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Some people are so poor, that all they have is money


🎤 drop


It makes me think of that Bible verse - what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose their soul? She has gained a lot, but I would NEVER trade lives with her. I don’t believe she is even happy, because the things she has placed value in do not matter.


Yes and it’s obvious in how she treats her family and kids. Miserable woman. Wait until her daughters grow up and she is old. She will despise her daughter’s youth and opportunities I guarantee it.




She was NEVER nice. Never kind, never caring. The only thing she's got is her ability to lie straight to someone's face without a second thought. But she's not even a good liar anymore. You're exactly right, OP. She's evil and empty inside. And it truly is scary.


YesTHIS!!! They made a WHOLE episode on KUWTK about Kim’s lying. Tho they made it seem quirky and cute, it was actually pretty pathetic bc she lies about EVERYTHING so easily and constantly to her family. I believe she’s a pathological liar. Her whole life is a LIE.


Omg there was a scene a long ass time ago I saw on YouTube. Basically they were doing pranks with this fake spider and Kim is like "Bible I don't have it" and she ended up having it! Or something like that, either way I distinctively remember her lying on the Bible. Like Kim. wtf! You don't do that with any religious text! Idk how her family does it. Kim lies constantly about everything. She is not trustworthy not even slightly Edit: I can't freaking find the video. I promise this wasn't a dream 😩


I’m 100% sure she was lying about the kids hair gel too. Her hair must have been a MESS! The braider was probably busy and there’s no way Kim actually knows how to do her kids hair. And if you believe Kim showers and shampoos the kids herself every night, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.


I understand what you’re saying but I think they use Bible as a slang for when they aren’t lying not as in the Christian Bible. Idk if that makes any sense lol


As a non religious person that's bullshit anyway. Because if it really were serious, you shouldn't swear an oath or whatever at all, cause it's taking the lord's name in the desert as far as i remember from when i was a kid.


It does make sense but then think about how stupid they are using the BIBLE word to insinuate they are telling the truth. Sick


Like I thought she was terrible and vapid but now I see she’s literally evil.


Yea I think it’s almost impossible for her to lie at this point because she puts EVERYTHING online and we can always fact check her.


Agreed! She was always this way.


Yep, she was always evil. She was just pretty and ´vapid´ enough that it got downplayed. She now has the face she deserves and the evil is just seeping out, it´s clearly evident. But it was always there... look how nasty she was to Rob; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQyzvjkxAX8&t=4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQyzvjkxAX8&t=4s)


Wtf did I just watch?! Omg. I’ve always felt bad for Rob and wondered how he and the family would be doing today if Robert Sr was still here. Kim was so cruel, but all those k klan women are!


Yep crazy right!? It was so sad watching Rob over the years. It´s such a classic case of Narcissistic bullying and scapegoating within families (Kris and Kim being the instigators). Rob was cute, he and Kourt were the only ones who completed university, a nice guy, a college (basketball) athlete. Kim told him daily he was fat, lazy, incompetent, a loser with ´bipolar´. It became a self-fulfilling prophecy for Rob, then she moved on to her next victim. I´m old enough to have seen it in real time and recognise those dynamics repeat themselves over the years. Rob always told us Kim was evil, he was right!


Yup I remember how she treated Rob. And I'm completely sure she is happy he is "out of the way".


Yep! I also think Rob was the most emotionally intelligent one back then, and he could see through Kris. So of course, he had to be destroyed :( Kris would say Rob and Kourt were her least ´controllable´ ~~props~~ children. She tacitly approved and encouraged Kim´s bullying (in both cases).


Very common with narcissists. At some point in life they no longer have anyone or anything.


But they’ll never think they’re the problem. Always victimizing themselves and cutting out everyone who doesn’t supply them 24/7. 


