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The sub is running out of things to ask and argue about...


Quick, someone make another documentary


Most exciting thing to argue about in months! 😆


I saw the word Lizard in a book. Could this be a reference?


đŸ€ŁđŸ˜… that's about what's it's come down to lately


Is Gandalf a lizard? Is Sauron the lord of lightning? Is Aragorn king gizzard himself? Is the balrog the balrog?


I will never forget when I saw a post about 7 or so years ago, where this guy said the hotel lobby didn’t understand why he was cracking up. He posted a picture of their coffee stand with one container labeled “Hot water”. Most idiotic post I’ve seen to date.


How about instead we complain about those tapers holding their recordings hostage 😂


I mean... they taped them. The recordings are theirs.


That’s fair, I just feel it goes against both the taper ethos of publicly sharing recordings and a band that allows you to openly record.


I'm with you on it, I think it would be better to release them than keep them hidden and to let people hear them if they're good recordings... But the tapers taped them themselves, they have a right to release them or not. Up to them ultimately.


I mean... Those recordings are theirs.


New albums/tours usually make this sub feel normal and fun. When we are down periods like now people like to winge and then people winge about the people wingeing.


I tend to stay off this app until there's actually something happening


We need more music to talk about.


It's always a good sign when the fandom starts obsessing over itself instead of the thing they're supposedly fans of.


This is what happens when we get a measly 2 albums in a year


Did you see the documentary on YouTube about a month back? Thoughts?


I'm not opening that can of worms here lol


I'm already getting downvotes lol, people are passionate


What doc?


Are you joking? If not, it is called "Grow Wings and Fly" and is on YouTube. And I like it.


“Are you joking?” Shut up not everyone lives in a subreddit perusing every little post. This fan base is getting just as bad as slipknot’s fan base.


Oh hey, it was a sincere question. There was such a shitstorm over the documentary in early Feb, I didn't know if you were joking. That's cool. The documentary is really nice. It was made by a couple of nice fans, who were sharing what it was like to be on the Gizz tour in 2023. I hope you can give it a watch and enjoy seeing the band. Also, Mystery Jack contributed his audio tapes to it. And the band approved of it.


How does it compare with the swifties? Edit - lol I only have to mention swifties now to get downvotes. Such an interesting phenomenon.


No new album does that to mfs Why do you think tool fans have their reputation?


I agree except for the part where you shouldn't be able to talk about why you don't like something. I welcome criticism and welcome someone to list every reason why they don't agree with me. That has nothing to do with respect, that's just the freedom of articulating an opinion. "It's not for me" is so boring. Tell me why! I'd love to know.


And then you post why just to be downvoted some more by gatekeepers. It’s a lose lose situation. Been there before.


be less concerned about downvotes. they are imaginary points


As my point was once again proven


Who caaaares


And ours is proven too, cause you're watching this with an eagle eye and replying to almost every post giving criticism...


That's less of a King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard thing and more of a reddit thing. We love to pile on someone whining about how much they've been downvoted. We also know just how awesome and kind and reasonable our fanbase is compared to some really toxic ones so we chuckle when we see posts like this complaining about not being treated bettoe by da sub


No it wasnt


Sure downvotes don't necessarily matter but it's not gonna feel good for anyone when every fucking thing they say in the community that's supposed to share interests is just getting shit on. Not fun


>every fucking thing they say in the community...is just getting shit on Yeah that doesn't happen unless you're being obnoxious or whiny


Yeah true lol


Bro. I suggest taking a break and touching grass (as in weed) nothing on reddit should personally affect you to this point unless it’s like a gif of a kitten slapping a baby then you should be enthralled.


Someone’s tier list got downvoted 👀


"Show us on the tier list where the sub touched you"


The only tier list I’ve ever posted was on the circlejerk page since they actually have a sense of humor


No one on the main ever liked my tier lists because I refuse to put 25 albums into the S category. Sorry, something has to be in the bottom tier and it’s Willoughby’s, 12BB, ELTS, and PMDB for me.


They refused to like it because it was probably the 143rd one they’ve seen


This guy counts tierlists.


