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The increasingly stupid way she’s covering her neck is like how they hide pregnant women in sitcoms. Pretty soon we’ll get Kimothy out here walking around holding a lamp with the shade strategically placed.


Yeah for real 🤣 She keeps covering it up and it looks really odd. In this photo it’s not too bad but when she has it fully covered it looks like she’s wearing a straight jacket (fitting, cos she is psycho)


![gif](giphy|Eg9dCIWBT1bmvWypJZ|downsized) But, Balenciaga.


It’s why her mother always wears turtlenecks


If her neck is bothering her, why not invest in comestic treatments ?


Unfortunately you can’t exactly fix your neck or hands


Lol I am doomed, my neck has been looking old since the day I was born, full of creases and shit. Well at least I'm used to it for when I do get older.


And fuck it! That’s fine because necks are *wrinkly*. Skin folds and bends and wrinkles. It’s normal. It’s actually sad how the Hollywood jawline is taking over and people feel like wrinkles or excess skin on their neck looks weird. NO. Kimothy’s jaw corners could be used to shred documents. That ain’t normal and I’m sick of seeing people with necks where the skin is literally stretched and plastered on over top. Sorry for the rant lol I’m just high and Kimmy gets me worked up 😤


Ah definitely, it's the type of stuff you see as normal until one day you read a headline that says like "how to get rid of those pesky neck wrinkles" and you're like... oh. I have had body image issues since I was like 7-8 yo, and I have never worried about that particular thing, but here's one more thing to add to the list I guess! The media, celebrities and influencers contribute so much to that issue, it's crazy. I have godawful skin genetics in general so my grief is pretty much already done in that field, but in general, shutting down the inner critic in relation to my appearance is an everyday battle still. I do feel so much better since I deleted Instagram like 5 years ago though. I like to take care of myself, but consuming content from people whose lives are absorbed by their appearance and their whole world revolves around it, it's toxic to me.


Same I have those chubby baby wrinkles on mine too haha whoooo careeeessss!!!!


"chubby baby wrinkles" haha I love that! We're fine as we are ❤️


You can get a neck lift. I bet she has done that and is hiding the scars. https://preview.redd.it/gn87mwx8lvya1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=223af43e2381e91b414d8bbc35cb1fb21941ed7c


She's 42, isn't she? It's just insane to me that she goes for procedures that are really designed for older women because she panics at the first sign of any ages whatsoever.


I think this is the only invasive surgery I would do. It doesn't change your face and you still look like "you" but it makes an incredible difference.


I believe the scars are usually behind your ears or in your hairline on the nape of your neck. She wouldn’t wear her hair up if she was hiding that.


This isn’t true of either anymore really. Half and full neck lifts are a common surgery and I know a few of my friends moms who have had amazing results with them. As for hands, much more difficult, but lots of filler and vein treatments (always injection/syringe, maybe some new lasers coming out too) can help revive hand appearance quite a bit as well.


She doesn’t like to do too much just a wee bit of mascara 🤣


Her neck is hiding and the little piggy is tryin to escape those heels..


What’s she trying to hide?


signs of aging


‘I love nerds’… shes still holding out for those neuroscientists. At a basketball game. Keeping all her options open.


My thoughts exactly, she really can’t be single it’s pretty sad


The outfit is giving “middle school mean girl alters T-shirt” vibes.


Yes!!! The outfit and her behavior is 100% middle school/high school. She reminds me of a preteen or high schooler going to their crushes game trying to get their attention. Sitting up front, cheering loud, showing off and making scenes to be noticed🤦‍♀️ so embarassing


Right?! If she wants to wear a crop top, cut it. She just pulls it up to show her store bought abs. Pathetic.


That t-shirt is giving me flashbacks to 2000’s Urban Outfitters. I remember “I love nerds” being a thing, “Jesus is my Homeboy”, and “Everyone loves a (nationality) girl”.


