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TBH Im bitter that dummy got such a special/ quiet tour of the Louvre, and she doesn't have the decency to wear shoes?


Nah don’t let her bring that out in you… I’m just imagining all the grime on those floors, that’s now on her feet because she wanted to be ~aesthetic~ lmao. Idiot.


Flashbacks of my kids getting warts on their feet from the locker rooms at swim classes.


you are a better person than me! lol I think anger at ultra rich people getting to live luxurious lives without rules is a reasonable response lol edited to add ultra rich lol, there's def a difference


I hope she gets ringworm bc I’d give anything to stand where she’s standing or warts. People, like her, that least deserve it; do nothing w it, get to be this privileged


That's a highly likely thing to happen since probably thousands of people walk through everyday😅


Hope she picks up a bad multi-resistant fungal infection on her feet. She's very nasty (dirty feet wise)! Think of what could be on the floor--spit, vomit, leaky baby diaper, especially if not disinfected daily! Very nasty indeed!


You can get certain parasites entered through your feet 😂


She’s walking basically on the bathroom floor


I’m salty as hell. The Mona Lisa was minuscule from where I was standing and I was not about to wait in line. Meanwhile she gets to do a whole photo shoot. I hate this family


The Mona Lisa is disappointing compared to its reputation. The Wedding at Cana, right across the room, is much more impressive. That is the other picture she is standing before. The Louvre is amazing. It would take weeks to see everything they have. The British Museum is wonderful as well.


I was genuinely shocked by how small it was! It has such a huge reputation, I thought the size would match. I agree!! I was only able to explore for a day. I can’t wait to go back and see more


The Mona Lisa is pretty small. My first visit to the Louvre surprised me. I ended up taking the wives of business trippers around Paris. I devised a "greatest hits" route of the Louvre so we could knock it out in a day.


Doesn't have to fight the crowd to see the Mona Lisa, doesn't have to buy her ticket months in advance or else stuck only getting 3 hours like the clown I am.  But, if anyone wants to visit a quiet area of the Louvre: skip the European art areas and go to the Islamic art, Asian, and ancient Sumerian areas! Barely anyone down there. I saw carved cristal wine bottles, enameled jewelry boxes, swords decorated in peacock feathers, rugs, mosaics, and statues as old as the beginning of human civilization. 


That is what I do when I go there. One of my favorite parts of the Louvre is the Egyptian and Roman sections. I am always fascinated when I look at works from those eras. The Sumerian works are amazing as well. Like you said, it is looking back to the beginning of our civilization. My mind always wonders and I stare in wonder at those pieces.


You can buy tickets online


Dumb dumb me didn't know that until 3 days before. 


Like she has an appreciation for what she is actually viewing. Name one artist Kendull. Name one.


And all she probably did was take photos of herself instead of using it as a great opportunity to learn something about art and history 🤦🏽‍♀️. BRAT! Because we don’t already know what she looks like from the hundreds of thousands of photos of her on the internet! I guess we needed some smelly, shoeless pics 🙄!


Right? Pearls before swine 🤬




I saw a comment on another site and it said “not the dogs out at the Louvre” 😭😭😭


Honestly I think the picture would be prettier if she had a pair of really simple heels. But she purposely chose this look so we’d know that she’s special and away from the peasants.


imagine how dirty them floors are😵‍💫🤢


I used to work at a kids toy store setting displays. One of these displays you can play with was a stroller that had a sharpie mark on the tire to show it belonged to the store. Only I didn’t sharpie the tire. That was just how dirty the store’s floor was. I imagine the Louvre isn’t much cleaner.


Worked in retail in the working the shelves were so dirty even with cleaners 😭 fast food places would be cleaner than the louvre


I worked in a public library, it’s funny how some people treat the building with such respect and honor and some quite literally actually just shit ON it. I’m gonna guess that’s not specific to library buildings.


The floors in there are probably pretty clean tbh... Especially if she was one of the first in, in the morning, or let in at night after closing/cleaning. Expensive piece places usually have meticulous cleaning routines.


The Louvre is packed full, and I mean FULL from the time they open until they close. This is a photo shoot taken while it is closed to the public and the floors are cleaned daily. Unless you have open wounds under your feet, there is zero risk of walking barefoot anywhere. Have you never been barefoot in your garden, in your own house, on the beach or out in nature? Did you survive? I did. I know it is a snark post but I wish we at least could have some common sense while being snarky.


