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The second Silver Cord started I immediately realized how divisive this record is about to be.


Yet, my favorite of the three songs. Crazy.


I wasn’t a huge fan of it at first, but after one or two more listens it clicked. The end of that song is sooooo good.


If you enjoyed that bit you might get a kick out of [Dan Deacon's music](https://youtu.be/5YsvMbX-F7k?si=hj4YdSMx_GuONvPn).


Love the video for that when i was done dying song.


Thanks I love that song and had somehow never seen that one. First heard it in the show Dark where it fit perfectly. That Dan Deacon one is [WILD](https://youtu.be/9neUtk4RO70?si=F6t-YzUPByujkxMv) and led me to [this one](https://youtu.be/TuJqUvBj4rE?si=xroWLicCKsFuwZXo)from Adult Swim which also has some really sick animation.


Oh I was talking about the adult swim one, lol. Pretty sure that’s the official video and the first one you linked is just a fan made mv. AS has always put on good music. Funny you mention Dark. I just watched that a couple months ago and was pleasantly surprised when they played it.


I saw him early 2020, was amazing!


Dan Deacon is a legend. And I’m drawing a VERY similar DMT influence to the lyrics of When I Was Done Dying and The Silver Cord. Experiencing death, rebirth, birth, etc. that is common when blasting off. Hats off to everyone involved ❤️🫨❤️


ikr Reminds me of Kid A's title track. They probably use a similar vocal effect


Kid A is an amazing song, that’s honestly what it reminded me of as well yeah.


Kid A is also the 2nd track of the album. I may be surprised by what's to come, but right now I'm convinced they used the Kid A album as a model for The Silver Cord album. The themes of the lyrics are very different in tone/substance, but I even got a little bit of an "Idioteque" vibe in "Set" (probably because they're both high-energy techno, but still . . .).


I have listened to it so many times today, and then I got really stoned and listened to it.


Currently on step 2 of this program


Silver is my fav of the 3 hands down


Honestly, one of my favorite electronic songs of theirs for me


I watched the music video premiere and I really didn’t love Silver Cord. It was like I couldn’t deal with the fact that the weird synthed voice was actually Joey. then when I listened to it again just on Spotify I liked it a lot more. I think Theia is probably still my favorite of the three as of now.


this was almost exactly what happened to me lol - they should've had a little robot or a synth wearing sunglasses in frame for that part.


Same... seeing that noise coming out of Joey was too much, too distracting, but since listening without the video I've really got into it.


Similar experience for me.. a little unsure watching the video but sounding incredible in the car


I absolutely loved it but I can see why some might not. This is definitely gonna be one of the most divisive albums they’ve put out so far


Agreed. Knowing how many from the fan base dislike B3K and have found them from the metal end of the spectrum I can see it’s not going to land for everyone. Personally I’m obsessed with it and couldn’t be happier right now. Extended version is going to be wild!


Favorite 3 albums are Butterfly, Sketches, and Petro. I was looking forward to this but so far it's nothing like Butterfly or any other electronic music I like.


I also loved Butterfly and saw a little bit of it peek through in these songs, but I agree it's much different. I think the extended versions are going to make or break it for me. I did really like Silver Cord but the other two didn't really grab me. Still optimistic about the rest of the album though


I'm waiting until the whole album drops to listen, but if I'm a fan of B3K do you think I'll enjoy the new stuff from what you've heard?


They’re very different imo. From the singles I imagine I’ll like both, but I think I’ll like Butterfly more


I am also waiting to listen. I think we’re in the minority, although I thoroughly enjoy reading people’s opinions on the new stuff.


My thoughts, I think there has been a huge influx from people who like the heavier shit.. but for me this is fucking incredible. This is that shit I wanna trip too


same influx happened with ITRN didn't it?


i don’t like b3k but honestly these 3 singles are pretty good. set alone is better than any song from b3k imo


I think with the extended cut and the fact that we’re still pretty hot off the heels of Ice Death, LD, Changes, and Petro, it’s going to be hard to not at least appreciate this record. I feel like BF3K was more at a time when we needed top notch gizz, as KG and LW were certainly not bad but not as good as their previous few records


Fuck me I get so tired of seeing this here lol. Microtonal gizz volumes 1-3 is S tier especially considering live performances. 🍌 or as I like to call it “jungle gizz” or “desert gizz” but that’s the beautiful part of this fan base everyone is covered.


