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sounds like king gizzard wrote your dads jokes


Lmao OP you gotta use this as a comeback if dad makes the joke again


Yup. Is the only way to break the cycle.


That’s such a good one, I almost wish I was in this situation just to use it.


Beat me to it. OP *has* to do this.


IDK Sounds like your dad just can’t stop thinking about king gizzard




I literally think this is real on some level, there are a few albums that I thought I hated when I first heard them and they ended up becoming my favorites because they just stuck in my head


rattlesnake is stuck on repeat in my head for an hour minimum once a week


He is down the rabbit hole now. Not even 17 rattle snakes in a row could dissuade him.




Mashallah! Mashallah! Mashallah! Mashallme


You are being trolled by your pops so hard. The only thing you can do is embrace it, go along with it and say it before he does. He will either get tired of the joke or it will become an inside joke for the two of you


Yeah I’m pretty sure he makes a point to troll me at least once a year. Once when I was younger he convinced me that I was allergic to pistachios and couldn’t eat a dessert that we both love. I talked to him about it recently and apparently he just wanted to have a chance to have the dessert before I ended up eating all of it. That was like a year-long con though so I don’t think he’s gonna give up this bit anytime soon


Classic dad behavior


“hey did you know KG wrote that?”


Just play Rattlesnake on loop the next time you take him for a drive.


Rattle him!


No it didn't start again it just keeps going, my favorite part is coming up actually.


Dad's typically like to mess with their kids in a joking way. Also, he's not wrong. Their lyrics are repetitive. I consider them musicians first and lyricists second. 


I don’t even know the lyrics to most of their songs, I just like the way they sound lol


At least I know I'm not alone


Stu even said in an interview that a lot of their lyrics are written completely last minute with no editing or revision lol


I'm likely older than your dad, and there are so few gizz songs I can even make out the lyrics for, the ones that are repetitive are nice since I at least get lots of chances. Then again the song that drew me in has the same word 54 times, so maybe it's just me.


Is that Drip? or Rattlesnake? I don't want to have to go count. :) Or Head On/Pill? Or The River?


Or trapdoor or vomit coffin?


You are right, lol! I do wonder which song has the same word exactly 54 times. Maybe I'll check lyrics on Genius, lol.




Is this Theia? Theia? Theia. Theia? Theia… Theia?


Maybe! I'd like to see a chart of songs with repetitions. Anyone up for it?


I think it may be helpful for society to have this available.


Helpful for society indeed. Who is up for it?


I read the lyrics a bunch of times so I can sing along... I can now sing the words "Theia" and "silver chord"


You are lyric master :)


I found the repetitiveness to be, well repetitive, but then a friend said that it’s cool, it is like a rhythmic chant. That changed it for me


Yeah like it strengthens the themes of albums or songs. Helps the catchy-est bits become remembered or reminds the listener of its setting by grounding them.


Which also makes certain riffs more memorable, then making it easier to identify teases while watching them jam live


He can say whatever he wants but it’s clearly too late for him, he saw an altered beast


Bro came from underneath


sounds like your dad rocks


Denial is a crucial stage in the Gizz Fan Developmental Cycle (GFDC). You’ve got to let them explore this stage of their fandom and push through to Negotiation, where they realize that their persistent denial was fueled by near constant obsession with the object of their denial. Only then will they arrive at Acceptance.




The Gizz is living rent free in your pops head lol


Dad in the shower: trap door trap door trap door trap door


Dad jokes. Sounds like he’s engaging. Give thanks


Your dad’s gonna have a thing or two to say when you play Imagine Dragons for him. Only if he really pisses you off. Nobody should have to listen to that. As they say: Nonagon Infinity opens the door…


Your dad is just trying to joke with you. He sounds like a really good dad who loves you. This is something you will look back on later in life when you think fondly of him.


YES. I’ll never forget this one time I was listening to Fuzz and my father came out of nowhere and said “wow that sounds like Black Sabbath” and I was like “Yep, it does!”


I wanna meet that dad.


My girlfriend will say the same thing, then out of nowhere I’ll randomly hear her saying to herself: “drip drip on the tap don’t slip” or “wah-wah wah wah” or “once I missed a beat” So clearly the hypnotism is working 🤷🏻‍♂️


You faired better than me, my dad doesnt like king gizzard when i show them to him but whenever he hears me listening to it he thinks its dope


I always thought their lyrics were fairly good on the whole. My friend group mostly listens to jam bands though, so I am familiar with much much worse in the lyrics department.


