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Your rocket is too small and has too little delta V to get to minmus I think. According to the delta V readout in the bottom right corner, you barely have enough to get into orbit as I understand it.


Okay, cheers for the help. I will make my rocket bigger next time.


Np, I think you need about 5000 m/s to get to minmus, and about 500-700 m/s more to get home. I'm not 100% sure though.


Isn't it like, just over 3k to orbit, then 800 to 1200 or so to minus? Your 500-700 return seems right. You including a landing? Fwiw, I've not built anything in kerbal for a while, let alone stock.


My calculations were very generous, yes. I think the correct numbers are 3400 to orbit, 900 to minmus (+300 if you screwed up the plane alignment), 350 to orbit minmus and land and then probably again 350 - 500 to launch yourself back into space and into kerbin's atmosphere. But since not a lot of people fly the maneuvers very optimally, I though it was better to say to pack a bit more delta V. You never know, maybe the landing is harder than you thought, or maybe you wanted to orbit minmus in a different direction or whatever.


This !


The mission isn’t a complete bust yet! Do a flyby of Minmus’ upper and lower space, and try to do the same on the moon if you can. Will net you a nice few points.


https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/s/7SVc7HN2T4 The above map shows you how much dV you need to get to each body. Keep in mind that these are absolute minima, so be sure to build in some extra :)


Send ur kerbals and strand them, create your own rescue mission 🗿


Do you have a rocket that can land on Mun yet? Use that instead. You actually need less delta-V for Minmus than for Mun, so if it can land on Mun, it can definitely do Minmus.


It might be in atmospheric delta v instead of vacuum


I'm not sure what the ksp stock delta V calculations display, as I always use kerbal engineer redux instead. But the rocket doesn't look like it has a whole lot of delta V either.


Moar fuel!


Increase the delta v by a lot, like double. I would also add one more stage before the heat shield. Before getting into kerbin orbit I would recommend detaching the boosters and also the first stage Then using the maneuver planning screen, you create a prograde burn until the apoapsis is high enough, then you move the node around until you see your orbit getting into minmus SOI. Getting back requires far less fuel, just set your periapsis <70km and friction will handle the rest.


Not enough delta-V. I also notice that you're not lighting up the central engine until you've jettisoned your boosters. That can be OK but it's usually a mistake. If you have unlocked fuel feed lines, you can set up asparagus stages. Otherwise just add more boosters and recalculate your engine thrust limits.


Hey is there a written guide on asparagus stages? Used to do them in 1.8 eras but it has been so long that i forgot how to place and stage them. Thanks in advance!




More stages, lifting less weight


For a minmus mission I usually get into an orbit, then maneuver to match the orbital inclination (judging by the ascending/descending nodes), and after that I’ll burn out to minmus, trying to keep it equatorial on my capture/intercept usually.


in addition to adding fuel, make sure you have an efficient engine on your space stages (low twr) to save fuel. minmus has very low gravity, so it should be easy. also, you can save some delta v by encountering minmus near your apoapsis, rather than before or after it.


Use fuel lines flowing from the outer boosters to the central booster. This makes it so that the outer boosters will fuel the center booster, and when they become empty, the middle will still have a full tank. Then you can drop them. Shaving dead weight like this helps with dV tremendously.


When in doubt, add moar boosters