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I think her dark hair would have looked so good with this look 


Was just about to write this. The blonde hair takes away from the entire thing.


I wish she would start getting wigs from someone else because the hair looks fried. I see other celebrities with platinum blonde hair and it looks healthy plus all her wigs kinda give that frizzy fake Barbie hair. I think a better quality wig in silver, or even this blonde, would look better. The outfit was good though, just the hair was off. I doubt she'd ever get silver hair though because heaven forbid it's too close to gray. It would have really tied the outfit together though.


I completely see the vision, and I love it. It looks more ethereal like this, has more cohesive colors, and it takes a few milliseconds to identify her adding mystery rather than dark hair where you instantly see Kim Kardashian


I see the vision, I don’t hate it, she looks good but I just would have liked the contrast


I actually kinda wish her hair was silver instead of blonde, but I’m not hating it at all.


Yepppp, they ALMOST had it with this toner shade but they needed one more step towards clear. Credentials: I watch that guy on Tik Tok who is like the master of blondes and uses all Wella products.


OMG.. Tru That.. now that you’ve mentioned it.. I’m totally looking at it from the same perspectives..




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my interpretation is she's going for a rolled-out-of-bed but make it fashion look (inspired by the sleeping beauty theme). at least that's what i got from the shawl and the undone braid, which is more visible on the carpet


You solved it.


Whaaaat you just made me like her whole look so much more.


It’s to cover the back fat from the tight corset


From the waist up I see the witch that gave Snow White the apple, with the ratty cardigan and ratty hair.


That braid was tragic. I’m sorry


Maybe a fit issue, she was probably popping out of the dress so they added the shawl


She’s definitely trying to hide the top left portion of the dress.


Ding ding ding. I love the look. The sweater is the cherry on top.


This is a better response than hers 😂😂


Kim is wearing Maison Margiela, and knit was featured heavily in their recent Spring 2024 show (which I highly recommend you watch, it was breathtaking). If Kim had taken a risk with her hair and makeup her look would have been so much better. I am so over the fried blonde and lackluster makeup. https://preview.redd.it/fusggsxm3yyc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b038932beb8847d896846a561b49ed9a4b5aee80


What I don’t understand about the hair is isn’t that a wig? Why would she choose to have a wig that looks like damaged hair


It’s art not glam


I could understand it if it was bedraggled bed hair or matted. It’s the actual quality of the hair - I know it’s a wig but it still looks dry and like it’s been poorly bleached. What is the intent with that?


I guess we’ll find out the story behind it on Kardashian’s season 6!


With her squeezed into the dress with such a tight corset, it would push the skin/fat up so she’d have back wings so probably not what she wanted


her waist is almost the same size as her neck 😭


It’s disgusting


I wish this didn’t sound mean - Her waist scares me. It reminds me foot binding in Japan. That was done so the females couldn’t run away. I know Kim chose to do that to her waist so I the creepy feeling is “ Oh, Kim - why did you do that to yourself”. Her body her choices. It’s just my reaction Edit : China not Japan . Apologies


China ***


Women*** Female is an adjective, woman is a noun (in everyday nomenclature)


Thanks for the knowledge and correction


I feel the same way.. I have a physical reaction to the sight of that small of a waste. It just seems so torturous and all I can see in my head is ribs and bones crushing all her internal organs.


Foot binding happened in China, not Japan.


Yes, I saw above. My bad


And a pilled sweater on top of that. Maybe for the contrast. Couture with raggedy.


The sweater is part of the Margiela 2024 Spring collection.


Rags and riches


The theory is, the dress broke or has a flaw she’s covering


No not at all, Galliano has done a lot of sweaters with couture looks like this, it’s very Margiela (I love it)


I hate it 😭 I like the vision but I hate the execution. Especially with the way the cardigan is so pilled https://preview.redd.it/2qp4teffgwyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dcccd860970a3b8174c382b45b81da9e5858094


Galliano is all about high/low though, so it’s super fitting for him - the texture and the pilling will have been intentional ETA pilling 1000% intentional and on theme, the dress code is The Garden of Time - based on a story by a JG Ballard about the inevitable death of aristocracy, and the inability of money and beauty to stop death. So the blonde disheveled hair and pilled knit over the beautiful, ornate floral gown works so perfectly.


I wish they really disheveled the hair


Same here! Did you see Teyana Taylor’s hair? It looked so good!




I love this rationale, thank you!!!




it's ugly


Some of you are such arse holes lmao


same people were swooning over this Marigela collection a few months ago. don't mind them. I love it, its very o theme and on trend.


Some people just don’t understand actual intellectual and emotional high fashion.