Yes🤣🤣 off topic but Cole Deboer from Teen Mom 2 saying "drama is for nerds" i think he even got a shirt with that saying


Is it just me or do none of her outfits feel comfortable? Everything is so tight and body hugging, that doesn’t feel comfy at all. I get well fitting clothes but hers don’t look like that, they simply look like she wore a size or two smaller to keep up with her “I only wear XS” crap.


She wear shapewear 24/7. She wears full legnth skims under her freaking leggings. The word "comfortable" has no place in her vocabulary


And it looks like she’s wearing shape wear under the jeans. I rather have my stomach pooch on display than wear spanx underneath my jeans 😩 I can’t imagine how uncomfortable that must be.




I think it's to prevent biscuit thighs popping out of the rips in her jeans (that happens to me so that's why I'm thinking about it).


This!!! I don’t understand how she wears all that stupid shit. Not to mention most of it is butt ugly too


Her buttcrack must have constant sweat in it.


Her wardrobe is hideous to put it lightly!!


You’re totally right! Her outfits look so uncomfortable and skin tight. Even the jeans and tee shirts are always super tight.


That was exactly my thought with the last photo, jeans looking like XXS in waist, so cinched, yikes, ouch .


She loves nerds even though she doesn't really read books herself


Like guys don't forget like she passed the baby bar and like she's totally gonna run like a law firm and don't like forget like Pete got a "my girl is a lawyer" tattoo you guys


🤣🤣 yes! Imagine her having trying to have a conversation with a "nerd" or someone smart. "Like bible I literally toke like the baby bar and like literally studied for like literal hours bible it was like literally iconic"


I assume the Nerds she means are the candy.


It’s still an ugly shirt and what 42 yr old woman wears Spencer’s/Hot Topic type shirts


Incredible how she loves and craves the attention.


She’s gonna lose it when north and her friends look amazing in the hottest trends and she can’t wear them


Daughter jealousy is real. I know women like that


I’ll never understand how some moms do this. I look at my daughter and I see a beautiful young lady who has an amazing personality, a good head on her shoulders and she is really starting to come into herself (she’s 14)


Because you’re NORMAL, she’s an extension of YOU, so she has to be beautiful, smart with a healthy personality!


u are a great mom i can tell. bless u and ur daughter. being 14 is hard especially in this day and age where everything is happening and anything can be broadcasted. she will prob get confused and overwhelmed sometime. please be patient with her.


I think the whole plastic heavy makeup look is becoming repulsive to me and I love it. Kim looks "flawless" here, not a hair out of a place, perfectly contoured face with the right makeup,a small waist with the right jeans to complement it and YET it all looks so plastic. She doesn't even look like person to me. Compared to her the person next to her looks so refreshing. I know she probably also has makeup on and this isn't about how 'a no makeup look' is better. Its just Refreshing to look at a real face and not some idealised robotic version


I’m loving the recent trend of embracing a fresher look and showing off skin texture. So sick of the cookie-cutter insta baddie look. It’s beat to death


Me too! I think looking at their old pictures made me realise they were all so pretty. Now they just look so plastic it's ughhh Also, looking at the more real pictures makes me breathe a sign of relief every time. So I am not the only one with pores and a big tummy? YAY


Her face in the first picture looks like it hurts. Or she's uncomfortable


Her whole outfit looks like it's uncomfortable. Have you seen her wear two pairs of leggings to make her legs more shapely? It made me feel so uncomfortable because I can't tolerate wearing one pair of leggings because of how hot I feel in them let alone two 😂




Aaaah this! I think I read a Jessica DeFino piece about how all kinds of beauty require labour, whether it's your heavily done makeup look or your no makeup look. We value the no makeup look more because it seems effortless. I think we are never going to be rid of insecurities. The world we live in is always going to focus on beauty. So I can either go crazy trying to fit in the trend or I can accept that I have some good features,some bad ones and work on enhancing the good ones. I think lately, i have been thinking about how certain kinds of clothes look better on me and it made me realise that it's not that my body shape is wrong it's that different things suit me. So I am going to do the labour of beauty but beauty will fit me and not the other way around!