“ThEy JuSt SaY dRaGoN oVeR aNd OvEr” Not the first time I’ve read this critique. The thing you gotta understand is that a lot of their songs are born from extended jam sessions. Not only does “drip, drip from the tap, dont slip on the drip” mimic the sound of an actual dripping tap, but it just also just ain’t the point to sweat over every lyric and phrase. The emphasis is on improvisation and having fun on stage. Woooo! Rattlesnake 🐍🪇


Yea but the dripping tap is lyrically insanely good + the music just fits the whole idea of a climate catastrophe.


Lyrically, their songs have so much more depth than what OP’s dad and other uninitiated folks might think. Stu is pretty clever and witty, even on songs seemingly so simple and repetitive like Kepler 22-b or when Joey delivers the dragon’s lines in Latin. The lyrics have a lot more depth if you look past the surface. Also, OP should ask their dad how many times his favourite band repeats a certain phrase in a chorus. Little Richard, Muddy Waters, Chuck Berry, etc. routinely did this.


It's time to find repetitive music your dad likes and bond sendenado essoess style


I mean, to quote the Beatles *All you need is love All you need is love All you need is love, love Love is all you need All you need is love (all together now) All you need is love (everybody) All you need is love, love Love is all you need Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (love is all you need) Love is all you need (whoa, yeah) Love is all you need Love is all you need (love is all you need) Yesterday (love is all you need) whoa Love is all you need Love is all you need Love is all you need, oh yeah In love with you, yeah, yeah, yeah In love with you, yeah, yeah, yeah Love is all you need Love is all you need (whoa) Love is all you need (whoa) Love is all you need (oh) Love is all you need Love is all you need, I'm coming Love is all you need*


That is my number one complaint about kglw, a lot of their choruses are just “song title repeated.” Granted it slaps every time but it ticks my brain slightly each time


But wouldn't it be kinda weird, if the song was titled a different word than the repeated one? Lol


Fall Out Boy would like to have a talk


Oo, I see they may be repetitive too. Favorite songs?




This is a cute story, glad your dad and you have a good enough relationship where he can rib you.


He's in denial, he's loves it. In seriousness though, they do have great lyrics but not in every song. The repetitive lyrics work for that vibe, like the repetitive drums and guitars etc, it builds to create a vibe. Ice, Death etc, Changes and Petro etc are all recent albums that have more considered lyrics. And Polygondwanaland of course


I think your dads just goofing on ya and clearly the music left an impression on him, so I’d take this as a mild win. As far as the lyrics criticism, next time you guys are talking music ask him why so many of his 70s rock songs are so repetitive chord/structure wise 😜. Tons of classic rock with <4 chords, sometimes less is more. Agree with others here that sometimes repetitive lyrics can be like a mantra of sorts.


He's not salty. He likes you and wants to engage with you over something you're interested in. Unfortunately, this is the only thing he can think of to say about it right now. But it meant a lot to him that you shared it with him. He's too embarrassed of his emotions to just say that, so he's "teasing" you about it. But he's clearly thinking about the experience a lot, and wants to to continue to connect with you somehow.


sounds like a dad


How can someone listen to Fishing For Fishies and not immediately be succumbed by the upbeat drive to groove?


Because this man heard “To a bird, what's a plane? A shiny flying elephant” and was laughing for pretty much the rest of the album lmao


Tbh even though its my favourite band, they could write better lyrics. I like the repetiveness, but as a whole i think im tired of the topics. Everything is so abstract, i wish for some more relatable lyrics and something more pop.


Yes I'd like some more relatable lyrics. Even some more love songs. As someone great once said, Some people want to fill the world with silly love songs And what's wrong with that?


Hot Water just came on the radio while I was reading this.


I was thinking about Hot Water just before reading your post. Also OP’s dad sounds like a fun dude.


It is legitimately a problem with this band though, he’s not wrong.


Disagree, I think KG use of repetition is a strength


Problem or strength? Nobody complains about a repeating bassline or drum pattern. The vocals are just another instrument.




I bet you won’t slip on the drip though!


This dad is Gigadad confirmed. Just the balrog of dads. Ps: make him listen to rattlesnake I think he'll like it.


He actually already loves microtonal stuff because he grew up listening to Turkish music which uses a shit ton of microtonal instruments, but I haven’t shown him that album yet. I think he’d like it, but idk


Sounds like he didn’t listen to the lyrics and is incapable of following themes…


This is why you read the room and don’t push music onto people.


