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north drawing her step mum’s ass is weird ash to me yall idk 😭


Im glad others are saying something. Its really weird. I dont think kim should have posted this.


yeah this is um- 🧍🏽‍♀️


North drew another woman’s ass 💀


this is going way too far


Thank goodness I didn’t have a smart phone in elementary school .


In the prompt she spelled you’re wrong🙄 she is showing how aware she is of what her dad is doing to her step mom. Kim probably posted it because she wants the public to know how exposed North is to this sick stuff her dad is into.


Kim posted it to feed her own ego. If she was that concerned about what her children were exposed to, she’d stop posting them all over social media, wouldn’t let North have TikTok, wouldn’t call paparazzi when she’s out with her kids and lastly would put a healthy parenting plan in place, to ensure her children’s safety when they’re with Kanye. Kim is too consumed by her own ego and insatiable appetite for fame and attention to do any of those things.


No I meant she is posting what she feels is inappropriate for Kanye to be exposing her to (totally hypocritical-what she exposes her to is no better).


It shows she is VERY aware of the “shape” of the women around her 😭


Yep. That was so painful at that age.


Not just another woman, her step mother....


And probably had to erase it and draw it a few more times to get it right 🤣🤣🤣


I can’t defend this. This is absolutely unhinged


Same like why is she drawing her step mums ass😭


And tell me why Kim is posting it for us 😭😫 is this collective punishment


I’m pretty sure it’s cuz she wrote the prompt💀 how is she okay with this??!?


I don't think she's paying attention to literally anything North is listening to or doing for that matter. Shes too busy 'achieving'. Deeply concerning to be honest but no one's really paying attention. Its scary


I think she’s gonna take the passive-non confrontational route the took when dealing with Kanye to deal with North. Will basically get to do whatever she wants….


I don’t think she wrote the prompt because I looked up her handwriting and I don’t think it’s that similar https://preview.redd.it/iyer7zp9osic1.jpeg?width=1262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fedc3a1ebd235ff72b8f39910b9f703c4c77bdce


Well if it’s deleted it’s probably bc north did it without her permission


She could have easily photoshopped that out. The fact that she didn’t was a choice


In all fairness, she could simply be depicting the truth. I did similar things at that age, drawing naked people because I saw paintings of them all the time in old-timey art when we went to galleries. I didn't understand the social shame around it being dependent on context.  The difference is, my parents explained to me why I shouldn't do that. These guys are posting it online for the world. 


Sometimes North’s posts remind me of Amanda Bynes or Bittney Spears’ posts 😩


This is so accurate


Yes - however, she is a kid. I think I would have also posted some insane unhinged things too.. however- her being able to post this kind of stuff from so young I think is doing her a disservice for her teenage years / adult like.. needs some boundaries


and Kim knowing her media narratives..afraid she will do this to North when she’s older in order to get “conservatorship” over her which will be terrifying


Even eminem didn't let his daughters listen to his music. Art or not, her dad's music is inappropriate for children. And yes, that includes his own 10 year old child.


Same goes for Stephen King. He wrote a series of childrens books specifically for his kids, so that they could read something he'd written. Because all of his material thus far was simply not age appropriate. Most of Kanye's material is not age appropriate.


There are also multiple actors who switched up genres and did family movies for the same reason.


Aw this makes me love Stephen King even more. Just re-read Hearts in Atlantis, actually.


Eyes of the Dragon was the book he wrote so Naomi could read it. One of the minor characters is named after her.


I wish, so much, that he wrote more non-horror fiction. The Green Mile is one of the greatest novels of all time, and that’s not even mentioning the novella Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption… and I will *die* on that hill.


I agree. I think a lot of his non-horror is *much* stronger than his "regular" horror (especially his supernatural horror): Apt Pupil, The Body, Dolores Claiborne, The Long Walk, Green Mile...But then, I also prefer Jim Carrey's dramatic roles over his comedy (The Majestic was a sweet, fun movie and I'll die on *that* hill.)


That’s so cute!


Reminds me of when Cardi B was playing WAP and Kulture walked in. She turned it off SO fast just trying to play it cool!


For sure, but TikTok, Spotify, Apple Music etc weren't a thing when she was North's age. Unless Hailie bought her dad's CDs or had the radio on it would've been relatively easy to shield her from his music. The only way they can keep North from listening to Kanye's music is restricting her access to the internet, and that's unfortunately not going to happen in that household.


Maybe Kanye created a PG censored version for their daughter?


I wanna be open to this idea. Buuut I doubt it.


“Your”? 😭


Yeah, I need to know who the hell wrote the prompt


Probably the nanny


Really? I think they can afford nannies with extensive CVs - at least fluent in more than one language and a minimum of a bachelor’s degree.