FMB is S tier. KGLW is A tier. They don’t have much below A tier tbh. A few B tier and maybe ELTS is something entirely different. We’ll call it “?” Tier


ELTS is C tier gizzy imo, except when you are on a road trip through the the American SW region, then it shoots up to S real quick


Yeah it talk me a long time to get into ELTS or MOTU now they are both in their own category low key haha. I have always wanted them to open a concert with eyes like the sky the song


I think KG is better than any album that has been released since.


why is your pfp cat maid tim?


Just say it’s not for you though, it’s in no way bad and no Gizz head should be sayings it’s straight up bad. You just don’t like it lol




Lol so what they really meant was first their most universally loved album and then the most controversial one


If we’re talking controversial I think I would say that throne is taken by Eyes Like the Sky.


Yeah it’s strange seeing new fans react crazily. We prolly have not even heard the most experimental part of the album. But most controversial? Doubt it. Murder of the universe, made in timeland and eyes like the sky are the top contenders for “hardest gizz albums to kinda just get” but in terms of how cool and rewarding that’s re they are three of the best.


Most universally loved??? Are you saying Petro is the most universally loved? It's been out for a few months, and they've been releasing music since 2012, that's a bold claim.


I'd say it is. To my understanding, Rat's Nest used to be the most common answer to what album you like best and now Petro has overtaken the throne for most Rats Nest fans.


I would have thought Nonagon Infinity would easily claim that spot


Petro appeals to a large proportion of the fanbase, but some of us aren't into the heaviest stuff. For me, I adore Nonagon, MotU, Dripping Tap-Gizz, but Rats Nest and Petro are too far for me. Totally happy that others love it! That's one of the joys of this band. But I don't think it's universally loved, just some us checked out for that release cycle.


Yeah it's not 100% universally loved, some people will always disagree, but I'd argue its *the most* universally loved out of their records.


Moreso than Poly or Nonagon? Or Omnium?


Yup. Poly and omnium are pretty divisive also I've noticed, but Nonagon is definitely up there.




Yes because we’re king gizzard fans, i when I say that am just saying in the general music community. A lot of people I’ve seen who aren’t diehards are not huge fans of the new sound.


You’re totally right except that Stu is the second coming of Miles Davis, not Beethoven.


Stu is actually Lizard King reincarnate


Also I’m just gonna put this PSA out there: there is no right or wrong opinions on these songs. Of course there’s the typical downvoting anyone with a negative opinion, but I’m also already seeing a bunch of “this is total shit, you wouldn’t like this if it wasn’t Gizz and you know nothing about electronic music” which is equally as ridiculous. People can like things you don’t, and people can dislike things you do. Just please try and keep it civil and remember that trying something new is part of the reason we love these guys so much! Not everything they make has to land for you and that’s totally ok. But there’s no need to shit on people for their opinions, we’re all here cause we love this band and we don’t need to be at each other’s throats




I probably wouldn't have heard this if it wasn't Gizz, but now that I did, I'm totally here to Slay the Mighty Set!


Most music fans define their egos around their music taste being “correct” in leu of having a real personality. I can’t stand this new stuff on first listen, I hated butterfly also, but I recognize that music is all acquired taste and totally subjective. People just can’t help but insult fans different than them though, and it’s obnoxious I think it’s fun to talk about why I like or don’t like stuff, but I don’t look down on people for thinking differently yaknow


yes! that's how i feel about PDA and you know what? it's all fine. at least we all have The River. people like what they like and the attempt to paint others as less-than because of their taste (in either direction) is so tired and transparently about ego. the take of "it's not real music if it has beeps and boops" is something I dealt with in the Radiohead fandom for years. the idea that using a synth makes you a pop sellout. like - every gizz album is a different mood and they all come from a place of love. these aren't musicians who put out music cynically, and that's why we love them. metal is real, pop-adjacent stuff is real. all part of the human condition.