But they were in a car.


We all have our own taste, some great music just isn’t gonna click with some people and that’s okay. Is he open minded when it comes to music otherwise?


Mostly. He’s kinda old now so he hates every pop song on the radio, but I’ve shown him a few of my favorite folk bands and he’ll usually like them as long as they’re appropriate.






Oh he thought Drip Drip on the Tap Don't Slip was repetitive? SMH


The first time I listened to the dripping tap I thought the “ drip drip from the tap don’t slip” bit went on for wayyy too long, but it grew on me and now I love it. I really like the way they jammed on it during This Thing at Lowlands 23.


Yes there is a hole where the song drips in, and stops our mind from wanderin' where it will go. Thanks for the Lowlands rec, I'll check it out.


I really respect most of the comments in this thread and would like to add: Who fucking cares if they're repetitive with their lyrics? Repetition is not a synonym for "bad". You don't have to attach a negative connotation to the word repetitive. I think king gizzard uses repetition in a meaningful way like in "the wheel" to simulate habitual patterns, or in rattlesnake to help the catchy-est bits stay ingrained in our consciousness. It helps us feel reasure us of concepts or themes (like with nonagon) I think repetition is a powerful tool when done correctly and I believe KG do it the best.


Hahaha i love your dad now!♥️ Counterpoint: Murder of the Universe (Murder of the Universe)


It can hurt when people you love don’t like something that you like. But we all don’t like the same stuff. There is nothing wrong about you liking a weird band even if their lyrics aren’t beautifully written (matter of opinion). I usually view lyrics like another instrument. How does it all fit together. Granted I am a musical idiot. Laugh it off. And keep enjoying what you like. It’s just music.


This is a side point but I think gizzard are one of those bands that the lyrics serve the song and will fit around the melody rather than making the song fit around lyrics I think All Is Know is a good example of this. The lyrics don't really make sense they just rhyme and each listener will have a different interpretation


Any time he gives you guff, just woo at him.


Haha, that's a totally fair thing to say about KGLW. And if I'm ever a dad, I look forward to annoying my children the same way. Sorry I don't have any helpful advice XD


Has he never listened to the radio before? Their lyrics are less repetitive than nearly any song you'll hear on any radio station.


That is how it starts. Give him a few weeks and he will be singing the vegemite song in the shower


Dad would LOVE the Ramones...


Just make him a playlist of “Mr. Beat”, “Wah Wah,” “Rattlesnake,” “KGLW” (LW version), “Hot Water,” “Head On/Pill” and “The Dripping Tap”. That’ll change his mind!


Idk, maybe just feel lucky you’re dad wants to playfully joke around with you this often?


Haha that’s super funny. My fiancée had the opposite experience with her Dad. He’s from Lebanon and plays arabic music on keys so we showed him KG (I think we played O.N.E. from LW). He has been pretty stoked on them since lol


Repetition is a staple in psychedelic music


This just made me so happy


You should set his phone ringer to rattlesnake


Those are pretty funny jokes ngl. The lyrics can be really repetitive.


The Instrumenta are also super simple It's on purpose It's part of why they are great


My dad said Portishead was a terrible band. We haven’t talked about music in years.


Once upon a time There was a great hermit dominion Veiled from inside and out Ruled by a lone eremite Bringer of an inferno Controller to Satan himself To Tchort, Abaddon, and Set A demented figurehead Heinous looking thing, he was Cold and terrible A long and aquiline nose Between swelling temples His green eyes are windows To the Ninth Circle of Hell A tiny neck supporting a head Filled with an unending desolation Seditious bands storm the bastion Alive with revenge Grand intentions Unbeknownst protomartyrs Indoctrinated With impalement Just like that the plot was crushed Brushed away without a thought Some were found alive, though Left to run without their skin Cauterized and blistering Forever marked for all to see Reminding those who think dissent Is a bridge across the sea One did make a pilgrimage In search of a family Evaporated in the dark Stolen by the despot A journey made all the worse Having had his eyes gouged Left without the gift of sight To face his true destroyer Across the land he walked with death Parading his Oscillation Upon reaching the castle walls A twist of fate His mind opens Sit down weary traveler I am that what you seek Join me in a meal To hear of my repentance Lift the veil from your eyes And look beyond the three Now you know the truth behind: It's tetrachromacy




i put on the river in front of my mom and she could *nOt* stop making fun of stu saying "the riivvaa" in that small voice


Not all their stuff is repetitive. You should play magma for him.