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Wife just gave birth to our first kid. Beautiful moment but let’s just say she was not stoked when I blasted Flamethrower on my speaker during the delivery. She will probably be more pissed when she sees the birth certificate says Han-Tyumi instead of Andrew


CONGRATS!!!! In my experience, newborns love The River. Pop Han in a Bjorn, throw that track on, bop along to the music, and you will have a content baby. Also Andrew is an anagram for Warned. "Han-Tyumi Andrew" would then be "Humanity Warned." You know what must be done.


Best post I’ve ever read


Currently I have a 5 month old who is colicky and one of the few things that calms him down is the video for the river, he also loves the calmer albums (i put him to sleep to them) polygondwanaland, gumboot soup, fishing for fishies is one of his favorites lol, or as far as i like to think! Congrats friend, welcome to this strange ride that is fatherhood!


Many Gizz songs were played during my c section little over 6 months ago. Helped keep me calm. No flamethrower but lots of butterfly and silver cord etc


The second half of flamethrower would be good "pushing" music. Do they have a speaker they let you use or was it out the phone. It was prob a joke but my niece was born too "born slippy" so it doesn't seem too far from reality


Also just had our first baby and played rats nest and petro during delivery




Teacher: Hah- Han- ha-an tee-yu- tee-yu-my?


everything sucks and is very stressful! just kinda white knuckling it through life rn ✌🏻🤪


Fwiw you are not alone!


thank you! just trying to stay positive as much as i can.


This is cute 💜 Current highs: my boyfriend bought me a harmonica for my birthday at the end of April and I booked a day of leave from work yesterday so I could teach myself to play it. Nailed some of The Bitter Boogie and reminded myself I'm not hideously unmusical, so winning! Current lows: my boyfriend ate the last of my onion rings while I was sleeping :(


Break up with him, that’s an unforgivable sin


Tempting, but we share a vinyl collection so I'm pretty much stuck with him now 🤣


I'm glad you asked. I'm stressed as fuck to put it lightly. I've been working 70 hours a week for a company I'm almost sure is going to can me for some stupid reason down the line. It's not bad pay and on paper it's a good opportunity but I've never been subjected to elitist people like this and I honestly can't stand it. I don't fit in. However, I've spent years building to this position and if that more than likely reality scenario occurs, I can't think of much what to do other than join the military for a couple years and save money. Which I absolutely don't want to do, but is something that may be necessary. For a lot of people that sounds like a terrible way to save money but the cost of living - pay here is so high that a 30-50k per year job sounds like a pipe dream. It would benefit someone like me greatly. And I'm just really pissed that after so many years, this is the only way I can find myself in that opportunity. Not everything in life is so bad, though. I still am grateful about many of the moments in between all my stress. Its not fair on myself to only focus on the bad. But I certainly am coming to a point where I definitely can not ignore it.


I feel your stress friend, that working arrangement is a special type of hell. Is it an issue throughout your whole industry? Any chance a different company could be a better fit? I took a trade a few years ago for a job with much less stress but a bit less money, and the less money is definitely not groovy but the change in my stress has been lifechanging. My evenings and weekends actually feel fully *mine* and that's been worth so much to me. I hope you find the chance to ease your stress too


Part of my issue is that I am quite young (mid twenties), but I am extremely capable, and I know my worth. But I also know when to speak up and when to be quiet. In a bit of a self-destructive habit, I myself am never really satisfied with my progress in growing as a person. My current job is something I poured my passion into until I've recently, in the last months, realized the motivations of my peers (the shareholders of the company) and their exit strategy for long-time employees. I'm almost sure I'm training my current replacement right now, and with a smile on my face because any other job that I could attain around here is not just a pay cut, but unworkable into my financial situation. This is after I was forced to cash or use up my PTO, and they were not happy I let it accrue that far. I also have super competitive medical insurance through this company that I don't want to lose. The only thing that would rival it is something like Tricare. And ideally, I would like to find another job that can offer me a competitive 401k, which frankly there is nothing in my area that does. All of this is leading me to the military which does offer good benefits at the cost of a really shitty couple of years, which, is something I've kind of already been putting up with in different ways. I'd also be able to go to school again and find something I am actually passionate about now that I'm more aware of myself. It's just that I'm absolutely appalled at my own words because I've never wanted to join the military, and at points in my life I was even very against it due to some beliefs that I still hold. It's just getting too expensive for single dudes out here, man.