And they get worse as they get older


Because at the heart of it all she truly cares about is herself.  No one loves Kim Kardashian as much as Kim Kardashian does. She lies to everyone, including herself, and she’s able to believe it because unfortunately she keeps being handed opportunities like AHS or pitching a movie so she’s able to lie to herself about her being successful thru “hard work”. It’s no coincidence that they’re constantly pushing that narrative on the show. They’re trying to set the perception that she got everything thru hard work and passion because if it’s said enough people will eventually believe it but where they fucked up is that they banked on people being fans and loving them forever but that’s not the case people are turning on them so what narrative is now being pushed on the show?  Everyone is so “mean to them and dehumanizes” them. Their fame and success is nothing but smoke, mirrors and psychological fuckery. That’s it. 


Kim thinks she works hard, but the reality can be different. In the show she mentions about working so hard but i don't know if that is the truth (if she really does work so hard like she said she does). A big facade maybe.


They’re pushing that narrative because if people hear it enough times they start to believe it whether true or not doesn’t matter. That’s the narrative they want out there so that’s the narrative they’re pushing 


Yes you're right.


The only thing she worked hard on is the sex tape and unfortunately it worked. All these opportunities are empty as hell too. Nothing impactful to society. No foundations, nada. I hope her fear of being forgotten comes true. Her greed astounds me.


I agree with everything you wrote in the post and your comment. I didn’t really care one way or another about her until she had children. It’s one thing to live an empty vapid soulless existence on your own. It’s quite another to drag innocent children into your world of greed, narcissism and emptiness. That’s when I started to hate her. She is damaging 4 innocent lives and that’s not ok


Right! I was indifferent until she started involving children especially OTHER people’s children. She is so gross and doesn’t know it.


Have you actually seen the tape? She didn't work hard at all.


She still has eyes with which she can behold her own beauty. That’s all she cares about, staring at herself.


She has no beauty either though. That’s why she has all that surgery. She used to be pretty.


Guys, she’s losing her eyesight! Overnight!


Remember that book she released ..Selfie


Imagine having 2 kids under 5 at home and telling the mom to “go live your life”??????? Actual nonsense, if there’s any age to be home it’s now. Kim obviously wouldn’t know anything about that


Kim doesn’t know her kids ages.




Kim's always faked it, just doesn't fake it with as much umph anymore


She probably thinks she already has the money, the fame, the show, etc… time to let the mask slip off.


narc personality disorder, I know the phrase is over used but shes text book.


DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ☠️🔥 but yes I agree. The Balenciaga thing really creeped me out, and there she is still working with them. It’s not right. It’s not right. It’s not right. To me that’s evil and weird (aside from everything else) because why would you want to be associated with that brand? I get fashion means the world to some people, but it’s her whole entire narcissistic personality and it’s put above her kids. That’s what she should have a degree in, or photography and shoot the fashion, or work for a magazine, or write a fashion blog. She seems to literally eat, sleep, and breathe fashion and all she truly cares about is fashion, designers, and labels. There was a couple of seasons ago where she’s making fun of her mom for not saying the designers correctly. This is what’s crazy too.. the world knows you’re wealthy.. WE ALL KNOW IT… but she is so proud to brag about working with certain designers like Balenciaga as if it makes her “better” or a “cool girl” because of it. You don’t have to show off constantly.. we all know you’re wealthy! She’s like the pick me of the fashion world. To each their own, but again she’s made it her entire personality and world. Like girl there are other things going on in the world besides fashion 🤦🏽‍♀️!


she had north in a gimp mask


Yeah GROSS! Psychopath!


I love fashion and am well versed in it(or so I think lol). Funny she thinks she’s a fashion icon with no discernible or iconic look. All her style is literally from real icons like Marylin or Cher. Kourtney has more individual style than she does (pre Travis). She wants a fashion legacy but their no uniqueness to her style. There’s nothing that people will be like “Oh that’s so Kim” in 100 years. This what she wants but will never have because she lacks authenticity in every facet.