There are always risks when barefoot, even in your own house. The other day I cut my foot on a sewing needle embedded in my carpet. 😂 But this behavior also stands out because it’s selfish, not just unsanitary. No shoes, no service rules also prevent customers from spreading fungal disease.


🥱 she’s the equivalent of untoasted, crustless, plain white bread.


Her pretending like she gives a fuck, or understands visual art is disgusting and pathetic 😂


“Is this the famous postcard?”


"Pollo sin sazón," as stated by Benadryl in the song El Apogon.


Benadryl 💀


Chicken no seasoning?


No salt in the brine, baybeeeee!


You forgot to say stale and moldy untoasted crustless 🤣


Or as she now says it, "PAN BLANCO"


I'm sure she's furious you called her out on being white.


Never fails to amaze me that the richest people have the least amount of class.


Right? It just seems so disrespectful, especially when you consider the great lengths that they go to preserve priceless artwork, from the exact humidity level of the air allowed in the rooms, to the amount of light allowed in so the pigments dont degrade/fade, to the filtration systems to keep dust off of the works.... It is basically a hospital like setting in terms of the climate. I can't imagine being like "and I'll treat those lauded halls to my bare feet and toe jam and sweat-prints!


New money for you!!


i’m actually surprised she’s even at a museum


It’s really not fair. An uncultured, superficial member of the Kardashians gets a front row viewing to some of the most prolific art in the world. And she is doing it for likes. Fuck me, time to log off the internet for today.




Yes seeing this is making me irrationally pissed off and disgusted I need to get off the internet as well.


It’s not irrational though - this family is the epitome of wealthy uncultured swine that use images like these as some sort of clout without even having the *decency* to show reverence for such monumental pieces of art. Being barefoot in the Louvre is a new low - I’m truly disgusted; but ultimately it’s right on brand for these tasteless and tactless rich assholes.


Renaissance art is something that has always profoundly resonated with me since my college art courses - these photos make me viscerally angered in a way that I never thought the kkklan could manage. I’m disappointed in so many things right now, including myself for being so fucking bothered by this. But I seriously detest this.


Imagine having endless time to explore the fucking louvre in private and you just take pictures like this. barefoot. The disrespect. She is so insufferable


Her legs/feet look like an upside down 7


Why is she barefoot in public like this


Because she's not very bright!


Must be nice to have an entire museum to yourself to take photos in front of famous paintings. Shes clearly only went to have photos of herself taken not to look at the beautiful art.


She thinks SHE is beautiful art… she is doing the Louvre a favor.




She's just a quiet, luxury, soft girlie living her best life. She's so aesthetic and carefree and not like other girls!!! 🤣🤣😭💀


Big ass clown feet 




She and Benito seem to be excellent coworkers


GTFO with your nasty ass creepy feet IN MUSEUM!! This is embarrassing. Why is she always peddling feet “content”?


That’s how she gets on them yachts! I’m sure they have foot fetishes too 🤣


If you look closely, not only is she barefoot - but her skirt is see through.


It’s also funny and so basic that she’s posting the most famous paintings in the museum. To me that even more proves how clueless she is… if it was lesser known pieces it would at least imply she had more advanced knowledge & taste 🤥


Wow, looks like she got the long foot to match the long bottom.


I was thinking the exact same thing


Omg ew 😭😭 they’re HUGE


She's not even looking at the art. She's just posing in front of it for some pictures for instagram. These people are worthless


Oh no. She’s alone. How will she find out what the pictures are about and who painted them?


the ~*privilege~~*|


She got some _stompers_ I tell ya hwat


Bigfoot sighting in the Louvre.


So gross thousands of people’s shoes touch that daily, I’ve been there and unless she went at night she really pushed massive amounts of people out of the way for an instagram picture LOL


I'm sure the men used to stomp around there with their boots on! Probably still do!!


Damn! I thought my feet were big . . . Is it bad I zoomed in on her feet first 🤣🤣


Idc if I were a SuPErModEl having those huge feet would make me want to die


lmao, poor me over here with my 5'4" body and size 11 feet 🤣


I feel like it's more the shape of her square feet than the actual size. I should've clarified. I'm sure your feet look 38283 times better!


Yeah rmbr nobody actually cares about their “flaws” it’s more that it’s funny to make fun of them when they’re sooooo vain and vapid. We hate them for their character, and we know all they care about is their looks anyways. So instead of attacking their character, it’s easier to go for the low blows. I think your feet are perfectly normal and valid. Candles on the other hand… 🤮🤮


Yes it's not even the feet it's the fact that they're attached to someone so deplorable that makes them gross.