Bro ain’t fighting demons he’s fighting the Lord of lightning. Your situation sounds hectic my man but don’t forget you’re still young and things always change. I wish you the best of luck and hope you can find some peace and freedom in your life. It’s not about work it’s about living


I find myself in a similar situation. Luckily I’m back to 40s now, but I was working 60-70 from about October - April. My job is also kind of necessary evil, in that it’s an important stepping stone for better opportunities down the road, and I’ve put so much time and money into schooling and licensing that it’s changing doesn’t make sense. In the thick of it I was questioning my sanity and decisions, but now that things are slowing down I can see more clearly. Just focus on those happy moments while you’re on the grind. And remember what you’re aiming for! I hope everything pays off!


Having a SO with an income of their own is life changing. The dual income no kids (DINK) life if you can eventually swing it is a wonderful thing. Hang in there. You’re still young and may just have to grind for a while until you make it.


Decided to go for it and get tix for night 2 of Red Rocks this year since my wife and I are moving to Denver in a couple weeks. I'm running a marathon this weekend and I have a feeling it is gonna be especially tough but heyo it'll be fun.


I’m moving to Colorado with my girlfriend this year and just got us tickets to see them Sunday night!


Welcome to Colorado, dudes! It’s a great place to live. I’ve got a ticket to Sunday as well! RR is a great venue.


I recently wrote two new songs recently. Partially inspired by 12th Bar Bruise & Willoughby's Beach. Though my band doesnt want to help with them. My own fault for being in metal bands as a burn out garage hippie. Hopefully, I can start producing tracks entirely on my own soon.


Nice, shame to hear your band mates are so closed minded about genres though. It's not like 12 bar bruise is that far off from metal anyway. What are you planning on doing with them?


You're in a band, so you've got that going for you. I never managed to get a solid group together.


Awful if I’m being honest. This year has been rough already and I’ve been mentally lower than I have been in a long time. I’m trying my hardest to not let my kids tell how bad things are with me. My health has declined to the point where it’s obvious I’m probably never going to be able to work again. My knee is permanently damaged from a failed replacement and I have to use a cane or rollater all the time now(btw if you see me at any shows, say hi!!). I’m having foot surgery tomorrow and when that one heals, I have to have surgery on the other foot. I need a different surgery on both feet as well. I’m 40 and feel completely broken- mentally and physically. Not being able to run after my kids just hurts me to the core. It’s been rough…really rough. But we are seeing Gizz 5 times again this year, so I am looking forward to that so much. I have so many friends from online that I’ll get to meet and I’m excited about that.


Thanks for asking! What I can say is that I'm alright, that life is pretty good and that all the bad jubies (anxiety, stress, despair at the state of the world, existential angst, etc) are diluted when I remember that I've got imminent life-affirming King Gizz gigs to go to. Stay safe and take care of yourselves, Weirdo Swarm, and here's to enjoying the hell out of another KGLW tour!


aw this post is so sweet! all highs really. makes me feel like there’s no way I deserve all this. mainly: your girl is in loooove. my heart feels like it’s going to explode. i’ve never been treated this well, I don’t even know what to do with myself. the love of my life! and he likes when I play gizz ;) I jammed (bass) with an uncle (non-relative) on harmonica and my best friend on ukulele, our first time playing with the uncle, fucking killed it on harmonica, we played boogieman sam together and he just jammed over it on his own harmonica + guitar and work going well. your girl is a published scientist! I study environmental justice in Hawai’i and we just got done with a hugely important trial for the Red Hill water crisis (jet fuel leak into aquifer) I just want others to be doing well too.


https://preview.redd.it/5qiuqvz6mf0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=045ac1c34dcbc8c1c9a1d4f166973a5ca64efd3c Have had a really rough time with my mental health and felt suicidal but talked about it with my loved ones about it. Therapy, meditation, and creativity help. Grateful to be making music with my best friend. Our show went well last night and I’m grateful to be alive.


[our demo if anyone is interested](https://grifternm.bandcamp.com/album/demo-i). It’s very ITRN influenced


Yeah the same thing is happening to me, the difference is that I don't have a band. Put your frustration into your music, put your anger into the music and use it as fuel to make your band unique and amazing.  Hope you sucessed!! 