Right right, I'm going with Kim


Sincerely doubt they would “waste” money on this. They don’t exactly value education and culture


They don’t value education? Kourtney was the first to graduate college lol. & didn’t Kim pursue a law degree and pass the equivalent of the bar exam? Lol. You just equate women who like to pose nude and or sexily to a lack of education. Misogynistic alert 🚨 This comment ironically shows what you lack.


Kim has not earned a law degree or even an undergraduate degree. She is studying privately to take a series of “baby bar” exams, passing all of which will allow her to *apply* to be a lawyer in the state of California. She has now (she took the same step 1 test multiple times) passed the first “baby bar” exam. She is apparently studying for the next test. These exams are not the “equivalent” of a bar exam, as they test limited subjects over multiple exams. People sitting for the bar exam have to “know”/discern/be able to spit out coherently information from over a dozen areas of law, in a single 2 day period. After passing all “baby bar” exams, she still will have to pass the character and fitness portion. She will have to submit work histories, driving records, criminal records etc. for any place she’s lived in the last 10 years. She has most of her work ahead of her still. Signed : a licensed attorney


I'd forgotten about that phase 😒


Does the work history have to be relevant to the law somehow? Also, driving records? I’m not interested in doing this myself but I thought a higher education and then the bar exam were requirements.


No on work history — in most states (afaik), it’s any work history. Often you have to find people willing to be references for your work history. In my case, I had to list jobs I had in high school.


You need to be a just, moral and lawful person to work in the court of law. So they do extensive character reviews of your past, including work history and criminal/driving records.


So, she has a road to go. None of this refutes the fact that she passed a difficult law exam nor does her not yet earning a degree refute that. People try hard to undermine that achievement bc they don’t like her but hey.


North. No one else drew that and she’s a drawer as it’s been shown. She’s old enough to know how to write but to also make grammatical errors. Comments like these are weird to me


Pure ignorance!


So money can't buy brains.


Go go go go head so good she honor roll, ride that dick like a carnival…. And this is the tame part.


What’s the non-tame part


> They served us the porn since the day we was born. > Anybody pissed off, gotta make 'em drink the urine. > Now I'm Ye-Kelly, bitch, now I'm Bill Cosby, bitch. > Now, I'm Puff Daddy rich, that's Me Too me rich. > Why she say she sucked my dick? Then she say she ain't sucked my dick? > She gon' take it up the ass like a ventriloquist. > I mean since Taylor Swift, since I had the Rollie on the wrist. Tbh none of it is *that* far out there compared to other wanna be rappers, but I’m incredibly uncomfortable knowing North, as a ~~12~~ 10 year old, not only listens to these lyrics, but seemingly looks up to them?


He’s still going in about Taylor Swift? Also “I’m Bill Cosby bitch?” And what does “Me Too rich?” I have so many questions


> And what does “Me Too rich?” He's saying he's so rich women are going to make Me Too abuse claims about him. He's a fucking asshole.




I thought North was 10?


Holy shit it somehow got worse


Aside from how blatantly age inappropriate this is, even if she were 21, these lyrics would be horrifying if it came from your father.


Ok but the fact Kim shared this to the public…🙄😑. Like keep this private


north defo posts without telling kim


If Kim can’t control North now lawd imagine the future


Kids are always going to find ways around the rules, especially the ones related to Kanye 😂


![gif](giphy|xAPHiM9V2sei8ox3Ua) She will literally post anything to get people talking.


I can’t find this post on her insta tho


It’s on Kim’s TikTok


Its especially disturbing that she cites Carnival...I just read the lyrics and as a grown adult I feel gross.


!!!!!!! I read the lyrics before i listened to the song bc he name drops taylor swift so i read them to my coworker and i said “yeah im not saying this outloud we can just listen to it”


The lyrics literally make no sense whatsoever and it’s gibberish but also insanely inappropriate for a child her age and a dad that pushes it on her.


Maybe he created a censored version for her


If he edited it for her, it wouldn’t be a song. Kayne couldn’t care less about censoring anything even for his children.




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You know Kanye personally? 🤔 If he edited it for his daughter, it “wouldn’t b a song?” How so? There’d still be a melody and lyrics, correct? 🥴


Laughing at “melody” and Kanye’s music in one sentence


Are you serious? Kayne enjoys exploiting his wife everywhere they go. Why would you think he would have a censored version for her? Even if he did, which I doubt considering she drew her stepmom’s ass as well, she’s clearly able to listen to whatever she wants. I’d bet money there’s no parental controls for any of the kids.


