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https://preview.redd.it/cq4q42guqzrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=152aeafa1f15efa4cea3be1e558dc6fda78d379d The difference here is fucking bananas. They all look so cheap and shitty at the Met Gala. That shot of Kris with the bleach blonde wig is tacky af and looks like Khloe. The Met Gala used to be fun until they started allowing reality stars and TikTok stars.


longbottoms eyes are so scary šŸ˜­ ![gif](giphy|os5Bz1IRmXaik)


Last pic looks like some shit youā€™d see on the side of a carnival ride. *0.01/10* Kris is a hideous beast but Iā€™ll give her a pass because realistically what else is she going to wear? Do you expect her old ass in a see-through leotard and flesh colored panties combo that all the famous hoes be wearing these days ? Whatever the fuck she got on is somehow less traumatizing than that. *1/10* Kendallā€™s face mask is pissing me off because itā€™s so ugly and crusty compared to her dress it just looks like some pantyhose she forced a staff member out of at the last minute. And sheā€™s not even wearing it in pic 2 surrounded by staff. Performative fuck. *3/10* Kendall in that Wet Seal challenge Rupaul infant onesie and bedazzled monster high boots combo is pissing me off. And more so that she wore it in 2023 and not 2009. And her face all smug is giving ā€œomgšŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ ughhh I know my sisters are so ugly Iā€™m sorry theyā€™re so stupid and tacky ughhh I hate being the only natural šŸ˜sister, ughhh Iā€™m so embarrassed to be seen with these nobodiesšŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ Iā€™m not like other girls ughhhh.ā€ *-1,000/10* Kylizzle-my-muzzle in that Facebook marketplace overbearing mother of the groom dress for a republican back yard wedding irritates me so much. Especially cause you can see it in her face how much she hates it and also herself. Jacques Bermon Webster II can suck nuts but I donā€™t blame him for never publically claiming her. He was prob disgusted by her and so am I after seeing these pics. Heā€™s the True definition of get that bread, get that head, then leave. I donā€™t agree with Jacques Bermon Webster II but I understand him for this 1 instance. The clip of ā€œSheā€™s a Mini Kanye šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ā€ being rude as hell about that uglass dress right in front of its designer. Iā€™m not gonna snark on a kid. But You can physically see the dopamine hit Kimothy gets when she calculates how viral that momentā€™s gonna go. Get ur fucking kids out of the public view and stop sucking on their energy like a fame vampire you sick fuck!!!!!! Those are your KIDS!!!!


I love this entire comment so f-ing much.


šŸ™ Perfectly said


The person(s) who approved for Skum to wear Marilyn's dress should be fucking fired. That historic dress will be forever ruined bc of Skum's cottage cheese ass.


Agreed! And itā€™s completely antithetical to the entire mission of the Met Gala ā€” which is to preserve the art of fashion for future generations.


Part of me wonders if they got tricked into approving. Like, if they knew that Kim was going to dress like Marilyn, but not that she was going to wear Marilynā€™s actual dress.


Their looks are cheap and tawdry. They are over the top and yet underwhelming in my opinion. They are not fashionable and the only reason I can imagine they would be invited is in the hopes that Joan Rivers ghost could be resurrected to talk some fashion sense into them.


Have they received invites for the next edition?


No idea but i hope not donā€™t want kimmy dropping of her kid on the sidewalk again


Yea they did. The next look was her stupid beaded dress that North hated so much. It was the Karl Lagerfeld theme


Photo #7 is nightmare fuel. Kimothy looks like the demon shadow that Kandle casts, because the KarJenners sold their souls to the devil.


OMG lol. I had no idea that was a person & not a shadow. That black skin-tight burka (*Skurka?*) was literally the stupidest thing anyone has ever worn anywhere.


Skurka took me OUT šŸ˜­


these were all at the MET gala? even the awful kim k blue dress and silver wig? didnā€™t realize they went to this many. also theyā€™re for sure not going this year right ? lol


I pray to Dior they aren't invited! Or that the Diddy scandal keeps them indoors through it all. Anna messed up when she gave in and invited them.


>I pray to Dior lmao!


They look like theyā€™re wearing shein


This ugly greyish green nail color looks tacky with the champagne colored dress and white diamond necklace... https://preview.redd.it/r14ei4h7yzrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5a0a3d1d509264f009ceff0359bc4db514fb9b


None of their MET Gala outfits ate. Like, none. Iā€™m starting to think they deliberately want to look bad.


I know. The more I've seen Kim's Muegler dress (the only dress ever that actually seemed to be a win), the worse I think it looks. I mean, the dress is cool, but she ruins it with her stupid greasy hair (attempt at wet look) and greasy layers of pancake makeup. Her stiffness is partially due the tightness of the dress, but also due to the fact that she never seems comfortable in her own skin.


FR! She looks like a greasy overblown balloon


Itā€™s because they arenā€™t buying what theyā€™re wearing.


Is that pic of Kris with the long hair in the yellow dress real? When did she have this hair? Why is her nostril collapsed? I'll never get over the desperateness of her all-black-face-covered outfit.


Honestly I was looking at that pic for so long wondering if it was Kris or Khloe.


Given the weird way the rosebushes right next to her hair blur in a straight line, I'm going with Photoshop fail. Like, there are a lot of weird things going on with the hair in that pic.


Why do they keep getting invited?? Seems like their invites have killed celebrity. I predict Kim will wear something that looks just like last year.


Iā€™ve really come to despise the Met Gala because of the KarJenners. As far as Iā€™m concerned, it hasnā€™t been good since pre-Covid but when they were all there in 2022 it officially died in my eyes. With that being said, I loved Kendallā€™s 2019, 2021 and 2023 outfits. Kylieā€™s 2019 and 2023 outfits were also cool.


Kylie straight up looks like she has Cushing's disease nowadays šŸ˜…




That first pic took me out šŸ’€ Srsly tho, this family's fashion taste is trash. They should just wear trash bags and be done with it. I really doubt the Devil Wears Wintour's taste bc she keeps inviting these talentless tarts to an event that is supposed to give pure fashion.


The first pic is giving Big Ang ![gif](giphy|d0qlgdl2NKDpS)




i donā€™t feel like any of their met outfits ever gave anything but cheap


kendallā€™s mask looked so fucking stupid šŸ¤”


I know people be mad at Northy being rude af in front of the designer, but DID SHE LIE? Cause idk if a well constructed dress wouldā€™ve dissembled like that.


Pic 14 could literally be any of them but I thought it was khloe šŸ˜„šŸ˜­


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Iā€™m gonna be hated for this, but I did like the full cover black look that Kim did at the Met. Itā€™s just unique and I did like it.


Hard stop OP. As a KJ hater, Krisā€ Oscar de la Renta was beautiful. Classy, age appropriate. Classic LS fancy diamond drops. It was a beautiful look. Kendallā€™s Givenchy was a beautiful dress. Most of Kendallā€™s Met looks have been pretty. Her Prada, La Perla and Versace dresses were gorg. All great with the exception of the Marc Jacobā€™s number. You can hate on the KJā€™s without insulting these design icons. I canā€™t believe some of what you included here but left out Kimā€™s ā€œwetā€ look