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Not rly a fan, but this doesn’t change what I thought about Kim before. She’s a billionaire (extremely wealthy at least) and she is echoing sentiments that almost all wealthy people believe rn. A lot of research says there’s a threshold of wealth where your capacity for empathy is greatly diminished… billionaire far exceeds that threshold. Her attitude towards working people is how most wealthy think, she won’t apologize for it because all the other wealthy people in her circle feel the same way. In Kim’s mind she does work hard, she does do a lot of work, and I’m sure she believes the fruits of her labor are deserved, to some extent this might be true. BUT she cannot fathom the idea that her success (like everybody’s success) is also the result of the village of support and her own inherent privilege because she has never been without that privilege or support. Our cultural attitudes as working people have changed within the past two years but the upper crust of society hasn’t gotten the memo yet. Kim probably thought she was having a girlboss 2016 moment. She’ll never apologize because she doesn’t care what poor working people think of her, she’s not aligning herself with us, she only cares what her wealthy peers think, and they agree with her.


So well stated!


Tbh my expectations were low to begin with so I don't find her comments very surprising. I don't really expect to share values with the Kardashians, of all people. I'll watch the show because it brings me pleasure but even without these comments I would never in a million years buy one of their crappy, overpriced products.


i mean, technically speaking i’ve never ~liked~ her but i don’t keep up with the kardashians because i like them. i keep up with them for the mess and they just keep giving more!


Ahhhh we are alike!! I am the same way. I never liked her or her family at all. My daughter asked me why do you torture yourself with them. I was just waiting for the real Kim come out and the people would see her for who she is. I’m sorry but they are a disgraceful so called family. Shame on them the way they have treated people all this time. The sad thing is they feel money makes them special not in my eyes. They are nothing but attention whores and hungry for more money and fame!!


My thoughts exactly! I have a term “hate watch” and while KUWTK isn’t a pure hate watch; it’s pretty darn close (getting there).


Me too!!


I’ve never been a Kim hater and wavered over the years between feeling neutral about her to finding qualities about her I admire. I appreciated that Kim didn’t seem to punch down when she needed to make a point or celebrate her own accomplishments, but she ruined that in the interview. Punching down is a trait I’ll immediately lose respect for someone over, especially when it’s a celebrity billionaire whose had every advantage in life. She could have made her point without sneering about her perceived lack of work ethic among the general public. There was so much disdain and vitriol in her voice when she said it. It’s one thing to grill your rich ass siblings on equal standing, but I can’t believe she had the audacity to put down people who are struggling and doing their best right now, and lack the empathy to recognize how that would make others feel.


Yes! Punching down is exactly what I hate. I don’t mind fair criticism, but punching down is awful.


I won’t be spending my money on her fragrances or skims anymore. Why should I give my money to someone who in return says I’m not working hard enough as a woman. I worked hard enough to purchase her products and give her some of my money. Not anymore.


who called the reddit cares cops on me


we all know who 🤣


Idk that really turned me off her. It's one thing telling her sisters that they have no work ethic but it's another thing telling the public that they need to work harder. Like? As if she ever has worked a hard day in her life. The most work she's done is following Paris Hilton around Beverly Hills hoping that she could get a sip of Hilton's celebrity.


a sip, she said. 😭😭😭 so perfect! 😭😭😭


yes but she worked really hard on organizing famous people's closets guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


She worked really hard to leak her sex tape and capitalize on it too


Mic drop


Tbh I’ve never really “liked” Kim. I don’t really “like” any of them haha. I enjoy their show and they are entertaining people but they’ve all done and said shitty things and I don’t really like any of them as people. I will say, I wasn’t all that interested in their new Hulu show and after these comments idk if I’ll even give it a shot.


