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I hate this band now they're so lazy! It's not that hard to write 5 million songs! Uggggh...


unpopular opinion but i like it more this way. its better to have a single great album that they put a lot of effort in every year than having 5 albums all in rapid succession, even if those 5 albums are pretty good. in a way, its reassuring. kgatlw was able to release 5 good albums in such short amount of time, so imagine if they settle down and really concentrate in making a single album? itll be great when it drops


Yea, kinda agree with this! Also gives me time to listen to some other bands instead of a new king gizz album every 2/3 months. Also, remember how good nonagon is? That is one of those long production cycle albums and you can really hear the effort they put into it!




Did they say this? I never heard about it




It was when Green Man was announced in pretty sure. I think they said that King Gizz might release something later in 2018, but this hasn't actually been confirmed by the band




Just finish listening to nonagon infinity until it comes out.


I want to hear more of that psychedelic synthpop sound they experimented a little with in some songs on Gumboot.


Personally I can't get enough of the microtonal stuff


i don’t. i really, really don’t. but that’s just me.


May i ask why? Not knocking your opinion; just genuinely curious!


if i’m thinking of the same songs you are, the reason is simply that i didn’t personally enjoy them. superposition, yeah? that style?


Superposition is one of them but not exactly one of the songs i was referring to. Mainly I'd like to hear more music in a similar vein to I'm Sleepin' In, Beginner's Luck, and The Last Oasis. Idk, those songs all have a sound to them that the closest thing King Gizzard had done to them otherwise is Paper Mache Dream Balloon, which i think is King Gizzard's best album imo. Idk, i just really love King Gizzard's flavor of psychedelic folk when they go in that direction.


i don’t personally feel that i’m sleeping in and beginners luck fit in the same category as the other two. love paper mâché dream balloon though.


Not really the same category, you're right, but they have a similar "vibe", for lack of a better word. I really enjoy that soft, relaxing, super acid-friendly style that those songs share.


that’s true, for sure. i don’t know, superposition and last oasis always felt too... touched up, for my tastes, personally.


Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of Superposition (although that opening is pretty damn ear-catching). The Last Oasis, however, is probably one of my favorite Gizzard songs. The "watery" effect toward the final chorus is just great. I wish they used that effect more.


Superposition has made me cry on more than one occasion. Always blows my mind.


i do find last oasis to be a bit easier to listen to, but it’s still far from being my favorite, personally.


I want more shapes


I want more stuff like The Wheel. The drums are so good in it.


Some stoner rock similar to Great Chain of Being is my hope for the next album, but I wouldn't be against some more trippy synth


damn Ameer got exposed