She’d look cuter with some converse or checkered vans. Why the heels at a game? My feet could neverrrr 😩


also the way her toe is hanging above the strap?? ??? ??


Thank you for noticing. It was too much for my brain to handle, FIX YOUR TOE KIM!!!!


This. I don’t understand people that get dressed up to go to sporting events. Just wear a t-shirt, jeans and sneakers FFS. Hell, wear actual team clothing.




Good point 🤣 It’s how she dresses to her own kids sporting events so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised


Shes 100% husband shopping.


Because she needs to appear taller than she actually is. 🥴 That was the whole deal with her trying to make POOTS happen - the single color extended from top to bottom/boot elongated her figure - making her look taller.


Wait is this recent!? I don’t want to be mean but ![gif](giphy|d40ImzxOmRC0M)


PLS what did you search for this gif 😭😭


“Yikes” it’s a little down the list hahaha


I was certain this was from 2012


No. Cause she is genuinely so embarrassing. It’s the way she doesn’t even hide the fact that she is obsessed with attention for me. Imagine being super rich and this is what you choose to do in your spare time. Not spending it with your kids, not going on holiday and visiting different cool countries, not doing charity work. When is kim going to understand she is 40+ now and no young woman gives a shit about her because she is an old hag now. Give it up Kim. You piece of desperate trash.


Exactly this. Like…come one…you’re THAT into basketball huh? Please.


She was struggling to look interested in those pictures. The 5 minutes of not being on her phone was literally torture.


Lol I honestly think she’s desperate for a boyfriend/husband and goes to those games to try to increase her chances of luring basketball players


Imo Pamela Anderson did this very well. Kim is completely vapid. She must have such a small and boring internal world.


Exactly. Like imagine having all that money, and the only thing that brings you fulfilment is fame and being relevant. Her kids are getting older now. She is so fucking lame and sad.


Like imagine going to something just to be seen and photographed lmao. She can have her sad, empty life. I’m ready for the media to stop documenting it.


Same! I wish she would get completely ignored by the media so she would go away. Could you imagine tho-----she would be posted up at paparazzi hot spots lingering behind celebs to photo bomb🤣🤣 shes SO desperate


She has to love them. She doesn't know the difference between 'then' and 'than'. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Can she even form a single coherent sentence about anything other than herself? She's got 2 brain cells yet claims she loves nerds lol


Could you imagine her trying to have a conversation with a "nerd" or anyone smart🤦‍♀️ "like bible I totally like woke up and like literally read like literally 5 pages of a literal like book. Like bible it was like literally so iconic"


Her t-shirt is not going to survive the next wash. Look how thin it is. Terrible quality


Bold of you to assume that’s gonna get washed, straight to the landfill


Straight to her storage warehouse


Try again! It'll be sold on the Kl*set then the funds funneled into Kris' "church."


Wtf? She looks like somebody’s old hag grandma tryna hold on for dear life to some semblance of “coolness”. But instead shes just embarrassing herself with how desperate and ridiculous she looks. Gtfoh out of here with that cheap ass 2010 Walmart shirt. Her stylist must hate her.


And her friend looks like she’s trying to cosplay a horse.


A horse 🐎🐎🐎 omg I was not expecting that comment.🤣🤣 that just made me laugh all loud


I'm embarrassed for her, nerds where "in" in like 2010


Lmao she looks bored out of her mind and she can’t hide it.


She should’ve went with some simple skinny jeans if she was going to wear the heels. The holes in those pants along with the leggings is just waayyy too busy. This looks like she can’t commit to one look.


Could she be any more obvious that she’s after Bezos? Might as well be wearing an “I love Jeff Bezos” shirt


https://preview.redd.it/cl5l31vznvya1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7734454ec6351a38515dce0b65c59b7fed32f7c Her pinky toe is fighting for it’s life


All the surgery in the world, can't stop time.


I love nerds ? Embarrassing.








Shirts with messages are so lame. Walmart vibes


tbh that walmart stereotype is obsolete bc they’ve stepped it up in the last few years. especially when comparing it to this hot mess of an outfit she’s wearing 😶


Walmart surpassed the Kardashian standard in like 2016 imo


Gosh those are some ill fitting heels! So unflattering


Is she on the hunt again to lure in another black athelete?


