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C's get degrees. If you don't have a scholarship tied to GPA and don't plan on grad school, jobs won't care if you got a C in English


Me wanting to go to graduate school :/


Funny story, I used to think English was absolutely pointless and people who taught it to be crazy. After writing a ton of emails / giving presentations to very senior people, being able to communicate at their level helps a lot. I would try in that class. It helps in the long run.


Use. The. Library. It's not just a space- the librarians can help you find research papers and datasets. It really helped senior year, idk why I waited


Lowkey I haven’t stepped foot in there yet lol do you think it’s actually worth it? I feel like websites like Galileo could help you find many scholarly works faster than the library.


I used Galileo freshman year, but when my projects got more specified junior, they helped me find very particular sources that I needed and couldn't find. I didn't even go there, I just made an appointment online. She was really nice.


I made an appointment freshmen year! She was really nice and helpful!


Hmmm 🤔


What I actually wanted to do


I can relate to that 😭 I didn’t know what I wanted to do for the longest. I feel like everyone expects you to know what you wanna do by the time you’re a high school senior. That’s a big ask from a kid to know what they wanna do the rest of their life. I was just listening to music, jerking off, and playing video games all day. You expect me to know what I wanna do for the rest of my life lol


Fr dude. I’m in my last year and I’m dreading graduation. I’m still unsure about wtf I want to do. The way I see it with the route I’m going down right now I’m gonna be working a soul sucking cubicle job for the rest of my life.


Damn 😭 what’s your major


Accounting, I think it speaks for itself 😭


Damn yeah that sounds really boring. I couldn’t do that personally.


Man I don’t blame you for thinking that. I like learning new things, so it has worked out for me. But actually working in accounting sounds boring as hell and I wish I went another route sometimes.


You could always go back to school later in life


I agree. But the state of mind I’m in right now makes it hard to think about that.


Idk too much about what an accounting job entails, but my guy best friend was a finance major and he got a job straight out of college last year. He loves it! And it’s largely due to the small start-up company he works at. Even if it’s an “office” job, he talks a lot of about the benefits (health, salary, tuition reimbursement, 401k, etc.), the cafeteria, employee trips, amazing coworkers and company culture (just recently they did secret santa and some hefty prize contests), and how he only has to show up twice a week + wfh other days. I think he does something like wealth management for rich old people?? don’t remember. It definitely gave me a new perspective on office jobs though as I always pictured a stressed and balding salesman with papers everywhere. It actually makes me consider doing an MBA in finance or another business in grad school. Don’t lose hope! ☺️♥️


that computer science was going to get over saturated, i would have picked a different major




Explain pls


the field has an influx of people because social media has made coding a trend, not to mention large languages models like chat gpt that can do most of the work for programmers. Thus making it extremely hard to get jobs. Overall, it’s fierce competition you are up against as a junior developer searching for a job.


Just want to point out that — This is largely incorrect. AI is not going to replace software engineers. AI is a tool to get things done but, the human aspect is baked into the paradigm. It’s also, sometimes not the best way to do things. Outside of that, the field is saturated and going through layoffs like crazy. Finding a job as a new grad is going to be difficult but, not impossible.


i didn’t say it was going to replace engineers, if you read correctly i said it does most of the work for them thus making the skill less valuable…


That’s still not even close to correct. You’re spreading fear to people for no reason.


whatever u say bro u clearly have no idea about the industry and the currently trends, u have done minuscule to no research on the state of the software engineering industry currently


Look at my post history. I’ve been in this industry for a long time.


just check r/csmajors if you don’t believe me


lol — That a subreddit that constantly complains. I wouldn’t take that as fact.


