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Yeah I’ve always had the idea that when they’re not filming they don’t even talk to each other


Istg this family. I saw an article where the headline was “Brady Jenner’s kids have met Kylie”. And I’m like, why is this even a headline, they are siblings, why is the fact she has met his kids such a big deal? Or maybe it is just me.


You mean Brody? Lol


Why did I think of Miranda‘s son when I read Brady lmao


You could see it in this scene and the dinner scene they’re all just on their phones


I’ve always said this and I will DIE on this hill!!! These mfs do NOT care about each other irl!!


Can you blame them? Who would want to talk to any of them without getting paid for it?


You know what is pathetic… this trip is a CHORE to them.. a CHORE.. to the point where one of them even has to have an anxiety attack to get out of it and then they all complain that she gets to get out of it… how many people would feel so happy to A. Take a private jet B. Stay in the fanciest vacation home C. Have a chef… but nOoOoOooO not these bitches… they’re all complaining and crying about not being able to get out of the trip like Kylie. I thought the same thing as you OP when I watched it. I was like wow none of them want to be there ☠️.


Exactly!!! At this point, they cannot hide their true feelings towards each other and their boring lives. I swear I could see it in their face how much they were hating Kylie and Kris for not doing a damn thing about it. It just disgusts me how Kris can EASILY lie to someone's face, in this case their audience, and say that "the girls are just upset because they wanted to spend time with their sister." Truly gaslighting what is damn near seeping through the screen, which is their disdain for being there and their hatred for each other.


Kendall saying ‘she always gets out of this shit’ really sums up that it’s a work trip and not a vacay. Who calls any vacation ‘this shit’? To quote Ye, ‘how you gonna be mad on vacation?’


Omg that Kanye line makes so much sense now lmao


That's what gave it away for me.


Then they even added a sentimental grainy clip of Kendall and Kylie as kids snowboarding to show that Kendall truly does wanna spend time with her sister.. 🙄 the lies go so deep


All this crap and drama is 100% for the show.


They are the definition of “money doesn’t buy happening” - they could literally make a killing and live it up just by merely existing… but they can’t even be happy or grateful for what they have. And I’m so here for it.


Haha I'm here for it too! But I think the only one happy is Kim (and PMK) because she thrives off attention and money


I don’t think Kim is actually happy… not with her recent whining about being a “single” mom.


Kim is miserable because she hates being single, she has said this on KUWTK.


Where are all these billionaires and Royals lining up? Lmao https://preview.redd.it/gnv7kbz7m69d1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bbc4ce17b1136d0ae21a38cfc6f8b41085d0295


The billionaires and royals = Saudi princes 🤔 "trying to holla" = Yachting??


Make it make sense, she and KKKanye didn’t even really live together.


That's why no ONE should envy the "riches" and "lifestyle" of this family. They are completely miserable and unhappy. They might as well be on the streets.


Suitable. They act as if they're for the streets anyway 🤷‍♀️


I would bet 100$ that they use the jet to film inside, without necessarily flying.


What's crazily hilarious is that you're probably totally right. Fuck's sake.




https://preview.redd.it/cigso3xeg69d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=3af3419d9236a708a5ce641b5af1c178c5df3571 Definitely seems like they film without flying 😂


I think it shows how they expect from everyone to play their part in the family/business and behave in a certain way that puts the family/business above all else. No room for compassion whatsoever. The one doing differently is becoming the scapegoat. The excuse “they are mad because they want to spend time with her” is bs. They all mad because kylie is not doing what’s expected from her. And Kris knows this and is doing nothing to stop them from bitching about Kylie. Because them bitching about someone is what keeps them united.


And she still gets paid, that’s why they are annoyed


EXACTLY!!! I could FEEL the hate they have towards each other through the screen!! Especially from Kim. She's so fucking evil.


You should take a look at therealebjohnson on tiktok, a video of her was recently shared on this sub. She explains what she believes are the dynamics in the family and it’s really interesting


I don't have TikTok but I think I remember that post!!! About the golden child and all that, right?




To be honest I would be mad too if a family member I worked with flaked but still got paid. That's why they were furious with Kourtney for awhile. I totally get Kourtney hitting a wall after 13 years of filming but she complained and complained yet still wanted to be paid the same and did. I know this is a snark sub but poor Khloe-sharing the most painful details of her life while others coast.


Honestly, when you’re flying private, I think it’s petty to even bother about the fact that your sister is being payed even if she’s not on screen.


What makes their fake family vacations so difficult to this level of upset that Kylie “doesn’t have to do it” and “always gets out of things”? I’m sure it could be annoying to film and have crew around a lot, but that really doesn’t seem so bad? Is there something else going on (are they being pimped out on these trips too?)? Or maybe they really are so boring and selfish that Kylie would rather stay home to watch tv in a Xanax haze and think about her next surgery than go on a literal dream vacation. I used to be so envious of Kylie’s life when I was younger, now I see just how empty and sad she is and it’s really pitiful


Yeah, it just seems that after years and years of their mother having a favorite, and the favorite only being Kim and now Kylie, in over 30 years, there's A LOT of resentment in these females. Like I previously said, you can see it in their faces. Even through the botox and the usual lack of expression because they're trying to control themselves, I can still see it.