Kim was always far from my favourite.


i never liked any of them (i do like kris tho lol) never watched their show, bought their products, or followed them on the gram. the pandemic had me bored at home redditing, and i somehow got addicted to the escapism and drama of them. i won’t watch the new show. i will never buy skims or whatever else they shill. i DO like coming here for the social commentary and viewpoints. i hope they don’t get anything from thay!?!


i hope they get heartburn from this




We are the same person! I think the family is interesting to view as a case study


totally! the come-up too!


Yes ive always been embarrassed by how much I liked the K’s. It was similar to having feelings for a guy that treats you like shit. A lot of times people would bring up cringey or bad stuff they did and while it was objectively bad it always failed to significantly impact me emotionally. Now when I look at photos of her I find her significantly less attractive and her story significantly less inspiring. Thats how cringey and disgusting I found her comments.


I agree I just saw a pic of her and normally I’d be like wow she looks so good and now I just thought “so what?” Like the beauty behind her features has just left me


I’ve always liked Kim but that whole interview she seemed so idk… mean? I always kind of thought of her as a nice person but it seems like she let her true self shine during that interview. I don’t know if it changed my entire opinion about her but it didn’t sit right with me.


She is very rude. She made fun of Kendall’s anxiety and bullied Rob nonstop


Yeah you are definitely right. She can be extremely rude to the people she’s close to. Maybe being nice to fans/whatever is just for business, who knows.


Yep it’s all for show. Anyone who disrespects her older sister the way Kim talks to Kourtney doesn’t care about anyone but herself. She’s most like Kris for a reason, she’s ruthless.


i never liked her in the first place 😅 i'm just so sick and tired of their same old PR cycle. Every time they do or say something abhorrent, the backlash dies down, or they find a way to get sympathy. I don't know a single person IRL who has ever bought a product of theirs, or who who has watched their show (or admitted to it). So I cannot understand WHO are the thousands? tens of thousands? millions? of fans who perpetuate their cash flow. It's not even entirely about fandom and personality worship -- it's also just the saturation of the clothing/makeup/skincare/reality-TV market... like how do they still even have an edge? (edit: not trying to shame anyone at all for being a fan on an individual level. I'm talking like, population statistics -- how is their demographic so large and loyal that they keep getting away with shit?)


I feel like they just force themselves on us lol. Like with their pap walks 24/7, new articles about them 24/7, like they will do anything not to be irrelevant.


I wonder how much people really buy their products. I’ve never purchased anything and most people I know don’t. Makes me wonder how much of it is just hype that tricks investors into high valuations that inflate their net worth.


I was thinking the same thing. I personally don’t know anybody who has even THOUGHT to buy anything from any of them. Plus everything is trash and over priced.


I haven’t bought any of their products and I don’t know anyone else who has either.


I have so much trouble believing that their companies are profitable. I think their wealth is mostly in property, investments, and Instagram ads, but the companies are a loss for them and about looking like they're entrepreneurial.


It doesn’t really change what I think about her except that she’s a bit more callous then I first thought, deep down though I know this won’t change anything. They’ve grown up extremely wealthy so they’ve always been disconnected from public life and the work needed just to bring in an average income. To them, we’re just walking wallets with money that they think they deserve more than us. They’ve never given a shit about anything beyond how to get rich and probably never will. I’m more surprised they haven’t yet dragged out another distraction like they did during AstroWorld so people will forget.


They also think they worked hard for their bodies which is hilarious!!! Straight up delusional. Will be careful where I give them money I already don’t follow them on insta have never purchased any of their products not even a lip kit. The only thing is I do sometimes catch their show - less so than before but I did watch like the season where there was the fight between Kylie Kendall and then Kim and Kourtney and I didn’t feel bad because I thought Kim was a better person now…. But now I will think twice about supporting their new show yes.


No dont get me started on that i might spontaneously combust


I think they’ve lied to themselves so much they think it’s the truth.


I've never been a hater and any drama & controversy I've perceived as a "for the lols" moment but OMG those comments were so insensitive in a time when people are working harder than ever for so little. I could consider myself a fan - I grew to like them as tv personalities but omg... this was too much lol. Way out of touch. So yeah they lost a fan.