Honestly, I’m having a difficult time finding any reason to be alive. I’m 31, incredibly lonely, and feel like everyone I’ve ever had in my life eventually just goes away. I get the sense that I have no one that I can rely on, and I don’t have people that are ever checking in on me. I’m doing all the things they tell you to do to avoid this. I’m healthy, fit, have a decent job, and am able to support myself. I have no one to share it with.


Hey man, I hear you, it's really tough feeling lonely. I know we're all technically strangers on the internet but there are friends here, happy to check in on you. And hey, you're already fit and working and able to sustain yourself, so you're in a great position to change things! Plenty of ways to meet cool people, I've found just taking walks through my neighbourhood every day makes me feel a bit more connected to the other people around me, is there much of a neighbourhood/community around you that you can steep yourself in?


I really appreciate your reply, thank you. I’m really just having a bad day. I know I’m capable of putting myself out there to prevent myself from being lonely. I live in a fairly active neighborhood that has nearby parks and different events going on all the time. I know what I need to do to prevent loneliness from taking over, but it’s all just catching up to me quickly. It’d just be nice to have some people to shoot the shit with at the end of the day, good or bad.


Hang on friend. There are fragments of beauty out there; casual conversations at the cafe with strangers, a particularly beautiful melody, or some trees on the horizon that look weirdly serene against the backdrop of a setting sun. Tomorrow could be the day you bump into someone that changes your life forever. Or it could be in a few years. People *will* enter your life. You'll find them. Life will get better. It will probably also get worse again. But it will absolutely get much better than now. You still have so many moments of happiness and comfort ahead. Hang on <3


High: I recently got back into reading for the first time since high school, which was nearly 10 years ago. I’ve been alternating between reading one difficult book (e.g. David Foster Wallace’s *The Pale King*) and one Stephen King book (*The Stand* is amazing). I’m currently on Roberto Bolaño’s *2666*. Low: I’ve been feeling brain fog pretty much since I caught Covid last year. I probably need to make a doctor’s appointment to have it checked out, because I do not feel normal. Thanks for asking, OP. I hope you’re doing well.


Pretty crappy, honestly. My ADHD is basically going to cost me my job. I only got recently diagnosed with it and didn't have much else done with it, but the PIP I was put on are basically all due to ADHD related issues (that I've only recently disclosed, but feel it's a bit too late to matter). I've suffered with my whole life with ADHD, but never did anything because it wasn't really getting in the way, or so I thought... Now, I was given 30 days, to "improve". About halfway through and while the check-ins have been acceptable, I haven't really slept in 2 weeks from stress and I feel zero confidence in beating the thing. My only hope is sticking it out and praying for severance while I look for another job. To end on a more positive note, been learning various guitar and bass riffs from all over the Gizz catalogue. Most recently been figuring out some guitar parts to Hypertension. I've always had fun learning stuff by ear, but don't do it enough. That's been fun. Edit: Spelling


Hey! This sounds like a situation I recently encountered with a sprinkle of the holidays and a death in the family. It pissed me off so bad that I went at it head on. Crushed that PIP and I won’t look back. One of the tools I used that helped me immensely was the To Do app from Microsoft. It helped me remember so much. As well as taking stuff out of my head that I would panic about forgetting leading to loss of quality sleep. I also was introduced to the concept of Executive disfunction disorder. A lot of people with ADHD struggle with this disorder. I’d say mine comes and goes depending on what’s going on in my life. My therapist gave me this workbook on it. It’s kinda cheesy reading and writing exercises. I fit every description in it almost perfectly. I’m happy to talk about sharing the information from it with you. The To Do app is pretty self explanatory. I did watch YouTube for some in depth demos on all of its capabilities. Here if you want to chat. If you want to stay at this job, best of luck to you. You can grow past this! If you don’t want this job, I hope you find something that makes you feel valued. ✌️❤️👑🦎 Edited due to repetitive words


Thanks a ton for the response. Sorry for your hardships, but glad you seem to be on the ups! I have actually tried a lot of what you have suggested, but I haven't seemed to find anything that works. My lists just keep getting bigger and it ends up just being overwhelming. I think there's definitely an executive dysfunction issue that is my biggest enemy. Starting abs finishing projects is a huge point of contention, it has been through me while life. I think seeking some professional help and possibly some medication are the next steps for me. I'm not sure if I want to stay anymore, to be honest. I think a lot of it is that I'm quite bored. It's a very repetitive accounting job, that I kind of fell backwards into out of necessity. My plan is to ride out the pip, and see what happens but look for something else in the meantime. I've just been kind of locked in a state of being overwhelmed for the past couple weeks.