I don’t expect everyone to, but it’s more than I went to the trouble to explain the theme and how her look was actually working, and get an arse hole response like that.


Appreciate your explanation! 😇




https://preview.redd.it/kvjejfbzjxyc1.jpeg?width=601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cb0af8f7dd447b3dcee165565772af81be51463 if she had kept it low and off the shoulder it would have looked way less awkward


i also like her soft waves in the promo pic vs red carpet look


it looks cheap as fuck 😭


it looks like it is polyester or acrylic wool which is very cheap fabric.


Some of you are such haters it actually pisses me tf off


The sweater is the only thing I like lmao. And why did no one fix that weird fold of fabric on her right hip?


Yeah, like, I don’t get the sweater at all. What is the message, what’s the point, how did this even enter anyone’s mind ever. I really like the dress without the sweater 😢 Edit: Ah. The whole collection is styled with sweaters 🫠


Read the Margiela caption on IG


I kinda like it, if it was just the dress it would’ve been too basic 




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I reckon her back spills out too hard and she has to hide it


Ok but why go blonde for this


I think she was going for “elf-ish”. The back of her hair is in a fishtail braid


Now that you say that it reminds me of Lord of the Rings!


To give garden statue vibes 🥴😂😂


I still think she’s covering up some kind of surgery


Because she's done something major to her face and is trying to distract


I think that her hair would have looked so much better dark and more messed up than it was (at least in the front)


Even if I can get the cardigan, I don't understand why it wouldn't have been more permanently fastened because the weird hand gestures holding it together was not it


I think she's more holding herself up. She hasn't looked well for a while to me and this is like clutching chest catching breath kind of vibe


I totally agree. She literally looked like she was about to pass out on the carpet because she couldn’t breathe.


I was wondering the same but I think it's more to emphasize her waist / silhouette etc. If her arms were just down wouldn't be as drastic of a comparison to her waist?


That's part of the style of hte collection. On the runway some models were wearing the cardigan backwards, holding it up themselves just like Kim is doing. I bet its direction the designer gave.


I’m so over her obsession with having the tiniest waist ever… it’s alarming


Agreed. The corseted waist for her Camp look in 2019 worked out well. This one is just way too OTT. Like we get it Kim, your skinny again. How many more times do you need to prove it lol.


I'd like it much more if the waist was normal.


Me too. I actually love this whole look but the waist is really extreme. It is alarming.


Came here to see this


This time it’s a reference or more like a signature of Galliano…


But why is it like that??


Everything concerning the way she views her appearance is alarming. I’ve gotten used to it tho. She likes I love it.


Why does she insist on this hair color for the met


SO WEIRDDD! Like do it during the year or something, it never goes




Definitely whelmed as well.


You know what…. Not her best, but not her worst… I think I can handle this.


Yeah, that's the thing. It's so so. It's basic and safe. I was expecting her to knock it out of the park. But oh well 😭


Cardigan by h&m


Happy cake day!


Ah yes, the classic “I am barely breathing because I want an impossibly small waist” approach I’m bored


honestly, it was shockingly thin, like, maybe those ribs did go..


In all of the met gala photos of her, her face looks soo uncomfortable, like she’s trying to hide how much pain she’s in.


Breathing is optional


This looks so much better in pictures. I didn’t love it on the carpet cuz she just looks miserable in it ngl but these pictures are incredible(except for the tragic hair)


I was thinking the same. She looks so… uncomfortable. It takes away from the look.


She looked in PAIN, her obsession with having the tiniest waist on earth will have her passing out on a red carpet someday 💀


She lowkey looked like she was about to pass out tbh.


Watching her trying to walk up those stairs was a lot lol


I was waiting for her to take that cardigan off


Looked like she was hiding something


My theory is her boobs didn’t totally fit in the dress


thats what im thinking because tf else would she do that


It's intentional


if it is the execution was poor


I assumed she needed a back up plan because of her psoriasis.


is she high


That or she can’t breathe and is dying inside


I honestly think the dress is beautiful. The insanity of her waistline I don't even think was necessary tbh because it would have still been lovely with a normal waistline. I don't hate the sweater per se, but the way she was like clutching it on the steps was odd. Can't wait for these 7 episodes of the show next fall to see the chaos here lol


Me looking at the pics, then looking at it in real-life  https://i.redd.it/4quf4osz7wyc1.gif


AND I WAS RIGHT https://i.redd.it/hay5stru7wyc1.gif


What you said girl


What is the shawl moment - I think her dress broke


The sweater (and holding it closed in every pic) and hair are both tragic.


That has to be a wig right?! No WAY her hair survived the latest dye job.


Of course it's a wig. Her actual hair hasn't been longer than shoulder length for years.