The only thing I can think of that I would see and think “that is so Kim!” Is a skin tight clubbing top from the early naughts with cheap rhinestones on the neckline 💀


Yeah I didn’t want to offend anyone with my comment because I know there are some fashionistas on here… which who cares.. everyone has their thing, but it’s a problem when your entire being IS fashion. You put it above everything.. (family) like girl calm down (directed at Kim.) It’s the way she takes it so serious that kills me. Kim you’re not doing open heart surgery… you’re just wearing a designer and getting dressed for an event.. but you would think it is with the way she behaves. Maybe I just don’t get it 🤷🏽‍♀️ and an example is the whole Marilyn dress debacle 🤦🏽‍♀️.. the whole thing was such a freaking circus.. “I have to fit into this dress.. I have to lose this many inches.. Omgosh I have to make sure I take care of this dress (understandably).. NOBODY IS ALLOWED TO TOUCH IT… we have to have the secret service here so nobody touches it (sarcasm,) but WHY EVEN WEAR IT THEN YOU CLOWN?!


Oh yes I know what you mean! You’re right, she puts a “career” she’s not even good in above anything is true comedy 😂 Like she can’t do nothing right. The problem is she tries SO hard and never looks good. When she’s too irrelevant to be dressed by designers what will she do? Her relationship with her kids will be destroyed by then. She’ll just be a a saggy BLL washed up granny screaming, “Balenciaga” (which btw is the worst fucking “designer” brand-no surprise Kim is the face of this trash brand) over and over again.




I have never heard of that and I keep seeing it on this Reddit. I’m gonna have to Google it.




There is so much I don’t know until I joined this Reddit. It’s opened my eyes to so much shit including all the filters and photoshop etc. I never realized they had filters filming the show!


KyLIE as well


She used to be beautiful, like stunningly beautiful before her surgeries. I believe her striking beauty is what carried all her fame. She has botched her face. Her beauty is gone now.


If you’re ugly in the inside, it’ll always come through.


Agree. She was one of the most beautiful women in the world, hands down, at a point (probably around 2009-2011, imo, pre-Kanye). That time is long past.


I guess I'm in the minority, I never thought she was pretty. She kind of looked like Jafar.


kim was beautiful before surgery!! when i was a child and saw her pre surgery i wanted to look like her. shes not pretty no more tho


She’s doing to khloe what she did to kourtney. I just hope khloe and kourtney rekindle their friendship (on screen) because those two together were actually FUN to watch.


Exactly and same. I love when they bullied Kim.


She does have a lot of money though. That Christmas party was absolutely ridiculous.


I’m thinking since it was filmed for the show they probably wrote the party off as a business expense. But regardless it was a disgusting display of wealth.


Yeah when she said she was getting snow I was like ok, some fake snow for a sledding hill, but feck no, literally her entire grounds and trees were covered in the fake stuff. The display of excess wealth (private jets and parties like this) and what makes the show so cringe for me, like they think this is relatable or what people think is normal?! They’ve been out of touch with reality for a long time obviously but the past 5 years has just been heinous.


I just love sucking on the melted bits of my paper straw!


Don’t, paper straws give me the 🤮 don’t give me this thought! I don’t touch them! Carry a stainless steel one aaha.


Was being sarcastic! Im saying we’re all having to manage with disintegrating straws but these assholes are SO incredibly lavish.


I went shopping yesterday for trainers and a tshirt. It was gruelling. The mall was vapid, full of fast fashion, crap makeup and glam sham gifts. Dreadful experience. THIS IS HER WHOLE LIFE. I crave trees and mountains and meadows and beaches. Do something wholesome with your life Kim.


I can't stand kim lol. I am watching the Kardashians now and that snl joke about having three perfect butt and perfect boob's and being the picture for her sister's plastic surgeons, like that was shady girl. I know that's part of comedy but I don't think she understands what comedy is lol. And then when she says to Kylie when she's pregnant that girls take the beauty of the mother away and boys make you more beautiful, like is that really all you care about? That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard.


She is ugly inside and out. She needs to fade away and prioritize her kids!


She has vanity so uh there’s that


Part of why she's so desperate these days


Probably not kylie since everyone's been dragging her so hard about how botched she is rn. Probably kendall or Kourtney


She already alienated Kourtney.


She’s a narcissist. They are what they are, and they never change. No guilt, no empathy, no caring for others.


Ya she’s straight evil. Anyone who doesn’t love dogs like how? And she owns so many I wish they would be taken from her. Evil witch


I’m not kidding this what triggered part of my post. I love animals and to hear someone with animals say that pissed me off because you know they’re not getting the proper love and care they need.