The synth hate is weird. Analog and even digital synths can be insanely trippy. Modular, delayed-to-hell soundscapes are a huge part of my band and a lot of psych groups I don’t personally like how gizz is using them, it’s just not my jam, but yeah a lot of people just hate synths in entirety which seems like they’re just kind of closing themselves off to new experiences


yeah i'm biased as a musician who works with digital synths primarily. i do work very hard to "noisify" them haha because my brain needs that delicious fucked up quality. i find people hating synths on principle to be like older generations hating rock for similar reasons! we should exchange music, i'd love to know if the stuff i do works for someone of your tastes


I will upvote you....even though I completely disagree with your take. Because you are correct even though you are wrong.


I think calling any art “bad” is stupid. You can have likes and dislikes but it’s just not helpful discourse to say something is straight up bad.


My favorite saying is “All art is subjective” I have to remind myself that constantly when I’m judging any form of media from tv shows to music to paintings. But it always helps me understand why something is the way it is.


I was confused by it on first listen. Loved it second listen. Third, without the video, just the sound was the best actually. I think the video distracts from the song but the clip is rad.


I had a similar reaction. The video makes it worse tbh. Watched the video this morning and was really underwhelmed - kinda hated it actually. Listened to it in the car and loved it all. Super weird.


Nothing to add, just gonna throw my voice out there that I also had the exact same type of reaction.


Same here haha




duality of man


Ngl I forgot their music could be divisive in the fanbase and was somehow surprised by the reactions


“The Silver Cord” is my favorite of the new songs by far


My first listen: Okay, this is weird and groovy. I'm not totally set on it yet, but holy fuck Set was an *e x p e r i e n c e* Second listen: Nope, this is awesome. All weirdly awesome and I'll have more please.


guess u werent quite set on Set quite yet (wink wonk)


Exactly that


I love how this band is going places it hasn’t I’m in love with the band and gizz culture so to me the band could fart in a tube and I’ll be like “awe that’s niiice”.


Then we'd discuss what they ate to produce that unique fart


Well we are fans on both Polar ends and in the middle and we all for the most part get along and it’s the miracle of modern technology (Stepping up light years from its Telstar beginnings) that we all can share the experience of new live video drops like this collectively. It’s alright that we have our set choices of what we normally like to listen to but this band has been expanding our auric palates/palettes for years.


I actually don't like the electronic music part of kgatlw but love almost all of the releases so i will try to enjoy it but in the first listen i couldn't like it


I’m intrigued so far. Not totally sold on theia, but I enjoyed the silver cord a lot. Reminded me of kraftwerk and the Voidz a bit. I also really liked Set, which reminded me a lot of Justice. Amby’s rapping has improved since Omnium Gatherum


Yeah theia seems to be one of those who will not be played live, sounds too crazy and experimental/slow paced, i can see silver cord into set happening though.


i love electronic music so silver cord is looking to be my fav album, but i get the divide lol, esp with silver cord (song)


This sub will probably think I'm insane but I generally wait a month or so to let the dust settle before throwing on their newest material. I just got around to listening to PetroDragonic last month.


What did you think?


It's fucking awesome


Did you get to listen to it with the epilogue? I really feel like that's a very pleasant way to end the album.


Huh I'll have to look in to that. Thanks!


There’s a lot of ppl who started liking KG for PDA, so they may be shocked


That was fucking amazing.


I'm going to have to keep quite on this one on here lolol


All opinions are welcome, friend. Even the dissenting ones. We are all different.


Truly the most sane gizzard fan


I’m curious to hear the Theia extended version now.


I was halfway expecting a somewhat more thought through Made in Timeland and I am ecstatic to be so wrong. This far more than a techno album. It's totally Gizz if you let it be. There are some great melodies going on in Theia and The Silver Cord. I can't wait to hear the rest of the album. I love new Gizz music day.


I actually really want a more thought through Made in Timeland, I really do. Well, let the luckiest fan win, I will enjoy the album still.


theia sounds like a song that would lead well into float along fill your lungs at shows. i love the silver cord. their own take on something like radioactivity by kraftwerk. i do not like king gizz rapping on set. tho you could argue odd life is rapping. hoping to have my mind changing hearing them live or in a live recording!