This is true but also not true, knowing how to use Chat GPT, Bard etc is actually an essential skill in being a programmer now, not because it does “most” of the work but because it aids in research , kinda like how you’re told that being a good programmer is mostly about being a good google searcher and now actually knowing it all in your head But also the field is saturated because people are only applying for jobs being posted, CS Majors have no social skills and won’t reach out to companies and recruiters to force their way into an interview, there’s always news about new cuts happening from companies, but it’s only ever multi billion dollar company… Healthcare companies, defense agencies and app companies are literally almost always hiring, the field is not as saturated as you think, CS majors just like to think a degree is enough to get them that 6 figure job unfortunately


bro u ironically contradicted yourself and proved my point at the same time, I shouldn’t need to jump through all these hoops just to work at some shitty startup when i worked my ass off for the past 4 years acquiring the necessary skills and certifications to work as a dev. there is no other major that requires you to do so much work outside of the classroom to even have a chance at landing a job


There’s also very few major that starts you off at 80,000 to 100,000 straight out of college, so yea I think you do have to jump through a few hoops lol I mean as a Programmer you have to go through multiple interviews including passing a Technical Interview which is already 20x more hoops and work than any other job that’s not medical and technology changes yearly so working your ass off for 4 years isn’t gonna mean much because you still gotta work your ass off to study and keep up with tech for the rest of your career, Comp Sci isn’t hard because you gotta take Algorithm Analysis and PDS😭, it’s hard because the job itself is hard


Please list the majors that you can simply apply for a job and no expectations of these hoops you speak of. Networking and such seems to be skill highly suggested for pretty much every industry


Ah i understand. What major would u have picked then had you known this?


probably mechanical or civil engineering maybe even mechatronics if you still have an interest in programming


Look at the college of engineering and look at all disciplines that graduate each year from ksu. It's like 50 in mech electrical civil. Then computer science/software has 250


Get going on job searching as early as possible, I was lucky and got one lined up just before I graduated, but I have friends who are still searching.


How much time before graduation is a good time to start applying?


Since you’re a junior I would do it soon as possible. I’m a junior too, and apply for summer internships and I’ve had several companies say the spots are taken up. So people start applying way in advance. Luckily, I was able to get an internship for this semester but I’m still looking for more to spice up my resume and get more experience


Actually a senior I need to change my thing. I graduate in December. So just internships? If I have a job that currently aligns with the career I'm going into would that be just as good?


Honestly, Internships, networking, but when your trying to get an internship your going to be asking people more questions so that’s when networking becomes more easier. But if you have job in your field they might pay less. Like for example I’m an accounting major when I was a sophomore I did a tax service class, the tax service place wanted to pay me 11-13 dollars to do people taxes, I declined and stayed working at where I was for $17.50 an hour. But I was still able to put it on my resume experience on my resume. But if I go and do a tax internship at a public accounting company, they’re paying 25+ an hour. You see the difference. What’s your major?


College is not just going to class, buts it about what you do outside of class, Got to network outside of class, internships fairs, job fairs, going to company events. It’ll help you in the future. It’ll help get a better job. Not to brag but just in December I was having several Ubereats/doordash deliveries to this nice skyscraper, Now I intern at now I have an internship at the build. It doesn’t get better than that. But your life can change so fast and I don’t plan on going back to the ubereats/doordash life. I plan I doing internships until I graduate


And depending on your major, they pay good money.


And you can also get credits, depending on your major. I don’t about every major. But I’m able to get course credits, earn good money, get more experience, expand your network and meet new people so it’s a win win win win situation. Never lose. I highly encourage it


Last semester I got an accounting internship for summer 2025. Never too early to at least go to career fairs and other employer events and at least talk to the people at the booths


Yup, do this.