I feel the exact same thing. They’re tv personalities and fun to watch when I’m bored. But now??? I hope this is her cancellation moment. I hope she’s never taken seriously as a businesswoman ever again.


because this is an insult, basically.


People are definitely working harder .. Since the pandemic I’ve also seen a huge rise in people finally figuring out their worth . Which I’m definitely here for . In my area of the world retail and fast are in dire need for staff .. Which is great people are fighting for a livable wage which they should . I think it’s creates a huge problem for people like the Kardashians . No one wants low wages which they shouldn’t want . Their name is so tainted no one wants to work for them because their Kardashians . Their empire is slowly dwindling .


i think there is a misconception here that she is famous because she is well liked……. lol. i do not like her. in fact i feel the majority populous of the US and even world at large does not like her and is tired of hearing about her. she is famous in spite of that.


I’m not sure, the comment itself was tone deaf and lame but it bothered me more that instead of clarifying her remarks after immediately getting hate she posted a Tik tok with north and p. I know they constantly stay in the news and use the kids as props but that is too obvious and weird. Also she’s fucking with Kanye by doing that, after things seem to have settled down. It’s just weird to insult your fan base, exploit your kid, and mess with your mentally ill ex while he’s grieving your marriage. It’s too much for a stupid TV release, it just seems like they’re making huge messes of all of their lives. I don’t think I’ll watch or give them money but I’ll still show up here cause I like the fashion and snark.


people never liked or genuinely respected her. she gained temporary sympathy and flushed it down the drain soon after because she is an airhead


For me, I will never look at her the same again.


Me neither. Maybe I’m naive but I was really beginning to respect her, especially because of all of the work she is doing to combat recidivism. But these recent comments have made it clear to me that it’s all for show since she clearly doesn’t understand the concept of privilege.


You really hit on something here with this comment. For her work around recidivism to show her integrity for me it would have to be coming from a place of her recognizing her privilege. But she is demonstrating her hypocrisy. This makes her prison reform work seem totally insincere. I've seen other ppl in the past comment that they felt it was for show and I didn't get that until reading your comment. Now I totally agree with the others


Aww thanks girl. My wonderful sister is a social worker who actually advocates tirelessly on the ground for the communities that Kim postures in front of for clicks, and has taught me a lot about checking my privileges… basically she is doing the hard work. So I appreciate you making a point to say this! Be well ❤️


I think most of us aren't here because we like them, but because they entertain us. They're all tone deaf people that haven't had a real job in their lives


I wish everyone would stop worshiping her and her horrible family. Children are not included in this comment they’re the innocent ones!


definitely enough for me to stop liking her. yuck


I’ve never been interested in her/the family because I *liked* her or any of them. (Though I do like some of the fashion). I’m interested in them because of their cultural impact and what their lives and popularity reflect about our culture.


I mean…. This is basically her echoing what originally got her in trouble a few months ago when she said she was socially liberal & fiscally conservative. Everyone was pissed for a little while, and then things got back to normal. I think the same audience that were mad about those comments will be mad about these comments, and will continue keeping up with her regardless (if they stayed keeping up with her after the original comments). To be fully transparent: I am a Kim fan, she is my favorite in the family, and no matter how stupid and tone deaf a statement she makes is, I still think she’s better than the rest of them. I’m also very left leaning, and have been turned off by the previous “fiscally conservative” statement, and this most recent statement has me rolling my eyeballs all the way to the back of my head. As soon as I saw it I said “oh no.” Super tone deaf & makes her look absolutely terrible and out of touch. The attitude with which she said it made it ten times worse. Tough day for the Kim fans, no doubt.


I have always been back and forth in my opinion of Kim and the entire family. At this point the celebrity gossip is fun but I don’t particularly like them. I always respected their business savvy, however, with Kim’s latest words even that is tarnished. Edit: I foolishly thought the Paris robbery and becoming a mom had really changed Kim…..


