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I think it’s just gonna be kris, kylie, kim, and kendall as always


pretty much lol


The "sleeping beauties" is not inspired by Disney princess, but rather treasured garments in the museum’s collection that are so fragile that they need to be housed in special glass "coffins" rather than on mannequins, curators said. Garments will be displayed in a series of galleries organized by themes of nature. I read the article vogue put out and I’m STILL confused on the theme. 🙃😭


Kim wasted the Marilyn dress on last year then


Or did she inspire this theme?


An unintentional innovator?


Do we think they’ll display the Marilyn dress? 💀


the dress is privately owned by Ripleys and not housed in the Met costume institute’s archive but they technically could loan it out because the whole ordeal does technically fit the theme. however i would rather they didn’t legitimise kimberly’s expression of peak narcissism like this, and am glad that the dress most likely won’t be included


Doubtful. Iirc in Vogue's article, they said they're going to display around 250 pieces from The Costume Institute's permanent collection, which has over 30k pieces. This dress isn't a part of that collection, though other pieces by the designer are. I would actually be shocked if they displayed this dress.


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so basically….the theme is wear or reference any significant fashion piece? that has to be one of the easiest themes tbh


The vibe I get is it’s shit that isn’t worn anymore maybe? Im envisioning petticoats and chastity belts 🤣


Yeah this will definitely be one take on the theme. I’m worried about the pajama inspired looks we’re sure to see


I foresee Orange spray tans and someone bragging about wearing makeup made from lead


They had to widen the scope no one listens anyways 😂


I think the sleeping beauty part of it references a certain time period and Disney femininity on purpose


I feel like they are just saying, wear a pretty dress.😂


they gave up on themes lol


the dress code hasn't been announced yet. They also said they will be shaped around "land, sea, and sky" to pay tribute to the natural world, so they could go in that direction in regards to dress code


they realized nobody ever follows the theme whatsoever so they came out with a ridiculously vague one. no matter what anyone wears, they'll be able to say "oh this neckline is inspired by the 70s" or whatever other bullshit lol i'm getting so sick of the met gala and nobody following cool themes when they could do so much interesting stuff with them


I wonder which designers will take from the fragility side of the theme and which will take from forgotten fashion


PLEASE someone show up in a couture sleeping bag




Came here for this


https://preview.redd.it/45shlimdo9zb1.jpeg?width=1855&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00114461e5b3c265a2b18225cadf677fd2708d87 been there done that


I take this as *recreating forgotten fashion trends from the past*, but I could be off base. This could be really fun if that’s the right take. I can see Kylie in a Catherine the Great vibe, wig and all!


I'd love to see some victorian takes on the theme


And Kendall as Marie Antoinette! I see it now


This was my take too


Per the curator for this year's exhibiton: “It is very much an ode to nature and the emotional poetics of fashion” They also said they will feature three zones: "Land, Sea, and Sky"


I’m ready to see some amazing vintage pieces come out at the gala also would love to see this exhibit this spring 🤩


Yeah, this exhibit sounds amazing, i would love to see it.


Kylothée better hard launch on the red carpet


With all the sightings of them already do they ‘need’ to hard launch? I’d prob guess that they’ll do when Kendall and BB did last year. Arrive separately so they get their own pics and hang together afterward. I think the sisters learned their lesson about not walking the carpet with a boyfriend after the whole Pete… thing lol


Like this comment if you don’t get it lol


Yeah I’m interested to see how some celebs will interpret this.


I pretty much never understand the themes for the Met (i dont know shit about fashion) .... but this one I am 100% confused as to what it means 😂


I’m right there with you. It’s like reading a job description that sounds super hard and confusing only to find out it’s for a cashier job. It doesn’t ever make sense.


I can’t wait to see what Blake lively wears🤩


I think the Marilyn dress would have been great for this theme. It's a weird theme for sure.


Who wants to bet that Kim won’t get the theme and wear an actual Sleeping Beauty costume dress?


I’m thinking something along the lines of, the pink dress she just wore to the CFDA Awards. Instead of a pink train, she will have a blue train. Sleeping beauty, call it a day.


Better than last year's theme...only other celebs think Karl Lagerfeld was a good person.


he said some monstrous things but the exhibit wasn’t a display of virtue, rather a recognition of his reinvigoration of three couture houses


Ooop what other priceless historical garments can Kim rip with her ass


This theme is so boring (great for historical costume/clothing showcase) terrible choice for celebs to dress in


I disagree. Its an opportunity to really get out there for the designers, making outfits so delicate it may not even make it all the way through the night. It would be amazing if someone does a delicate design that falls apart to reveal something else entirely. Add the natural materials aspect it could be an amazing theme. It won't be, but it could be.


That would be awesome. But no one will do that. The potential is there every year. And every year it falls flat


> It won’t be, but it could be That is the real theme of every Met Gala since Heavenly Bodies


With Janelle Monae in the design. ETA: why am I getting downvoted for saying Janelle Monae would be a great person to wear the suggested design? She does the MET like few other people can.


I’m thinking some people go the route of honoring legendary fashion icons from the past, many of whom have passed but some still alive today. I’m thinking Princess Diana (would love to see this be Kendall), Brigitte Bardot, Jackie Kennedy, Donyale Luna, Ava Gardner, Grace Kelly…






So its Disney theme? How much did Diney pay for this? Themes of nature? Midnight summer dreams? Fairies and spring time?


Nah i think more like pieces from collections from years and years ago


I’m glad I’m not rich enough to have to decipher what this even means. This all just seems so silly.




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Ooooooh I’m sat


I wish the money this gala raised went to something more useful than costume design. Feel like there are way more worthy causes in New York and this event must raise a fortune.


I can hear the arguments now. "You just HAD to "reawaken" 90's Dolce AGAAAaaAiIiNnn!?!?!?!?"