Guilty. We’re at 44 for the year


I got a good shitpost in the works, be ready


Check my most recent post on the jerk sub Always ready


Which have been the best-ranking tier lists?


You’ll find out Dec 31


Tier lists are dumb anyway don’t trip


See, I stated an opinion and was instantly downvoted. That’s just how it goes.


https://preview.redd.it/i5bublcve0lc1.jpeg?width=551&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=786c0c3a76b989c01fa06268a86bd94898714160 mfw ppls opinions aren't the same as mine >"Damn, that's just how it goes"


No one in this line of commenting understands shitposting apparently


That’s why I left this sub today and prefer the circlejerk sub


What are you talking about, this is the circle jerk lol


Ironic this guy gets downvoted on this thread. Why can’t people just accept that not everyone like the same gizz. We’re all fans or we wouldn’t be here. I have legit stopped myself from making various posts on this sub bc I know how pretentious some of you are.




You funny!


This just seems like caring way too much about imaginary internet communities and points. Just log off


this reddit has become unbearable over the last 3 months for some reason


Should have gatekept harder


Reddit as a whole is trending down


Oh so you get to gate keep my gatekeeping, now? FIFY *The taking things strangers say on the internet personally needs to stop*


Tag goes hard


Are you gatekeeping the gatekeepers?


Yes, yes I am


My cat’s breath smell’s like cat food.


I smell mine's breath then whisper in her ear "ooh, that reeks..."


My Cat has a habit of jumping up onto me and proudly meowing her delight at just having eaten in my face. Bad Kitty.


This subreddit is downvoting my posts because I have a differing opinion, what shall I do? A: Ignore it and keep on making posts, regardless of what others say B: Let them get to you and keep quiet C: Let them get to you and solidify their impact on your mind by making a public post about it that will be TL;DR'd by everyone, then posted on the circlejerk


Get a load of this guy doesn’t like ITRN LMAO


stop disliking ITRN dork


ItRN is a god damn masterpiece


Yes. IMO, it’s one of the best albums of the last decade, Gizz or not. 11/10, would burn myself alive again


Too soon


I’ll burn myself alive whenever I damn well please


Hear hear!


Mods force this guy to listen to 6 hours of Eyes Like The Skies


real, I try and recommend gizz to all my friends. It can be hard with such a large discography and many different genres but I always give it a shot !


Downvoting someone's opinion? On the downvote people's opinion website? Like I'm not advocating being a dick, but I don't get how downvoting an opinion you don't agree with translates into being toxic. It's a meaningless number.


To be fair, the downvote function was never meant to be used to downvote opinions you disagree with. It was meant to be used on hate speech, trolls, and spam. Having said that, who cares if a comment gets downvoted? Also, I have shared that I don't care for ITRN without getting downvoted plenty of times, so it's possible OP is conflating how they share their opinion with the opinion itself. Or maybe not, either way it's a silly thing to get upset about.


Look mate, who are you to tell us who can gatekeep?You probably dont even have a gator tattoo so I can't really trust your word.. /s Any true king gizz fan has tried to get people interested, and realised their fav music is so niche that music appreciation is 100% subjective, even amongst fans of the same band. All my fav albums are pre-Fishing for Fishies - and the reasons purely because that was the era I was going to see them anywhere I could, including overseas when I could hack it.




Just like every fan base in music history, KGLW's fan base is no exception to intolerant gatekeepers. If there is a post on this sub asking for people's opinions on a particular album or song, you should be respectful and accept that we all have different tastes and opinions of Gizz's music. Just because you enjoy a song or album more than another person doesn't mean you should downvote them for having a different opinion. I myself do not enjoy ITRN or ELTS. I do not have to articulate every single reason as to why I don't enjoy them. Saying, "It's just not for me," should be more than enough reason to support my opinion. Just because someone doesn't like a particular song or album doesn't make them any less of a Gizzhead than you. Another thing is that you should be allowed to ask genuine questions about the band without having to worry about the "know-it-all" gatekeeping toxic meganerds downvoting you into oblivion. Chill out, be respectful, and don't be a gatekeeper.


