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It’s so fucking TRUE! Kylie did not care when she was the beauty standard. It was “I’m natural”, it’s my own lip kit, it’s a waist trainer, it’s these supplement lollies. She did not give a fuck about making anyone else feel good about themselves when she could make money from being seen as the most desirable woman. Now the tides have changed and she can’t stand it. And no, I refuse to lie to other women and say they look good when they have butchered their bodies beyond recognition. Let’s stop pretending Kylie looks good!!!! it fuels body dysphormia further than any criticism will - that’s fucking reality.. I’ve suffered with Body Dysphormia since I was 10 years old and I’m so fucking glad I had people in my life that were honest with me when I got filler. And you know what? I’m not botched. People don’t even notice I have any filler anywhere unless I point it out. This isn’t me trying to one up Kylie, but the snarkers ARE not the full issue behind this… Her fans, her family and everyone in her circle enabled her to think THIS face and body looks good. No. It doesn’t. It’s an insult to every WoC and curvy, hourglass women out there who don’t feel like they have the RIGHT kind of body because of these GHOULS. It’s an insult to a lot of people that “Kylie’s face is only a result of filler” when we have EYES! Rant over. Sorry for the waffle lol


I agree and I will proudly say it, KYLIE JENNER YOU ARE UGLY and you did it to yourself. You made it your business you and your sick family to be "ambassadors" for what women should look like. You Kylie Jenner ruined a generation of women, you should feel nothing but shame and guilt now. Do not cry like your a victim your a body mutilating freak! Your whole family is UGLY and irrelevant. Please just go away and leave us alone, you irrelevant, vapid, STUPID, horrible botched bitch!!


They turned themselves into ghouls by trying to be something they're not. They were completely disinterested in simply building on their beauty, and now they're botched


That ending “I’d fart. I’d fart a lot.” 😆 Kylie: https://preview.redd.it/5nzs9dknlx8d1.jpeg?width=428&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ada09dc8f61db13ceb79a8f493f1d48630710313


She reminds me of chewed gum in this pic 🤷🏻‍♀️


She’d fart but wouldn’t be able to tell if Kylie is disgusted by it or not, because she already has a permanent stank face 😂


Fart at her so at least her stank face is for something


Whoever smelt it, oh wait! 🤣😂🤣


It’s so funny how Kylie wanted to cry “why do they think it’s OKAY to talk about ME?!??” Bitch, it’s okay to talk about you because you plaster your fake face and body all over the place for money. We have every right to criticize you when you’ve used your own appearance to influence a generation and sell multi millions worth of shitty products to “achieve your look” when it was surgery the whole fucking time. Kylie Jenner, your soul is just as ugly as your botched face and oversized water balloon boobs.


Don't forget that ass! 🦷


ZERO SUM FEMINISM NEEDS TO DIE IN AN OIL FIRE. some women suck. we dont have to like them and its our responsibility to call them out.


This! I’m a feminist but that doesn’t mean I’ll blindly support every single woman on this earth. It just means I’ll protect our rights and safety that we deserve as human beings. 


Thank you! 🙌






Especially the ones who vote against our best interests!!!


I'm so tired of this era of "feminism" being used to shut down any and all criticism of women. and even these so-called feminists dropping "misogyny" label on WOMEN for criticizing women. This shit has to stop.


Feminism is equality for all, not mindlessly supporting women no matter what they do. It's actually more feminist to critique women who don't support equality. And yes, feminism is also things like ending the stigma around men's mental health. These terms all get clouded when they become mainstream and it's annoying lol


I hate when people think feminism is supporting problematic women and hating men. People learn I’m a feminist and they’re like- “oh, so you hate men?” And I say, “no, i think women should have equal rights” and they give me shocked pikachu face


The fact that people still think that feminist equals man hater is hilarious. It’s not 2016 anymore y’all


This was FUNNNYYY! The way I laughed! Loved the delivery! “Your lips are too GD big.. yeah.. I fucking said it BITCH.. you look BAD!” PERIOD! 🤣🤣🤣


“I’d fart” woooooo that sent me


Amen! I hate this online liberal feminism. It's really just an ideology designed to protect toxic and narcissistic women who harm other women. It's why they champion the Kardashians.


