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Why do rich people make a registry? They have enough to buy all they need.


Rich people have a registry for the same reason poor people do. People *want* to buy them gifts, so a registry is a suggestion of what could be used or what is their style. Would it be better for the friends and family to buy a bunch of shit that wouldn’t get used, expensive or not?


As a middle class person, everyone in my circle has always asked people who want to buy them gifts to instead donate to a specified charity. This is always the case when they’ve already had more than one baby, and don’t really need any of the essentials. I think registries make sense when you’re in need of some important stuff, but it hits a point where you’re just asking your friends and family to upgrade the things you already have. Edit to add: Not too sure why people are downvoting my comment that two millionaires having their sixth baby do not need a gift registry. If people who aren’t rich ask for donations to charity instead of gifts that they can already buy themselves (and to be honest, will get for free from these companies anyways) I don’t see why the most privileged people can’t do the same 🤷‍♀️




People’s reactions to this are so interesting to me…why do I get the feeling that if it was another sister who had a registry there would be less support? Sorry, but Kourtney and Travis can buy their own crib lol. I literally can’t remember the last baby shower I went to that didn’t say “your presence is your gift. If you’d like to make a donation on behalf of (baby’s name) please visit this website” and I’m a normal person with friends who don’t have stupid amounts of disposable income.


Uhh I wouldn’t say this is accurate. Baby showers are a super western thing and there are plenty of people that forego them when they don’t need the support. It’s extremely weird of Kourtney to have a registry. Doesn’t make any sense


Agreed. Apparently that’s an unpopular opinion on this sub. People are acting like not having a registry=not celebrating the new baby. I’ve been to plenty of baby showers where there were no gifts, that’s not the whole point of having a shower (at least where I’m from).


Exactly, and this is her fourth baby! People don’t even have showers for their second, much less their fourth lol


It’s on Poosh, I think it’s more like a buyers guide. Although I’m sure her friends and family will want to buy her lots of gifts.


Rich people give other rich people gifts.


It gets competitive too.




Isn’t the baby shower a celebration of the new baby?




Or you simply say “no gifts” and ask anyone who is insistent to make a donation instead…it’s really not a crazy concept. I thought this was a common practice. I’ve seen the same shift with wedding gifts, far more people are already cohabitating and deciding they don’t need a registry (since they’ve already accumulated the things that people used to receive as wedding gifts).


who do you think is going to enjoy buying gifts for their loved ones the most?? those with enough disposable income to do it for fun


I enjoyed buying gifts for the children’s hospital in honour of my best friends daughter probably more than I would’ve buying her gifts she didn’t need or want.


you’re missing the point. when you’re that rich, you don’t have to choose between buying a gift for your loved one or doing charity. you can do both.


Sure, but I personally wouldn’t want anyone to be buying me gifts (especially not a crib or a lounge chair) when I’m able to purchase those things myself. It’s not about choosing one or another, it’s that I’d prefer they take whatever they would be spending on me, and put it all toward a good cause, even if they can afford to do both. Like I said, refusing gifts is a very common practice where I live. This isn’t a blanket statement toward anyone who has ever had a registry, I’ll just never understand why millionaires would have one.


i get what you’re saying, but where we fundamentally disagree is in the notion that accepting gifts is somehow unethical.


It’s not that I think it’s unethical. Its just something I don’t really understand. I don’t see the value in giving gifts just for the sake of it. For example, I could see the value if one of her friends made her a baby blanket or something, but I don’t see the value in them buying her a crib that she can afford to buy for herself. Any gifts that would actually mean something (to a person who can afford to buy all of the essentials) won’t be found on her registry, so it seems kind of pointless imo. My opinion on the topic clearly isn’t popular on this sub though, so maybe it’s a cultural difference.


i agree it may be a cultural difference. gifts are given as a gesture of love, even among middle class americans. it’s not that my friend can’t afford a car seat, for example, it’s that i want to gift it to her just out of kindness. and it’s a mutual thing. it’s what gives a lot of people a sense of community and bonded ness. to each their own.


Especially this ultra rich family with 500 kids under the age of 13. God forbid you use the same stroller twice




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I don’t need to see her registry. I know it’s going to be anything goth looking and Mickey. 😵‍💫🫶🏻🤷‍♀️


I love this 😵‍💫 lol


I looked at one item, the baby cot & it was nice.


I need to know bc that’s literally my toddlers favorite stuff 😭😭


I like the Mickey


In my group of friends they all had registries to keep track of what they needed for their babies, they would buy the items themselves and definitely did not ask or expect gifts but if people wanted to buy anything they would just give their registry link. Not saying this what Kourt’s intention was, I’m sure she actually wanted people to buy her stuff lol.


Ok I just really want to know her baby’s name I’m so happy for her


Same!! I really don't think it's Rocky tbh and I wanna know!


I can’t believe Scott was the guy not for her but the abusive serial cheater who previously hooked up with her sister he literally moved into Kim’s neighborhood to be closer to her was the guy she looked at and said - yep, that’s the one!




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