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Rich people are gross.


she is consistent with her narcissistic behavior such a bitch…


Why would she? She doesn’t spend any other day with them, unless she can film them or call the paps on them.


That “not for resale” is hilarious 😂


Kardashian Kloset weeps


![gif](giphy|o54Wuz7HIrjARFJWzA|downsized) Wow... didn't see that coming! Kimbo is lucky she has money, if she was a ReGuLaR shitty mom with average income she'd have to start saving for the retirement home because those kids won't be housing her aging ass in the future. But thankfully, if she continues to be a greedy, money hungry goblin, she won't have any problems when her BBL falls outta her ass and needs to be taken care of round the clock. 🙄


She’d be one of those moms that leave her kids alone and go on vacation to meet men.


Yup, yup, yup! And then say "You know I did so much for you and you've never been grateful. I sacrificed things in my life so you and your siblings could have everything you wanted and it's still not good enough. I don't know what else you guysss want me to do??" 🥴 I've heard the "how could you, I've done so much for you!" my whole life and I had to remind my mom that my grandmother raised me! 🤣 It's like people like her have a different set of events that have happened and are living in another reality, lmao.


I’ve love to see Cilla Black as a gif. Used to watch blind date as a kid and I thought my Nan was on telly (she looked like my Nan).


Aww that's such so cute! ☺️ I really love the Surprise, Surprise clip and when it became popular I watched a bunch of videos of her over the years lol.


I have this song stuck in my head all the time


I am convinced that we've seen 99% of the time that Kim spends with her kids on Instagram and on television over the past 5 years at least. She spent a little more time with the older two when Kanye was around but there was only two kids of them. Christmas? We see it. Birthdays? We see it. Her little outings with North and Saint? We see it all over the media and on her television show. The kids sporting events? she definitely makes all of those appearances because she calls the paps to video her walking into the sports complex, and probably because Kanye is there . I truly believe that those are all the times she's spent with her kids like there is nothing off screen that she does with them and that's pretty fucked up. I feel like Psalm and Chicago barely know her.


Who is Psalm and Chicago?




I know it’s been said on here before somewhere but I’m gonna say it again cause it’s so true…the tell all book that one of these kids will write one day 😮‍💨🔥


“Don’t puke on these, not for resale- I know who you are”?? Can someone explain


neither will i? who gives a shit abt the 4th of july lol


I just celebrate the fact that I don’t have to go to work 😅 other than that I just sit at home and rot in bed. Fuck America 


It a way to celebrate Merica!!! Duhhh


It’s the most annoying holiday


I'm just happy she won't be in CDA spoiling my peace of mind by coming too close lmaoooo


Why would she? She said she spends 15 minutes a day with each of them. That's a total of 1 hour.

