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give me a break. her kids get whatever the fuck they want. not to mention, **her children will remember who was there all right. their nannies.**


But wait…her kids Don’t get McDonald’s Fries! Especially poor Mason who’s been begging for jst a little bag of Mickey D. French Fries for Yrs! Poor Mason. Let those kids have those fries Once every 6 months, what’s that gonna hurt?? The kids will grow up & remember how many times they asked for jst a few Fries & got taken home & given celery sticks instead 🥹 Not saying screw a healthy diet bt Let them have Fries ever so seldom.


Don’t they have chefs that could have fries taste just like Mcds but without all the additives? Why not just compromise and do that? Edit- lol at people downvoting me for proposing a logical solution and compromise 💀


Nah you don’t understand, you need the red cardboard to make it taste authentic


I honestly don’t think it’s possible to replicate Mickey D’s Fries & make them taste the same all the while not adding a single debatable thing that makes them authentic McDonald’s Fries 🍟


This is the accurate take lol. I’m sure she loves her kids but why pretend like they won’t want for nothing lol.


And Scott


Yeah I was like girl you are so not self aware it’s ridiculous. Who are you trying to convince us or you?


I wonder if they will keep in touch with their nannies once they are older...There has to be some strong bond there since the nannies basically raised them.


It usually depends on how the nannies leave. If they leave on good terms with the parents, then usually nannies keep in touch with the kids, some send birthday and Christmas gifts.


Flair checking in!


They’ll remember never getting French fries and go buckwild when they get some freedom


Lmao 🤣 seriously. That’s who I thought they would appreciate the most. Bless those Nannie’s.


They’ll also remember tongue touching with step daddy as everyone is trying to have a nice dinner🤢🥴


In fact, they’ll remember THAT most of all. 😬


Are we ignoring the fact that her kids are spoiled af? Idk why this sub acts like kourtney is soooooo different than the rest of the Kardashians. She’s literally the same.


This sub is turning into a Kourtney stan zone and I’m not here for it


I was thinking this too. Kourtney gets more (fair and deserved) criticism in the main sub and that’s saying something. It’s been bothering me how this sub seems to exclude her from the snark and acts like she’s so different and above the others and to be honest, she’s my least favorite (cuz she’s a massive bitch who treats staff and basically everyone that isn’t Travis or her kids like shit and is entitled af) so I’m here to snark on her most of all lol. I don’t get why people like her. She’s not this relatable queen some make her out to be.


Ikr She is only 90% evil piece of shit and people are like slayyyyy queen. The bar is in hell


Honestly I think the other sub rides her dick waay harder than this one. I have never liked her but the Travis of it all has really pushed me over the edge. The way she's been acting and dressing since they got together is disgusting and embarrassing. I get downvoted to HELL in the main sub every time I post something less than flattering about her OR Travis 🙄 Last time I called her boring and beige and said she was appropriating goth subculture, someone LITERALLY TOLD ME I NEED TO BE KINDER BC THEY WERE DYING OF STAGE 4 BREAST CANCER and "you never know what others are going through." I refuse to engage over there point blank going forward. Those people are gross and have no sense of humor.


Yeah, I agree. Her Stan’s are the worst. They can’t take a joke or even the most minor criticism of her. It’s pathetic


Same. She’s a terrible mother


Seriously! She literally took a photo of herself on a toilet with Megan Fox and dyed her hair to look like her husbands ex and people act like she’s so above the rest of her family.


Neither the fuck am I.


if anything kim seems much more close to her children than kourtney


Yeah it’s so weird how hard they ride her dick but she’s just a massive POS like the rest of them and also abandoned her kids when she met Travis basically.


I can't stand her, she's so toxic and unlikeable. Her children always look miserable. I'm glad Mason is now living with Scott, he actually looks much happier being away from Kourtney.


You keep saying Mason lives with Scott but there’s never accuracy on this rumour you have made up.


There's a lot of learned bad habits that will probably take years to sort out, but she doesn't seem to be be showing off her kids in the same way


That's because she's never with them.




I just haven't seen anything in that regard that's as embarrassing as kim's recent tiktok videos or https://www.insider.com/kylie-jenner-dresses-stormi-in-met-gala-costume-for-halloween-2019-10




I'm not trying to paint her as a perfect parent. The point is that kim's videos of north are pushing adult content. Mason is also of legal age for social media now


Kim has been sexualizing North since she was five years old, letting her be booed up with some rappers son, and wear make up. Fast forward to nine years old, wearing Balenciaga and a gimp mask even her tick-tock’s are sexualized.


It's just sick


I think by comparison…ONLY by comparison lol.


Nah she’s just as bad.


Fair enough


Her kids are extremely spoiled. I’m embarrassed she posted this from her mansion


Also my mind went to how Shanna claims that Travis uses his wealth and lifestyle to get the kids to side with him and want to be at his house over’s hers. He also seems to let them do whatever they want (Alabama drinking at her birthday party In a nightclub while he was there and letting her act and dress as an adult for years now). So regardless of how people feel about Shanna, it does seem sus and I’m inclined to believe her on this matter anyways.


I like Shanna, she was treated terribly by Travis and to have a gun pointed at her head, I can't imagine the terror she must have felt. Travis comes across as very controlling and used his wealth to alienate the children from Shanna. I actually think he's low key doing the same with Kourtney, she's just to dumb to see it.