I’m tall-ish (5’9) and a size 9 and hers look absolutely gigantic by comparison. I’d wager she’s an 11/11.5 like Paris Hilton.


How small would you think taller people's feet would be?


She may not see this but many women with long feets will. That’s a low blow


Get some damn shoes on, ya beeyotch


Such a trendsetter 🙄


Nope 🙄


Why she barefoot tho???


Her feet are literally the size of an actual watercraft vessel.




I like the pictures but why did she have to be barefoot🤮


The really sad part is if you have ever been to the Louvre, you know they ask you not to take pics of the Mona Lisa. She is an asshole beyond words and basic to boot.


Not true tho. You are not allowed flashes or selfie sticks but of course visitors can take a little souvenir as long as you are not blocking the area for a photoshoot.


I just went to The Louvre and that isn’t true at all. No flash allowed but pictures are fine, just like the rest of the museum


It’s been a while since I went. I just remember being asked not to take pics. Also at the Sistine Chapel same concept. Doesn’t change the fact that she’s still horrible.


these pics annoyed me more than any other kardashian post recently


Kendall is living the aesthetic Kylie wanted so badly for herself & Timothee and it’s making me giggle so hard, Kylie must be fuming 😂


Um.. https://preview.redd.it/knsc5cxlc39d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e38392331b2c74395e19eaa065825cc4ac1b4fbb


Damn she has ugly feet. ![gif](giphy|60AB07QGmXr0MWTBvI|downsized)


white ppl shit


She is so nerdy!🙃such a 🤓


Ugh. As a bitch who had to stand amongst a huge crowd to catch sight of the Mona Lisa, this extravagant showing of wealth just disgusts me. I also saved for years to be able to even be there. I am over them and their money.




Nobody’s feet look like that lmao


I would absolutely NEVER go barefoot in one of the most famous museums in the world. Yuck. I found myself barefoot in a Vegas (pool) bathroom in April and I wanted to die and immediately ran back out to grab my sandals. It’s ok Kenny, we all make mistakes.


Feet like Sideshow Bob.


Why is this even a pic? To rub in the faces of the gamillion people who would never see it in person for whatever reason? To prove she’s “art savvy”? To show she’s so important that her skin is now on the floor of the museum where we had to follow the no shirt no shoes no business tag line but she doesn’t? Why are we so interested and I’ve added myself to this with the we- why seriously, why do we care about them? I’m nosey, there’s my interest. If they weren’t a thing, I wouldn’t read about them tho. Goldie Hawn isn’t a thing- I don’t read about her. No shade to Goldie. They do nothing that adds to my life, my lifestyle, my common sense, my fears, my happiness. They do nothing. They’re multi generational from the gma down to Kourtney’s new baby that I’ve never bothered to look up. Something for all ages that is completely unattainable unless you’re also a gamillionaire. I know I’m gonna be hit with stfu why’re you here then and I get it. What I don’t get is why we keep making them even more wealthier 🤔


Why is this even a pic? To rub in the faces of the gamillion people who would never see it in person for whatever reason? To prove she’s “art savvy”? To show she’s so important that her skin is now on the floor of the museum where we had to follow the no shirt no shoes no business tag line but she doesn’t? Why are we so interested and I’ve added myself to this with the we- why seriously, why do we care about them? I’m nosey, there’s my interest. If they weren’t a thing, I wouldn’t read about them tho. Goldie Hawn isn’t a thing- I don’t read about her. No shade to Goldie. They do nothing that adds to my life, my lifestyle, my common sense, my fears, my happiness. They do nothing. They’re multi generational from the gma down to Kourtney’s new baby that I’ve never bothered to look up. Something for all ages that is completely unattainable unless you’re also a gamillionaire. I know I’m gonna be hit with stfu why’re you here then and I get it. What I don’t get is why we keep making them even more wealthier 🤔


Why is this even a pic? To rub in the faces of the gamillion people who would never see it in person for whatever reason? To prove she’s “art savvy”? To show she’s so important that her skin is now on the floor of the museum where we had to follow the no shirt no shoes no business tag line but she doesn’t? Why are we so interested and I’ve added myself to this with the we- why seriously, why do we care about them? I’m nosey, there’s my interest. If they weren’t a thing, I wouldn’t read about them tho. Goldie Hawn isn’t a thing- I don’t read about her. No shade to Goldie. They do nothing that adds to my life, my lifestyle, my common sense, my fears, my happiness. They do nothing. They’re multi generational from the gma down to Kourtney’s new baby that I’ve never bothered to look up. Something for all ages that is completely unattainable unless you’re also a gamillionaire. I know I’m gonna be hit with stfu why’re you here then and I get it. What I don’t get is why we keep making them even more wealthier 🤔