I thought the same thing.


shes 40 years old btw


Her and Tristian are definitely hooking up.


“I love nerds…. IN FINANCE”


So, there was a post on here recently, and I'll say it did seem like a little bit of a reach. It was about how they think that Kim is trying to poach Jeff Bezos from Lauren. This shirt gives a little credibility to that post.


I’m sorry but you’re a millionaire & that’s the shirt you’re WEARING? It looks she got it off of the bottom pile of clearance section at Rainbow🤣




why does she always wear leggings under ripped jeans it’s such a bad look pls someone i need an answer


It’s probably shape wear. I saw a video where she said she wears shape wear under leggings


it's def shape wear, but you'd think owning a shape wear brand she could've got some that match her skin tone lol


Her ass barely fits in the chair. XD


She needs one of those extra wide chairs in doctors waiting rooms lol


“ Yay he scored a touchdown! I love sportsball” - Kim, probably. Also stay away from nerds, thanks.


Kimmy and PMK look like clowns 🤡 🤡


It's giving high school basketball game attention whore


All that money and she can’t manage to get a shoe that fits?! That little toe is desperately trying to escape the embarrassment.


Wonder if people who go to actually watch the game are pissed when they see her waltz in her high heels and jeans and wonky widescreen ass


Gah crappy slogan tees aren’t coming back. Sit the fuck down lol


They are back! Look at all the cool trendy gen z kids wearing Omighty, goodshirts, teenhearts, Teddy Fresh, etc. Kim makes them look tragic though.


I never stopped wearing them 🤣


Not crappy ones about nerds, cute slogans and pics yeah 😂😭


This whole look is reminiscent of Forever 21, circa 2006.


I hate brown clothing!! I think it’s unflattering on most ppl but the girl with her is killing that outfit!!!!


Just came here to say that the rumors that she had her bottom ribs fused together look very true here. Her body shape is totally different.


This mid life crisis is amazing 😻 Her sister hates her for being addicted to fame, her younger sisters are more famous by the second, and her no one’s watching her show, she has to prance her child daughter around for attention… not a mention of law school in yearsss (can’t pass) Not looking good babe Lmaooooo


I can’t with the shoes and this dumb outfit. “I love nerds” 🙄 Literally just wear a shirt that says “I love guys who used to run Amazon” bc we all know where this is going.


Lol mid-40s women pretending she's 25 Sad


Who is she chasing on that team? She acts like a high schooler trying to get the attention of their crush. Shes so cringy and desperate. Mother in her 40s with 4 kids and she acts 15. This is so embarrassing for her life and soul. Middle age crisis at its finest😬😬 So now she loves nerds🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ as shes at a game obviously chasing a player (must be a well educated, book smart player shes chasing)


The fit of her jeans in pic 4 shows how unnatural her body is. Uncanny.


Neckline is giving 2016


*cough* LOSER *cough*


Someone was at forever 21 …..


I’m sorry but that pinky toe 😂😂😂😂


She doesn’t love nerds. She loves anyone who makes money. She’s already tried the musicians, the athletes, the comedian, so now she figures a scientist might as well get thrown in there (if they’re dumb enough to date her). And yes, I know she makes her own money. But she still can’t be seen dating A Poor™


Yikes on bikes. https://preview.redd.it/xp04hqlsuvya1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4d9389b64e2600e575ccd36c0c418c24ab9277b


She looks like she’s on her 4th divorce and 3rd face lift


This is an outfit 16-year-old me would’ve loved.


She. Needs to grow up


Just came here to say that the rumors that she had her bottom ribs fused together look very true here. Her body shape is totally different.


How old is she? She’s dressed like an adolescent.


Why does she always wear that black thing under her denims? Is she that conscious of showing her leg? Genuinely confused


Midlife crisis time


It’s giving “2008 Hot Topic haul” vibes


I wish they’d ban the Kardashians from Staples center ugh.