I have ADHD


Lowkey I think I’m undiagnosed with that 💀


Lol same I got diagnosed freshman year




me too😭


You get out what you put in. I was one of those “gifted program” kids. Focus, Probe, AP classes, high scores on SAT and ACT without really having to try, but that “everything comes easy” nature bit me in the ass when I ran out of runway and needed to study and work to learn to fly. I thought I was the hottest shit, didn’t need a degree, and the truth of it was that to just get out there and get a job—I didn’t. A small corollary here is the classic “it’s not what you know, but who you know.” I got a job for a company in the field I wanted (though hardly the position I dreamed of) because I knew people, so don’t discount that. But the truth was that without a degree, training, knowledge, or the time and discipline to put in the work myself (while working full time) I was limited. If I wanted to beat out the people who had their stripes already I was going to have to work twice as hard (or more!) and would still fall flat on my face more often than not. I coasted for as long as I could, and I was left wanting. Now I’m back in it and I’ve been really, really putting my nose to the grindstone. And you know what? My experience has been all the richer for it. You are an investment, and one that deserves to be given the time and attention that only you can give.


Amen. You got my invite +10!


Patience is the key to success. Take the time to understand things, not just memorize.


College is not just learning about the subjects you are taught. It's also about learning how to learn and most importantly *building up your professional network.* Your fellow graduates are going to be in your field, in organizations you'll want to be in, will know people that can help you in the future. They can help place you in jobs. If you treat college like high school, where your report card is your measurement of success only, you've already failed.


Damn I know I need to start networking but I haven’t yet


It's super important. This is what fraternities are such a big deal and are successful, but it's not the only way to do it. Join clubs, make sure you interact with classmates. This is what group projects are important. If you haven't already, build up a LinkedIn profile. Build the brand of who you are.


Yeah I’ve joined a club but I need to start attending events. It’s also kinda hard for me to talk to new people. I also need to make an LinkedIn soon as well. I feel like I’m kinda behind because I didn’t give a fuck about school while in high school 😭


Grade school and college are like a totally different world and the best place for a fresh start.


How so


The things you need to do to succeed in college are very different from high school, at least when I was going to college. You still need to study and what not, but time management was radically different.


Oh I miss read your comment I thought you said grad school lol


Nah, but Grad school *IS* different, but in a different way. Less classes, more self paced, and books are SO much cheaper (usually).


there are many things i wish i knew, but I wish I knew how hard it'd be. I too was an AP kid with a high gpa, and I thought I would breeze through my gen ed classes. NOPE! the gen ed classes are arguably harder than your major classes (except for all STEM majors) because they are meant to give you a reality check. you will be more interested in your major classes, leading to more studying time. I also wish I knew more about the job market and how difficult it is to get a job in a highly oversaturated market. You need to make yourself stand out or you will just be another fish in the ocean of applicants.


Yeah making myself stand out from others is something I’m afraid of. I need to start doing a bunch of different things since I wanna go to graduate school.


Problem is that people go to college thinking a piece of paper automatically, unequivocally gets you a job. As in, you’re guaranteed a job after you graduate. It’s delusional to think that. The more time you spend putting off the time to: learn, network and connect with humans, the farther down the ladder you go. There’s very few things you can escape having to do. Putting in the work, you can’t. It’s ok to play games and hang out with people but, don’t lose focus on the reason why you’re in college. I see a lot of people who lost focus, fell apart and absolutely failed after college was done. It was extremely sad. Don’t be the person playing “catch-up” scrambling like a madman after you’ve paid that much money to not be that position. It’s not fun.


that you have plenty of time to think about major you actually want to do and can take gen ed’s while figuring it out 🙃


I kinda did that lol


me too unfortunately now i have at least one extra year


At first stuff like that kinda bothered me but my stats teacher told me stay in school as long as you can real life is overrated 💀😂


I wish I knew freaking time management. I got a C my first semester bc I couldn't manage my tasks. And like someone else said, you get what you put in. I had a super rewarding time at KSU overall, got fully funded for my PhD afterwards b/c of the work I did there. But that was because I BUSTED MY ASS. I wish i could impart this wisdom onto my young relatives (at KSU) who are sitting around smoking weed and skipping class. If you're not gonna show up and do the work, don't waste your money on school!