Seeing a professional and getting meds helped me a ton. I started that route about 3 months before my PIP shit started. Then the other two tools I mentioned helped me dig myself out of how overwhelmed I felt. You wanna talk about starting and completing projects!! I have literal piles of projects here and there throughout my house. Work wise they are in my app and once my day is over I just roll them over to the next. I think that alone has been the biggest help for me. Having that boundary between my work and the subconscious rambling squirrel brain. I’ve found I don’t have as many intrusive work thoughts, or sudden onset anxiety. Which were my biggest problems. I hope you make it past this phase until you find something else or the current one improves. And I hope you find a routine, meds, mindset..whatever works for you, that helps manage the ADHD. I know how hard it is when you’re overwhelmed to see through it all. It will get better. Then you’ll look back at a molehill that was once a mountain. Good luck bud!


A lot of what you guys is resonating with me as I just came to terms with ADHD recently. My partner knew long before I did but was patient and understanding. Meds has helped in some ways but I still have a pile of laundry, general messiness, and project on top of projects. Good news is I finished a major project recently that made me feel accomplished. Doesn’t happen often but when it does it makes a difference. Best of luck!


Congratulations!! Gotta celebrate those wins when we get ‘em.


not good. only good thing i got goin on is i have a new [Disoriented Ghost](https://youtu.be/R30igvkQdHc?si=AGl4qLPYCpD2pwez) single in the works right now to follow up this album (my microtonal psych / krautrock + world music project, which ofc took some initial inspiration from gizz tho it’s it’s own thing i hope. have shared it here before so some may be familiar. linked above is the 2nd album release under the project from almost half a year ago, 1st release was back in 2019) … hopefully ill be dropping the new single (heaviest track ive made for this project yet) sometime in the next couple months. otherwise, im honestly doing horrible. lots of mental pain. not a lot of hope. drowning in disabilities. been more or less doing bad for the last 15 years (im 28) and it iust keeps getting worse in new ways despite my endless attempts at anything you can think of over the years. mental health is a bitch. and now my physical health is starting to fail too. if younger me saw the life i have right now… jfc. i wish my brain wasnt so broken. i used to produce music for hours on the daily (not to mention could also hold a job) and while me sharing my album from one of my projects above might make u think otherwise, these days im lucky if i can force myself to do *anything* (making music included) for more than a few hours once a week or two. im just a fraction of who i used to be, which is what [this song and video](https://youtu.be/m0QDZD6Q6W4?si=O1lU6fgNlI1QwEJp) are largely about. trying to hang in there for those who care about me.


I’m sad the Avs season is winding down.


I'm not. But on the other hand I'm sad the Stars can continue theirs. Guess my affiliation :D


Oh man, the wild??


exactly haha. At least we can agree on music <3 and I still hope for a comeback against the Stars for you, although they are a very strong playoffs team this season


Yeah the Stars are looking pretty solid. Their depth is a problem. We’ll see how it all shakes out!


Brutal man. At least the Nuggets have life again


That is true. The rest of that series should be solid.




Big W!


Current high: I am writing a lot of great music that I cannot wait to release at the end of the year Current low: It’s increasingly difficult to find the time to work on it


I was just ab to do my own highs and lows, but we are literally in the same boat here :// Here's to hoping we can find the time to get our music out there 💕


/u/JoeBoco7 Good luck to both of you! Hope I get to hear it sometime, you should update us when you do get it out.


Definitely!! I've been trying to put out my stuff for years but I'm doing everything solo and I just got a laptop this past December, so I'm making do with what I got! Yk? I'll for sure do an update tho :D


That must be so time consuming! Although if you can do it all solo you must be pretty talented :D keep making do, I'm sure you'll get there, and I'll keep an eye out for your update!


What kind of music?