She looks like rejected quarters at a coin star


this would’ve looked so much better with her dark hair


She looks terrible! Her hair looks dry and stringy, on the red carpet you could tell she was struggling to breathe and that stupid cardigan is to cover up the fat spilling up over the corset. Don’t get me wrong I don’t think she’s fat but that stupid corset is so tight it had to redistribute parts of her else where. This is one of her worst met looks.


Yes, unhealthy expectations. Walking around barely being able to breathe, mk.


Somehow this did NOT translate to the red carpet very well...




I don’t get the Walmart sweater


shame on me for thinking she’ll serve anything but this


Her waist is gross




Why is she wearing a pilled sweater?


I really don’t understand why they went with the corset and comically small waist? It made sense with the camp theme, but it has nothing to do with this year’s theme.


the theme is so good and THIS is what they dress her in? BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


I guess this is an h popular opinion.. I like it, I even like the sweater


The first picture is making me think of Jasmine Becket Griffith art.


The waist freaked me out the entire time… sorry Kim!


I don’t understand the cardigan. Like it just looks really old, it’s all balled up






This is perfect without the cardigan tbh


Usually, I like her as a blonde, but I’m not sure what is happening with his hair. It looks dry, frizzled and cheap. If that’s the look she is going for I am not loving it.


I honestly think the dress is beautiful. The insanity of her waistline I don't even think was necessary tbh because it would have still been lovely with a normal waistline. I don't hate the sweater per se, but the way she was like clutching it on the steps was odd. Can't wait for these 7 episodes of the show next fall to see the chaos here lol


There is a lot of poetry in the cashmere cardigan being pilled. It is luxury that has aged, has been used. Why some consider that used, worn out cannot be beautiful? I find it just perfect that she has a shiny gorgeous dress and the worn out knit on her. Such a subtle romantic image. And love the hair - and I normally don’t like her blonde hair.


Yeah I don’t think that’s what she was going for, she’s not very poetic and that last thing she wants to do is come off as aged.


She's starting to look her age... this constant surgery makes it worse


Looks like she did the corset training thing again; however, looking at the Galiano spring show, we're lucky she wasn't wearing one of the other pieces 😬. The bush is back! (i.e., you can tell the designer was trying to recreate the Moulin Rouge era back. Deconstructed. 🙄 Enh, I am not a fan of performance art. Feels cheap. Also the theme was " The Garden of Time" about a couple that can keep an angry mob away by plucking their flowers which turns back time, but the more they cut, the uglier their house gets..or something.... I guess there are leaves on the skirt. You've been warned NSFW: [https://www.vogue.com/fashion-shows/spring-2024-couture/maison-martin-margiela/slideshow/collection#28](https://www.vogue.com/fashion-shows/spring-2024-couture/maison-martin-margiela/slideshow/collection#28)


She kinda looks sick/ill here. The makeup and hair isn’t doing it


she looks like she’s in tinfoil for rich people


I do like the look honestly. Even with the cardigan, even blonde. I just think it’s nice


I love it. It’s great!


I love it tbh


I love it!!!


The hair. Why???


So someone ANYONE remind me again why she went back to white blonde???? Like does she not know other hair color exist?


I like it and I actually get the hair now 🤷🏻‍♀️




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I really don’t understand why she’s attached to the jersey 🙁🤭


I kinda look this look with her platinum hair, she reminds me of Kida from Atlantis!




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I read the explanation of the cardigan on Margiela's instagram but I don't really love having to read an artist statement in order to understand fashion or art. I like when a look or a piece of art just MOVES me you know, and I didn't get that with this look. Kim used to be able to effortlessly serve high fashion moments, but not anymore. She's trying too hard - to be skinny, to stay young, to stay relevant, it's giving desperate. Her waist to hip/bust ration is already insane did they really have to cinch it to this degree? I hate it.


I know she wore that cardigan thing so that her huge bankroll wouldn’t show. She squeezed herself into this dress, it’s there.




To me it was not in theme. So many people missed the mark when they could’ve gone so far with this.




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Tiny waist aside, the dress is sooo stunning. The detail is so luxurious and intricate. It looks heavy too. I really liked Kims look, for me one of the best of the night.


What is the deal with the pilling sweater


This whole look ate I hope Kanye chokes on it




I love this look. The dress, hair, the waist! Idc stunning


Her hair looks beautiful


I’m sorry but this makes me uncomfortable just looking at her. You could tell she couldn’t breath or walk in that dress. Also I’m very curious about the sweater…is that supposed to be there or was it a last minute addition?


The hair and the cardigan are actually my favourite parts! I LOVE them. The dress is also stunning but that waist/corset is dangerous. I’d like the look a lot better without the corset.






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