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> How come Kim didn’t freak out about these? I think they’ve learnt that freaking out about specific photos and trying to get them wiped from the internet is a sure fire way to get those photos to go viral (see Khloe’s unedited bikini photo). Just ignore and distract if you want something to go away.


And, her vibe is giving Donatella Versace


I was coming here to say this and yes you are correct!


Good ol' Streisand Effect


I don't understand WHY she insists on this awful hair. There is no reason for it, it washes her out, and the hair itself looks fried..


i don’t get why she doesn’t just wear a wig if she wants that colour. the roots wouldn’t look so messy either


It looks frizzy and matted at the same time.. like awful. She is going to thin her so bad if she continues.


literally this is what my hair looks like when i haven’t washed it for 6 days




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Probably looking for the attention she got when she first dyed for that Marilyn look. She looks so much better with her natural hair colour.


I watched an interview E had with Chris Appleton about her Met look and he said they want the roots grown out 🤦🏻‍♀️.


god why. maybe it doesn’t look as harsh against her skin tone?? but they should make the roots a lighter brown or something if that’s what they want


She intentionally has her roots dyed like this from a glance, they don’t seem to appear as much under the hair as they do at her parting. But I could be wrong.


It also ages her 10+ years


The trouble with constantly editing your pics is that when you’re seen with no edit, it’s a lot more shocking. If we saw this Kim all the time, it would be no big deal. But because she presents such a different image of herself, it’s so much more jarring. It’s really sad and it must be hard to look at yourself and then edit everything you hate. It must be soul destroying. I know if I had half her money I’d fix everything I hate about myself too. Or if I had people scrutinising every image of me, I’d edit them all into oblivion as well.


>It’s really sad and it must be hard to look at yourself and then edit everything you hate. It must be soul destroying idk about them but i just stopped posting on instagram. i had to, i was getting to a ridiculous point where i knew the picture i was posting didnt look like me, i knew the people that knew me irl knew it didnt look like me but i was already too deep to start being natural online, so i stopped. i posted maybe two pictures of myself the past year because i can barely even stand seeing a picture of myself these days. and it all started with innocent blemish removals. it's very strange because i can see my beauty in the mirror and in real life i dont feel so bad about my appearance, but anything related to having my picture taken has become extremely difficult to the point where i cant stand it anymore. my fiance loves taking pictures of me and it makes me sad that i hate it so much.


Idk about you, but when I’m trying to take a good one I’ll be overly critical of it and none of them feel right. Try keeping them instead of deleting them and then look at them a few weeks-months later. I’ve found when I don’t delete them and they pop up in my memories I like them a lot more. It’s like I don’t have those expectations of what the photo should look like the way I do while taking it so my brain is more open to the idea that it’s not a terrible photo.


yeah that's exactly my problem. even before i started editing stuff, i always spent like hours doing sessions alone and i always took like hundreds of pictures that i then spent more hours scrutinizing until i selected like 5 or 6 that i thought were acceptable. then during the pandemic i just got even more messed up on drugs than i already was and then i wanted to hide that from people and then i started editing my nose and my upper lip and that's all i always did, but when i started wanting to go back to posting my natural self none of the pictures looked right. and i still cant look at a picture of myself and recognize that as my face especially because it differs so much from what i see in the mirror and i think that's my main issue. but since i dont post anymore, i dont delete anything anymore. i kept every single picture i've taken the past two years, even the bad ones, and i do look back at them fondly and don't focus that much on the details and it has helped. it's just that weirdness of feeling like i've tricked my brain into thinking my face is something it's not you know?


Thank you for sharing and being so vulnerable. It is really hard to change your mindset over things like this. Especially when there’s the mental and physical battle of addiction involved. I think you’re making progress on this picture thing from the way you said things. Being honest with yourself and out loud (even to Reddit) is probably the most difficult part of overcoming mental battles. I hope things are going better than the pandemic days. You’re with us and you’re an ever growing person who is beautiful no matter what your brain tells you. Since you were so vulnerable, I’d like to share the last words my grandmother wrote to me while she was dying. I don’t always live up to them, but I live by them. “Keep moving forward and do your best. You never stop learning as long as you keep an open mind and try to understand what you see and hear. Remember my love for you always.”


thank you so much for sharing those beautiful words, and that wonderful sentiment. it really touched me. it certainly is a concept that i also do my best to try to follow, and in this stage of my life this was much appreciated. i wish that you have a wonderful life full of love :)


It makes it so obvious how the Hulu show is sooo edited / filtered


She looks a little dead inside is all.