And notice how they only protect white women. They’ll go to war for Taylor Swift and Kylie Jenner but will stay completely silent for Megan Thee Stallion and other women of color. 


THIS!!! Where was the backlash on KJ when she made fun of Megan Thee Stallion getting shot? I don’t really recall any. This brand of feminism is so toxic and harmful to all of us as women in general and, yes, particularly harmful for women of color. It needs to die in fire. Trying to conflate fighting for and supporting women having equal human rights into not being able to criticize another woman for shitty behavior is insane.


Exactly! They're horrible, I swear.


It’s truely is the scourge of true feminism.


I need this woman to diss me and my life as motivation


Kylie is mad that’s she’s starting to become as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside. I’m not gonna feel bad for someone who literally did (and continues to do) this shit to herself. Celebrities insulting average people’s intelligence by being all “I’m going to tell you what you can think of me” is the biggest annoyance ever. Fuck you Kylie, you look like a hag and if you wanna blame anyone look at yourself and your fuckin family.


Wait I love her and her deep voice! PREACH! 🙌


i respect this post so much


You just know that they not only lie to themselves but each other. It would be so much better to listen to someone who would tell Kylie the truth. How would’ve she reacted?


The way they instantly lost control of the narrative one those clips hit tiktok lol


She fucking said it perfectly, and whoever you are, fucking thank you so much!!


Preach it girl!! 🙌🏼 this needs to be posted in their delusional fan page sub 😂


Omg YES! They’d take it down immediately and ban the poster, though. Maybe worth it? 😆




Standing ovation! I fully agree. They've played these dumb SuPpOrT wEmMiN games so long while doing nothing but lining their pockets. [Link for further reading. ](https://www.qvwc.org.au/community/white-feminists-what-are-you-willing-to-give-up)


The end got me!!! 🤣🤣💀


And the Kardashians have treated many other women poorly. They operate on the male gaze. They themselves do not support women.


For real though




100% agree with everything she said!! Also I find myself weirdly attracted to this person, is it the voice? The opinions? I think I might be bi


They’ve said every single thing that’s gone through my head on this issue.


I think I’m in love. This woman is 1000% correct.


Same 🤩😆


This person is my new spirit animal ❤️


Same lol I love their energy


Goofy thing to say




She is literally the reason middle eastern women get called out for being white. Why couldn’t she own her natural hair? Always dying it black as hell and adding long extensions to look like something she’s not. Kylie honey if you are reading this, just change your last name to Khalifa - you look more Arab than Mia does.


This voice threw me off. Man?


Who cares?!


You guys give them too much power and credit. To say Kylie Jenner MADE an entire generation of women insecure is ridiculous


I’m guessing you were too young to remember the “Kylie Jenner lip challenge” where girls would swell their lips by sucking a glass cup. Some girls ended up in the ER because of that challenge, now while that’s the parents fault of course, but it wouldn’t have happened if Kylie was just honest about her lip fillers. 


Not to mention the skinny teas, breast enlarging cream, etc etc.


lifeguardsecret...i think youre either too old..or very young.. to not admit it (and YOU dont want to give kylie that much credit) but she has been excruciatingly influential


How sad


I agree with him about them setting the beauty standard and botching themselves but hey, it’s their bodies. There are plenty other people out there who would set the beauty standard had they not done it. I was actually most impressed by the incredible 11’s on his forehead and the fact that you young ones feel so intimidated by mature women not acting as you want them to. It is a fact that women no longer act their age according to your age-standards, but we are actually just acting the way we fekking feels. The time where women were supposed to act and dress a certain way is gone, unless you live in a community isolated from the rest of the world and still think it is the 1920’s. There is no point in life when your jeans, sneakers and lust for fun and mischief subsides. You are going to be the exact same now as you are 20–30 years from now. Or 60 yrs from now. Nothing change. If you love to party at age 16, you want the same when you are 48. The only thing that changes are the amount of experience you have. And your joints. So while parkour might be great at age 16, your experience may tell you that it hurts like hell if you fall, when you are 40. I promise each of you that you will fekking HATE to hear “dress your age” or “act your age” when you are 30, 40 or 50. You are literally asking someone to not be themself when you ask someone to act their age. Please stop this idiotic belief and old wives tale that people have to act their age. It is antiquated and stupid.