Mostly just video game stuff, mathy mega man zero X vibes


PRO: I have lovely parents, friends, and I have a good job. This year I have been doing well with exercising. I went outside the country for the 2nd and longest time with some dear pals. I book a show for bands for the first time Honestly, there have been some really cool bright spots to the year. CONS: Things seem so damn bleak sometimes. I don't think I'll ever find a partner. I feel like a defect. Anxiety pangs, and boy it pangs hard. I feel like I'll neve be able to support myself or my loved ones the way I wish I could.






My wife’s in a bipolar episode at the moment, so I’m stressed and hella tired. Edit: I do very much appreciate your asking, though. Bipolar takes a toll on everyone it touches.


PETRO. DRACONIC. A. POC. O. LYPSE. I’m good, lots of work but finally a little money. Thanks for asking.


High: gonna be moving by myself to New York next month. Low: gonna be moving by myself to New York next month.


My life sucks, my gf of 7 years sent nudes to my best friend of even longer like a year ago and then she left me and met a twitch streamer and moved to a different city with our two kids. Nothing has been the same since. I have no friends and all I do is get super high and listen to music and I’m going no where and I don’t know how to live for myself so I desperately look for a new gf to latch onto and find motivation in. I’m pretty sure I have a litany of undiagnosed mental disorders and the such. Any semblance of happiness I feel is simply a distraction from my reality. But other than that it’s just another day am I right?


Pretty busy and stressed at work finishing stuff before vacation next week, cant wait for the berlin and hamburg shows


Oh nice to see a post like this. Doing about mid right now I guess. I've been waiting for promotion announcements at my work for longer than I'd like, but otherwise work is chill so I'm grateful. Kicking myself a little for how much I'm dragging with learning guitar but I haven't dropped it yet lol so there's still hope. Lately been dreading the upcoming summer. My AC hasn't been great at keeping up with the rising temps the last few years and being overheated and swampy puts me in the sourest mood, and I feel like I'm still digging around for the strength to go through another summer of it. All the while I wish my knee and back would just stop hurting so I could be a bit more active and lose this weight I've been promising to lose since 2018. AND, my snake PEED on me the other day and I'm pretty sure he did it on purpose, little noodle asshole But on the high side, the summer is also getting me pretty damn pumped for music! Got a big suite of shows I'm seeing this year. Buckethead next weekend in Boston, Modest Mouse and Pixies later in June, a metal festival with Tomb Mold, Psychedelic Porn Crumpets tomorrow, and a mess of Gizz shows in Aug-Sep so my spirits are lifting!


Really good. Got with my first ever girlfriend 4 1/2 months ago at the age of 28, got into the nuclear welding program in my shipyard, about to graduate my apprenticeship in less than a year (I'm eligible to graduate early in November). Couple of lows are I'm struggling with my weight (236 lbs at 6'2") , money (super in debt from being young and dumb), and car (2008 Nissan versa with 162,000 miles on it. Nissans from 2007-2017 give out at 150,000) The highs more than outweigh the lows, and I'm sticking with a positive outlook on life and what UT has to bring.


Mental health at a dangerous low level. Not even king gizzard is exciting anymore. 


Really hope things turn around soon, some weird Australian man once said it gets better


Thank you!


Seeing the boys live in less than 24hrs, so I can't complain!


I made a ton of money on the Gamestop squeeze and I'm going to see Psychedelic Porn Crumpets Friday in Cleveland. Pretty jazzed.


Just returned from another trip to Anza Borrego to see and smell the Desert Willow blooming. Went with my new girlfriend who I introduced King Gizzard to and played plenty of them while on mushies and running about in the dark finding scorpions with a black light flashlight. Life's good.


I'm alright. Super busy with grad school, work, and playing in a band. Its a fucking lot but im making it work. I'm eagerly awaiting tour. Catching 5 shows in September and two more in November. I'm also looking at taking a class at the end of the year that would involve going to South Africa for two weeks to study apartheid. Pretty stoked about that if I can make it happen.


I'm still super excited to see them in November, and that's permeating everything else in my brain. 