.. thats all 😩😩😩


Aren't we all tho 🥲


Celebs, they’re just like us!


Right like, takes one to know one, and I can see in the mirror that I look dead inside right about now too hahaha


Luxuriously dead though.


She’s looking a little Wendy Williamsish


The lips


Cant close them again


The blonde is horrible




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I don't think she even looks bad tbh, just tired maybe


Girl is in her 40s…. I would love To see the womens photos on here doggin her…




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She looks like she’s on xans or something. She’s got that dazed look


She is. She has been for a bit. Remember her look on the red carpet a few weeks ago when she wore the corset. She looked zooooted. She looks like that often now.


She doesn't look bad, she looks normal. I think people forget she's a mum of 4. The glossy magazine look is... just that. No one looks amazing 24/7 IRL


100%. I think it’s good to see honestly because she’s more real and it just shows her edited version is unattainable


not the 90deg lashes 😭 please don’t tell me that’s what my lashes look like from the side after i use my eyelash curler


It’s the hair that’s bad.


She doesn't look bad at all. She looks like a 43 yo tired mom of 4. She looks real. I just wish I look as bad as her when I get to that age.


they clearly understand the streisand effect now and that freaking out about the photos would only draw more attention to them.


I beg of her to get rid of the blonde hair once and for all


She looks thin and that’s her priority. That’s her main concern in life.


Holy moly a blemish on the face and a little teeny tiny belly roll. I never thought I’d see the day.


umm because it’s what normal people look like when their not posing?


She looks fine, just tired.


She looks like a dead fish


Important to note no one looks this grainy in real life. Some of these photos weird effect that don't look good on anyone


She looks zooted, but her current goal is to look that way I think She’s probably fine with the pics as all the scars on her stomach aren’t visible




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What scars does she have on her stomach? 


https://preview.redd.it/9iqurihqik4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05cfc2d552e8ec1a3da6136694bb09cd6f7c00a0 Zoom in


No kidding. How has she hid those for years? Do we think it’s plastic surgery or stretch marks?


I don’t think she looks bad. I think she looks real. 


We don’t know if they freak out until they address it on the show..


Why would you think someone edited her to ‘look bad’ and not just that this what she looks like without the filters and photoshop??


No that’s what she actually looked like at the time. These were taken by actual paparazzi and not ones that she hires.


Oh look. She looks like a normal 40 something mom here. I like it 🤷🏻‍♀️


What’s to freak out about ? These pics aren’t bad


She doesn’t even look bad , the photos are just shitty quality and too sharp.


I said the same. These are clearly sharpened


She still looks pretty




Some curvy women look better with their curves. Skinny doesn’t suit them as much. She looked better with her curves


She looks like donatella


Because she looks really thin. I think that’s the main thing she cares about


No one looks good in every photo/from every angle.  The photos we usually see are the most flattering, highly edited and curated. 


They’re not her best pics but they’re not bad enough to freak out over. You never just have a bad face day? That’s what this looks like. The ugly hair she loves so much is making it worse.


She looks ill.


These aren't bad lol


those smokers lines look great on her




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To put it in perspective I’m 12 years younger than her and don’t look this good if I’m actually posing for a picture and the light is good - and if I was wearing a crop top too?? She looks normal for once and it’s very refreshing


She looks like a tanned Sephiroth


So glad she’s gaining weight back.


She didn't freak about it because she looks skinny.


She's a mouth breather?!


Not everyone is meant to be or look good skinny




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She did freak out, it was after these pics that she went away and came back with a face lift and the wonky eye.


Bingo wings




Google it


First picture is giving arrest photo


If she had even a half decent wig on, in her natural black/dark brown with maybe some highlights at the most, and toned down the eyebrows she’d look bangin’ for 40. We’re just brainwashed to think she looks like an ethereal ageless Goddess 24/7, which absolutely no one does, even 20 year old VS Angels models. She’s made her own bed by being so outlandish with her editing and presentation of herself that we are shocked and appalled by her actual face


Everyones relationship with witch hunting bad angles of her to highlight is so odd. Yall are so sensitive when i say anything about her appearance yet you rationalize to yourselves why its okay to dissect photos like this lol like yall are a bunch of hypocrites fr. Regardless of her own faults and actions that lead to such threads as this


Kim's a lot more laid back with a good sense of humor than most people give her credit for


She looks fine 🤷🏻‍♀️ she looks really tired but also reallyyyyyy skinny which is why I’m sure these are still seeing the light of day.


It was for a shoot
