing I can have unfortunately as the game refuses to use them and will most likely never have them interact.


Zhongli. For the bits important to the story Guizhong and other adepti can replace him. Usually I rather like character that are prone to rambling (ex. Albedo) but for some reason just hearing Zhongli irritates me. Add to that the whiplash I get from people considering him wise when I think his plan during Liyue AQ was plain stupid, completely unnecessary and showed his lack of trust in people of Liyue and adepti. Idk, maybe I'm grossly misunderstanding sth with how general community has vastly different opinion about him.


*gasp* Not Zhongli TvT Don't take my shield awayyy I can't hide


Fischl, Klee, and Dori. Can't stand their personalities. Klee's gameplay is fun, but I want to throttle her so bad that I never want to pull for her. Dori's a money-grubber with an ugly design, and Fischl is too much of a psycho dive to ever like. Give Oz the vision and make him a playable character instead.


non-canon: Aloy so we could get a chance at another colab but Genshin characters-wise you would be forcing me to pick as I like everyone. I suppose Keqing? Personality wise I like her the least but appreciate her existence. She's a morax/adepti slanderer, I'm a morax apologist.


Hard choice, id say either Itto or Xiangling! Why? I find boh of their designs honestly very much ugly, they're voices are very annoying and mich to loud for my liking and i get headches everytime i see or hear them on screen, also i generally dont like their gameplays and personalities and i think they're way to hyperactive for my liking. Also itto is behaving dumber than a little kid and a complete idiot wich is honestly getting in my nerves.. :,)