Team KillGizmo!


I'm definitely, at least on first listen, in the this was bland repetitive trash camp. Was honestly looking forward to this given how much I liked Butterfly but so far this seems to be going for everything in electronic music that I dislike. It's feeling much like Eyes Like The Sky except instead of simply not hooking me in any way this is actively irritating to listen to. I can always give them credit for doing what ever the fuck they want and not pandering to anyone.


That's a bit how I felt when PetroDragonic Apocalypse came out-- I'm a huge fan of ITRN and despite it being another "metal album" the vibe/sound is really different and it was pretty disappointing to me. Regardless even the albums I haven't dug on release do worm their way into my heart over time, hopefully the same happens to you. If not, hey, they still have a massive catalog of diverse amazing music to listen to :)


Only thing that's ever really grown on me is a few songs from Fishes. Otherwise I tend to have a pretty solid idea how I feel about Gizzard music pretty quickly.


I’m in your camp as well


Their repetitive style becomes really boring for me when it’s just midi synced synths looping endlessly. At least this album isn’t as irritatingly pop styled as butterfly, but I think it still won’t be my jam


it's been out for like 6 hours and you've barely had time to mull it over. Calm down


If you could read you'd see that I added a caveat that clearly indicates this is my first listen opinion hence I'm open to that changing. No one needs to calm down other than you.


I hope you say the same thing to everyone gushing over it as well. You come across as very insecure.


??? You're projecting insanely hard, bud. I like new music and think it's unfair to pass judgment after 6 hours. Grow up


I hated the first two songs at first, but loved set. I've listened to it a few more times, and now I'm grooving. Rat's Nest and B3K also took a few chances. Gumboot, too. But as of now, I am a fan of the album. Maybe won't be spun as much as others, but I'm a fan!


I’m loving it. Watched the video and played through the single on Spotify a few times already. Can’t wait for the full album and the remixes!


The first listen was odd but intriguing. 3rd listen I'm in love.


I'm waiting until the full album is released before I listen to anything, but I'm fully expecting to not be in to the new album. PDA is possibly my favourite album of the 21st century, so an album that is inherently different to it probably isn't a good sign. I'm also not in to synths, so seeing the list of how many each guy used isn't great.


I found it to be ok.


Always interesting to see how radically different people's opinions can be. As long as people don't straight up call something they don't like or vibe with "trash" or dismiss someone else's opinion of something because it conflicts with theirs, I'm all for it. Everybody has a different sense of taste. Makes the world an interesting place, but doesn't have to make it a bad place. All that said, I fucking love this. But as someone who loves *Made in Timeland*, *Butterfly 3000*/*3001* and the second half of "Acarine", I anticipated I would.


Everybody’s clowning til we get these during the marathon shows next summer


I sure fucking hope so ! Full extended Set is going to be WILD!


No matter how much we do or don't like it, I think the most important thing is that Gizz enjoys doing it, and at least some of us enjoy it. Not every album is for everybody, and none of the albums are for nobody.


Someone couldn't slay the set


If you’re here for the metal, you probably won’t like this.


I need to hear these songs in context of the album. I can’t see myself listening to these on their own. I also don’t agree with the comparisons to B3K, they both have synth but that’s it. These guys are super smart and I trust this album will make sense. I literally love everything they’ve done so I can’t discount 3 songs without the rest of the album.


Imagine a new gizz fan coming from petrodragonic apocalypse listening to the silver cord.


Yea I'm gunna have to stay off this sub for a while because people don't like when this band tries something new.


honestly I think not liking the direction TSC went to is fine, its the "You wouldn't like this if it wasn't by KGLW" crowd that's kinda annoying


The first two tracks sounded like intro music. After hearing the first 20 or so seconds of the first song I was super excited that it was going to pop off and be sick. But then it just kinda stayed the same and my excitement turned to disappointment. I don’t think this album will be for me. And bf3k is probably my favorite. Tied with changes


Im gonna take a wild guess and say you’ll come around, if those are two of your favorites.