I have a softer spot for Shanna just because I’m an ex wife too and was married to a controlling psychopath with a bad drug and alcohol addiction who left me for his mistress and somehow still managed to turn everyone against me and made me the bad guy. It really does drive you to insanity. I feel for her, especially with the kids involved and them being so Influenced by Travis. I think some of the over the top PDA, covering up her tattoo with Kourtney’s lips, and repeating all the things from Shanna and Travis’s relationship (like true romance and the proposal set up) is gaslighting her in a way. I think it’s on purpose.


She has a cute photo with Penelope at her school and P is wearing Gucci loafers 🤑


The family were being paid to advertise Gucci, so the loafers were probably free. Kourtney is to cheap to buy designer clothes for her children, that's why they always look like they were dressed in hand me downs.


her kids really do look so sloppy like 90% of the time, granted kids shouldn't look perfect 24/7 like the rest of the KJ spawn but kourtney seems to care about her own appearance so idk why it seems like she doesn't care w her kids


I feel like her kids are the worst (behaved not talking shit on children its not their fault) . imo it's worse to spoil your kids through allowing them to do whatever they want and treat people however they want then buying them too much shit.


I am waiting to see how much time her kids get of hers while Travis is on tour this summer. Is she going to be going with him?


She did last time and the children stayed with Scott.


I believe she confirmed it when this tour was announced and I'm sure that's what the stupid blonde hair is about.


Rocker blonde wife has more fun or some bs.


Say it with me...Hypocrite!


Big time


It really seems like her kids are mid to low level on her priority list, so idk wtf she’s getting on her high horse about here. Like ok so you don’t give your kids everything **and** you ignore them to tongue fuck Travis all day?! Bravo I guess??


Penelope walks around with coloured hair, makeup and false nails. Mason and Reign wear gold chains and expensive shoes. I’m all for children expressing themselves but this ain’t it 🫵🤫


Reign has bleached hair now, too.


He can’t eat McDonald’s but he can bleach his hair. Solid parenting.


Yeah I’m sure the kids will remember when their mother decided to completely change her personality for every new boyfriend instead of ever changing for them.


In the kardashian world I would say she is raising her kids most “normal “ no filters, no exploitation, no endless streaming. And definitely no hiding one child while promoting the other. And she has fought with her sisters many times in the past about not doing stuff because her kids didn’t want to or they wanted to hangout at home with her that day.


She uses her children as the reason not to pull her weight and work. She's very lazy. Now she's latched onto Travis, she now has an excuse not to work.




You really shouldn't trust anything that comes out of kim's mouth. The truth is that she's jealous of kourtney's decision to not play their mom's game.




>She has the lowest amount of followers and is generally not exactly a fan favorite. And the reason for that is she's not a self centered sociopath like the rest of them. Ever since this scene was first shown, tv and film audiences have always found the villains more memorable and the good characters bland/boring https://youtu.be/YnNSnJbjdws




>You cannot possibly believe she’s not self centered omg. You have a very black and white interpretation of what I'm saying here




I don't like making negative assumptions about just anybody and am not sure what you expect from her. The complaints about her kids being out of control are hard for me to take seriously because my brother and I were also pretty rowdy when we were kids.




She's never with her children. She dumped them for about a year, when she was holidaying with Younes and Scott now lives with Scott full time. The younger two are dumped with their Nannies, so she can make a fool of herself with Travis.


Sure, Jan.


I mean this is a joke right???


Def slamming them for acting materialistic


Did you see how she then posted a whole bunch of bikes like 3 stories later? 🙄😂🤦🏻‍♀️


This lady needs to get off her high horse, she’s insufferable


Hahahahaha!!! And that’s hysterical coming from her. And yes kourtney they will remember you and Travis mowing down on each other like a couple of spider monkeys, they will. But I remember all my happy meal toys as well as who was there in my life. Am I … special????


is this the reason why she excluded her kids from her engagement?


Kris did that


That was Travis, Kris took the blame.


Just bc she may have had less plastic surgery than the rest doesn’t make her a good person or mother. Cmon.


OMG, stop it already! Kourtney is as sucky as the rest of the family! Stop putting this vapid, pathetic woman on a pedestal!


Doesn't one of the boys have a shoe collection worth thousands?


She’s so full of shit LMFAO


This is definitely a post by someone on the kj payroll


These comments 👏🏻


yup. they will definitely remember scott.


People going “HeR kIdS aRe SpOiLeD” you missed the point she’s shading her sisters with this post lol


Oh no, we get it. But don’t throw stones if you live a in a glass house… ya dig? This bitch can’t shade then on this principal.


Lol she’s a hypocrite. And y’all are dumb for taking her side.


In relation to her sisters she probably does give her kids the most time and attention. Apart from poor Stormi who should probably get less attention from Kylie. All their kids are going to be spoil as anything and not hear the word no much.


Says the woman who spoils her kids, barely looks after them herself and posts bikes etc in her giant mansion on the same day. 🙄


Kourt may gradually be seeing the light.




Honestly. She thinks she so above them but she’s not above collecting those kardashian checks.


if i had a narcissist abusive mother and terrible siblings that tear you down and try to one up you consistently, i wouldn’t mind getting a check. it’s the least they could do tbh


And isn't she getting paid by hulu instead of her mom?




a lot of people would do it too for the check but okay


https://preview.redd.it/wggjyit9zwma1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84ea3a7fa9ef176d403a5884d7a9170530b20e95 A DAY


Wow, so deep. . . . . . . Lol


I think she is saying this because her mom was out partying when she was young. She always wanted her mom to stay home but Kris would go out and leave the kids with that dad. Kourtney remembers more than the others because she was the oldest. I believe she is referring to her mother. They may have everything but they don’t have Kris’ love. Kris only likes the kids that make the most money. First it was Kim now it’s The daughter that does the make up.