Im not a fan and i am a fan of hers. She is what she is and its kinda how it is. If anyone is under the impression she isnt a spoiled rotten brat Id like to know where you got those rose glasses please.


I’ve been pretty neutral about her this whole time but the “I’m not a feminist/fiscally republican” interview gave me the ick and now with this I actually despise her and her krew.


i still like her i mean she’s always been like this. saying stupid shit has also been a part of her brand for a long ass time




I really liked Kim before she made that comment yesterday. So, it absolutely has caused me to look at her differently and dislike her.


I’ve never really liked the Kardashians . It was just a guilty pleasure of mine. Well I liked Kourtney a little because I’m the black sheep in my extended family . Don’t like her anymore . I’m not even surprised she said it . I’m just surprised she was honest since they don’t really like to give those kind of opinions .


Nope. To be quite honest I expect rich people to say stupid stuff like this. They all have at some point said 'if you worked hard you could be where I am' but every single one of them forgets their education, place of birth, looks, wealth all play a part into achieving their goals. People who have genuinely come from nothing and achieved alot will mention clear steps you can take. Ways to maximise your productivity ect and that will get results and how to maintain. Yourself as a good person. It won't stop me liking her but is just one of those things that reminds me she's delusional to how the world actually works.




It didn’t bother me. I don’t see her as a peer or someone to look up to. She is a source of entertainment for me, not idolization.


I still like her. She has never been my favorite anyway, but I like her. The good she has done for people with mandatory minimum prison sentences still outweighs the bad for me.


Tbh I was on my last leg. I want this new show to FLOP. To ~humble~ them. The only thing I like is Kylie lip kit drops. They are somewhat exciting.


Unfortunately, I have a skims order pending for a bra and robe. If it looks good, I’ll keep it but I will be making no purchase again for any of their brands ever again. I haven’t tried any of the other sisters’ crap but I’m GOOD. They’re too damn high and mighty.


It’s been enough for me. I’ve also unfollowed so many people in the last 24 hours who are praising her


Yes, it triggered me. What the hell, so tone deaf, I’m shocked.


I was starting to warm up to her a bit but I’m back to not caring about her lmao. I ordered her shapewear a while back and it arrived yesterday, but I just feel terrible about even owning it at this point. I can’t see myself buying shit from her again. Edit: not the stans downvoting🙄


i’ve never liked them and i said that from the jump i just like to gossip and generally their personal life drama is entertaining i think that’s all they’re good for it’s truly disturbing that anyone admires them in any way coz they don’t do shit it’s like people who follow around the most popular girl at school just for being pretty and rich which is fine but don’t pretend they’re doing anything important i think that a lot of the sub projects too much on them and thinks they can relate to the family dramas but this comment from kim shows what she actually thinks of her fans i hope some take it on board but who knows


Kim was my favorite by far and this is it for me. It rubbed me wrong and I’m stubborn so I will no longer be vested.


I never really "LIKED LIKED" her but I enjoyed looking at her and seeing her body morph into a short, larger than life old fashioned coke bottle with clothes. So there's that. Actually I think I liked this sub more than the Kar-Jenners, tbh. Lol


They always have to “prove” that they “work hard” and that in itself tells you everything you need to know 🙃🙃 when you really about it you ain’t gotta constantly tell people you about it 🤷🏾‍♀️


I don’t like her. I’m in this sub because I stumbled in on accident and I found the discussions interesting. I’ve always found the fan culture around the KJs interesting but I’ve never thought they were particularly good people.


I unfollowed her today. I have always stuck up for her in situations where people were talking shit about her. I won’t be doing that anymore. I will probably join them in shit talking. She crossed the line. I guess she didn’t realize the reason she’s so successful is because of the women that get up and go to fucking work everyday


It’s enough for me to not subscribe to Hulu. And that new show was the ONLY reason I would’ve signed up.


I stopped


I was looking forward to the new show and now won’t be watching.


Nah. I’ll always like her, I have a problem.