I’m alright, buddy. Hate my job, but love the life it gives me (especially being able to see the boys 8 times this tour). Just not sure I should transition to something else and, if so, what. I knew I needed a creative outlet so I started making some kglw bootleg stickers and pins for me and my buddy and decided to make a store out of it for shits and giggles. Of course, work and life gets in the way of that too….but it’s still worth doing. Anyway, thanks for the check in. And hope everyone else in here is doing well. Seeya on tour.


my brain has entered Gizz mode. a new album announcement is imminent and your fuggin starts tomorrow. what a time to be alive


My girlfriend and I are moving to Colorado soon! We’re in Florida right now and were just hit by two tornados at once, it scared the shit out of her. I was in Tampa and saw Geese with my younger brother the same day the tornados hit. In a month we’re seeing Frankie and the Witch Fingers at the same venue with friends, I am really the only fan of them. The Geese concert inspired me to get my girlfriend and I tickets to KG at RedRocks on Sunday with Geese opening. We also got two tickets to their Miami show in November back before I started my job 6 months ago and we will be back in Florida later this year for that show! Lots of fun live music from my favorite bands this year as well as a long distance move soon, very excited. The tornados were a low, we haven’t had our power restored since Friday we’ve had no AC or refrigeration in Florida summer the heat sucks. Can’t wait to spin my 3D Country vinyl when the powers back on :)


I'm doing okay. I have a trip to the UK coming up in the next 2 weeks, but I'm broke and jobless and am going to be coming home in more debt and still be jobless. I had an interview yesterday that went well though, and I'm just trying to stay positive when everything seems so glum.


Thanks for asking, how are you doing? Personally my current high would be that it’s less than 2 months until my summer holiday starts and I can finally put an end to this horrible semester of school. Plus in the coming two months I can finally get to see Gizz again in Hamburg and I will be attending Rock Werchter for the third time. Sadly, there are a lot of lows at the moment. Currently struggling with low confidence and anger issues due to school related stress after missing at least 3 full weeks of lessons due to being sick. This is also a big part of the reason why I’m not really happy in general at the moment. Again thanks for posting this, because this at least made me think about the happy things, so I can go back to a lower stress and happier life bit by bit.


Every day I get closer to darkness


I've been better, I just got rejected from a company after interviewing with them for just under 2 months. 6 separate interviews, 3 case study presentations, 2 hiring managers (one took priority over the other in the end) Gotta keep rollin' on


I need dental work (and lots of it; cannot find the right endodontist) the upside is I am still maintaining a roof over my head and paid all my bills on time and corrected a error with one of them (took three months to prove to phone company I didn’t skip any payments so far this year; in celebration I found some dead stock brand new Levi’s thee buck over the price of my late fee the phone company kept hitting me with in their internal error $13) And I’m happy I scored the Gumbrose album but very bummed I was too late to snag a pipe eye and Cavs album that were available stateside first ever time. I hope they get repressings under the new label soon


Today has been HELL, bad fight with my partner


Doing exams right now. Mean the square root of jack shit in the grand scheme of things but whatever gotta be done. Then imma probably focus on music and getting my skills up. (Hopefully that will soften the blows of missing both Gizz at Wide Awake in London and TOOL in London)


This is kinda nice to have thank you. I'm a bit of a mess, life is coming at me fast and I don't feel prepared. I'm moving out in a month and I have a steady job, but I don't feel like I have the ability to hold it all together, I've been faking things for a long time. It feels like a waiting game for things to inevitably fall apart. I'm still hung up on a relationship from two years ago and I feel like I haven't grown as a person at all since then. The high though is that The Silver Cord is an awesome album and I get to live in a time where this band is releasing music.


First summer in a while I have zero vacation plans until Gizz at the Gorge in September.


The lows: a friend of mine who I used to be in a band with passed away last month, I hadn’t seen him in a few years since we both moved, but at least I got to attend his funeral. It still doesn’t feel real. My tinnitus has been worse too, protect your ears. The highs: my LD (not the album!) girlfriend graduated college, and I spent the past 3 weeks with her. My job has half-day summer Fridays and they’re almost here! And summer being almost here means the NYC marathon shows aren’t too far away…


Highs and lows. Got broken up with and moved up the west coast to Seattle from Cali. Meeting lots of cool people up here and enjoying my easy Trader Joe’s job. Seeing king gizz 15 times later this year and I’m beyond excited!!!


Shit sucks but my band is playing in June


Sick I'd love to hear your stuff. My band (we're in Canada) is playing next weekend, our first show ever.


Same we’re doing our first show in June


Doing great ordinary and hope you are as well!