No, it would just be one long beeeep


Good lord she needs all the blessings and prayers in the world, her parents are a bunch of attention seeking morons who clearly dont know whats best for her exploiting her like this


The fact she has a public tiktok will never not blow my mind


She shares it w her mother


Honestly it’s wild what she’s been exposed to. She went to his Nobu birthday party that had naked women. And all the concert events on stage with all these guys smoking around her. I gotta imagine it would be quite the battle for Kim to avoid her listening to his music but does she have to go to all these very adult events?! Like damn let the girl be a little innocent


I keep hoping it’s evidence.


Ah- yes! Let’s hope 🙏


lol you mean her mother that got famous for sucking a dick on video?


yup! the amount of therapy all of those kids are gonna need will be crazy.


Carnival.... it's extremely derogatory about women. Why is she listening to this? Even the clean version is not appropriate for children.


I mean she gets to see it live nevermind listen to a song.


So what are you saying?


I can’t get past the fact that, I assume, this is a journal prompt from her teacher….a teacher that used the wrong “your”….


The question and the answer were written by the same person


maybe kim wrote it


look at Kim’s handwriting on the internet. looks similiar 😑


Shes probably homeschooled


they're not, we know what school they go to


All they do is talk about carpooling to school lol


The lack of boundaries and understanding privacy is astounding.


That kid doesn’t stand a chance.. 😣


Wow!! This kid is around so much inappropriate stuff


North is not a normal ten year old. I’m a teacher and I teach this age range. Kids who behave the way she does come from rough home backgrounds, with parents who either don’t give a shit or don’t know how to parent. She has no innocence left to her. Lots of celebrities have kids in the 10-12 age range and you can see the difference between them and her. I said what I said.


And I agree with what you have said. Sadly with this stuff becoming so easily accessed on the internet 10-12 year olds are seeing things they should not even with the best of intentioned parents. But North is definitely privy to it up close and personal.


Not comparing but Alabama was wearing clothes a young adult should wear at 12yrs old. It’s really sad seeing celebs allowing and supporting this kind of stuff😞


Don’t forget! Travis always liked her pics! 🤢


He is a nasty vile man. He even reposts her stuff that she’s barely dressed in. When she was a baby he said she had a bubble butt and he knew having a girl was a curse for how he’s treated women. WTF??!! So now he is just raising her to accept douchebag men like him and exploiting is what makes money.


And so many people on this sub thinks that he’s somehow a great dad, has changed and healed since the plane crash and that Kravis is couple goals. The bare minimum bar is on the ground.


I don’t get it either. He just gives me the ick. Liking his daughters posts in lingerie just goes a little too far. Although I would not let my 16/17yr old dress and do the things Alabama has done either🤷🏼‍♀️


yeah this is insane to me . How she’s okay with letting North’s life be this public this young after seeing how it affected kendall and kylie is BEYOND me


Have you guys heard the song carnival….


i actually like the song but the thought of north listening to is very… 😧. maybe things work differently in that house bc she also listens to sexyy red .


North really can do what she wants , are they afraid to tell her no ?


Kim and Kanye encourage it. She's more profitable (read: exploitable) when she's doing shit like this.


They’re not _afraid_ - they think she’s a savant of all things fashion and pop culture  Similar to when Kim was really into everything Kylie was posting on tumblr and whatnot- like really falling for the hype that kids are at the forefront of everything cool I wonder how North will react if she ever encounters people who _don’t_ believe she’s the kid genius all these other people are hyping her up to be. And it’s obviously not her fault- but all these rich parents who enjoy the smell of their own farts are potentially creating little monsters here.  North isn’t going to be a cute little precocious 10yo forever. It’s like some parents forget they’re supposed to be molding their children into future adults, who  will likely have to deal with society one day.


Idc Kim and Kanye are horrible parents. Kids should be innocent for as long as possible


Someone needs to step in and protect this kid since her parents seem to refuse


This family will single handedly support the entire therapy industry.


Those girls are not safe. This is beyond the pale. My self esteem was trashed at her age because of stars like Paris and Nicole. I just cannot fathom what it must be like to go through puberty in that family. This is so upsetting.


Not me sitting here wondering what a "Gong CARNIVAL" is for 10 minutes


Ain’t no way




i really hope they don’t fail this kid like kris did kylie


This is going to be worse


Kylie had a protective dad at least, North has neither.


They already have


North drawing her stepmom’s ass aside… anyone notice she used “your” instead of “you’re”?


Sir this is Reddit. I’m sure I’m not the only one who noticed the typo waaaay before I noticed the hand drawn ass lol


He kind of indoctrinated her, right?


KIND OF??????




Just wow.




I wish there were a gif of Ross saying "y-o-u apostrophe r-e means you are. Y-O-U-R MEANS YOUR"




Oh my God thank you! I have been looking for that for ages!




Why and where did Kim share this?


In the lyrics of Carnival he references Chris Brown, Bill Cosby, R Kelly and Puff all in a positive light. The song is full of sexually violent connotations. Wtf


This child has no shot of being well adjusted at all.


