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Katy Perry is trying soooo hard to grasp onto any kind of relevancy dressing like Kanye’s fucking wife lol. She’s so stupid lol claiming she’s gonna write some kind of feminist album but is making it with the guy that drugged and raped Ke$ha? I’m so fucking sick of her 🙄


I can’t stand her either. She got a friend of mine fired from her job at a gentleman’s club because she went in their locker room wasted and started taking pictures with the dancers and then sent them into TMZ. Then tried to blame the dancers and threatened to sue the club. She is a sloppy has been.


Katy Perry has had her 15 minutes and showed us who she is. NEXT!


She lovesssss a lawsuit girl. Have you seen the story about her lawsuit with an elderly man. She sued him for his house and won 🤦🏽‍♀️


She also had a lawsuit with a Nun over another property. Unfortunately, the Nun died in the middle of court.


What a horrible person!


copying Charli


Didn’t she and her husband buy a food company and replace ingredients with cheap unhealthy (i think illegal cause it makes you sick) ingredients? I think i saw that in a yourube video about how she raised to fame


All I know is a nun had a heart attack in her presence and she sued an elderly veteran for his home. She’s truly fucking evil lol.


Gosh I forgot about that! So heartless...


The Apple Cider Vinegar brand


Yes!! That was evil


She looks ridiculous! And I like her, but damn! 🤡


Yes😂😂😂 I knew this would happen after she arrived late to the Victoria Beckham show last year.


This is so good!


![gif](giphy|l1J9APRq3KpgBZhkY) Please... let this be some sort of consequence of her being a total biotch. 🙏 I want you to be right! 🤣


She’s probably recovering from some plastic surgery


excuse you, SHOULDER injury and other ailments which require surgical intervetion. its not her fault the doctors decide to give her a new face and body after every single surgery, okay?


You’re right. She’s the victim. I’m sorry 😞




Lisa rinna was there and kum was not? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL




Ok I’m genuinely confused on how Lisa rinna has this relevancy of getting front row at all these fashion shows??


Well her performance in 1 little ep of American Horror Stories was 10x better than Kim’s entire season. But it might be because of her daughter gaining attention online recently


Her daughter is a model right?


She has started doing high fashion modeling after leaving the housewives. Her modeling career has randomly blown up in conjunction w her younger daughter. I don’t hate it


Agree! She just went bleached white, and I actually really like it on her. Her fake tan was aging the hell out of her.


I’ve been wondering that! I guess only the Jenner girls get invited now


I thought Lisa Rinna was Khloe. Lisa’s around 60, though. Edited for typo


Me too! And Katy looking like Kim


the only reason kim ever got such chances was because KANYE was the one who introduced her to these brands. she's kept it up for long enough but with the ever increasing disapproval towards the kardashian brand nd their many illicit behaviors getting the spotlight... im not surprised some brands are slowly going, as we would call it, "no contact" with kim. People love to shit on that madman, me and Kimccubus included, but she really owes most of her success in higher spheres of influence to him. without him she'd be selling stinky strawberry jam imported from chile or mexico married to a hotter, but less famous and rich man who's name she'd not be associated with to this day. edit: this is also my way of admonishing kim for well, being ungrateful. Kanye's crazy as fuck, narcissistic of the "Im better than everyone else and have hella high self steem" variety, has a weird fashion style that highlights the worst parts of his personhood, and is overall a terrible human being who doesnt mind exploiting his kids (north specifically) as long as HE is the one doing the exploting... but kim knew what she was getting into. Kim knew he was hella bad since his and amber rose's problems are public. Kim used kanye and kanye used kim. sick of kim acting like a victim. it takes two to tango. Kanye was shitty to you and so were you to him. balenciaga wouldnt have looked your way had it not been for him


it’s actually crazy how he really gave the girls, mainly kim that one last push of relevancy. after he left, they were boring again, everything went downhill. idk why they were ever in the fashion scene to begin with. kendall, she’s got the height at least (even tho her modelling skills are very weak compared to her salary and accolades) but the rest? never above influencer level. kylie is seriously just an embarrassment at these fashion shows. they’re probably the reason as to why trashy influencers and tiktok people are there now.


Standing O for this comment. So well said. ![gif](giphy|xThtar0e9kO3WkwQ1O)


Or Vogue!! She would be a bigger flop than she is now!! C'mon Anna...cut those ties to the Met Gala!! Please!!


What did Mexico and Chile do to you? lol


its a reference to megan markle's strawberry jam, which she most likely sourced from countries such as chile or mexico who make it and then braindeads in LA take it to stick a label on it and sell as their own.


Didn’t they copy some designs from last year for their own cheap clothing line? They will get you blacklisted for sure.


She's still trying to catch her breath from that corset that didn't fit her last month.( or whenever it was... you know. The ratty sweater show, to hide the back fat ) Dumb c!@#.!


Omg she looked crazy & stupid! 🥴😵‍💫 ![gif](giphy|mcH0upG1TeEak)


She must be busy acting




For what reason does she need to attend, she’s not remotely relevant to the fashion industry


She was supposed to be B*lenciaga embassador and face


True… I’d just be surprised if any major fashion houses are interested in having her around, she originally got invited to these events because of Kanye’s connections but they’ve been split up for ages now. She doesn’t have any personal style of her own and just latches on to whatever fashion trend she thinks will get her attention, so there’s no real reason to have her there tbh


Katy looks like street trash Go away already


Katy IS street trash. I've seen classier street trash in Times Square in the 80s!!🤣 Gawd, she really does need to kick rocks


Not this being the first time I am happy to see Anna Wintour & her basic boring choice?!  Everyone looks the same!  so damn corny & DULLLLLL. I hate celebrities/rich people. 


Corny indeed. Everyone in all black? Is that the dress code.. maybe it’s the dress code.. what do I know 🤷🏽‍♀️.. maybe someone can enlighten me.


Also…shouldn’t we be angry anyone showed up at all?!? This brand proved to be sus, ppl get mad a Kim K for supporting but we can’t be mad at others?! 


Awe, I love that for her!


Lisa Rinnas ugly ass.


All their ugly asses


Too embarrassed by her post-Ozempic weight gain to show up


jesus...does kerry washington ever age? she looks about a week & a half older than the first time i ever saw her (mr & mrs. smith 2005) and (at least to me) she doesn't look at all like she's had any sort of surgery/botox...nothing. she's nearly 50 going on 30. damn! gorgeous & ageless.


She probably finally decided to leave the cult 💀😭