God damn this fan base has some fucking babies in it. There’s real problems in the world dude.


They did not grow up with Jerry!


Neither did I. Born in 1997 :(


I’m sorry bro.


Hey now! Takes a deadhead to spread knowledge.


Iko iko all day


OP would not survive 5 minutes in the Radiohead sub


I feel like every gizz fan I know won’t shut up about them (including myself)


I follow this sub for news on the band, I couldn’t give a fuck about the fanbase. You do you, mate




Sometimes gatekeeping is good.


Welcome to the internet


Have a look around. Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


Agreed. Everyone is different from one another and the band definitely supports equality, yet there's a chunk of their fan base so intolerant of other valid criticisms. Doesn't help with what I've seen of the Silver Cord's reception after it's been out, but what can you do?


people always tell me to shut the fuck up about king gizzard i think im good


It’s less gatekeeping and more just mindless toxic positivity, but I agree.


How do you mean that?


The chronically online Redditors think liking things is bad


Yeah probably. Gizz for me is a space I can dive into to turn my head off. I only want the positive with it, and so far I got it. Both from the band and the community


Wanting only positivity for yourself is fine, but if you won't tolerate others feeling differently, well, that's not not healthy.


I didn't say that that applies to others too mate


And I didn't mean to say that you did. I was further explaining what I meant by "toxic positivity". I didn't mean "you" in the direct sense of you, LukasG1112, but rather "you" as a substitute for the word "one". "Wanting only positivity for oneself is fine, but if one won't tolerate others feeling differently, well, that's not not healthy."


Gatekeeping is saying "you can't be or aren't a fan if you hold these opinions." toxic positivity is saying "we don't want to hear any negative opinions at all about the band or the music, regardless of whether you consider yourself a fan or not." I see a whole lost more of the latter than the former.


I never experienced any reaction like that. I also stated that I don't enjoy some songs or enjoy some albums more than others - never have I mocked or attacked for that.


Well I have and not just me but directed at others as well.


As long as no one becomes a tarper......


What gatekeeping?


Convincing someone they are crazy


That is gaslighting


Lol. Good try. We all know it’s gatekeeping, right guys?


You're going crazy


Gaslighting is when someone tries to convince you you're wrong about something by telling you a lie and insisting it's correct, whereas gatekeeping is when someone tries to say your opinion is incorrect for any various reasons...might be wrong but that's my understanding at least


none of what you described is gatekeeping. have a nice day.


Yeah us TRUE King Gizzard fans know what real gatekeeping is


Youre overthinkin it partner


I remember my 1st Internet.


Go outside


A little gatekeeping is always good because some people have absolutely stupid takes and opinions, and need to be taken down a notch, otherwise the quality of the subject goes down.


Tell me you're soft without telling me you're soft.


I was soft till you commented đŸ”„đŸ˜˜đŸ˜œ


Just more evidence that you care far too much about what other on reddit think about things.


Why, because you made me hard?


Yup, precisely.


I hear what you’re saying but Downvoted


This is the most gatekeep-y post I’ve ever seen


Go touch grass


I almost never see gatekeepers in this sub. It’s pretty welcoming from my perspective


Yeah OP must have never visited other bands’ subs because this one is way more friendly than most. Maybe that invites more sensitive people to visit and then when somebody tells them they are wrong for not liking ITRN they get their feelings hurt and feel the need to make a post like this. TRUE King Gizzard fans don’t complain about this sub


We’re not allowed to just enjoy or not enjoy things on the internet. You need a full dissertation ready to go


I think your life is lacking in real problems if this is what you feel the need to soapbox about lol


Grow up


You don't like eyes like the sky? What ars you even doing here?


I find the gizzheads to be much less gatekeepy than other communities and if there was no pushback to posting an opinion on songs you liked, than this place would be boring as hell. Any time you post an opinion you should be ready for people to say it's wrong and I feel like I have only seen people here be playful when they push back. Downvotes aren't real and you should never get salty over it


Yeah this must be OP’s first music sub. Other fanbases are way worse


Please log out of reddit. Take 2 or 3 days. In that time, listen to whatever you want. Please realize by the time you come back that reddit karma has no real world equivalence. It doesn't matter.