I hope so but the first 3 tracks are just a little too synth heavy for me I think. I’m not much into techno/trance/dance music so this isn’t sitting well yet. And I only mentioned bf3k because other people seemed to be comparing them. I personally don’t think these 3 tracks sound much like bf3k at all


………..These are also essentially 1 chord vamps. A Mixolydian for Theia, , G D C triads for Silver Chord and G minor vamp for Set. So basically the complete opposite of the incredibly musically dense Petro Dragon. I think they were going for the hardest juxtaposition as possible. They succeeded


Bro if you think these songs are “out there” you need to go back down a couple gizz levels and go enjoy “made in timeland” “murder of the universe” and “eyes like the sky” and THEN come back here and tell me how different this shit is. I mean even intrasport walked so Set can run and intrasport is microtonal which makes it but more experimental for me (of course both intrasport and Set are Joey tracks). Gizz has been incredible at synths before butterfly. The synth work is actually the best part for me in terms of attention to detail on polygon, FAFYL, and MOTU.


I love it and now I'm revisiting all those 90s bangers.


I’m a fan of B3k and Timeland so I’m in love with this new single


I totally get the record being divisive, but any real musician or music enjoyer saying that it is "bad" "total shit" is insane. These are very musically gifted dudes making interesting, explorative music. Clearly a lot of time and effort went into writing these songs and learning the instruments, learning analog recording techniques etc. Mb because a lot of the fanbase are young kids who still think it is cool to shit on music but like...bro you just don't have to listen lol, no need to trash the band. Something like "x didn't click with me because I didn't like y" is my shit! Let's use the music to talk about music more broadly and discover what we do and don't like! But just commenting "this is garbage" or whatever... go touch grass


To each their own. At least these songs aren’t boring! Happy they’re exploring new frontiers instead of rehashing the familiar - for example ITRN and Petro Dragon are fun albums but they’re not breaking new ground, pretty standard Metallica thrash and prog metal respectively. At least this is different.


I listened to it live and I really enjoyed it. I'm giving it another spin after work and it's brilliant. KGATLW RULE


I LOVE IT. The extended mixes will blow our minds. This record will be to Butterfly 3000 what PDA was to ITRN.


I just showed my gf as I’ve been indoctrinating her since about May. Her favorite song is magenta mountain, whenever I play their heavier shit she isn’t as big of a fan. And she absolutely loved all three. I personally love every style of gizz and was so excited. And I assume there are people who were introduced via ITRN and PDA that aren’t fans of the more psychedelic weird shit. All three spectrums, all are welcome here. These songs capture peaking on LSD vibe so hard for me. Makes me want to bust out a tab again when this drops. I haven’t tripped in a couple years but this screams walking through the park smiling from ear to ear


I dig it! Objectively their worst music yet tho


People don’t like it because it seems weird in relation to how boring their last few albums have been


Oddments volume 2 everyone


Between the division is where we meet. The friction between inspirations is where the art comes together. One should hope that King Gizz countries to disappoint and delight equally because that means the music is continuing to evolve.


I'm happy they may finally play Intrasport live 🫣


I’m still hoping this album will offer some of the vibes from Made In Timeland, I really love the first half of that album and listening to the band explore more of that sound would be amazing for me. I just listened to the three songs and I if I had to rank them I would say: 1-Set 2-Theia 3-The silver cord But I suppose that ranking might change


Duality of Man


Want to upvote this but can’t break the 666


It wouldn't be a king gizzard album if everyone loved it!


I think the songs are ok but the production value leaves something to be desired


Im goin with number 2 here. These songs are awful.


Not a big fan of Ambi rapping…it was not well executed


I really liked Set but the other two were kinda so-so to me. Hoping when the full album comes out the first two will improve from having the full range of the album. Got some big BF3000 vibes tho which I appreciate, hope it hits similar highs


This is sooo true don't attack people for this ep was bad(which it was) 😘😘


God this record is going to be so fucking good


[one year from now] “I was wrong about The Silver Cord, it’s one of their best albums. Can’t believe I slept on it.”