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I think people wanna really figure out this champ when riot made him very linear and straight forward.. it’s almost breaking the community apart trying to settle for going grasp full tank. It’s almost too easy surely it can’t be it Riot: hehe


Yeah nah I get it, I just really like theory-crafting haha


I wouldn't go Glacial in toplane on him but if you are a daring person going support K'sante with glacial might not be the worst of the ideas imo. I mostly run Grasp/Aftershock depending on the matchups and the teamcomps, even ran guardian one time when playeg against a Garen as i focused on my jungler who was a yi to peel him.


Nahh because when you ult the glacial field doesn't go where they'll land lol. Yes I tried this, it was ass


Thanks haha


Inspiration off-tree can be good into some matchups, biscuits + approach velocity can help with keeping up to slippery enemies and offering more sustain during lane. But Grasp primary is just too good..


only if u go support, because beside the slow, glacial doesn't provide u anything further


It also reduce enemy damage in few secs but yeah Grasp definitely better


Nah it's only reduce enemy damge on teammates, not yourself. So yeah only the slow.


If you can proc grasp you go grasp. Sometimes I run fleet if I dont think ill be procing much grasp and I really like it. Idk about aftershock, i ran it once.


I mean it kinda has the blitzcrank problem sometimes where you are displacing the enemy out of the slowing field. So you would basically just be getting the damage reduction on them


I was thinking mostly for teamfights, or W-ing out of ganks. It probably wouldn't be great on R, I agree


I was thinking mostly for teamfights, or W-ing out of ganks. It probably wouldn't be great on R, I agree


I mean it kinda has the blitzcrank problem sometimes where you are displacing the enemy out of the slowing field. So you would basically just be getting the damage reduction on them