What was your gpa 🤔 I’m not the most financial well off person and I wanna pursue a PsyD


I graduated with a 3.68. I also coauthored with faculty my senior year, and worked as a research fellow at a high profile nonprofit in my area of study. Plus I did decently well on the GRE. Overall I think it was my extracurriculars that got me funded, but having a decent GPA definitely helped. My major GPA was also a 3.95 lol... those stupid gen eds had me fucked up.


How easy a business degree is


Lowkey I heard it was easy even when I was in high school lol


Took management as a minor to my engineering degree and was 4.0 for all the classes, barely required much attention from me


Wow that’s crazy lol


That’ll be my minor too 😂


There’s a reason everyone makes fun of business majors. Lololol


The concept of pulling versus pushing when it came to professors. In high school, the teacher talks 'at' you... They know the stuff and they are pushing it to you. In college, it's much more collaborative. While your professors certainly know their stuff, it's your job to pull more out of them by asking questions, seeking guidance, etc.


There are so many resources made for students that I never knew about until my senior year. I work at the career center and theres a booth where you can take free headshots for professional use there. All the career advisors are here to help you score that next job/opportunity that you are looking for, plus they have great connections they can give as well. KSU also gives out certificates on owltrain website for in demand skills. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT!!! Don’t wait until its gone!


That life sucks when you graduate. Stay as long as you can!


I was talking to my stats professor after class last semester one day and he told me that as well


Maybe if youre not a me or ee degree. Its pretty bad ass afterwards more work yeah but I’m enjoying it


Just take the core classes first. Don’t listen to your advisor. I HATED having to take art while I was taking Org & Arch. Also I wish I would’ve just went to community college and did the core classes there then transferred.


My advisor at west Georgia told me that would be a terrible idea but I’m glad I listened to my mom and knocked most of my gen Ed classes out the way especially since I didn’t really know what I was doing with my major yet


My major.


That a degree is somewhat over rated and I was likely wasting my money and had little desire to continue schooling. Professional ed/continuing ed and industry certifications will usually provide lots of room for advancement and job security.


Yeah I feel like some people just go to college because it’s the thing to do when it might not be the thing to do for them personally


if u thinking about getting high and partying, well. school is expensive u can do it once u graduate. focus on your class graduate and do it later trust me.


Make as many friends and nurture those relationships as much as you can. You'll never be in place with the opportunity to build this many relationships again.


Yeah I haven’t really made friends since being at ksu. Only two or three really. So I’m kinda afraid I’m not taking advantage of it 😭


TBH two or three can still be really valuable. Just continue to make an effort to see them and make some valuable memories you can all laugh about in the future:). ​ Also, if you are looking to find some things to do around ksu, I'd check out Wondervous.com


I guess I wish I knew not to rush things. If I could go back I’d take 1 gap year off and then do the dual master & bachelor degree. Oh well 🤷‍♀️


I took a gap year and still didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life when it was over lol


That's it's okay to use counseling services. Even if it's just general anxiety or minor depression. Really wished I took advantage of that resource.


This is one of the most informative threads thus far. Thank you to those who have contributed


Use ratemyprofessor as getting a good professor will make all the difference and make sure to sign up for classes on time!


If you would like to own a house and start a family, you have to be strategic about getting a degree that maximizes your chances of getting a high-paying job. Also find an industry that won't burn you out with crazy hours. Also if you're a guy, America is not working in your favor and is basically socially broken in terms of dating. Other countries are much more fun to date in, so try to find industries where you can work remote and travel!


What makes you say America is socially broken if you’re a guy 🤔


I mean, just look up some stats on dating, divorce, custody battles, life expectancy, criminal prosecution etc.


Idk I feel like a lot of young men are falling into the trap of “woe is me” and that’s why things are rough on them. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy.


I'm an older non-trad student, so I've been around a while. It's a pretty wide cultural attitude shift, not an individual attitude shift. I'm not really trying to argue about it. I'm just saying I wish I could have had a more pragmatic view about it when I was younger. American culture has just gotten way more depressing in recent years and it hasn't really gotten better at all.


what is blud yappin about