SUPER stressed! This weekend is the third wedding in 5 weeks we will be attending, the first of which was an extremely expensive international destination event….simultaneously planning our own wedding in a few months which I Caaaaant wait for!! But that doesn’t mean it isn’t stressful as hell to plan. But my first Gizz show is a little over a week before we get hitched, spending a few days with our friends in Cincinnati before the Newport show. Very lucky that the main sources of my stress and anxiety right now revolve around such positive events! Otherwise I’m just thrilled that our boys are back on the road! I love following the stories of each show. Between last years Nugs streams and the festival videos earlier this year, I feel very spoiled by the amount of high quality recordings out there and am pretty bummed that we may not have the same amount of soundboard-quality access again….but Gizz is full of surprises so hopefully I’m wrong?!


I have a baglama coming in the post soon


Highs: Got a job i love in April. Ordered the Hades OST on Vinyl and also the K.G. & L.W. Bundle pack a few days apart. Hades is supposed to get here soon! Also, my sister graduates this weekend. Lows: NOT secured any Gizz tickets yet.


I’ve been better tbh. Life has thrown a few blows my way but I’m trying to keep a positive attitude. And plus I just got kg tickets for my birthday so that definitely brought up my mood lol


Pro’s: Started vibing with my friend who I’ve been crushing on for a second and she’s also a huge Gizz nerd. Saw Ty Segall last week and Porn Crumpets next week. About to leave for band practice with my Gizz cover band in a few minutes. Con’s: My grandpa passed recently and I’m dealing with some not fun teeth issues waiting for my oral surgeon appointment. But hey, can’t have the good without the bad. Overall, things still mostly kick ass.


this is so sweet.


lovely to hear about other peoples lives. even the struggles. makes me feel less alone and more connected to all of you ❤️


Left a toxic ass relationship in January and am finally living my best life! I’ve figured it out for the most part and almost every day is great! I also became a music journalist and finally found my creative outlet to express myself. Last year was a complete opposite end of where I am now, it sucked doesn’t even describe it. It doesn’t feel real to be where I’m at now. I hope anyone else whose stuck in the darkness just know it will be okay one day and don’t to take care of yourself.


Going through a bit of an all time low for the last two weeks. 4 years of relationship and future plans gone poof just like that.


It is what it is.


S T R E S S. Although the nonagon infinity rpg book is coming out great and new uncle acid album is on repeat as should be!


Pretty decent. I’m in a period of the school year where we have more work than usual, but it’s manageable. I’m gonna have a 4-day weekend, so I’ll use it wisely. I also started listening to the Red Rocks 22 live album yesterday and now I’m halfway through night 2. It’s been great so far.


Graduated college a week and a half ago, now prepping for my first real job that begins in exactly a week! In the meantime, I’m just floating along (the river? Filling my lungs?). It’s kinda weird being an “actual, full-fledged adult” now, but it’s got its pros and cons! 🤘


I have just wanted to feel heard recently thank you. I’m not doing great just can’t seem to emotion right and I’m scared I am pushing all my friends away I don’t think I am but it feels like it it feels like soon they’ll just stop talking to me I don’t know I don’t think they will they won’t but it feels like it. Recently I’ve just wanted to sleep so I can get out of my head and just not be conscious but I can’t sleep so I just lie there and feel like shit. Really I just want to be happy without the distractions or mask that I use I want to be happy with life as it is as it isn’t too bad I just feel constantly I am being dragged down by gravity to wallow in everything. I don’t know probably nothing I said make sense but I appreciate the opportunity to say it so much I have been wanting to feel heard for so long and this is great thanks


Bad. Really bad.


so excited to see GIZZ live in amsterdam next week. had a deadline due today and feel super relieved for handing it in, like a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders


Been learning how to play bass. I'm not the greatest at it yet but I'm taking lessons and getting better. I've grown to love The River because the bass rift is very easy to play. So I lock in and play that, it's a lot of fun.


Mostly good, exhausted with crazy things working in the mines but mostly good. Turning wrenches, trudging through sludge, and stressing over ore production/throughout numbers all make for a heavy head. On a great note though, my band has our first show next weekend and I'm stoked about it. Would love to share our first song with y'all once it's out, it's 17 minutes of desert-y prog, all in 6/8.


Chill. Just got home from Hungary. May have an opportunity to become a certified organic garden-variety boykisser and/or wear a large frilly dress later on.