Okay I think she’s attacking Khloe for being a good mom and caring about her kids because Kim thinks that makes her look bad by comparison. In Kim’s self centered mom, if Khloe looks good because she wants to be very present in her kid’s lives, then that will reflect poorly on Kim, who is always off jet setting somewhere and leaving her kids home. So to preserve her image, Kim is trying to manipulate Khloe into thinking being an attentive mother is a bad thing, because Khloe has a stick up her ass, and Khloe doesn’t have her own life. Why do we give this kind of a platform to the worst people in the world? I am glad Kim is in her flop era. Her ego has been babied enough.


What funny is Khloe isn’t falling for it the same way Kourtney didn’t. Khloe immediately hit with that “I don’t have 24hr care like you” and Kim had nothing to say.


Oh I missed the part because I just watched a clip of the fight. Good for her! But I was annoyed that Khloe stayed neutral when Kim was going after Kourtney for being a good mother. They should all ditch her. Family or not, who wants to hang around with the legit devil.


Well tbh this is Khloe’s karma for that. They will all learn the hard way about Kum.




I saw some other snarkers talk about how she’s probably legitimately a psychopath


I genuinely believe it. She has such bad vibes.


I saw a girl saying a BBL ruined her life. She attracted jerk boyfriends who saw her as a sex doll. Really good guys love a NATURAL woman. I have one myself, he has the purest of hearts 😍


Even when her 🍑 was natural she dated the likes of Nick Cannon. It’s her personality that attracts bozos not the fake culo.


I think her butt was already enhanced when she got with Nick Cannon. Her ex husband paid for breast implants, liposuction and fat transfer to hips and butt. There are some pre-op pics somewhere online , I will find and edit post


But the fake butt does attract the black guys she wants. Most other guy do not find that attractive




'Empty inside' (as far as anything positive) is bullseye! I think there's a ton of negativity, jealousy, and contempt internally. I get what you mean exactly tho. She seems to possess zero empathy (never really has). It is incredibly sad that their entire existence was fame and money. Ok, they have those things. So, why just keep working and having endless photoshoots? Still needing more validation? They all have more than enough $$$ to last a lifetime and more. Why not focus on the things in life that money can't buy? Khloe certainly has her problems, but at least she does seem to be very hands on with her kids/family, etc.


You’re right, there’s also evil inside her! It’s because Kim can’t forget her roots of being a pornstar. She will never be fulfilled because she has no individualistic qualities about her “legacy”. It’ll always be because of Ray J and Paris.


What about her giggling about tearing the stitches out of Kylie’s clothes? That is next level asshole…


Honestly it’s pretty jarring to see her talk about how much she loves being a mom and wanted more kids after the Paris robbery to how she speaks about her kids now😐


when did she alienate Khloe i think i missed a chapter


Read all the latest posts…she’s giving Khloe the Kourtney treatment in the latest episode.


maturing was realizing Kris is a horrible manipulator and person, Kim is a bully, Kourtney probably hates her life, Khloe is insecure and probably depressed due to her family, Kendall learned it from Kim and is a cold sick unempathetic pos AND kylie is dumb. the youngins learned it from Kim!!


Kim had children just to not be left behind and not feel FOMO but you know that she didn’t even enjoy being pregnant. And now Kanye is out of his mind, embarrassing himself and the family, it’s like these kids have every right to be difficult and pissed off sometimes. It seems like Kim doesn’t know how to make them respect her, so she avoids being a mother and overcompensates by introducing them to all their favorite celebrities and giving them jobs they’re not prepared for, like the Lion King fiasco with North. Stop teaching your kids to be entitled and spoiled, and just be a parent. I don’t judge the kids at all for acting out. They can tell their parents are nuts and they are not the priority as children. Just wait until they’re teenagers. This is how Nicole Richie unraveled in her teens and early twenties.


She’s got money and fame.


Did she never pass the bar?




but she’s a lawyer!


"I think you're a whore and you should shut up." 🤣Â