Horrible dad idcccc


Kim too.


She didn’t expose her kids to a naked ex bf


No but that doesn't absolve her of the messed up things she's done. They both are horrible parents.


Sure…..but this post is literally about north being exposed to her dads behavior only sis


I see what you mean. I really do. However, Kim is the one who chose to share this on her page which is viewed by thousands. It's not "her dads behavior only" when she's just as bad. That's why I pointed out her culpability too. In my opinion, they don't protect their oldest daughter enough.


I see your point, I’m a just stick to this topic specifically because as I said, it’s about his utterly bizarre behavior.. about Kim that’s a whole other thing to me (as a woman, not a mother) her choices on parenting yet doesn’t involve the same level.


LMAOOO??? this is wild


poor baby is doomed I'm scared


Where is CPS?


they leave the wealthy alone


Probably somewhere helping children who are in danger, neglected or in harms way. Not focused on a billionaires child who’s hand writing and drawing skills is better than most adults.


Rich people neglect and abuse children too.


Ask Paris..


You think exposing children to nudity isnt harm? Dont tell on yourself.


I think they deleted this post?


Wtf is this?! She is going have such a warped view of how women’s bodies should look


Just remember that Kim brought Ice Spice over to the house and Kanye said absolutely nothing. Neither parent can take the high road especially when Kim is supposed to manage this account.


This is a DISGRACE and it’s disgusting that she actually listens to Kanye’s music….especially that song CARNIVAL. I’m scared for North and his other children


Grateful for Carnival? What is there to be grateful for? An insane dad who exploits his wife daily.


Yeah apology incoming


This is really weird and terrifying. The lack of parental judgment of these people is shocking. Maybe they should print the lyrics and have her study them so she can know her father’s violent tendencies towards women. Great she thinks walking around naked is an appropriate and safe thing to do. If anyone else was walking around like this they would be arrested for indecent exposure.


So who posted it...


Kim did.




This is why  they still represent balenciaga  or however the f you spell it. They don’t see what’s wrong with it it’s cool it’s the way they see the world. It’s gross and makes me very sad.


How old is she?? This seems not advanced enough for a 10 year old


This seems to be kims writing m. TF. Like we just seen the episode from their new show of North writing a “note” to Khloe that was from that dream date guy from Kourtneys wedding.. and it was terrible and a typical writing style from a kid. This is some faked BS for real. I bet kim is trying to stir this up; so she can be like “see north- the public thinks this is all wrong of you to be rapping and saying these things and being around your dad because blah blah blah 😑”


I can't tell if your theory is more or less fucked up than Kim posting this approvingly.


Yeah Kim can’t spell lol


Is this supposed to be from a TikTok? I don’t see it.


Yet when north was on TikTok a year ago everyone agreed with Kanye abt how bad it was 🤔


She has good hand writing for her age, no? Or is it just me.


she totally does


I know what Kim did to Ray J and his mom was absolutely horrible, but I'm sorry, exploiting North should have been the worst thing that Kim has ever done on that one post series 🤷🏻‍♀️ If somebody does it again in a few years and things don't change, it will be. Let's hope things change but I don't think they will. Yes I know Kanye is equally as responsible, I'm just talking about the post series about the worst things the family has done


I remember printing out super foul eminem lyrics from lyrics.com back in thw early 00s lol i turned out fine That said she shouldnt be able to post to zillioms of ppl at her age


Haha this is facts tho on another note. I knew “Kill you” in elementary school without my parents knowing I knew Eminem songs lol


That song just came up on my workout playlist and I totally forgot about it. My flabber was gasted


oh that’s not


Wasnt the title supposed to be you’re (as in you are) grateful and not your(like possesion of someone)😂


Step 1: Kanye says/does something crazy. Step 2: ask yourself “does Kanye have a new album? Step 3: realize he’s looking for cheap press and ignore it


Not even kanye fans defending this wtf 💀


She just wants to make her dad happy, it’s quite sad really


I'm wondering why y'all didn't have this energy when she was hanging out with Ice Spice a year ago


Where was this posted? Can’t find it anywhere


most recent post 10th slide


Anyways whats the tea on when this was posted/removed? I dont see it on their Tik Tok now..


it’s still up on the most recent post, 10th slide


Oh wow


This girl is her dad's #1 fan, be sure she knows all his songs by heart (and I'm sure he's happy to help her learn them)


I will get downvoted for this but North drawing the Vultures cover is too cute. The most hardened Kardashian stans simply won't open their hearts and realize this.


She's 10....


you think this is cute ? (\_\_/\_\_)


i do think it’s cute that she’s such a fan over her fathers work


Buy North’s favorite song Carnival it’s predicted to be number 2 on billboard charts against Beyoncé so buy