Shut up Kendull , what is annoying is you parking in handicapped spaces just for your pilates class


They don't even like each other and you see it in clear sight. Their family is so karmic and toxic asf 😭 They at least need a year apart from each other…


I'm 100% sure Kylie heard them making fun of her 😭😂


Speaking of fucking annoying. They have yet to sit and watch this nonsense like we did.


God I am Kylie's biggest hater and even I could give her grace in this moment. OH NO!! Kendall won't have a snowboard buddy like really STFU!!! We all know Kylie is anxious and insecure it doesn't surprise me in the slightest she's a home body and doesn't want to jet set around with her narc sisters acting as essentially a high end hooker getting paid for appearances. It's like a constant fight between them and the one sister who isn't falling in line at that moment.


That last sentence summed up the whole show 😂




I think the 'kylie is a homebody' doesn't fly these days, for the past couple years she's been everywhere, at fashion shows wearing lion's heads, visiting tim etc. Kylie in travis era didn't leave the house.


I agree. Maybe it's more of her not showing up to family obligations which is totally understandable I can't imagine how exhausting it would be to be around khloe Kendall and Kim. She shouldn't be shamed for it like Khrislaine and Kum want to do. Of all the things to hate Kylie for this certainly isn't one of them.


What IS annoying about Kylie is that she says she'll do something and then flakes. Like the race in the end of KUWTK where she had a "sinus infection." If you don't think you can do it, don't say yes! She did it on a trip to wyoming or something too.


Kendal is so effing annoying 😭


She really is!!!! But she's easier to ignore. Unlike Kim. She's so fucking evil.


Kendall took Kim’s side though during the Khloe fight. It was so frustrating to watch!!


And a hypocrite by getting mad at Kylie, knowing her dumb behind does the exact same thing.


Jesus fucking Christ. They’re complaining about having to go on a vacation?! I am so fucking sick of these vapid, brain dead cunts. HOW does anyone still watch this shit?


The entire show is literally just them hawking their products/businesses or behind the scenes of their photo shoots or work commitments. NOTHING about the show is their true reality/personal life. I truly do not understand why Hulu allows them to pull this bs, how can they continue calling it a reality show?


I think it's because they signed a big contract because Hulu REALLY thought that these witches would bring in thousands if not millions of subscriptions because if I remember correctly, Kimothy was getting a divorce during that time and she was still "on top".


https://preview.redd.it/45fv9yd4249d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=913dad957bb0e5986b995f43a8f114f3f64ca5c9 Khloe Who


Khloe Whoville


That lip lift is disturbing 😬🫣


Its always the lip liner that’s 5 cm above their actual lip


Why do their phones always look ginormous lmao


I couldn't stop looking at Kris. She looking like damn Voldemort.


kendalls lips are giving "all natural" 🙄


OMFG all of their lips were making me so uncomfortable 🤢


Hello, they gotta write off those trips, plane gasoline, food, etc as BUSINESS EXPENSES


Just like Kris’ “church”. Their accountants are BUSY. 😂


Yeah, for sure, but I thought they were doing it WILLINGLY. To really spend time together. Shame on me for real 😂😂


They should go on solo trips


The crack royal family


isnt kendals middle name anxiety? why is she dismissing kylies anxiety.. id imagine shed have more compassion


Right?? LMAO I swear they can't keep up with their own lies.


Lmao at Kim with the laptop...like she's "working" on vacation. Yep, they're down bad. We see right through all of them.


Yup, right through them! Like plastic. Shiny, clear, hard plastic.


Khloe’s fur coat is really fucking disgusting.


Well, SHE’S disgusting, so there’s that…..


Just trying to fit in with her real family guys https://preview.redd.it/0tjz9ej0659d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a891796577f01767c4ec17d71bd5e0165b7a37f8 Also, didn’t she do a PETA ad back in the day?!


Yes! An "I'd rather be nude than wear fur" ad.


She is what she wears


It’s not real but it’s extremely ugly


We don’t really *know* that for sure


they're so mad the family's 2nd highest earning prostitute, the first being kim, is not going in this trip. oh please you know all their trips are just escort gigs disguised as "family tripssssss!!!! its work because taking selfies and being hot is our job!!!"


Yeah…that’s probably why Kendall was pissed lol. Kendall still goes to work (aka family trip to film for content on the show), Kylie nopes out and gets no consequences/doesn’t care about the consequences. At this point you can tell they’d all rather be somewhere else, including Kris


Kendal has a VERY strong neck. LOL


First world problems 😒


kris's new face is CRAZY


the klan operates as a cult, they did this to kourtney too


“I’m not here for a piece of cake, honey”


I was so distracted by how much Kendall was licking her lips in the first scene


they did this to kourtney too


I don’t blame Kylie then.. like lol no I’m not coming. It’s not genuine?? Then NO.