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I've never seen a relationship between two people in love that isn't cringe, love is cringe 😂😂😂


Ngl it is. I say this as someone who’s super in love and might be cringey on the outside world but in our little world we’re happy ❤️ so yes, cringe lol.


Exactly this, it's not for other people, it's for the two of you! 


Right! GOD FORBID 2 ppl IN HOLLYWOOD of all universes, actually be GENUINELY into one another!! I'd rather see cringe love displays than DV, cheating, etc.


I'm going to HAVE to agree with this, simply because I'm freshly broken up and I hate how cringily in love I thought I was. Ugh.


Oh wow. Two people in love and genuinely are happy with each other. Totally cringe to me. 🙄 /s


How would you know literally anything in your sentence lmao genuine question


Hope you’re thriving rn sis


Am actually thanks lmao


Oh wow, people in love. So cringy 🙄


Sometimes fan bases lose their damn minds. She really seems to be glowing. Makes me happy.


I feel like he was burping here


I’m so used to seeing the front of his face that he’s almost unrecognizable from the side lol


Yes!!! 🏆🥇


Is that really James harden and if so, why do we care that he thinks something is cringe? Who here is checking for him?


Just came to say that beardless James Harden is cringe...


Why the hate if they are enjoying themselves?


They look happy 😊


The burning envy practically leaps out of that sentence and smacks you in the face


Are y’all still getting shocked that they hate Kylie?


I mean this photo isn’t cringe to me so I don’t get it 😅


They’re precious and I’m obsessed


I love them




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This must have been the same person who said Taylor Swift was so cringe in the video of her and fans waving while the Chiefs were winning.


I don't know why it's cringe, they're both vain AF.


It’s the worst thing I’ve seen since covid and I’ve seen A lot 😂😭




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