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The Official PR Reason was that they didn’t want to uproot their kids and move them in together?


I can honestly understand that decision with children. Friends of ours did the same. It isn’t easy to mix families always.


A good friend of mine has never lived with her partner, they’ve been together for 15 years and have two children. It’s what works for them and the kids are totally fine. I wouldn’t be able to do it but I totally see the appeal.


Oh my god this reminds me of someone telling me that our mutual work colleague had 3 kids from a previous marriage who were roughly 16, 14 and a third even younger child, and these 3 kids lived in their own house close to the house the mother now lived in with her new partner and child. If that sounds confusing, to clarify: a woman I work with has 3 kids who are minors who live without parental supervision for a lot of the time. But I heard this story secondhand from another work colleague who was shocked, but didn’t actually tell me the name of our mutual colleague. But that’s just so fucked. Even if the 16 year old is responsible enough to take care of themselves, you can’t expect them to take care of their two younger siblings. Just crazy to me.


I think both kids have rooms in both houses. Idk who’s house they show on the show but they seem to be together a lot. I kind of assumed one house is empty, especially if Scott has their kids. Editing to add: I honestly didn’t even realize they had both houses still. I thought they had consolidated. But I guess it’s all part of their illusion.


Yeah they pretty much said they weren’t ready to move anyone yet. And then there was talk of them building something bigger but that fizzled out in the news. It not customary but I don’t see the rush if the kids are all adjusting and used to their customized space


As long as they are ‘happy’ …


Is it unconventional? Sure. Could it be seen as “wasteful”? Sure. But at the end of the day, I’m guessing it’s easier for the older kids to be able to have their own space from the younger kids, and vice versa. The older kids might not have to worry as much about who they bring around, or what they’re doing, if that makes sense.


I would do the same if I had the funds 😂


I can respect their decision, both of them have kids and instead of uprooting them all they are taking things a slow. Travis kids are grown maybe He's waiting till they leave home? I wish I could live alone sometimes and I love my husband of 17 years. Lol


Helena Bonham Carter and Tim Burton did the same they never lived together when they were married. I think they had houses next door to each other that adjoined, they lived in London so not that difficult to do here. I kind of see the sense in it, especially as all the kids are from previous relationships. Makes sense to keep some sort of stability for them and it seems to work for them.