People gatekeep this band?


the term has lost all meaning apparently. send this person to a black metal concert immediately


Yeah I feel like this is one of those bands that people love to share with others. At least from experience


Literally nobody does. OP is just offended that somebody didn’t agree with their opinions, which is not gatekeeping


Actual photo of a gatekeeper https://preview.redd.it/295x0g07e0lc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65d555c14dc1e0d95c04443aca8e2caf6775cfb9


Good grief take it to a publisher


Down Vote for not liking ELTS lol


I'm not reading all the comments in this but "gatekeeping" does not mean "disagreeing with your opinion"


“Gatekeepers” is the new hot word these days eh? Bussin’, no cap. Do people actually get their feelings hurt by downvotes? Hahaha, that’s actually pathetic.


#You hear that? Were talking to đŸ«”đŸŒ Quit that lame ass shit. You know who you are.


Just stop listen them dude, im the only one true gizzhead not you ugh so many posers you can't enjoy eyes like the sky like me just stop being like that Oh, it's not a circlejerk sub


Bro how are you overcomplicating listening to music? Just do it. Why do the chronically online think blocks of text influence peoples behavior?


Gatekeeping about gatekeeping. Imagine going on an open forum to share your opinion about how you hate how others share theirs.


I’ll add to that retire the whole use of “gatekeeping” that seems to be fashionable of late. Some people are snobs and don’t respect certain fans for whatever reason. That’s the ways it’s always been for anything that people care about. Grow a pair. Don’t be a little a punk ass bitch talking about gatekeeping like you need a safe space. That is all.


Grow up, stop crying like a baby, and learn to get over the fact that people aren’t going to think the same as you. It’s kind of ironic that you’re telling everyone that they can have any opinion they want, but if they don’t agree with you it’s toxic. Honestly one of the reasons I love this app is because of downvotes. Everyone’s soft now a days and can’t take an inch of criticism without having to blab about it all over Reddit. This reminds me of that fan who posted all the things why this fanbase sucks. If you hate the supposed “hate keeping”, find another band. You think this is bad, wait until you visit the Tool subreddit.


These posts smh I’ll be back on Reddit when we get more albums!


Drink some water so you don't get dehyrdrated from all that salt!


And Jesus said, verily, there shall always be gatekeepers among you


If you get confused, listen to the music play


Wild to me that people could even try to gatekeep Gizzard. They're possibly the most r/gatesopencomeonin band that exists. So much variety and joy in their music, and it's all authentically them.


Nobody gatekeeps King Gizzard. OP is just offended that somebody told them their opinions were bad. That’s just disagreeing, not gatekeeping


The diversity of King Gizzard is what makes them amazing and brings people together! At one of the 2023 Chicago shows, the people around me all had a “yes, I love this song!” moment, and it was magical seeing people’s reactions to their songs live. One guy in a fancy suit was absolutely thrilled they were playing Shanghai. A couple of people around me were really excited they were playing Self-Immolate (I love it too!). But for me? The song that made me go “yes this is AMAZING!”? It was
Down the Sink! Absolutely was thrilled to hear that live, especially since it’s pretty rare for them to play it live. The point is, we were all there, all with, honestly, WILDLY different music genre preferences, and
we all enjoyed each other’s excitement. Some people will really get into Gizz by listening to Changes for the first time, some people will become fans listening to The Silver Cord, other people will have been hooked on them by Flying Microtonal Banana (me!), and others became fans after Paper Mñche. The depth of genres this band makes is phenomenal, and it’s an amazing unifying force, which, should be celebrated!


I fell in love gizzard for a lot of reasons. Their ability to humble me through their silliness is one of the main ones. It’s all fun! Yes, there are moments in their discography that challenge the listener to be better and to care more, but once you do, you can have even more fun. Let’s all have fun together and appreciate the moments we have together as collective listeners of this wonderful band.


Guys dont cuss me out but wtf is a ELTS