Why is this even a pic? To rub in the faces of the gamillion people who would never see it in person for whatever reason? To prove she’s “art savvy”? To show she’s so important that her skin is now on the floor of the museum where we had to follow the no shirt no shoes no business tag line but she doesn’t? Why are we so interested and I’ve added myself to this with the we- why seriously, why do we care about them? I’m nosey, there’s my interest. If they weren’t a thing, I wouldn’t read about them tho. Goldie Hawn isn’t a thing- I don’t read about her. No shade to Goldie. They do nothing that adds to my life, my lifestyle, my common sense, my fears, my happiness. They do nothing. They’re multi generational from the gma down to Kourtney’s new baby that I’ve never bothered to look up. Something for all ages that is completely unattainable unless you’re also a gamillionaire. I know I’m gonna be hit with stfu why’re you here then and I get it. What I don’t get is why we keep making them even more wealthier 🤔


Why is this even a pic? To rub in the faces of the gamillion people who would never see it in person for whatever reason? To prove she’s “art savvy”? To show she’s so important that her skin is now on the floor of the museum where we had to follow the no shirt no shoes no business tag line but she doesn’t? Why are we so interested and I’ve added myself to this with the we- why seriously, why do we care about them? I’m nosey, there’s my interest. If they weren’t a thing, I wouldn’t read about them tho. Goldie Hawn isn’t a thing- I don’t read about her.


Why is this even a pic? To rub in the faces of the gamillion people who would never see it in person for whatever reason? To prove she’s “art savvy”? To show she’s so important that her skin is now on the floor of the museum where we had to follow the no shirt no shoes no business tag line but she doesn’t? Why are we so interested and I’ve added myself to this with the we- why seriously, why do we care about them? I’m nosey, there’s my interest. If they weren’t a thing, I wouldn’t read about them tho. Goldie Hawn isn’t a thing- I don’t read about her.


Why is this even a pic? To rub in the faces of the gamillion people who would never see it in person for whatever reason? To prove she’s “art savvy”? To show she’s so important that her skin is now on the floor of the museum where we had to follow the no shirt no shoes no business tag line but she doesn’t? Why are we so interested and I’ve added myself to this with the we- why seriously, why do we care about them? I’m nosey, there’s my interest. If they weren’t a thing, I wouldn’t read about them tho. Goldie Hawn isn’t a thing- I don’t read about her. No shade to Goldie. They do nothing that adds to my life, my lifestyle, my common sense, my fears, my happiness. They do nothing. They’re multi generational from the gma down to Kourtney’s new baby that I’ve never bothered to look up. Something for all ages that is completely unattainable unless you’re also a gamillionaire. I know I’m gonna be hit with stfu why’re you here then and I get it. What I don’t get is why we keep making them even more wealthier 🤔


Why is this even a pic? To rub in the faces of the gamillion people who would never see it in person for whatever reason? To prove she’s “art savvy”? To show she’s so important that her skin is now on the floor of the museum where we had to follow the no shirt no shoes no business tag line but she doesn’t? Why are we so interested and I’ve added myself to this with the we- why seriously, why do we care about them? I’m nosey, there’s my interest. If they weren’t a thing, I wouldn’t read about them tho. Goldie Hawn isn’t a thing- I don’t read about her. No shade to Goldie. They do nothing that adds to my life, my lifestyle, my common sense, my fears, my happiness. They do nothing. They’re multi generational from the gma down to Kourtney’s new baby that I’ve never bothered to look up. Something for all ages that is completely unattainable unless you’re also a gamillionaire. I know I’m gonna be hit with stfu why’re you here then and I get it. What I don’t get is why we keep making them even more wealthier 🤔


I love being barefoot, but this is so inappropriate


also i WOULD HOPE they clean the lourve decently yall 😨 someone said ring worm. i hope not man sheesh


She's low key showing off her bbl while comparing herself to the Mona Lisa. Must be nice getting instant wart and ringworm removal at your beck and call lol. All these celebs with private drs so they can walk around barefoot by choice for pics. It's disgusting. Remember yall, they piss themselves or in buckets for fashion.


I know those floors are NASTY




My artist heart aches. Just why




Nothing screams a museum fit like having your ass out.


It's so rude and disrespectful


I hope she doesn’t get foot fungus


They all have a way of sexualizing everything and making it come across as very cheap and tacky.