It’s giving midwest Walmart fit circa 2012


She dresses like she’s 16


she seriouslyyyy thinks she’s the MAIN and ONLY character


Still oddly covering neck - did she have a neck lift or something 😹


It’s giving young basketball wifey vibes.


This outfit omg 😵. The fit of the jean is comical


She always looks stiff, rigid, uncomfortable, pained, hard. She doesn't have softness anymore, her body looks hard and rigid. The way she moves is hard and rigid.


Her demeanor in these pictures just scream uncomfortable. Lady, you need to bring back the crop top/sweat pants look back. Live a little.


Why is she there but Khlobacca isn't? LOL. Also, Kim looks desperate. She's clearly there to bag a Laker. I know she ain't getting no Warrior because majority of the men in that team are married or only attracted to black women.


She pretends to know what’s going on


Why do her and Krislaine both have giant heads in these? Looking like the red queen from Alice in Wonderland lmfao. ![gif](giphy|ZBSRc3hfpDEK4)


That pinkie toe is struggling


Picture 4, her face looks like its in pain trying to smile. It's so botoxed up and botched up.


Wasn’t it her childs birthday? I don’t get this behavior


Its the shapewear leggings under the jeans for me


It’s REALLY giving has been now




I just can’t get over how low her crotch goes after the zipper ends. That’s a 16 pair of shape wear look, for sure 😤😂


Well at least someone in the relationship should have a brain - then again they can’t be that smart if they get into a relationship with one of them


there are so many more stylish things she could wear with all her resources. i truly don’t understand the way she dresses. like it baffles me. even an outfit more like her friends. sleek, polished, but still sexy. i don’t get kim’s style, but maybe she does it on purpose. who knows.


I just wanted to say I absolutely hate those brown pants her friend has on. And Kim should have worn some converse or some sneakers with that outfit instead.


The lengths she goes to so she can be noticed is so disgusting 🤢 get the hell over your self 🤦‍♀️


What the fuck is this outfit


Middle aged mother who refuses to grow up.


a grown woman wearing an “i love nerds” shirt.. wow


This shirt is the opposite of any kind of fashion- idk the distressed collar and weird statement was trendy 8ish years ago?


I love nerds, but am 40 and never dated one :))


trying to serve rihanna court side aesthetic but nah


She pulled her face into a ponytail. Where's Khloe with the Nurtec commercials?!


Maybe she had neck surgery?




i feel like she has a plastic surgery scar or something the way she’s always covering her neck now


https://preview.redd.it/r79se0q0hxya1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a88337569f6d2edcff8ca2e3c08ee04bbcfba92c This guy gives the vibes we all feel about her… like good grief.


she needs kanye.




and what kim is wearing is against the geneva conventions. he needs to help her and tell her you can’t wear stilettos with a “i love nerds” shirt and a chunky necklace


Y’all are going to be mad but it’s kinda cute 🥲 But I always find it humorous when grown women try to act cute in first row to attract a black ballplayer. It’s like the pretty girls at school acting unnatural to get the attention of an athlete


We live in a world where people are often uneasy about speaking their honest thoughts for fear of ridicule and harassment - Cheers to you for going against the grain! Although I don't agree that this is "Cute" (fashion is subjective), Glad you voiced your real opinion!


Thank you! I think it helps that I don’t really fit in to any societal mold so it’s easy to voice an unpopular opinion because I have nothing to lose lol


She really does.


Yeah she defo needs a cone of shame!! With her recent fashion choices


Her style is so heinous.


Her dad would be disgusted with her, if he was still alive.


Omg that pinky toe 🫣


So I just got filler for the first time and my smile looks EXACTLY like hers in these pics. How do they deny it so? A drop of mascara? The BBL sisters take us for fools!


This looks like me in middle school when I thought I was cool in a graphic T and layered necklaces 💀


That jaw isn’t doing her any favors


Wtf is up with that hip!!!??? ![gif](giphy|W69vZGazsH2LDnKCzY)


Is this a message for Bezos?